HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-05-07, Page 4rT BLAKE %rhea Gwendolane Clarke is holiday- ar wine her mother, Mrs. E. E. melee, • 'We ` oxdon Erb, accompar'ied by /Edd ma end Allan Swartzentruber /wes-A.,ed with friends at 'Kitchener and Vire. Chris. Gescho and daughter, tour event .Sunday afternoon with and Mrs, Jacob..Swartzentruber. Mr; and Mrs. Sol, Gingez'i+rh .arid faanily of the Goshen Line south, spent Sunday at the home of 'Nile and Mrs. Lrdmend,Ialrb, Miss Beatrice Gerber spent the week -end with her parents. Rev. and Mrs. Dan Yutzi and Mr, and Mrs, Chris Deis of "Tavistock, were visiting with friends on the leronson Line, iV1r. and Mrs. Edmund Oescli and daughters of the Goshen, were Sun- Ski',EMIL NOTICE Why take a chance on paint of doubtful quality when you can now obtain the undernoted top quality brands of white lead paint at this popular figure? Insist upon one of these famous time -tested brands for all your exterior painting. Any one of them will assure you a job of outstanding beauty, long paint life and economy from first to last. There is a store in your vicinity that can supply you. SNERWbW-WILIIAMs CAN.A PAINT ARTl u 5 Uk,.. l G36-6 Duro-Special Capacity 250 gals. per hour, with 30 igallon Galvanized Tank. 8 ® •e, `Time payments if desired. just think of being able to turn taps and get running water throughout the home, the barn and dairy — to have a modern "Emco" bathroom in- stalled and be able to use unlimited hot and cold water from handy faucets. "Duro19 Water iter P m p Duro-Special Pumping System all Canadian -made, complete 3 -piece "EMCO" bathroom. with all, fittings ready for installing Hydro's Free Gift to Rural Dwellers Electric current will be provided Free •of Charge—for operating elec- tric purnps to provide water under pressure for Household Sanitary Systems. FOR SALE STADE and WEIDO. $81.50.. $70.60 Write for free illustrated booklets at once and start on the road to modernizing your hone. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LTD. London Hamilton. Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver 34 )— iteleritateneee 'Qt ".i'li>irks ay, ay Tali, 3936 day visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Swag+tzentruber, Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Sazraued Gingerich were: Mr, and Mrs. David Gingerich •of Zurich, Mr. an'd Mrs. Jacob Gingerich end fame� ily of the Goshen south, anti Mr, and Mrs. Amos Gingerich and daughter; jean: DRYSDALE There quite a number .of cases of measles for which the homes are quarantined. Mrs, John Bedard has left for Lon- don to visit her daughter who is very ill with pneumonia, at the St. Jos- eph's Hospital, Mr. Verden Rau is at Koine with his mother, and is quite ill with an attack of measles. We regret to report that Mr. Ed.' Baciore. is not recovering very rapidly at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. iVEr. and Mrs. Gilbert Plante, of: Goderich, spent Sunday with Mr., and Mrs. Edward Brisson. Mrs. Joseph Mousseau and her bro- ther, Mr. William Plante from De- troit visited relatives :andfniends here over Sunday. The children of St. Peters Parish axe getting ready for Confirmation which is to be held on Friday of this week at the -church. by Bishop J. D. Kidd •of London, who will assist Rev. Father L. Marchand. The recent rains have made a pre - longed halt to the spring seeding; and the fanners are getting anxious as the weeks are slipping by and little seeding is being put .in. The fall wheat and grass are picking up good. DASHWOOD NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Beginning May lot, all business transacted at ` our Store will be strictly Cash. No More Credit.