HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-05-07, Page 1the routine. John Cos& rd 8 $64.10; F. E. Den- of the local telephone switch board. Guelph were week end visitors with The Gideons report that Ett. takes McArthue eel 1 14A0; W. Golei ;Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz shout 25,000 Bibles annually to re- ently at some places they are already man rd 2 3.20; W. E. Turnbull n The K:albfleisch planing mills have place those stolen from hotel rooms the midst of smellier. We would 12 .80; A. ousseau rd 3 6.8 ,: G. on which side e -f the ledger thiree the like the half -holiday but just at p‘re-- Sueerue rd 9 $6; W. Farrell rd 1,1 recently installed a modern blower arottod on o O. Greb rd 6 $10; G; J.. system, which conveys all the shay - recording angel enter the at a mt. to little gr,a, it is 88.,-; "Vol. )(XXVI No.45 atronize y Fanners! kitelettiOle, We have been appointed selling 'Agents for the celebrated Viking pisbolo Cream Separator, the separ- ator with a ten year gsieranteee La us demonstrate this machine to you emd compare it with all ethers'. And " don't forget, the beet feature is the unusual easy terms- Liberal allowance for trade-ins. C. SCHRA.G & SON. tf44 Do You Need Glasses? zunicm. THUEISDAY MORNING, MAY 7,1936. * Chester L. Sraith, $1,25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in AdvareasSO 0.50 IN Al-MX.410.n MAY MI oliaReOraw ur local 'Merchant BORN -M Hay Township, on Apr.. 80th, to Ildr. and. Mrs. Harold BO, a son. A. number of local ball fans motO ared to Clinton on Monday evening! esheri they had an executive meeting., Mrs, J.. Routledge is spending a few weeks at Detroit. Rev. •ancl Mrs. J. P. 'Rauch aim vending the -week at Rev. E. Burn's and the Conference at Daslawood. Stop and Think how'important it is that you wear correct glasses -cor- rectly prescribed. for your vision. -Correctly styled to your face. Your 'health may largely depend oio keen See C. E. ZUltBRIGG, R. 0. Al- HESS JEWELERY STORE On 'Saturday May /.6th is the date set for the auction sale a the effects � f Louis WtuTn south of town. We regret to learn af the illness of Mr. Daniel Mcisaac of Crediton, ;who is suffezing a stroke. Mr. Edwin Brenner, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cook, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cook of Kitchener, were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner. On Sunday evening was Choir Day in the Evangelical church, when the members of the choir had charge of the service. A -very appropriate pro- gramme was rendered to the large audience present. A very ampreciar.- ive free will offering was taken up amounting to over $19.00. The com- mittee are very grateful for for this splendid response., We notice a goodly number of towns in the .community have already commenced the half holiday season. We feel as though. we are just out a the MOW banks, and ready to en- joy a bit of spring air, vvhen appar- HAY COUNCIL an I I, g r read the llOrne The • regular monthly meeting of the Council of the Township el Hay was held in the Town Hall, Zurieh, oa IVIonday, May 401,1936 loath all the members present. The minutes' of the meetings held on April 6th and Ap- ril 18th -were adopted as read. After disposing of the communicationathe following resolutions were passed: That one .copy of the London Tel- ephone Directory be purchased for each subscriiber of the Hay Municip- al Telephone System. • That. accounts covering payments on Township Roads, Charity and Re. lief, Telephone, Schools and General Accounts be paid as per vouchers: Township Roads -Huron Expositor ad.vertisiog 3.88; Times -Advocate do 4.80; Goderich Signal. do 1.50; F. J. the annual Conference at Dashwood Haberer rd 7 4.40; J. M. Ziler rd 10 this week. aper Dr. MacKinnon has treated hiin- self to a new Dodge sedan. lVfr, and Mrs. S. E. Faust of Mit- chell, were visitors with relatives in town recently. Messrs. Ross Johnston, Archie Mac Kinnon, and Elgin Snider spent Sat- urday in I.. olden. Mr. and Mrs. Christ Heist of Cred- iton, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hess. Mr. Josiah Geiger, as layman of the Zurich congregation, is attending 3.80; W. Fischer rd 11 12.30; M. Corriveau rd 17 3.10; A. Zimmet re- pairs .50; M. Russell, rd 1 1.30; P. Oarnpbell r4 14 6.00; A. Smith al, 8 17.10; A. ile,:ehert rd 4 $8; R. Ad - Mr. Hugh MacKinnon left on Mon- day morning for Clinton where he has joined the engineering staff of the Department of Highways. