HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-04-02, Page 5Thursday, April 2nd, 1936, BUSINESS CARDS. EGAI, . 7rDLEt '. Rost s-; • atomRISTEF., SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY, 1PPUBIL•IC, ETC., u0FFICE--Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GO,,DI RICH, Ontario, Special Attention to Counsel and Court Work. Mr, }Iolmes may be consulted at Goderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. I3RYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD 'Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Dr, H. , COW ° N L. D. S. • D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeser - Ontario VETERINARIAN '. W. B. COXON, B.V.Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the .Home of the late, j)r. J. Routledge. Phone -96. Zurich' Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found," Etc. Ads. in this Column.: ZURICH HERALD LOCAL AIF Mr. Chas, Friti motored to Ham- ilton :on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gillman mot- ored to Petroiea on Sunday; "'- N O T I C E Mr, J. W. Horner visited with his children at Varna one day last week. Mrs. C. Eilber, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith and Mae, motored to Jon - don on Saturday, left with Wm,. Pepper, Phone 92 r 11 ;Mr George Thiel' and bus nurthee, Mrs- Andrew Henson Central, our Club Secretary. j`Thiel motored to Kits?i- ener one day _ last week. Dr. and Mrs, A. J. MacKinnon am .�...son Archie motored to London, on Saturday. Confirmation services were obser- ved in the Lutheran church on Sun- day, • when the pastor, Rev. E. Turk - helm officiated. Mars. W. F. Fi.nlebeiner and daught- er Miss Hazel of Stratford, were Suns day visitors at the home of the fol•- mer's sister, Mrs. . W. H. Hoffman. Mr. Herbert K. Either, Secy., of Crediton, presided at the Hay I Iao once Co., meeting in town on - Saturday. Farmers take Notice, the Henson U. F. O. Fertilizer Branch is now olden for orders. Orders should he Albert Hendrick,' President NOTICE I have accepted an Agency with the well known Wellington Insurance Co., covering all kinds of Automo- bile lnsueanee at greatly reduced rates. No increase in rates for short terms. For particulars apply to: J. W. Haberer, Agent, Zurich NOTICE Notice is here by given that in future no bcycle riding will be al- p lowed on the sidewalks in Zurich. f building Of Household Effects, on Also no rollerskating in the business SATURDAY, _s,PII;, n.th, 19136 section of towti. Anyone found -viol -At 1,30 o'clock, acing these :by-laws will be prosecuted �I C. Cont.tF. A. B left son of Rev. and On Lot 21, Concession 12, Hay p Mrs. E. Purrs, for -. New Yor': according to law.Township City again last week, after spendin,, ' 2 1, ,• By Order, some time in Zurich, , die ,c t;;: • rpri `s, 1 mattress Zurich Police Trustees. + small tables and steer; William Thiel, Constable The monthly business meeting o ' i .t I`' 1-`' �vicl.er roti -c r;:, pi the Hay Township Farmer's is 1='ize In ' (.• .