—C. F. Pfile, Dashwood. Miss Dorothy Amy of Crediton, spent the week -end with Myrtle Geis- er. Mrs. A. Sillery of Seaforth is span ding a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs.. W. Wolfe. Mr. -and Mrs. C. Routledge of Kin- tore spent the week -end with her parents, iVlr. and Mrs. P. Fassold. Harry Hoffman was successful hi obtaining another gold medal as Bari- tone soloist in Part I Amateur or Pro- fessional Class at Stratford musical Festival last week, obtaining 87 marks. Dr. Eugene Tiernan of Hamilton, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and 1VIrs. E. Tiernan. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Stratton of Sarnia, called on friends here on Sunday. Miss Mavis Spencer spent the week end at her home in Hensall. Mr. Harry Siemon and Mrs. Nichol son of London, visited Mr. Jonas Ilai'tleeb and Lavada on,. Sundae. The 72nd annual ' Conference of the Evangelical church of Canada will convene at Calvary Evangelical church this week. Bishop George E. Epp, D.D., of Naperville, htl., will be the chairman of the sessions. Many pastors and delegates will be present from all parts of Ontario and West- ern Canada. • HILLSGREEN Mr. and Mrs. C. Robinson were visited by a brother of Mr. Robinson from Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. 'Ross Dick and son Douglas from near Grimsby Visited Mrs. Dick's brother and sister. As the weather is backward to do seeding in this locality many of the farmers are busy fencing. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Love and L- ttie of Hensall called on Mr. and Mrs. G. Love and family. The W. M. S. is to be in charge of Mrs. W. Turner's group on Wednes- day afternoon May 13th at ,the hone of Miss Edna Cochrane. Mir. J. B. Forrest had an aluminum demonstration at his home on Wed- nesday evening last week punt on by the representative Mr. Doerr. Mrs. Jas Love spent a few days with her sister in law, Mrs. A. Me- Murtrie near Kippen. Quite •a large number from this vicinity attended the Concert given by the Zurich Creamery in the Town Hall on Friday evening, and all speak highly of the fine programme that ;was given. . Meeting of Societies A meeting of all Horticultural So- cieties in Huron County is to be held in the Board Room of the Agricult- ural Office, Clinton, on Wednesday evening, May 13th at 8 p:nr: This i the first County meeting of this nat aro to be arranged for and it is hoped that all o%iicera, and as maey members as possible will attend. CREIMTON Mr, end Mrs. Solomon Eidt, Mr. Mid Mrs Earl Eidt, of Elkton, Mich. were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Dan ,Tcasaac. ' Miss Lulu Kerr, of Tometto, wa, a visitor with her parents, Mr.' 'ane, Mee. ]red Kerr. Mr. William H. Geiser has return- ed after spending a week -end wiib Mir. Edward Wurm, of Markham. At the qusr'te.rly hoard meeting of 'he Evangelical Church, Clinton Mor- Ioce was appointed lay delegate to annual Canada Conference which CI .; helrl at Dashwood this week. eee Mrs. Alfred Wuerth and ffeeeeily Lave moved to Heiman where • • IR ":11146:"'N.444' ..,Ff ,i' t% pig _a,,; ;; _ ,•. •�� ty - CANADIANS AND THEIR :INDUSTRIES'; --AND THEIR LIVE STOCK RAISING • JOHN SR.: "Well,son, I'm glad. you are doing so well with the outfit. You are going through my old experiences of hard but satisfying work. We are happy now to rest." JOHN JR.: "You deserve to rest after all your years of hard work and I realize I owe all this opportunity to you and _ mother. I have often heard you say how successful she was with the poultry and dairying end of the business." JOHN SR.: "Thank you, son, but we -don't `deserve all the credit. In 1900 when we had only• a homestead and preemption, srithsha_dc and barn, and had to haul water .five mites and drive 20 miles to market, the Bank of Montreal made me the seasonal loans I needed to carry on. In five years we }had clear title to the 320, acres and three years AI K OF Dater owned 640, with good buildings and equipment. The bank kept on lending for harvesting and feeding, because I carried out any contractsand kept my, credit good. Yott remember, son, we sold out in 1919 for— cash, orcash, and were able to retire. You were lucky - to rent the cid place, for it's a good one.' JOHN JR.: "1 lucky, father, andI am try ing to Eve up to your reputation." a Some of the Bank's services to farmers and ranchers: Business chequing accounts; sav- ings accounts; safekeeping of securities and documents; loans for seeding, harvesting, equipment, feeding, purchasing feeders, etc.; money orders; financing shipments; advice on credits; banking by snail. 