HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-04-30, Page 8t ,PAGE EIGHT 174 THE Ta.....1.1•30a11.141.111011.1011.11•10111.11MIUM1.0.11.1.... STORE WITH THE STOCK F.r This Week New Prints, 36 inches, per yard , 17c New Ginghams, 36 inches, per yard * 25c New Frilled Scrims, per yard . .. :13c New Curtain Net, per yard , ....... .... ............. .......18c New Silk Net, per yard ....25c New Silk Net, per yard 39c New Frilled Curtains, a pair 59c New Summer Sweater Yarn, a ball 25c New Table Oils, 54 -in, per yard 49c New Table Oils, 45 -in. per yard 39c New. Table Oil Runners, each 25c Ne .W Overalls for men., each f .45 New Work Shirts, with zipper, each $1 New Wall Papers, 55 patterns to choose from prices from 10 to 35 cents, single roll Also Bundle Lots for Sale, at less than HALF PRICE. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables every Week End J. G -to 4.1 C140 PRODUCE WANTED ON PHONE 59 CARE, COURTESY and COMMON SENSE Are E',11.1 tT!.-: most Vital Factors in SAFE DRIVING, And Accident Statistics prove that: The Greatest of these is COURTESY. Drive Safely and avoid an Accident --- But be Prepared !----A few Dollars will give Protection. All Classes Of Auto Insurance, Public Liability, Property Damage,.. Etc. - Rates on Application by: Andrew F. Hess, Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY ZURIC1-1 HERALD - 14111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111141110 1111111111111 111111111103(111‘. *Jan q11011111110141M111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111 1111111111111111THIMM11111 NEW Grocery. -tore Oxyd61, 1 large and 1 small pkg. for . . ..... ....2.8c • Florida Oranges, large size, per dozen Peas, No. 4, per can Aufora Brand Coffee, per lb. 25c • Dried Peaches; per Ib:' Pork. and Beans, 28 -oz: can 10c Fig Bar Cookies, per 'lb.15c . Catsup, Cross andBlackwell, large bottle 15c 39c 10c 19c •Merino Oesch Zurich EGGS WANTED. ' ' Phone 165 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Rev. E. Burn and Sol. Zimmerman motored to :Shakespeare on Monday, where they attended a funeral. Xr..azid Mrs. H. K. Eilber of Ored- iton. were visitors in town on Tues- dey evening. A meeting for Baseball is being called for this Thursday evening iri the Council Chamber at 8 o'clock p. Ito be present. Now that the winter season is a- gain past for another year the local places of business will be open on Tuesday evenings as well as Satur- day evenings for the balance of the year. Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Rauch of St- ratford were here a few -days ,at the 'home' of Rev. and Mrs. E. Burn. Rev. Bauch officiated in 'his capacity as District Superintendent while here Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Dickerson and little daughter Gloria of Detroit, we- re rweek-end visitors with Mrs. Dick- erson's parents, IV4r. and Mrs. Alex.; Foster. Rev. E. Burn preached. in Dash-. wood last Thursday evening, and al'o at the funeral of the late Mr. And-, rev -Wilhelm in North Eeasthope on 1Monday of this week. , Mr. Hugh MacKinnon who has at-' •Itended Queen's University at King- 1ston„ has returned home. for the summer vatation period. Hugh has accepted a posiition on the Highway Engineering Department for the sant-. mer season and , will soon commence, on these duties. The Banjo Troupad-ores, who play over the London Radio Station C. F. P.L. have been engaged by the Zur- ich Creamery to furnish the program at the free Concert in the Town Hall, Zurch, on Friday evening of this .week sponsored by the Zurich Creamery. ' These entertainers come highly recOmmeteded as full of fun: and frolic, and a large 'gathering of people are anticipated to help cele- brate this anniversary Thank You! • DIES AT WINGHAM I School and Clinton Model school. I• lAt