• _ (' • hen chairs, 6 dinar e•oen Mr. and Mrs. Gladwin Meliek have moved into the hoose owned by \Jf. Rudy Oesch, of which the feont pen o • ' ui ing is used by Mx. Milton Mr, Irvin'0'D, Smith of Hamilton, t 4aswteasesod, .sneers �vu'eo rs,w ,.,;v�•;,�,ar•a�meereemees sale r called on his father, Mr. D. Smith I and two brothers one day 'last week. Miss Anna Stienman of Tavistock, is spending a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Seth Amans. Miss Isabel Guine of Chcy�bygn. Mich,, is visiting at the home of Mr. rind Mrd. Wm. Farrell, town line. On Monday evening Apr;; cth th'. =annual hit :,ri;,a meeting' of the Worn. en's Institute will l.e held in the Council C1l:itndier:;, to which all lata fes interested are invited. MAN WITH 193 PLATYS PROVES TO 13E ISSUER. Here goes a oath h thought, Chief of Police Potel , ".fie of Go IC [felt. a r, he d sinal is rc) uni *hoe ..et , „r,, ., ear with 1935 license plates. The Chief gained rapidly ti �; ,,.t ;[ ed its way through the trr {' c . •I pulled up to the curb. As the officer of the law drew up alongside they driver of the ober car gut a•�' a ••,e walked into a chop -•--the office of ti' ; local license ieeuer. AUCTION SALE Oesch; barber. NOTICE ,Tlncr•inlline• Monday, April 6th 1 will be trucking live hogs to the White Packing Co.. .Stratford each ISIonday. Kiadl;v rpt in touch with ma, a. I solicit yo'rr patronage. flc.rl, ,et Block_ Zurich. Phone 102 A T a NOTICE ocoassie rr its 0 is 4 We Pay a :Premium of Two Cents per Pound B. 1 t Fat for Churning g Cream delivered at our plant. • Prompt• • Service and Highest ghest Cash Price Guaranteed . • Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same 6 Day,• 9 0 0 P n 0 a e tilbb�001116€600e aICC"6G CMOlaf ��,A r, ;i, ,: 'Yours Truly, ZURICH CREAMERY Cut - ea uy l torr W h rd cw i, DLC -4.13, k r• n LET ,S QUOTE • ! REPLACE T1-lCjs WIi«JTow PA, ;ler. WE L.'�:�32' LARGE ASSORTED STOCi, OF C -A.9v ON HAND 'AT TPIES.. AND WILL DO YOU G'r.IL:::.. ere wor?„ Z :/ lz.: WAIT. 1 Co. , ,� held in the Dominion Rota; c,t ti,, ROM ret; cream sop^ratot 2 t c. e k en J Ll'•'IC`1 @YI 1... urdav, when the VariO • r , r 193riit:A[.l� met. for the ustad busin e. ,.' �l f `yr Ltl. (� 1 nl ?t'u:i I •3• PHE. ei 3 1 PI C[tl ill! t i:it4z' '16 ^'<• �'��-� Mr. Wm..Lamon� end daughter lc••.I1 e • • I i r. Whine boil- 'y' ,•p-•;^ • 1 ':�.1;`1t .. , i n.,, i a, t .t ' ='r ell t+i 11, in ttha r 2 lard c Hoffman and daughterhome •clothe.; ., . .,e fig.,_, S •... her Marjorie, "� .err. • +, 1 ;..`,•.."..•..•,'''. and Mr.,. Elgin Snider motored ti ''tor .r., 200c1upl0>ol0r'cisn, rrb>u>Forest on ,Sunday. noel pans, empty sealers, renc a2nu1'n,11eLAd,a llfafrr<uittn . Mr, and M. Jas. McAllister arc ... . ...... r iio .Itoes :� .E'.�J'3'u"''rd'(.'7'.€n3'�i% �. t•:�a.*t�"ui•.s`•-.�'� ee,e.ap > Jas. Broadfoot, of Zurich; Mr. and i , `r 1t', flour n•' co:iclt sin1= ( -.-- - Mrs. Stanley +iitcllell, ,, of Hens 'I [ii'pic p s ', +'n 1>r. scam `e f ^�_ spent the woe' end. a t 1. oronto and r Ir:tF7'h] Im . ,, , l ' chile there • , `f:nt„-i:.•1 i.7,e r' -ere Ire ` T - ) ,. ,Fl r.t, I° 4 !rni 7 ' Ill • itr e. s }'enl: • ss• Carnival at the Maple Leaf Gardens. ,' hoes, t r tL V"� I d'ti S� .8 , P L P Su p .Cf , c IGC i, creek A, R. Campbell, V.S,. B.V.Sc. r.., ......,[ werethe Bio. White I t•.,*s _ , ?,; ;'.iia t 7r. H I ' TEP.1IS C #SH SII Pi ea ��raduate of Ontario Ve;,erinaxyf I a; ,diseases of domestic animals treatedi, '.row. ,-.r tttrrirtf'• lion 1 o•1 I,O+,-n',ar=' .1e. Barbara Surcl.us, Proprletorese. 'I W most modern -:� 'huharges reasonable. Day or night g`. , with a trunk •er:r' cit , en by n', •, 1 a calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- We he same prices as last Season, so -Lanese f G 1 rases, , : 1 t q?taa e Minerals 1, a". � M'� ° l t fa College, University of Toronto. All L ,y l ' u G".I I'C^.°7 Of ill( 1•ttil' COnCC$Sioit' \`OI CS t iaa I• h thet principles E �. fro•n c•i,, et:dudc 1 ggs for IaecP�inn tern. E c • l L' A. C le�t�rtT1nleti Ii h31 �' °s: F'�'. 