HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-04-30, Page 5• ' I1hurs6y, April aotk .T936: BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL Duricxyg.-aoLmEs • . SARRISTER,„ stii.ttrrcoR, Nar- ,.. ARY PPU1RE.IC ETC. OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just ofl I 'the Squire, GODERICII, Ontario -Special Attention to Councel and Court lWork. Mr. Holmes inaybe consulted at coderieh by phone,. and Phone charges ree'reeSed.' DENTAL Dr. W. D; BRYCE •L. .1),: S, 1.. D„: DENTAL ".SORGFON At .DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every 'Monday, Tuesday and WecInesdaY... • 11. H, COWEN L. D. s." D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario .........a4.211[7212.61.1.4.MNION4114114116,41,21.1429•111111.10.11 VETERINARIAN Dr. W. • B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Horne of the Dr. J. Routledge. Phone -96. Zurich ,3 1 A. R. Carn.pbell, V.S. B.V.Sc. 'Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All ,diseases of domestic animals treated 1)3; the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night pzemstly attended to. Also Bre- , Put Your Want, For Sale ,Lost, Found, Etc. Ads, in this Column, '11.000•••00muno0.000•00.0•0000r1000000000 • TO AVOID SPRING DISEASE IN • LIVESTOCK - GIVE • , Dr. Belt; CONDITIOMPO*DE TlEIEY'RE . qoop • L. Scliilbe Zurich -- Ont. • • NOTICE -7 FOR RENT . 100 acres of Grass Land for Rent; sittuated on Parr Line, Rsy Twp. Apply to Herb Block, Zwick ZURICH HERALD' 4e. • NS Mr. J. W. Xerner ,was to Loridan on Tuesday on businees. • • Mrs. Emily Fuss and Mrs. Bertha Block are spending a few weeks Wh fends in Detroit. „ • C. Schrag and Son, have a newly reconditioned Viking cream separate or for sale, very reasonable. Mr. Herb Desjardine -wishes •to advise the public that he will take fax •a number of cattle for pasture this season. • We are pleased to report that Mr. Conrad Sehilbe is able to be Out a- gain after his recent rather ,tengthY illness. "e The auction sale held on Saturday by. MTS., Beirtha Block was fairly. well attended and fairly good priees were realized, .Of Farm Lands in the Town- ship of I -I ST. PETER'S 'Evangelical Lutheran Ginza) ZURICH — ONT. 'A Changeless Christ for a Chang- ing World.' Friday, 8h—Luther League, Thursday—Choir Practice. 'UNDAY sER cEs LO a. in.—German Sernee. 11.15 a..—Sunday School. 7.30 pan.—English service, 471'veryleOdy Welcome to all Services. E. TUERKHEIM, Pastor. • JUDICIAL SALE , • •. Jiousecleaning and gardening is at present the order of the day, and the anan of the house is ver j t upon being allowed tO "bea.t" several . LOST 0 f the big rags, and then himself. "beat it". • Betaveen ray farm and Zurich on In the Evangelical Church on Sun, the Zurich Read; a auto Ticense: day ,evening the choir is giving a NO -514. Finder kindly return to Franic IVIoussean, owner or Ieave at _Herald Office. FOR QUICK SALE .A Jersey heifer calf. Also a Jer- sey yearling heifer, for quick sale.— . Edward Haberer, Zurich. 04.4404.44.44,400. FOR SALE A few young York Sows bred, of very good type: Apply to: Henry Krueger, R. R. 2, Zurich, NOTICE I am in a position to take a limited late number of cattle in pasture for the ming seaeon.----eApply to Herb. Des- ardine,. Phone 2-81, Zurich tf43 FOR SALE A quantity of good mixed hay, also .efeed oats and buckwheat or sale. Apply to, Mrs. Mabel nider, Zurich or at the farm, Mr. scar Ducharines IsitaTfrrr eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness r have a pure bred Durham Regis- . Hennels. Office on Main Street, tered Maj- opposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENS.ALL. ay, In the County of Huron. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO IN THE MATTER of the Estate of WILLIAM MILLER, late of the lig- ht of Zurich, in the 'County of song service consisting et' antb.erna, Huron, Gentleman, decal ed. Men's chorus, s,olos, and ,hyr.nrcologY• PURSUANT to a Judgment of the The Choir asks for a special collect- Sapreme Court of Onterio made in ion to buy new music.Come and the matter of the Estate William bring others with yell. • , •I r, late of the Village of Zurich, came quite dusty over the week -end, The streets around town had w:21 the approbation of A ON HAND AT ALL + be_ oiin the Couaty of Huron, Gentleman, eceased. there will be offered for especially on IVIonday with the Sale.wn 0140 0000 O 0010 • 1011400 40***100.00‘001100 4000 0.01000e 0010 • • • • • • ; 0 • NOTiCE PAGE FIVE We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Pound R. Fat for Churning Cream delive`red at our plant. 