Zurich Herald, 1936-04-30, Page 4CEDITQN
E'xte7lsive alteraticalS were spons-
eared by the Choir' of 'the. Eft ngelieal
*buru}t in extending the choir to t't
;bout four feet into tree auditeelem,
eisadarging the seating, s aG :et
�slnn;tr so that 3¢ Sian •ego l oT the
An the choir loft,; Y �e seatcjcl
,'1'►e organ was extended on both
dies so that at now• covers the entire
'rent xif the choir loft, improving
lite appearance wonderi'ully.
'The mechanical work was done by
Nee marry 13eav-er and his. sora Now -
r who deserves credit for the fine
earlork; Thy were ably assisted by
70hn Mulalo<k, F W. M.orlock, Albert
Oa lser, Harry K•ul n and Roy Fink-
a/ein•erand others who volunteered
aur rendered service gratis. The
stnembors " of the choir wish to tale
this opportunity in expressing, their
-appreciation especially to the carpee-
rs for their services and . also to
:those who assisted in the work.
and son of Waltti?riori spent yisit
with the fernleee perente and
141x, , iZ, Step telleen,
Mr. Win Jarrott and Annie visited
at the home of Mr. •acrd Mrs. Wm,
A ni.unber. 'of the relatives arid fri-
ends from this vicinity attended the
femoral .of the late John Keys, eldest
son of Mr, .and Mrs. Albert Key.,,
near Exeter en $o d
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love visited
the daughter .and son-in-law, Mr.
ane Mrs. Percy Cannebell . in Hay
Mr.. and Mrs. Andrew Love of
Hensall visited recently with Mrs.
Jas Love and fancily,
Rev. E.' A: and •Mrs. P'oulfer or"
Brownsville called on friends here
last Saturday.
Mr: Mervyn Keys, son of Mr. and
Mfrs, Ben Keys leaves for Tilnmine,
O e as secured.
ILL. �s R E E N
this week whereth li
a position as mining engineer
' home recently. She
Stephenson Y iss still I
confined- to her room, but we are
.eased -to say she is recovering. ''
Ma'. and Mrs. Thos. Consitt of . Hen
zeal silent the . week -grid with theie-r
daughter and son. -in-law, e'er, and
Tries. R.:VfcAllister and :family.
Little Kenneth and Betty Anne
3'aidee of Blare, who have been stay- f
ling at the home of their aunt and S
'smack ;during their mothers illness, t
.Brave returned to their. home.
. Yae and Mrs. George Stephenson i a
Rev. H. G.:Bandey attended Pres
'bytery at • Clutton •on Tuesday. •
Airs Fred Hess and Mrs. George
Hess of ' Zurich ~with' Miss Anna
:Floss of Zurich visited at the homeof Mr. and Mi:s. J. A. Carpio on
Wednesday last. Bobbie and Ruthie
Hess. who had been enjoying a few
days on the farm, accompanied them
back to }Jensen. •
• Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gingerscb. and
antily,• accompanied by Mr. Menno
teckle Jr. and his two young daugh-
e's Elizabeth and Mildred, spent tho
week-end at Elmira. Mrs. Gingerich,
nd the boys remaining for a week
Satin Finish Enamel
Johnston and Kalbflessch, Zurich-
hr om
Looks pretty smart, doesn't it?
requires running water. But a Duro Automate Pump-
ing System will provide plenty of running water from
your own well, at little outlay.
This layout (three pieces), ready for installa-
tion, complete with all fittings, is only .............. $70.60
The Duro-Special Pumping System, all Canadian -
made, capacity 250 gals. per hour, complete with
30 gal. Galvanize -1 TteelI<, 25- or 60 -cycle 110 -volt
'motor is only $81.50. terms if desired.
Hydro's Free Gift to Rural
Electric current will be provided—Free of Charge—for
operating electric pumps to pro-
vide water under pressure for
Household Sanitary Systems.
• • •
Write for free illustrated
folders on bathroom equip-
ment or plumbing supplies,
with 30 gal Galvanized Tank London Hamilton Toronto Winni ez
Vancouver P
with her mothee„Mrs. E, Musselnian,
fir. Jack Stanbury of Hxete,r, way
:the guest of Mr. Keith Westlake last
Mrs, Harold Penhalo and. falniii,
are the guests of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Geo, . Hodgson of Wiltcii`
The farmer's in and around the.
locality have started seeding but •at
time of writing there is a general de-.'
lay as Tuesday rains results; as
heavy rains and floods as :being gen-
eral in nearly all pats of the coup=
try this spring, • without exception,
one may be due fo.r it now; and the
results Mightbe very: few• acres of
spring seeding done. • •
NOTES --.Mr. and M's. Nelson Jeff,.
rey .of Windsor spent the week end'
visiting' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bedard
of St. Joseph North, and Mr. .and.