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Cowen and lams rd 10 4.20; T. Steinbach rd 8 family of Exeter, were Sunday vis- Everyritz. itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. At Dashwood, Saturday, at Mies $4; H. Steinbach Road Supt. 25.55; Tuesday at AURICH R. Munn rd 1 11.20; Sawyer-IVIassey Miss Gertrude Thiel is being train- Store.gdblde 4.61, C. Aldworth rd -. $3; J. M. Richardson rd 5 8.80; ed in the service of assistant operator Sprea.ding The Gospel omme rd 10 15.45; P. &bade rd 18 Mr.- and 'Mrs. A. E. Moritz. of NOTICE We are now in a position to do any kind of spring Lot Working, and all kinds of teaming and trucking. London Phone M. 1165. Zurich 58 Geo. J. THIEL & SONS. Zurich roll OWL 0 -Ur Thiel Z.P.V. 5.12; U. A. Pfde 13 ings., saw duet and light fragments stealing a Bible to the boiler room by wind power. This will mean a great deal to the of •SCA Orai VIGUSE o'ATS AE• GOO* PAINTS ON SALE AT: Johnston and. Kalbfleisch, Zurich. ngarg.,vra=trangS=21112=32miSiMmtwegazsg,,g,„ $ . Hay Telephone Syttem-Bell Go. tolls Feb. to March 65.71; Hess salary 165.00; Nor. Electri rnatenial 78.06; Nat. Revenu toils 21.15; Charity and Relief -Town C1' Indigent 11.78; J. Kellerman a - • - - • Mens and Boys Work Shoes We have put in a Stock of Good Choice Quality Men's nd Boys' Work Shoes, and invite the public to come in and we can fit you up. PUT IN A SUPPLY OF MEN'S AND WOMEN'S RUBBERS, MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS, ETC. GARFILED BROWN Victoria Street. Zurich, Ont. WE GIVE EXPERT WORKMAN- SHIP IN REPAIRING Your Patronage Solicited . aeiu.saving of labor in handling these items. Co. tax Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Foster and family on Tuesday moved their eff- ee tits to London where they have lea-- . la_ a house on the corner of Cheap - e coal, More Heat -Less Atteatiosa The color guarantees th&, quality Servet Solvay Coke; Miller Creek aid Rosedale Alberta, Tile and Brick W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Eggs Phone 10 cash prices paid for on a graded basis. BENsfla,r. 0.4.•••••••• eide and Wellington streets. Mr. an, -1 digent 2.65; 1 Gascho & So co Mrs. Foster have resided in Zurien 13.38; G. 3. Thiel- r for the pest sixteen years, and their Ont. Hospital indigent $46; A. Mel- friends will greatly miss them in leis milk indigent 2.94. Zurich. General -Accounts--Zurich Hydro lights town hall 5,42; A. J. Kalleflei- Confirmation Service Friday evening May 8th, at seh Div. Court $4; W. H. Edighoffer g 7.30 p.m. The Mod Rev. J. T. Kidd assessor and postage 104.00; Ww:". D.D. Bishop of London, will confer Fritz Div. Court $4. the sacrament of Confirmation upon Schools - Balance of 1985 rates a class of twelve children in $t. Bone $3714.13. face Church. To this service the That the Council adjourn to meet public are cordially invited. again on Monday. June let, 1936, at; Mr. W. H. Edighoffer, assessor of • • • . 9,../1,4<?1 V.434.6,44,041,4.....14444 et411*(4.0.0,00.0.444.-4•040441v04,42.4048,e,‹Pe,-' 44, • • • • • • • • 44.4 • • • • 4.• • • • 4. 4, 4.4. 4. • 2 1.30 o'clock, p.m. for the Court e Revision to consider appeals. against the 1936 Assesement Roll and for the regular monthly meeting. A. E. Bees, Clerk. 4-dler5si • 1 • 4.," ou.R.vat,B Illti11412 0141401,40 RINGS QZ f...T..44:-';',Feeltrotee,:easeasselecoSOOS. WE SELL. THE BEST FOR LESS SPECIALS :Fog THIS WEE-4C'r A perfect soli- tojtigeg with two ido dimotids iti exquisite setting liand.‘:arveci i n 14K. cold, 25 Marmalade, 32 -oz. jar, each .. Pineapple, Sliced,. tin. 19 e Maple Leaf Salmon*, bralf4h Garden Patch Peass 2 tins . Garden Patch Cern,, 2 tins Tomatoes*, large 2% tine, 2 'ties ...... Palmolive Soap, 3 calms ..... ----..