the time of his death he was own- rnaMnarg. eHrawrtiyshGes. tHoesssaythtehalaccckaly o you Hydrot Gorge .Spotton, Conservative mem- ber of parliament for North Hurou tfrom 192I until the ;general election of last year, passed away in Wing -1 Lam General Hospital last week. He was taken ill at his home 'a few days previous and removed to the hospital Ivhere he underwent .an operation Ifor intestinal troubles. He was a laative of Huron County, having been born in Flowick Twp. 59 years ago - and was educated at Herndon High ..444.44,4-4.:44444.4.444444.4.4.4..4444.4444...4 er of the Canada Business College in Toronto and the Wingharn Business College. Be was some years ago ed- itor and publisher of the Wingham Advance. He was well known thro- ught the province as a public' speak- er and during the last number of ye - LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) 15, 13, 11 Butter, lb. creamery 29e Wheat Eggs 72 Oats, bush. 25 Barley, bush.• 32c Buckwheat, bush. 32 Flour cwt. 2.25 3.15 Bran and shorts, ton ....... 20.00 Potatoes per 90 -lb. bag • 1 00 Live Hogs, ewt. 8.50 1936 $438.62, or in other words the revenue was $14.48 greater in 1936 than in 1931 after keeping the peak IOad down to the extent of $124. We are happy to say that with this kind of'nuanageMent the local system. is bedirchig in a flourishing condition, DASHWOOD NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC ! Beginning May. let, all business transacted at our Store will be strictly Cash.- No More Creditre---C. F. (Pflle, Dashwoorl. : - The Stores will. be open to cus- tomers on Tuesday and Saturday nights only during the summer mon- ' 1V1r and Mrs. Sam. Elsie of Detroit speint ,the week -end at their home here. • Mi. Harold Kellerman of Fergus,is spending a week at his home here. here. . Messrs. Frank and William IV4orenz and sister of Detroit spent the week -.- end, visiting their mother, Mrs. More enerwho is in. a eey serious condition. Mrs. has :returned hontc.,; after spending a few tweeks with Te latives. • The Canada, Conference or the Ev1- angelical church will be held here in * ' Dashwood. next 'vee6k. The opening to 'session will commence on Tuesday it evening. • ' \* • Mi. and Mrs. S. Gottschalk of Sea- ft forth have moved to town- this week. r. The Walther League of the Luth- eran church are holding a Rally on ; Sunday when a number of other Lea- gues from a distance will be here tale- ing part in bhe Rally. the local Hydro users for the fine cooperation they are manifesting in' keeping down the local peak load. nursdaY. •ki*.li 36th, 10-6 ft :*44444144+444064011/144404.44****44440tefelet444411takeeeeeee+414*0 0,„ YOUR are nd 'r1r STOTtE • . 1 • THIS SEASON CALLS .FOR GOOD INIEW FENCES ON THE FARM. LET US SUPPLY 41/ ;E- You. WITH THE BEST OF WOVEN WIRE, r, ALSO HAVE BARB WIRE, SEE US ABOUT• tt NEW ROOFING, PLUMBING, AND EVE..TROUGHING • 101•••• ••••••••••••01...•.....••••••.......................}.......•••••••• az: ' SPECIALS! • SPECIALS!' 4, Special Gasoline for Stoves, at per gallon 28c t We also have some very Attractive Prices in Furniture. See Om. New Beds, Springzi and * Mattresses. USED FURNITURE Two Goad Used Chesterfield Suites on Hand; 411' Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining Tables; • Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick Sale. One Dozen Used Rockers ranging from $2.00 Up. • BE SURE AND SEE THEM1 4 4 4 99 4 4 4 4 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 johnstort do .Kalbtleisch4 : Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 +.044,4•4**44.+4.