Mrs, Leon Jeffrey of Beaver Town.
Mrs. Denis Charette spent a few
days with her parents, Mr. and: • leirs.
Chas Laporte of DrysdaIs
Messrs. Leonard, Edgar andX Jani-
s Sopba of Detroit; Macri,;`- were
unday visitors at the borne of Mr.
nd Mrs. Dolph Sopha, : Blue mater
Mrs. Victoria Denomuie, who hate
pent the winter menthe wavh`..Mrs.
achel Denomme of Se; Joseph' aorta
turned to her home.
Mr. Eddie Brisson of Beaver town
steadily improving. There is no
out that the breezy air of the
ring will bringhealth and cheer to
all those who are suffering the:
netts of a long and cold winter.
Mr. Daniel Ayotto of the 14th
neession was guest to Mr. and Mrs
her Charette of Blue Water south
Sunday last.
Mr. Vincent Jeffrey of Detroit and
n Stephen is passing the week with
fends and relatives,
my... William Denomme is improv-
ing slowly in health after a two mon-
ths' illness.
Mr. Ashwell of London, made a
business visit to Drysdale on Friday.
Miss Beta Ducharme is improving
after an attack of measles
PercyMae f ofSarnie d Mra:ereytweek-end visde and -
itors with Mis. B. Mousseau..
Mr. Ben ;Charette of the loth Con.,
visdted with his daughter, Mrs. Ad-
olph Bedard on Tuesday.
- Rev;- Father Brisson c f. the Lgndoii_
"Seminary was a visitor with his fath-
er, Mr. Ed. Brisson, • •”
Mr. and Mrs Fred ?apineau and
1VIrs. P•.eniie Denomme motored ' to
Goderich on Monday evening.
The people of this section are very.
disappointed :in not being able to
market their • dutch set onions.' A•
great deal of hard -work has [leen,put
to them the past summer and now
there seemingly is no market, ' and
then there is the money invested in
the expensive seed required to raise
this crop.
Merrsr. Frank, Joseph, and Ar-
thur Jeffrey of Goderich and Mr.
Ted Brisson of Stratford were Sun-
day visitors at -the home of Mr. Ed.
Mrs. Gerald Snider north of the
village, While" returning home from
Zurich on Saturday, just as she was
turning in the lane was hit by a
very fast travelling. car. Traffic Offi-
cer N. Lever was called at once and
while the Snider car evidently got
off the most fortunate with a fender
dinged, the other car received inose'
serious damages.
Miss Louise Bedard has gone to
St. Peter's Seminary, London where Hen
she has accepted a position was
I ID,%, wltsna )etsIoje RONA'
.r i n,wr 4
wr �iWlrwi •'w.4.r.�mW ���.44.'4�
�bl el. aG?t3 i�.4.s�/.XC'fI1
v. A perfect $olio
teire with Iwo
"nee), side diamonds in
f6f s axqulsire setting
v l,;• hand•carved i n
14K. gold,
A rya SOth193.6
''►ander Fondly:Fl favorite '
$cls iii a Biel a .ilk as ur1 dig g1141kea'
'u11PUed iby Western Canada hard,
Sieg wheat. A strong four t goes
farther --economical.
G - A T WI D
f /
-With every Bridal Wreath Diamond
Ring we sell goes a written guaran-
tee positive assurance that the
• king you' buy contains only flawless
blue white diam-
onds of perfect
quality! " ..and
positive assurance
too • of supreme
A nodern motif
blending 3 - perfect
diamonds in 18K.
gold _mounting.
Best for l°i7y i � ak n .
pt:3,3: +TE1':ED
Miss Helen Swan has returned
home fater spending the winter mon-
ths at Daytona Beach, Florida.
The Odd Fellows of Hensall lodge
are holding their annual anniversary
services, :May 3rd at 7 pen., at the
United Church, Hensall, when Rev
Arthur Sinclair will address them, 1
A number of visiting brethern from
neighboringlodges will also attend.
.Miesete Emma Joh estoon and Mi!1-
nie Reid arrived home aftex spending
the -winters iii Florida,
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Manson and
daughtee Miss Sarah of Stanley Twp
has got nicely settled in their home in
town. We welcome them. Mr. Man-
son has rented his farm to Edwin
eueger, i'or the seenof,
Mary Stewart cd Toronto visited
here with Mr, and Mrs. Laird Mickle
Mrs.G.M. • Young of Nairn is vis-
iting here with her son, Rev. W. A.
Mrs. 'Johtr Corbett and little ,son_
Ross returned home -after a pleasant:
visit wi•
th her sister; Mrs:. Leslie Ad-
is , in London. •
Margaret Buchanan of Toronto, is
visiting friends in town.
