HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-04-09, Page 4rebtAc
+Qnitea number from this vicinity
took in ;the Spicing Show in Seaforth
Vinton and. Hensel) last week,
dMrs, ', Dodds and daughter of
'London ,spent a few da':: welsh her
*later here.
Captain Gentle of the Salvation
Arany in Exeter, gave an address in
the Hihlsgreen churchon Tuesday
The sacrament of the Lord's Sup -
peer will be administered at the. Croke
eof the servece in the Hrllsgreen
leburth ora Sunday^ April. 12th.
Quilting bees have been the aftev.
noon's work among the ladles of this
MissMary Gelinns entertained her.
friends to a quilting bee on, Tuesday.
Mrs. Joseph Rau was a Sunday
visitor with her friend, Miss. Bennett
A. number of people from here at•
tended the food sale at Zurich on
Saturday and purchased some very
reasonable and delicious cakes'.
Mee and Mrs. Fred Papineau who
spent the winter months in Detroit,
have returned to their farm here.
Mr. and IVirs. John B. Laporte and
son .Theo attended the funeral. of
the former's daughter, Mrs. Beneteau
at River Canard on Saturday. Much
.sympathy is extended to the bereft
Mrs. Rachael Denomme and Mrs.
Victoria Denomme were visitors with
MISS Gelinas.
Mr. Edward Brisson. who has been
staking treatments at London Hospital
has returned to his home here, and
we regret to say, that Mr. Brisson
will be confined to his bed for some
time while convalescent.
11+.x. Ted. E. Brisson of Stratford
-spent the week -end with his father,
.ZIr. Ed. Brisson who is in.
Died in Chicago
News reached Crediton of the
'dearth of Rev. M. C. Morlock, at
Chicago, 1111 He was the son of the
late Matthew and Meedelena Mor -
lock and died la -t W'ednest.ay at the
age of 70 year_-, 3 mortise, and 11
days. At the age of :33 he left Cred-
iton for Naperville College, lvter Iac+
Thur sdaq, 2lpril ft
entered. the Nieletxy of the Episeop.1 Canard RIM to attend the Pune
el Methodist t ureh •Mich., where he
served. for many years. Surviving are
his bereaved wife formerly • Bertha
Koello, one son enol two daughters:
Anther and Ada, of Chicago; Melva
of Orillln, I1l and six grandchildren.
He is also survived by seven sisters,
Many Attend Funeral
The funeral of six. -year-old Eleanor
LaureneHaist, ., beloved daughter of
111r, end Mrs. Wellington Heist, took
place from the family horse with
Rov,A. E. notch, of 'the Evangelical
church, Crediton. Tho children of
Crediton Public School marched In
pair: to the cemetery with their tea-
chers end sang "When He .Cometh"
in honor of Eleanor, Eight girls car-
ried the flowers. Those who attended
the funeral from a distance were.
Her grandparents, Mr, and Mr,.
Louis J. Willert, of London; Mrs.
Murray Holtsmann and Mre. Charles
Lumps of Detroit; Mr, and Missy.
Leonard Knightly and daughter Mary
•Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rankin, Miss
!Violet Willes, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Willert and little daughter, all of
London; lair. and Mrs. Everett Hat
and daughter Eunice, of Zurich; Mr,
and M. Ernest Geiser, and family
of the Blue Water Highway; Mr. and
Mrs. Clayton Smith of St. Joseph,
and Mr. and Mrs...O. Keller, o! Dash-
wood. .
Weare glad to -see our Correspon-
dent back again with news. Stay at
your job, young boy! For the Zur-
ich Herald is not complete without
St. Joseph and Beavertown News!