44131 T E A L, ESTABLISHED 1817 .,• HEAD 'OFFICE,,,itONTRlEAL Zurich Brandi: E M. DAGG; Manager MODERN, EFFICIENT BANICING SERVICE. reit ore -come O fes St CttSSrnx. OrritA11614 csein he has 'purchased a grocery _ business, Mr. and Mrs. Wuerth and fsa ily; leave •a large circle of friends; he has been active in many community ser- vices and one of our town's trustees and also a member of the Evangelical Sunday School orchestra. Late Godfrey Fahrner Stephen Twp. lost a well known and respected citizen in bhe person ,of Godfrey FaIlu'rler .79 years, 11 months and 2 days. He was born and raised . on tht old Fahrner ilomesitead half mile north of Crediton. His par- eiits were .pioneers of the twp. In 1884 he married Catherine Klumpp. This union was blessed with .one dau- ghter 101ara and one sen Herb Fahr- ner both of Crediton. Also by a bro- ther Gotibleib of Pt. Stanley. The fun- eral was held to the Evangelical cern etery with Rev. A. E. Pletch offvcaat- ing. - HENSALL Milton Orbwein and sen Lloyd of London visited with the former's parents Mr. and Mars. J. W. Orttwein. Miss Ethel 1Vlurdoch has returned after spending " several months in London. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson of'. Chesley were visitors with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hoskins of De- troit were visitors tri town. Mr. and Mus. Fred Kenning and family moved to EgmondvIle -where they will reside. They were goad citi- zens and will be missed. Robt. Higgins, who has been en po- or health for some time, is spending a week or two at the Beach -o -Paries. Mr. and Mrs. Janes Petersen and' Mes. Robt. Paterson Sr., were recent visitors, in Kitchener. Miss Mabel. Fee, nurse -in -training at the St. Thomas Hospital, is visiting' aft her home here. Mee and Mrs. Ed. McAsh, of iron on were visitors at the home of Mrs: John Johnston: 11 rs:' Langmaid of Weston and lWr• Percy Keys of Hamilton wore 'week-, end, visitors he with their mother; Mrs. John. Keys. Albert Wuerth, of Crediton, who recently purchased the grocery stock of N. Batitersb:y, took possession on Monday last and has moved' to town. Mr. Wuerth has had 18 years' exper- ience hi the grocery business and, comes well recommended, and should do a successful business. Late Duncan McMartin Diinean McM•irntin, a well known of Mensa for 40 years, pas- od ;away on Tuesday lass at `cels, barna ,after an aigruess of several years, He was 'Z2 of age.. Besides his widow, ha is survived_ by one daughter and a number of. grandchildren. The Amateur concerix 'winch was held in Watson's hall, Kippen, on Friday eve last in connection with the dance, was ,much enjoyed, a number from. Henson taking pant, among them were little Joyce. Broderick, da- ughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Broc1 Brick. Joyce took forst, prize for sing- ing inging and tap dancing. • The Hey sist- ers. trf Zurich took second prbe;while the third prize went to St. Marys. The firemen were- called to assist in quelling, a fire that got its, startin :the 'straw stack near the barn of Melville 1.eraquair, about. 