6 s Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed • • • Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the sarne io •• Day. to • •8 . 6 . • Yours Truly, • • $ • I. . . ZURICH CREAMERY s. :. 111000000000000000060coasers statOoto see o ki4ox& 00041a,o-tAsmo.r. 0 0 0 Cut Your Fuel Ili/ in HALF! + • Buy Storm Windows and DOG:CS, 4, t i• ... LET US QUOTE YOU! + ; REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY. A ..r. 3: 4. .2, LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF G I Local Master at .London, TIlelES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE blowing, and we were beginning to by Arther /ober, Auctioneer, at teal 4.* YOU + think it will soon be time for the Dominion ITotise Hotel,' in -the Vil- WAIT. annual application of dust prevention lag(' of Zurich, at 230 o'clo-lc in th But the rains of Wednesday washed f• all the loose dust away. The Zurich Branch of the Wom- en's Institute will hold their rnonth1,' meeting in the Council Chamber on. IVIonday evening', May 4th at 8 o'clock as follows:— arIy Topic — "Qrandmother's 'Meeting"? FIRSTLY:—ALL AND SINGULAR Roll Call: "A Childhood Recollection' that certain percel or tract of land An address will be given by Mrs. and premises situate, lying- and being Filehe of Hensall. Each menther is uinn.ttyheOfTnewurnosilpianedf pIii,oavyi,nicict tohfe °Clot: requested to bring a Grandmothe r t.° .iino, containing one hundred and attend this meeting. sixty acres M. 0 ge or less, and _being; a The concert put on by the Min-. composed of Lot Number Fourteen strolls of Hensall on Monday evening (14) in the Fifteenth Concession in the Town Hall, was a big success. said E;TcoownnahLip :_ of Hay The .hall was well filled end tNe lare.'e ,sicy L AND SIN-! : 4 6 attendance was well pleased with .CIILAR that certain parcel or tract et• ' this crass of exam:eel:anent. In last .aeifidlebeerilnAanidn pthreeniTisoewsnsshiitpuaotfe, lying i week's issue we said a•little more e-, ' b • in the County of Huron and Prov-• ° in , f noon. on Saturda,y the 9th clay -1`• Of May, 1935, Ail"i • ngt47,ar thoee certain parcels or tracte oa land.: ' 4. e premises situate, lying and being in + PHONE 6 the Township of Hay, in the County! + ramzetrierammene UL Huron more a t. • outnes program, and we can onl,y • .repeat was Toed aad everefiody en- .irm=0.00mas•••••eamenammexe000000004.4.0000.00.1000.000•00.0.000a000. animal for service, 13 months old. --Ben Keys, R.R.1, Zur- .fOtthh.e iainuclo HaMas., ich. Phone 2-96 He ll 3oyed •thernseIveq • nsa AT LICENSED AUCTIONEER "TWINMAPLES" For Huron and. Middlesex• -Where the . Big White .LAM IN A POSITION TO CON- • kinct any Auction Sale, regardless Leghorns Grow." as to sire or article. to- sell. I solicit, _ •vow business, and iirnot satisfied will Eggs for ..... Etc., Etc. snake no charges for Services Ren- The same pxices as last Seaso dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-67. PRODUCE Palm Prc duce W 'NTED :HIGHEST CASH PRICES --FOR-- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY W. O'Brien I'lione 101, Res. 4, Zurich .1111M••••••011.1•1111•••• BUTCHERS Zurichs'.. Popular and •grwth. • ons of sale will be the standing con- • is climbing up which means warmth, other respects the terms and conditi- We are pleased at any time to show you our Stock.—Bruce J. Klopp, Zurich, Ont, tf37 thed Cars For Sale We are offering the following Used Cars for Sale: 1 1930 Chevy. panel delivery car. 1-1928 Ford Czech., 1-1929 Ford Coach - 1 -1930 Ford Coaelit. 1-1931 Chevy. Sedan, DeLux. n containing by, 6 corn admeasurement eeventy-five acres of. - 4e, l4orid.' more or less. and known and , quite descrebed as the East half of I . . iire...er Sixteen ..(16) in the Le'el e., township, celebrated their 47th wed_ :Read East Concession of the said g itt 100 S In IP URICH •rr +++.1-+÷÷-1-++++++÷-€-+++.1.