Moreover, so that our Readers don't
need to break their legs getting local
A large gathering of young and
old people gathered at the borne of
Mr. and Mrs. Remie Jeffrey on Satur-
day night last. It' was for the oc-
casion of :Miss Lucille Jeffrey depart-
ed for London at St. Peter's Semin-
ary, to resume her work. The even-
ing was spent in card playing and
the home furnished the rnusic. All
present enjoyed a good .time.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brinker and
family of St. Clair, Mich., were week
end visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Charrette, Blue Water
Mr, and Mrs. John B. Laporte of
Blue Water north, left recently for
For inside or outside use Wood or Cement
Johns:ston and l albfleisch, Zurich
)114M TO "KEEP
Read Daily the World -Wide Constructive Netvs in
TUB d'GitG. S'sTit<`eiii SCIENCE Ptio:'.in'o11
An .International Daily Newspaper
it gives all She constructive world now but does .:ot esplolt crime and
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the busy reader. It bus interesting feature paves for all the family. A
Weekly illagazine Seaton, writtca, by dlstlaguisbod authorities, on eco4.
mantic, social and political probr'ns, giers a surrey of scoria affairs.
as, aslala-e .can swa uexs .as SIM cue e4, via w 1O mw n.1 1.11. NM N1
The Christian Science Publishing Society
One. Norway street, Boston, Massachusetts
Please enter my subscription to The Ohrstien Science Monitor for
a period of
1 year $;1.00 6 months 64.50 3 months 92.25 1 month 75c
Wednesday issue, Yncluding Magazine Section: 1 year $2.60, 6 issues 25c
Snmp1e Copy on Request
Do You Know?rk
You know thoroughly well that you have power
in your store, to influence the decision ofY our cus-
tomers in regard to what they buy from you. Your
customers rely on you to give them products which
in use or consumption, will give them co ip fete`
If it is right to use big city dailies and nationalY
circulated magazines then by the same token, it is
right to use local weekly newspapers!
I. am the Master Salesman of this Community,and
my name is
of Mrs. Louis Benito.. Mrs. Benii
is the daughter of Mr. Laporte.
much sympathize with Mr. Laporte
and family.
Mr. Eddie Brisson has been on the
sick list, A speedy recovery Eddie 1' :
Mr. James Masse and staff of me
are busy the las t week pulling up
snow fences,
Master Stanley Smith who bad the
misfortune to cut his foot one day
last week phile splitting - wood is
improving raiceiy, '
Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Ducharnae Say.,
visited with Mee and Mrs. Fred.
Bigger and Better than Ever
Hensall Minstrel Show
Wed and Thurs. Apr. 15, 16
at 8.15 p.m.
8 End Men Cast of 40
Admission 25e. Children 15c. Tax
Reserve your seats at Heanphill't
Drug Store—No extra charge'
Seats on Sale now!
Mr.and Mrs. Ken Traviss spent t
week at their former hone in ,She
erne. They were accompanied hone.
by Mrs. Bailey, her mother, who w'
visit here.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gran of Lai
sing, Mich., spent a pleasant wee
end here with the former's parer
Mr. and Mrs. George Gram.
Miss Eleanor Bell, nurse in train
ing at Viotoria Hospital, London, vis
ited a few days with her mothe
Mrs. Wm. Hyde.
Mabel Workman underwent an op
eration for appendicitis at Seafort
hospital. She stood the operation nic
ly and is convalecsing nicely.
Dr. Ross Dougall of Petrolia was
visitor with his father and 'inothe
Mr. and Mrs. Wdn. Dougall. -
M;r. and Mrs. Laird. Mickle spent
week -end with Ridgetown relatives.
Lloyd .Or•twein of London visite
with relativer here.
Mrs. Bertha Bell is "visitin:g wit
her deter, Mrs.. Robert Douglas,
Blake. .,
DavidKyle has taken a. positio
with the G. M. McCormick produc
Late Bessie McKay
The death occurred at her la
home, Mill St., Hensall on March 2
of Miss Bessie McKay after a linger
ing illness of. several years She wa
born in Tuekersrniith Twp., 69 year
ago, and with her two sisters, Mary
and Mrs. 13. Gordon, moved here
from Kippen a few years ago.. She
is survived by her three sisters,- Mar-
ion McKay of Tuckersmith, Mary of
Hensall and Mrs. Gordon and twin
brothers, John of Hensall, formerly
of Pont Huron, and Wm. of Tucker -
smith. The funeral took place from,
her late home Thursday. The service
was conducted by her pastor, Rev.. W.'