++, +.044÷&++1.11.4-1÷1-1.044,14++++4.44.104 vatnimmumminumemmilloonlimunammommummummounnomminollestassummuli THESE PRICES Sullied to change without igotice Painting Wagon $7.00 and 10.00 Painting Buggy -6.00 and 10.00 Recovering Buggy Top 16.00 and 18.00 • Rerinuning Buggy Wheels .......12o00 Buggy Shaft 3.00. - Cross Bar 1.00 1.25 25c 5, HESS, the Repair .,Man . Zmumnpiationilloffieguilimmunninummenslikeinummuomompannommemea fee Buggy Reach Buggy Spokes each • 4.4 ... tebeteteteleteletel.++*÷++++44+444sa41.144-*****44+4444÷4eteletelefielefleto Mrs., Wrxe Musser spent the past week in Detroit. -BORN-At Dashwood, on Tuesday Mr. Hess gave us he following stab- April .8.bh, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred istics as a comparison. In 1931, 5' •Ja.ckson, twin, daughters. years ago, the peak .load foe •was 76.9 horse power, as -compared Band Concert ars was in constant demand on the to March 1936 52.9 hp., which means A splendid concert was given on Conservative platform in all parts of :a saving pf $124.00 for Ole te'o Monday, night Iasi in- Tieman's Hall, the country. His genial manner and:months '1)aid in March. Then the re- under the auspices of the. Henrich his booming voice will be missed dur-1venue received in March 1931 was Memorial Band of Dashwood. The ing future eampaigns. ' 1$424.14 as :compared with Meech or first part of the program_ was given For Your Comfort The Marshall Spring' Mattress has brought comfort to thousands of users. It'has no equal for true itientific. rest that will give years of satis- faCtory comfort and econ- omy. If you have never slept on one, do not wait any longer. Every Marshall is scientifically hand -built with hundreds:of tiny springs and upholstered top and bottom with layers of downy felt padding. Covered in smart new floral tickings and fully guaranteed. Stade & Weido Zurich 1 by the band of 33 instrunients under the leadership of Harry Hoffman, with Rev. H. E. Roppel acting as chairman. The numbers played we: re: "Canadian Patriots" by Hughee; "Siren March", "Liberty's Sons," "Rock of Ages", "Abide With Me," all by Mackie -Beyer, also "Little Ras- tus" by Bennet, "Pals" by G. Barn- ard (cornet and troumbone duet played by Howard and Mourice Khimpp.) "Opedatic Mingle" by E. W. Berry, "Over the Waves" by Rosas and "Trombone Antics" by E. Welber. The last number which re- ceiv-cl a special applause was played with the trombone section standing, composed of IVIrs. Alvin Kellerman, • .Miss Florence Baker, Mautice Frump Garnet Wildfong and Floyd Wein. Following the musical program, a three act comedy drama, entitled "Correspondence Courtship" was pre- sented by young people of 'Grand Bend under the direetion of Rev. B. Moore. The characters were in- troduced by Edmund Hendrick and were exceptionally well played. The audience was held in laughter throu- ghout. Those taking 'part were: Douglas Gill, Miss ,Dorothy Camel, Johnston Patterson, Miss Marjorie SertniSal, Alex Hamilton, Ray Patter- , son, Miss Enid Holt, Edmund Hen- drick, MISS' IVIarjonie Pattersonrand Mies Beatrice Green, The proeeeds :amounted to $42.00. 4. 8 4. E. to, IL ' ou.sseau uric"). tetsteett tee. Het tat 4++ t It* 4 4 +444te 4 it .01.: e444,0 :44 +I, It I, 044 le: 1144, Ilion. 1 41. .4C . EXTRA EXTRA Large Shipment of Tires Just Received' Regular $10.00 Heavy Service tires at 6.35 Regular 10.75, Heavy Service tires at 6.90 Gasoline at per gollon 23c Lubricating Oils and greases at corresponding /ow prices Get Your Requirements Here, where Your °liars .* Go the Farthest! Expert Workmanship on all Makes •of Cars, with charges Very Reasonable! ittill104141.31..0..nalmaimmlow* .ffirmeaemsmomonosoommo 4 MASSEY-HARRIS NEWS SEEDING MACHINES WILL USED SOON BE Let US have orders early. for ,Repairs and avoid Disappointments. - ailtiV:ator 'Points fctx:' all maks, Points are:. the Best. How about a Cream teparator Demonstration? Tel. Shop 149 0. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 AUCTIONEERING? YES1 11