1 .. _ Fol; S. x,47 are eased at an o r•tr t �-••I ural ' i, ; :t eller of Scottish terriers. Inverness Y• p y time to :show result that the horse broke 'a leg and • _ of the _ no llle3tnels, Office on Main Street, you our Stock.—Bruce J. Klopp,,t,ad to -he destroyed. A quantity of crofts, No. 21 six- , Town Hall, Zurich, Ont. tf37. y forsale,C' row BerleOct Our Prices on . • Phone 116. .T-Ti1 NSALL. BUTCHERS. Zuric .s' Popular MEAT MARKET d' ar. `o° 31 We are of' following Used Gar., fort Sale: 1 14)30 Chevy. panel delivery car. 1- 112r Fordi Coach. i- 2:12:1 Ford Coach. Lot Us supply you with the. 1-1930 Ford Cortchc. 1-1931 Chevy. Sedan, DeLux. All have good tires, good upholst- ering -and moehardcally good; gone very Choice of Fresh and Cur- led Meals', Bolog- na , Sausages, ' Ect., always on h:.nnd. Kept 1 over carefully by us. thresh in Electric Rc =rigeration l X... A. Prang and Son, Zurich . Highest - Cash Prices for 'Wool, Hides and Skins a Yungbiut &Ste. GARAGE TRADE IN. YOUR DANEROUS TIRES NOW! A MOST GENEROUS ALLOWANCE STOCK REDUCING SALE NOW ON! ra Phone 60 — DASHWOOD INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual1 Weather 1-nsalnl�ee Co OF WOODSTOCK THE- LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN :MUT- VAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS VP THIS KIND IN ONTARIO e .mounx of Insurance at Risk on Dec: •31st, 1035, $20,4:79,7,30.00 'Total Cash in Bank and Bond's. $254:.627.52. 11 ""Mitres -44.50 per $1,000 for 3 Yearsk Et F. Klapp—Zurich r S�nt;. A'tsa 1>ealsr �e,%id�tu�n¢ Roth' mut alt kir+aul c t ELM' Irian aa' (t knaone. 101. Bea, 94;. Zualerh NOTICE FORMA.LDEii�.'DE—We are heal tested 'and graded. Certs ,Ieete t.. e• your ; quarters for the ' -distribution of For- 4 5-9904 ec c beTOYe buying 3i1 , .. meldelyde this community, anti' t �,1[ I No. I, Cxeliltin[ltion have a efor fresh sit test 9S. Also 'he Improved Banner.ti Cod Liver Oil c. 0 a Gallon k �.:, - .nfltT y ancli large.poly i , steels Pt -f and old Ban Ter Oets, .' l present Our supply is' of a hi> 'j Duncan Snider, Dashwood, Ont. 4w.,t :n i,.ziliyn• sniu± in re, 1 ,r,•rai-,:;. jjjj sI tet us supply you.—Zurich Drug Store. The launch S nncli e' tt Wir en's ?nztltnte ,e basil"; e It , 1 ]1 + LOST Bel ween Zurich and Crediton, by prep r•Ytion for air later- Li'l A' Jr.. : wayr or Grand Beed, an a:.ito nue' I;er ' e even e• R :' u °- `' • No '3' 9, Finder kindly leave ,r - pro oode of which o: a , .. '...,"&"-v7.; ai A r ca e t Ifs., a ,. C. C14re C,.�. rtreturnto owner. I, the iin rc e zest or t e I Le 1. Kockems, Zurich. ' ,, As a new stn[te and strrrorn•1 nig, in:f the front of the hell heve eoeentlr 1 ,..,.�.,_.m,:,.-_ been made, and this will he a good FOR o SALE opportunity to just see how this new equipment works out. ZURk ° 1 • t A e Citi; • :ooze 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cej and Happy Birthday .A. veer pleasant event took enact) 1 have been appointed as agent for on Friday even:Las at th; ,,o , .+-"7 i this •district of E. D. Smith a Sons, Mrs. Henry Truemner, when her chic-+ of Winona, to take orders for their dren gathered at her hone to cele- nursery, stock; such. as friut trees brate her 77th birthda ' ' c r ; zol I. ; shrubs, climbers, flowers, ornamental joyable social evening a spent •trc? trees, ete. Your patronage solicited. throughout the day r .. i'1 uertn:-r 1 Wm. L. SIEBERT ' tfi3 received letters and gifts from lot. erd I _� distance. wishing her a happy.'