A. Young.
Arrange Lenten Services
Lentenservices have been arrang-
ed for this week, to open in Cannel
Presbyterian Church Monday evening
On Tuesday eve. service win be held
in 'the Anglican church and on. Fri-
day eve in the United church. Rer,
A Sinclair was back in his pulpit on
Sunday, after an absence of abou
two months due to illness.
Laid to Rest
Thefuneral of Thos. Farquhar. Co
merly of Hensall, who died in Ham
lton, was held from the residence of
is son here to Clinton Cemetely.The
ervice was conducted by Rev. B
Farr, of the Anglican church, assist -
d by the Rev. W. A. Young, of
armel Presbyterian. Church, Friends
ere present from London, .Hamilton,
oderich, Clinton and Seaforth and
the immediate vicinity. Pall bearers
were his two sons and three grand
ons and nephew of Clinton.
A very pretty wedding was soleni-
ized at noon Saturday Iast, at the
esidence of the bride's sister and
rother-in-law, iviir. and Mrs. Larry
aylor in Usborne Twp.,' when Rev.
Lector of
hurch, Exeter, ei, united in marriage
ildred, third daughter of Mrs. Ra-
ins and the late Richard Robins of
xeter, to Harold Foster, second son
f Mr. and Mgrs. A. J. Foster of Hen-
an. The bride, who was given away
y her brother-in-law, Larry Taylor,
o' c.l charming in a white satin
own, with veil and orange blossoms
nd accessories to match, and carried
shower bouquet of roses and ferns.
iss Jean Foster, sister of the groom
as bridesmaid and -'wore a green
repe dress with beige colored shoe:.
red other accessories to match and
arried .a bouquet of daffodils. Lloyd
outer. of. Zurich was hest than. `p'he
one was beautifully decorated in
nk and lvhite and the wedding
arch was played by the bride's sis-
r, Mrs. Wm. Bell, of Tuckexsmith.
Iter the wedding dinner'was served
e 'young couple left on a honey-
oon trip to Toronto and other
oints. On their return they 'will
wide in Neilsen. Mi. end Mn
eater are well known and highly re -
c dad TIe19s,�11 lrorma neopre and
vn best wishes of their numerous
TOBACCO FARM OWNER: "Henry, you and
the other men are doing fine work and I hope
you know I appreciate k." -
figure you know that we appreciate our steady
jobs and good pay, too." -
OWNEIt: "Oh, well', Heart',.1 dont d'eierve all
the credit. I never could have started or carried on
this business properly, without the assistance of
my bank, the Bank of Montreal. Like hundreds
of other tobacco growers, I have borrowed every
year from the Bank to pay for plants, fertilizer
and labour; and soon after I began the Bank loaned
me money I needed for barns and other equipment.
Of course, I've kept up my end by paying off the
loans when I sold my crop. There's nothing like
A 1 `� OF
good banking Credit for mating a sound business,
regular profits—and giving employment."
WORKER: "So it's your bank, tool I think most
of my friends in this district keep their savings
at the same bank. Some of us have safety deposit
boxes there, too."
• 0
In the development of the tobacco industry, as
is other new mad old Canadian industries, the
Bank of Montreal has played an important pact.
Prom the time the plants enl3 fertilizer are pur-
chased in the spring and on through the growing.
season when money is needed for labour, equip-
ment and buildings, the Bank's loaning facilities
are at the disposal. of its hundreds of tobacco -
growing customers.