Mr. r. and - Mrs. Alex. McMnrtrie
and daughter of Toronto, visited over
the week -end, with his mother, Mrs.
A. McMuitrie,
Rev. Beverly Farr, Rectoor of St.
Paul's Anglican Church, has resigned.
his charge ;here,: and is being trans-
ferred to Dorchester. •
Mrs. W. A. Young was at Ottawa
tl ,
re .annual Presbyterian
Women's Association meeting. Mrs.
Young was a •.delegate from Huron.
Death of Guy Blackwell
The death occurred in Chatham
Hospital on April 17, of Guy Blacks
well, a well known and prominent
citizen of Bothwell, and formerly of
sall, following an operation. Hea
a son of the late Dr, and Mrs:
Pleased to repoort that Mr. Louis 'Blackwell, and. *as born in Clinton
Montaguesimprovingreort after his years ago. About 32 years ago Dr
cent illness. I Blackwell moved to• Hensall where he
Mr, and Mrs. Philip Denonime and conducted the King George Hotel. A
little son John, spent a few da s in few years later the family moved to
Detroit. y Bothwell. Guy, while herd; was High
The recent heavy rains have again ly respected as • a young man, and
put a stopeto farmers s ave working og always took a big interest in local
the land, and as weeks are si: >inn sports. As a Bothwell citizen he was
by there is none, or little seeding in very prominent always taking a great
as yet.g -n interest in town affairs. In politics he
IP:lease Note:--Soome has sent in was an active Conservative.
a budget of very interesting Drys-
dale Correspondence, but as there is ..............„....4.---_.
110 name attached thereto, we are
unable to publish the same. yy
ys welcome good, reliable items Alfred
sent in for publication, but we mu.Wuerth ,• t of Crediton,has
purchased the grocery business of
know who sent them in or we might S. Battersby of .'Hensall, and in -
get ourselves into a bad jam by tends taking charge of the busiziess.
publishing items not knowin this week.
whence they. Please M
g from Mrs. send in all the Norman Tiirntbill of the Blue
good news you know and we will be Water Highway, south of St. Joseph,
;gad to publish them but please sign was in London Hospital having.an
your name thereto which will not be operation for removal of tonsilShe
published.—,Herald Editor. is
progressing gressing nicely,
Dr. W. Fowler of Bayfield, who
arrived there recently; has opened an
H E N S A L,;L, e in Varna where he is each Tu -
day and Friday from two o'clock to
Mrs. Yungbhit, who has been slye;i eight.
ding the winter menthe with her dao Returns to Luckn,
ghter, Mrs..J'as.''Bonthroh, ;has left John Joynt, hey home in ,who was brr�
Watexl some- week ago � ••
•Davi'd'Me1`eittughto.n of
calling on friends in the ,Bayfield we-
cently, g re -
Mr, and Mrs. Roy McLaren aid W
T,, McLaren were visitors in Partin -
Mrs. W. J. Peck and children Blain
and Ronald of Clinton, an' fr.rr er
residents of Hensall; visited ciur`
The undernoted top quality brands' of
white lead paint are now reduced in
price to $3-75 per gallon. Their
famous quality is unchanged. Why
risk using paints of less reliable qua -
pity when ,you can Lave the assured
beauty and protection of these time -
tested brands at.this popes •fel
Any one.of them will give you a job
of outstanding beauty,, long paint life
,unci economy from first to last.
'Thera xS a store in TOM' vicinity that
can supply You:
G 36;5'
me was Jane Scholdice, two d
ghters• and one son.
Too Young
Gordon S. Greb, 19 yr old Exet
youth, ;has completed his four 1°
honor course in Mathematics
physics at the University of Weste
Ontario but is yet too young to go
to the .Ontario College of Educati
in Toronto, the goal at which he a
He is said to be the youngest stuck
Ito complete the extremely rail ficin
course in the history of Western.
Holidayed at Home
Miss Etta Jarrett, teacher in Tor-
onto, spent her holidays with her par-
ents; Mr: and Mrs. fsaac Jarrett, of
KQppen. Her father, who has bee
in bed all winter, is much improve
and is able to ,he iiswn :stairs for
while each day: Mrs. Jarrett, wl'i
has also been sick, is still confined t
her ben.
au- tthe road and somersaulted into titer
+ditch. When help arrived, they found'.