--..14.c Princess Soap Fialrese 2 plege- Corn Starch,. 2. phige .. - .. Puffed. Wheat, ... . Rolled 0a.ts„ freslity refillest. 5 lbs. .--19c Now Cheeies per 5i, Chipso, lazge Hit -toed Shertertinge 2 He% • Wee • Frilled Curtain per pair Ladies' and Children)» Haase Tirreeeses.a......._ .to $1.21ii Boy'S Wash. Sung*, 2 earee.at .1. Highest Witco:* fee 1.3gic allieReP.4.4nk.eigsmgagooresehgegientomeg0.0.44.040....groutrie I R - - _ esea Mum IV nagogyrtntimellfacts0a,,,.*exliga.M,44.0,4 ti A R A Mir E PERFECT DiAMONDS Altividairifaraaifi With .every Bridal Wreath Diamond Ring lee sell goes a written guaratt. tee . . positive assurance that the ring you buy contains only flawless titre white diarn- :owls of perfect qualityl . . and :positive assurance too of supreme Amine. A wean* motif ertaiftsc 3 perfect rdinnyethis ih 18K. ;vc.15 'mounting. $50 -A -NIRGE Hey Township, having completed his annual work has turned in to tho Council the assessment roll and hes completed the year's work. Mr. Edi- ghoffer and Mr. J. Armstrong, asses- sor of Stanley Township, met recent- ly and equalized the assessment of U. S. Section Nos. 1 and 9, Hay and Stsnasy, So -now we know we are again assessed and in the matter of a few months we will receive our an- nualtove-Ietter from the tax collect- or stating the amount and last day to pay these taxes. But don't let this worry anyone until the time is due. OBITUARY - Late Menne Baecbler The conunuenty was saucked on . eunesday ., morning upon nearing of passing a au aged resident of Lao einanataity ilt tne. porr30a 01 i‘1r. Menu° teaecmer who died. on May role le36, aged S yQa1, t months Oettoser Oath, ibiA thi tioshen. Lille, ,,a2MiallciallalfgalY'aaW'MSnrirja7-42=1"2"'b1612S-' '''''''.515.1SMI. and 6 days. Mr. iMechier was uorn south of Zurich. lie was niarizd on .ii..prii nth, 1877 to iwigdauna .h.ropf of Wilmot Townsaip, they resided on toe ihate. new .uexiee uy Pearce Rif - well. for 3' years, then moving to SnecJ1 and residinv here mita sie mouths. ago when they moved to the home oi .iheir (taupe:tee Mrs. Sam. hello of near Ilene:we i ogether th.ey shared the joys anti sorrows Of 'Lae for be years. '1hree years ago ie stuiered a stroke which 'resulted ni the loss of his speech which. he bare very patiently until lie paeeed away an Tuesday evening. 'Lae. late Mr. liaechier was always a ve:cy„interest- h,g anti cheeilui man to converse mita and. with his genial end pleasant , disposition had made many wanne remade who will . greatly miss himet Surviving are his widow, one sou, eolomon 13aechler of the Broneen Line, Hay; three daughters, M.rs. eienry Eichler of Pigeoin Mich., ?...Irs. Ohris (.4ingerich nerth oi Blake, iSlia, Cain Rapp of near Hensail; 17 grand- children and r great-graildchiltiren; one granddauOitcr predeceased him one and a halt years ago. The funer- at will take place at the. home .of Mr. ban). Ropp on Friday afternoon, at 1.80 p.m. Intorment in the AMish h ol:awl:ate -chinch and cemetery. Rev Jam> B. Bender Of Tavistock, awl Rev. 'rotor Nahinger of Baden Will 40in in extending sympat:0hy to thut piHoiviE fl - 7 la ,x'n dial ge ot Igl:gg! :,t:.L 17,8. . 1 Wit0000421"3"4676461r4"6' 1, .1.,-.,, A..1„:4 4.4 • o • • • 4. •• • 4.4 4. 4. 4. 4. • EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS eaboaaaeoseseseosaiseeeeeeeetaiseaoses„.eoee gC41, t? P ICE Tailore C MPETITIO IN To Measure Clothes PRICED AS LOW AS $19.5 COMPARE OUR PRICES AND BE CONVINCED! REMEMBER EASTER, APRIL '-wre X„U., • • Tin aa, CT() 71D4 WE HAVE A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF STAPLE GOODS, SUCH AS: Prints, Broadcloth, Drapery Chintz, Curtains, and Curtain Materials, House Dresses, Me's. and Boys' Shirts, Smocks, and Overalls, Sweaters, Boys' Bloomers and Pants. Harness Repairs , Shoes and Rubber Boots, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Root Seeds, 5 ancl 10c. package Garden Seeds. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND 0 GENERAL :LJGL N7 ER OH AN T 'Mr1r;,4 fah' 1.1 4 LAKE: Wilf4inarns