I h. Ei.A.L
Zurich Branch: E. M. DAGG, Manager
Born' at London
Bmn='At St.' Joseph's Hospital,
j London, on March, 23rd, 1936 to
`Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brenner, Grand
Pend, a son.
New Aereal Poles
Edmund Daly, of Seaforth, pioneer
radio amateur of that district, has
erected, two GO -foot aerial poles foi
use with his transmitter. He operat-
es;'amateur station VESZA.
hours and 50 minutes dual instruct
ion. This .fact added to Frank's ach-
ievements because" the average time.
.fora man to solo is between 7 and 30:
Of Farm Stock, Inaplemento and
Household Effects, on
Lot 3, Concession 11, Stanley Town -
transients Raise Row ship. Three miles north of Zurich„
Following a session in Seaforth's On TUESDAY APRIL 14th, 1936
beverage room, two transients, Jas. At 1 o'cock sharp.the following
Sommers, Harxiston; and Harry Hays HORSES -1 bay mare 7 yrs. old
Hamilton, arrived at the Town Hall sound, weighing about 1650 lbs; I
Bay horse 10 yrs. old; 1 bay mare
12 yrs. old; 1 bay filly rising. 1 yr...
old; all in A-1 condition.
CATTLE -1 roan milking cow; I'
red cove with calf at foot; 'T Regist-•
ered red roan .cow, 1 white cow due.
in May; 1 roan cow due in. May,, 1
red and white cow due am May; 1
roan cow due in June, 1 cow due at
time of Sale; 11 good Durham steer'
Has Many Grandparents rising 2 yrs. 'old roans and'red; 1
The infant daughter of Mr_ and ,eal' about 4 months old; 2 fall calves
Mrs, Jack Curran of Crewe, near POULTRY -4 dozen liens Rockse
Lucknow, is more fortunate than 2 geese and gander.
host people in 'the fact that she utas Implements Massey Harris :blinder•
ten grandparents ar
crus liYr`1a . The
,gra p >v r great6-ft. cut, Massey -Harris mower 5-€�.
grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jos- M.H.13 hoe drill; M. H. spring tooth
eph Hackett .of Luckuiaw, 11Irs. Ralx, cn tiivatm.; Massey Harris side deli-
TreIeven of Dungannon, Mr. Rant ery rake; Deering 10 -ft. steel hay
Mrs. John Menary and Mrs. S. Sae- rake, roller, 4 section harrows,walk
ders, all of Ashfield, and the grand- ing plow, Quebec riding plow, double
parents are Mr. and Mrs. H. Curare skim ,plow, 1 -horse scuffler, wane
of Crewe, and Mr. and Mrs. B. Tre-
leaven, of Ashfield. These are four fanning mill, set of scales, set of
generations on both sides of the fang sling ropes, extension ladder 30-ft.e
ily. quantity of grain bags, pr. bob ilei
Freight Thain Wrec. .ed glhs, pr. sbunks, Portland cutter, tole:
A bad wreck occurred ion the C.N. buggy, quantity of lumber, 2 double
R. Line to Toronto, last Tuesday setts of heavy harness, single harness:
when five loaded freight cars • and 3 horse collars,"horse blankets, whip -
empty tank cars hurtled over the pletrees, nee yokes, logging "chains,,,
subway into the highway at Breslau forks and shovels, bag truck.
about 1 a.m. No one was injured, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS —
'but the property los was considerable couple of tables, half dozen chairs,
The loconrat'v
u can
and caboose '
o remained, heater, large apple peeler, and num-
on the track. The accident was due Brous other articles.
to a broken rail. Traffic was resumed? Terms of ,Sale --Cash,
on the highway later in the day. Wes Arthur Weber, Auctioneer.
No�tat,, Tuckersmi�th, had some stock R.. F. Stade, Clerk.
on the wrecked train, , ' "Peter Manson, Proprietor.
, apt 6 oclock the worse of wear. Find-
ing the door to the cell room locked:.
the pair were prepared to break in.
when Constable Ryan. arrived and'.
locked thein. up. Charges of'' causing
a. disturbance in a public place and!