1 X ickie unconscious in itis wrecked?
eel car and he was taken to Goderiche
e• ;where he is recovering.
anti A Lung Last
on I Chronic purchasers of sweepstakes
on and raffle :tickets niay take heart
rm3; from the experience of Adani •Sea,;.
d nt i tach of Mitchell. This man is • over,
Tears' of age and.has been. �buyiitig:
f such •chances for more than 40 years.
e:lways without success. A few dayst
ago his luck turned and he was ad-
vised that his ticket on a Hamilton
a'afe bad won for hien a beautiful
silver candy dish. Forty years -• •fa
n considered cher many not to be too
d long to wait for such a useful' arta-.
a ,nu.
o. -
a I, Death of Aunt'
Miss E. M. Bowery of 'Exeter res
ceived word of the deatht of her'
aunt, Miss Fanny Caroline Bowe-
of 'Cahrofnia. Miss Bowey was a'
sister of the late Alfred Bowey arid:
for some years made her horne witht
her brother, leaveing there about 7B`1
,.years ago for California. `She ;•previ-t-.
ously visited in Exeter on diff erentt
'occasions• She, is survived .by one sisy
timz,o The remains were broiuglit ,
Arden , .
Death of Mrs. M. Crawford"
The death took place at' Toledo; . or
Mrs. Myrtle Crawford. Deceased :was
born in • .Bayfield, daughter of . John
McLeod: Several years ago she went
to lie in Toledo, Ohio, and Was;
there married to Chas. Crawford,:.
vile met his death by drowning .. a
few years ago. She is survived . by
two sons, 'one_. brother, two sistersee
nd her mother, Mrs. Adelaide Me-
Leod of Bayfield. The funeral was
ld' on ,April 8th in Toledo. -
A Near. Frozen Dom
A dog- owned' by A. E: Pinch, of
Clinton; inadvertently left behind
when its owner. Tett the Gunn -Lang-
lois plant on Saturday night last, sp-
ent the entire night in the freezing
atmosphere .of the refrigerating plant
The dog; when released on Sunday,
nearly frozen, made a dash for home,
where it slept the clock :around be-
hind the stove:
Gasoline Stolen
At Exeter some time last Thursday
night, thieves broke a window in the)
Supertest service station, obtaining
a key and removed 20 gallons of
gasoiline from one of the tanks.
Receives Call
Rev: Chas. Malcolm, of Eglnond-
ville United church, has received a 7,
rail from the Victoria avenue United
church, Chatham, and will take over w
his new duties at the end:of the Con- •a
Terence year.
Apnointed Clerk of Brussels fie
Robt. Warwi+ek Inas been appointed,
village clerk of Brussels and Secy.-
!Treas.; of�the electric Iight corttims.?:-I'
;on, siicceediiig et H. Mae donn,tei„
!whose death occurred recently. - .. j
Painfully Injured ' 1,
rs. Wm. Brophey was painfully
red when she caught the fingerste
one hand in the rollers of her ti
�liing machine. No bones were bro- 1<e
bur; the fingers were badly bra-
at, Goderich.
Auto Smashed' i fr
bout five utiles from :Kincardine i .
�'. T)icki'e had the misfortune to tit
it his car', eausitig bodily injury e
rie Martin of Toronto, Who wo F
ed fo the Kincardine hospital h
in was axlrassenger in the 17lt;c
'Destroyed Ry Fire
Rdiyarcl Tee
Jennie Tref%r and sister, lVfis
e y,• elderly ;residents ;ol
tiara, ltad• a etaria^iv escape frou '
loath when theirs lioivir'ty s seeetroyert:-. '
by :ire last week Attu ed by tire`_
tackling of.fletine5"eaiing, up the pare
tions of the home. Mr. Treffey cal-
d his sister and they ria ran tlipir
? to the street • only 'scantly c>la :
+..c nee was I,.auwgu,, LA nese a`tart{„'d..
ter St. Jose 7h„s loin Florida, to en ienen
for creation .Hospital, London, ,•of'
Tor a condition which ;was
became acute in the south, has re- 'lien,
covered sufficiently to return to his l sed;
.tonic in Lucknow,
-' Buried at Seaforth
The remains of the late Williar A
Strong, a highly esteemed resident of t„
' 1 ('!c ;m'th n G
121' "•n ” „i.r.,,,.i Tn�'(:d rr%, was bur'e•'l
in , etli; Tuesday Iry , ,:if: F ". 'sh
1 ,.,� �Wc,tsir wive v '",:tr
' 'cvicloty whose. menden
the stovepipes. The.house was',.'
tuned to ,the ground; togetber with:
e contents: When it appeared that •, .
e ern iironirl ,spread to the home of
.A, amlalin, south of the Treftty.
Dane, the ' Mitchell fire brigade w a
IQ. The firemen confined the fire
to the Trefiry residence,
yn o..c:.-ys v;:tly their friends ",-^"�ei `'
.all.ay last
He is r' d b
hen.iteetruck a soft shoulder o'i