. Birthday and good health in many more years to come. HYDRO HAS FIG CREDIT LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. , I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-57. sassesaleseenearnoitviaminomeivareoimoletresonsanaettwo PRODUCE PRODUCE WANTED The Exeter Public Utilities Com- mission have received from the Ont• ario Hydro Commission the Thirte- enth Power Bill for the year 1935. It was a credit for $90:3.00, was the first credit note received in several years as during the past few years the Thirteenth Power Pill ler been a deficit and the surplus this year is a matter of congratulation ill view of the faet that reductions were made during the past year. TO ABOLISH COMMISION A draft bill to place the supervis- We are in a position to take Cream ion of radio broadcasting under a and Eggs at my home at Zurich, for new broadcasting corporation, comp- which we will pay highest market rising seven directors and a general prices. We will grade your eggs as manager, has been submitted to the we receive them, and pay according House of Commons radio committee to grading. Give us a Trial! by Hon. C. D. Howe, minister of rail First house south of Dominion Hotel ways and canals. The draft will be THOS: H. MEYERS, a basis of inquiry for the committee, which will begin public meetings on Tuesday of this week. Under it the present Radio Commission would be abolished. The draft declares. TO REFUSE RELIEF Phone 116, Zurich, Ont. Foam Produce WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES --FOR-- CREAM, FOR-CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY WM.O'Brien At the regular meeting of Colb- orne Township Council it was moved that the C.P.R. be given permission to remove all cattle guards from rail- way crossings in the Twp. that the township pay all their own relief and refuse any aid from the Provincial Government; that all relief be discon tined after March 14; that the ^ouncil oufhorize Wm, Watson to. have all 1935 uncollected taxes in by October 1, and that Wm. Watson be iven 2% per cent on all uncollected taxes of 1936. A limited quantity of first class onion seed for sale.—L. A. Prang & Son, Zurich. SPRING D SEASE IN LIVESTOCK OCK GIV:1 Dr. Bell's CONDITION POWDERS THEY'RE .GOOD L. Scililbe and Son Zurich - - Ont. thick Our hatching program includes Government Approval, sixth year, Bloodtesting for five years and Spec- ial feeding of Breeding Stock for vitality in the chicks. It includes the setting of choice' eggs, carefully incubated and hatched to: preserve . their vitality. It also includes a practical sanitat- ion program to protect their health. That's why they livo better. That's why they grow .better. That's why they pay better. further information, Call, Phone or Write; The hatchery is located on the Goshen Line, Stanley Township. The phone number is 97 r 11, Hen- sall. The address is R..1, Zurich, Out. We appreciate your enquiries and business. J. E. Mci(INLEY i We h Ne a �w..d..f R1 a We are in the Market for Reel, Timothy Se: Coal and Coke at I`Iensa b'.w�, - Q n., ..._ .. ,. .. � u�t dS ..�:T-a ter.. Master and Pioneer Pori.: 45 3T 0 0 8 0 a. 0 ID 0 0 'J..+^a:'G,+'1P4�•;' 415rw.S \ �+ F A ci+.a,...-+ `•� { Y sq t ' V I M acs'. ,"i74it R," •. . m LalfiCh all ALL A Qt n. -9n 6,1 ,��¢ �f fuli Line the requirements School St.pplies of 2-- AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. See Cur Supply of Toilet Preparations Perfumes, Toilnt Waters, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, Perfi un-izeers, and ri,ushes. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. Dx. A 1. MacKinnon, e, 0 0 0 0 •~V •