3 males so- utheast of the village. Fortunately between the good services of the fire men and neighbors The burn was sav- ed from the threatening fire and a goad deal of the straw stack was re- moved. Shortly atter returning from 7.h*aquair's the firemen were again ;summoned to the northeast of the village, but fortunately there was nothing more to contend with. than .a AUCTI.ON. SALE Of. HOUQSEHOLD. EFFECTS AND ANTIQUES At. a Quarter Mie, South of Zurich On. SATURDAY, MAY 16th, 1936 At 1.30 o.'cloek, pan. Kitchen Range, 3 Kitchen Tables, 16 chairs, 3 Rockers, 2 Sideboards, 2 sinks, 2 cupboards, 2 wood stoves, 2 parlor stoves, Cuckoo Clock, 4 (bedsteads, 2 springs, 2 mattresses, 2 wash stands, 2 couches, Eayo lamp, 5 coal oil .lamps, 2 alaa.7n. clocks, Cen- tre table, Raymond drop head sewing machine almost new, carpets, mats, carpet strips, quantity-beddfng, small tables, Seagull, pictures galore, 100 piece dinner set, other dishes and chinaware, glassware, Two •4 -gallon crocks, Two 2 -gallon crocks, . and anany other small crocks, 2 flour chests,, 3 chamber sets, copper apple butter kettle, 2 sugar kettles, rubber mounted ' harness, top buggy, work tench, carpenter tools, large apple peeler, about 8 dozen sea'ler's wash- nig ashing nsachine and wringer, wash bo'ard's and tubs, 2 toppei. ceders, 3 lard cans, 2 lanterns, brass kettle, 4 ,good' axes, cross cut saw, hand saws, 2 baking trays, gasoline stove, .screen door; rakes, shovels, cider barrel, lawn mower, block and tackle,cream separator, 4 iron pots, quantity mixed ;wood, meat blocks, sausage grinder, iwhppletrees-and' doubletrees, set bin- der canvass; walnut :bureau, wagon tongue new; wooden chest, map of Ontario, home made soap, spinning wheel' and reel" .complete, 4 large c lathes. baskets, collapsable bath: tub; ra. sets: Window. ;screens;; gallon jugs, pick, pruning shears, potato fork, roll of black wire, grindstone, wire !stretcher, axes, hammer nandles, 1 garden tools, 5 -gallon oil can, pots, pans, dishes and ,hundreds of other articles. Terms—Cash. Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. W. S. Johnston, Clerk. Louis Wurm, Proprietor. AUCTION SALE Of 1 AL ESTATE AND HOUSE BOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received instru- ctions to sell by public aucvion at: CR,EDITON On SATURDAY, MAY 16t1i. 1936, at 1.00 o'clock the following. REAL TESTATE — 2 storey frame blouse in Crediton, North West tor-• nes S. half lot B, Fahner's survey,,. 515 ft. frontage, wired for hydro, good well. Vacant Lot pt. S. half" lot 11, eon. 6, Stephen, two and one- half acres, known as the flax mill pro- perty. Farm Property consisting of 50 acres, N. half lot 11, con. 5, Stephen bwp., brick house and bank: barn., HOUSEHOLD E1'E.EICTS - New=- cons'be piano, settee and chairs, din- ing room table and buffet, 5 dining room chairs, arm chair, 3 bedroom suites, hall tree, small table, writing desk, extension table, safe, 'bureau,_ parkite, carpet eweeper, eleetric iron,, t,1�'ter., clocks, 2 mirrors, flour boas. /sink, range cook stove, Quebec heater - •coal oiil stove, stove pipes, 2 burner ord stove, sideboard, washing machine and wringer, 3 couches, hammock,. Singer sewing, machine, 4 pedastels, library table, ,Bots and pans, 12x15• tapestry rug. OTHER ITEMS — 3 buffalo robes,. oilcloths, 8 crosscut saws, 3 bucksaws hand saws, ,belts and pullies, piping and fittings, tools of all 'kinds, 2' nvrecking bars, 2 car pumps, car jack, tree pruner, 2 scythes, iron pump, quantity inch Lumber, . some, blank, some windows and' sashes,, lawn mower, forks, hoess, shovels„. snades, picks, axes, crowbars, rakes, ,chains, rapes, hinges, cream separator man's' bicycle, set of . $;horse • double -- trees, whiflletrees, whifiletwee irons,, iteekyiokes,• onion screen, step ledder,. ezttension ladder, wheel bareow; fan- ning nnill, rubber tired buggy,, Set. *gilt:sleighs, pole and shaft, cutter• and buggyshafts, buggy pole, Gray bort touring car, 1 -horse walking. Plow, set heavy harness, 2 set single harness, 21 hens and numeroussotler.• articles. TERMS—Chattels, cash. Real 'Est- • ate, 10 per cent on day of sale with= the balance in thirty days. •Subject.. 'tri a reserved bid, The Estate of the late Fred Heist. 1Mrs. Lena Heist, Credito'h ' 47el.nngton Heist, Croditon li verett Ilaist, Zurich, Executors:,,., *creak' Taylor,' Auctioneer,