" being drunk were laid and they will
i appear before the Magistrate at God-
New Bailiff
Norman Kennedy of Clinton has
bedn . appointed bailiff, succeeding
Robert Welsh, who occupied the poi
tion for about 30 years.
Banquet at Bayfield
A banquet for .the winners in the
contest in Trinity Church Sunday
School at Bayfield was held in the
bank room and proved an interesting
affair. Thegirls were winners
- invited the boys to the •banquet. Var-
ious toasts were proposed and resp-
onded to and proved interesting.
' Games and contests followed and all
was closed by singing the Anthem.
Exeter's New Council
W. E. Middleton was elected coun-
cillor,of the Village of Exeter by
acclamation Tuesday last to fill the
vacancy caused by the resignation of
H. T. Rowe owing to illness. Miss A.
Acheson, aching clerk, presided at the
nomination meeting and the only
name. proposed was that of Middleton
Toes Fractured
Hubert Hunter:, of-Usborne, is able
to be around with the use of crut-
ches but unfortunately will not be
able to atheia.d the spring seeding as
two of his .toes were fractured at a
wood bee in the bush on ars fawn.
A log had been placed in position for
sawing and the men were in the act
of starting when thelog ze11 from
its perch landing on his foot smash-
ingthe first and second toe.
Town Has Many Twins
Kincardine—With six sets of twins
ranging in age from 5 to 15 years,
the Town of Southampton believes it
has set something of a record.. The
twins are; Joan and Joyce Eby;
Jack and ' Dortald Cook; 'Arthur and
Raymond Trelford; Dourlag and Geo
Matheson; Ian and Arthur McLeod;
Reith bad Ralph Doran.
Claiming the youngest piltct in
Canada and one of the youngest in
the world, the London .Flying Club
lino given a great deal of prominence
in the world of aviation to Frank
Vines, 14 -year-old student at the God
erich Collegiate. Prank has flown a-
bout 26 hours solo, in all the club's
aircraft and is eligible for a license
but cannot get ono for another t:lr >n
years, ,the age limit being 17. Frank
soloed en Aug. 171;h after only 5
Buried In Exeter
The funeral of the late Mr's. Em-
ma Taylor, widow of the late Jas.
Toylor took place to the Exeter ce-
metery last Monday. She was 70
years 'old and died at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Burke of Lond-
on where she limed for some years.
She was for inarl3; !heists a highly es-
teemed resident ` tui Exeter, her hus-
band having predeceased many years
ago. Was a member of the James St
United church. Deceased was a .suffer
er of ,Heart trouble and is. survived
;by two daughters and one son..
A. Native of E;uron County
After serving 18 months in prison
for a Crime he, didn't commit, Valid
incl finer, 56 year old Kentucky gam
r, -r •as freed' in London recently.
P:' ,itis.ede i'erdiet Coi'.l"ect4"ct mister -
go of 3rwt,tice which occurred at
aselees, in.. Landau. a. yeast ago
when Meisner was convicted of kid-
napping John Labatt and, sentence
to 16, years '3 e .. Portsmouth politest-
enitest-teary. He was granted a new trim
when ; M. McCard1e, conxessed kid-
rrapeer, said Meisner was innocent..
Ilfeisner was a native of Ashfield
''Township; Huron County.
''" Scores Winning Goal
G-ol'Jni (Sam) Rennie who learnedl'
his hockey with Seaforth teams scor-
ed 'tl'e winning goal for Durham its
their race for the O.H.A. Intermedi-
ate '"R" Championship against Whit--
hit-bee at Galt, Nearly nine minutes of
the oveutime had elapsed when Ren-
nie. getting a loose puck at mid -ice,,
33w'n alone, rouneted the der -
(ince and while' • ''c halarice drilled A.
sl„sot that the Whitby g;>xx,:e cout'ls
not etop,,