-14+++++ • easeameasoacaSa0 --.toosectiesa@aealeceinaa00000000 NY TEI -re •01.00.0 plete Mineral Feed for the in -foal Mare. Ade•- Viinerals makes possible the normal development of the Foal. ding onniversary. Among their many TOwnship of Hay. I 6 Get Ou friends who congratulated them and The lands are abont 4 miles from , a called, were Mr. and Mrs. George 8. the \Tillage of 'Zurich. about 10 milea W. Stewart all of Exeter We Howard, Mrs. 1. Moir and daughtere Ola and Audrey also Mr. and Mrs. J . joi i r from church from -II our (4) and within about 40 miles ' C .. of•ondon, and 4 miles west of Provincial .Highway _Number ie tae many friends of Mr. end Mrs. es and schools. ea Green in. wishing them many mole On the. lands Firstl 'cl •Th I , eeid to he ereeted a Zubsetasentiaelc re a ler 1 years of hap•py married life. 7-..e'e", 4----. story dweeling • Elect'ort of Offic tr• la The Evangelical Y. P. League el- ected the following officers for the new year on Tuesday weaning: Presi- dent, Ge.rfield Witmer; Vice Pres., Pearl Gabel; Secretary, Ruby Church Gorr. Secy., Donis Meyers; Treasurer Iltilv.erna. Ge4:ger; Organist, Pearl Gabel; Librarians, Chas. Hay and Louisa Ross; Supt. of Juniors, Mrs. E, Burn; Assist. Supt., Mrs. L. W: Hoffman. ' - • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r Prices on your IVIinerals for Cattle, and Hogs e n : before buying elsewhere. Cod Liver Oil c. $1.00 a Gallon for poultry and Hogs. i SEEDS! SEEDS ! I g We are in the Market for Red, Alsike, wee t Covers and Timothy Seeds. f °a and Coke at Hensel! and Zurich at all Times. : . nine ooms ; .a large frame bank ."•ern with steel roof and other out- 1, hrilciirgs. The land is said to be of clay loam. The lands Secondly de -1 e c scribed are said to be of clay loam 4i and vacant. The both of the said parcels will . firet ,offered for sale in block sub- jeat to reserve bid and subject, as to the First parcel, to a lease thereof to the present tenant. If the parcels are' not sold when offered in thie manner each parcel will then he ff foreroci sale separately subject to' What looked like a dry spell of a reserved bid en each and subject as weather, with the land drying off -Ito the First:parcel, to a. lease thereof nicely and farmers busy at the first to the present tenant, which is deter - seeding, was somewhat changed this:minable on three months' notice. The purchaser shall pay ten ter cent. of his purchase money at the time of 1 sale to the vendors or their solicit na, and the balance in 30 days thereafter into Court to the credit of this action Wednesday forenoon, when a real All have good tiresa good upholst- downpour of rain visited this sec- ering and mechanically- good; gone tion and Utterly soaked the ground, over carefully by use „which. will take several days to dry L. A. Prang and Son, Zurich The spring seeding which has been The Vendors will only be required reins will now be a late one, as lasti Title, and to prod ----------- -s, delayed with wet snow and light toIfurnish a Registrar's Abstract of However, we are glad thmercury 'as .a2: in their possession. In all 00 Master and Pioneer Poultry and Hog Feeds.e Senn 441,01,' 111,„ e a eon etekea.66Eadafa 600 &BS entienotattng z,;,,:oe.,ocha40cantocoteianme,,govee up again with the best of weather, without interest. 16 Years In • year this tune the seeding was all in. copies thereof, or evidences of title., . • I MEAT 1VfOKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur - Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, always orfland. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins YU.Dgbitit & S01.1 immatansm...........MOSe.ma0.0000•000.20¢0/04.00•0040•00sea INSURANCE astern Farmers Mutual Weather igsuraece Co. OF WOODSTOCK VIM LARGEST RESERVE RAL .• .ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- ILL COMPANY DOING BUSINESE OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Attiount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1936, 820,479,730We Vaal Cash in tank and Beads $254,627.52,. aNtes---$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Years F. Klopp—Zurich Also healer inLiataing Rods 'glad takitadsoLkirelnsurasce witness "A SQUARE DEAL TO EVERY CUSTOMER", Our Motto. Our Plant is Open Every- Day during the week for taking in cream and Egga. Also open on Tuesday and Saturday Evenings. WE. PAY T.TIF; CUSTOMARY PREMIUM FOR CREAM DELIV- ERED. Give Us a Trial Yours Truly, Dashwood Creamery • A fire alarm was given on Monday forenoon when the manure lane just east of Mr. Joseph Gascho's barn was ablaze. The Fire Brigade was immediately called but berore it ar- rived the fire was extinguished with buckets off water and turning over the dry manure. The cause of the fire was rather simple.. Earlier in the morning Mk". Casella had emptied s orn o e ashes along side of the manure pile and not knowing that there was any fire hi them, did not pour water over the ashes, but the light and dry straw was easily ignited, and it was very fortunate that the fire did not get into the barn as quite a wind was blowing from the south-east, and if the barn would have went it would :have endangered other buildings. 1%a se.venty-second annual Confer- • W. M. S. MEET once of the Canada Conference of the The Women's Missionary Society LLvangelical -Church will be held hi of St. Peter's Lutheran church held Dashwood next week, conunencing-ort then' Aped meeting in the 4basement Allay 5th. when in the evening ••the of the church. Miss Anna Datars ,presiding Conference Bishop, Rev. G. had charge of the devotions, anti pre - E. Epp, D.D. of Naperville, Ill., will sente.d the topic "Our South Ameri- give the opening address, and an Wed can Neighbors, What Do They need" nesday the Conference will be in ses- Florence Haberer gave a recitation ion, and eaeh day until nclay when entitled "The Stranger of Gaililee " it will close. Special public meetings Clippings were read by Mfrs. J. flab - are amanged far each evening, at erer, Mrs. H. Krueger, Mrs: G. Dei- winchvarious pseakers will take part ebert, and Mrs. E. Datars. Rev Orth 'The public are heartily invited to of Woodstock was a visitor, and spoke 'attend the evening public meetings. en home mission work. Rev. Turk - The layman attending from the Zur- heirn remarks were based on the eon- congregatioii is Mr. Josiah Geiger, sItitution (if the church. Mrs. E. Mrs.., Henry Ikdta of' Alberta, is Datars offered prayer for her prover (siting with relatives and frierds ii partner, WeiShOttft, eniseion- ese rut.s. It to some yeam since ail in India. The Lenten Sell us Dedtz ha; bean:here., k.nial offering amounted to $11.00. of this Court. Further particulars may be had from E. M. Wi-nder, Esauire. Solic- itor, 78 Dundas Street, London, Ontario. (sgd.) "A. A. INGRAM" Local Master of the Supreme Court of Ontario. DATED at London, this 15th day of April, A. D. 1986. , Dr. and and Mrs. H. H. Cowen of Exe- ter were Tuesday evening visitors in town. Mrs. Olive Gabel has purchased the 50 -acre l'arni on the Babylon Line, Hay Township, from the Coun- ty of Huron, and gets immediate pos- session. CONGRATULATES ON STICKING When Mr. Mitchell F. Hepburn an - mounted at the beginning of the month that he would not retire, but "stick" with the leadership of the Liberal party, in spite of his illness, Mr. J. G. Steabury, President of the Liberal Association of South Huron, sent the following wire: "Premier Hepburn, Parliament Bldgs., Toronto: South Huron Lib- erals delighted with your decision to "stick". Best 'wishes." Mr. Hepburn has replied as fat - lows: "I can assure you I very much appreciate the encouraging remarks contained in mur telegram and wish you would extend to the South Hur- •on Liberals iny sincerest thanks for their good wishes. With kind per- solial regards, I am, sincerely youra, M. F. Hepburn" Zurich Drug Store scho Su lies We have a full Line of all the requirements of School. Supplies ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. 44++++++++++++++++++++++++ See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations Perfumes, Toilet ,\Vators, Perfuroizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Drushes. set+titossiososislwes1,*44,44.w.m44, We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs, FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS, Dr, A. J. MacKinnon., Zurich! AlwAftwmfvonkmmilmmmpomvmmvmmoljrc