HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-04-02, Page 4H 1 LVS GREEN i14:�Ag or the week and Weclnes-.
tic$' morning tool: hit; .?tether. "Mr.
The play. "Wh' ag'e's Graiadina'\ 174d.
Brisson to St. Jose hr's Hospital,
"evloch was to be Presented 1 London foe treatment,p >
l a c •,tart 7�`rida� ! , n , We hope
-''''°-veoing in the hills gree the'patient will. soros 1
g n clxttl eh;'�':� +1 se restored to
Spl'eeented on Tuesday eveningb.y the : 'noi'nral lietiltlr. ''
�►n' people of :Ki �lrz, �' . •: � • Mir. Daniel •A Tort o ` the � ;N p PI?sn z. .71 sr6h � � e f 14th con,
, splendid 4tt-tendan se and atee well spent Tuesday' at the bene of Mies.
(resented by those taking 'pug, under L. and Mr'. Ed. Mousseau,
,sr, Ilse direct on . T liar, Lloyd �c -
ak Mrs, J. Id�,ndersorr, �+ . 1 I3edacl and Leona
o'guitar selections were no1n e
:ptiicl a flying; visit to Lozidoxi
oven between the acts Il,y i+Ir• AA on Monday,
izrnlayson,'which deli heed the eiudi p Mr. Ecl. I3adoro who is on the sick
eoseee, The syrup eveeing is almost 1 list was to London on Monday •to
over for this year. Althoiigh seed- ! consult .a specialist. We hope for a
iiig hasn't began, ex4t as it was the- speedy recovery.
-esght of this wee'k. But winter hast The radio; of the Blue Water High,
sent 'more exiow to change our mild 1 way are busily engaged these days in
outlier. !housecleaning, well, there's a reason.
Mr. Clarence Stephenson wears a it won't be long now, wedding bells?
;liege smile now a young son arrived! Albert, the sir year old 5021 Of Mr.
ixr .his home. •Congratulations i r and Mrs. Armand Denomme' is im-
Mr•., Jas. Cochrane of Toronto, s,\-1 proving nicely after his serrous M-
ll -i u ,Sunday with his brother Oland ness with an infection,
gaud sister Edna. We wore all pleased to see Mr.
a'1'ie W.M.S. will be held at the Dave Plante, as well as a number of.
ilwnie of Mrs. W. Turner on Wedgies- other aged people out to church err
day, .April 8th. Sunday, for the first time' since the
. Mr. and Mrs. W. Love of .Ansa hard winter set in. -
-, Craig, 'called on former's brother, Mr Mr. Frank Corriveau is busily en -
and Mrs. G. Love. gaged with his cottages at the lake.
He has at present a surveyor of Lon,
The death of Mr. Thos. F rrquha r, don engaged in completing a survey
••sir, former resident of the Parr Line, of this little summer resort.
'arrived at the home of hie daughter's
;in Hamilton on Sundry. The funer- Mr. Jerry Mero of Zurich called.
sal was held from the home of his on his, old friends in Drysdale on
:iaai Frank, in Henson on Tuesday. Monday. Jerry is in the oil retail
Afternoon. A nun ax' i of the feiends 11z-`tni0 s- - '
attending the funeral from tlii.• ntreo Wm. Dorman -no is able to be
Mrs. Margaret ' Erratt ofe P,'(oun
Elgin. R.esidental School, ltiniesey, as.
spending .a few days w;itb leer G
1, t
Mr. Allan Keys of Ws;stern'U lace
x1 e
city spent a few days with his 'par-
e.uts, iter. and Mrs. Sen Keys; ,-
Mr, and Mrs. John; A, Azii}strogg
and Mir, and Mrs. Hugh McLachlan,
were e gn London on Sunday attending
the opening of the Gospel Taber-
nacle there.
Mr. Nelson IKeys of Egznondeille,
spent last week with his sold •' Il.
more Keys; Babylon Line;
Mrs. Russell Erratt and daughte<,
Helen, spent the week -end with her
,,Mrs. J, A. Carnie 15 spending a
few days with friends -at Blake, •anal
Mr. and Mrs. Thos; Westlake of
the Blue Water Highway entertained
a number of young people: at . their
home on Friday eve lust.
Miss Edith Memel of London
spent Sunday last with her parents,
11lr. and Mrs. .Ed. • Memel., Goshen
line, north.
Mr. Frank Fillingham of 'Northern
Ontario is visiting wiih friends in
Death of John Workman
It was a shock to the Kipper coin-
munity to learn of the pass .rg of M
John Workman Sunday last, Bfar. 15,
Mr. Workman had been a groat suf-
ferer for many years and almost Con-
stantly confined to his room, until
three weeks ago when he seethed 'to
e i urs oving nicer, }:,;it took 11 very;
ad spell Friday and from ;the •first'
was realized that all that skill 'ani
lira ra)+e cotilil iio was nnavailaf• I.
t r tele arose:el after her recent ill-. t)
'tag, hr> was sinking mid death, care
IMee ►1 '1t,. Stephenson of Parr
Mr. Ted. Lal c _ is all .mines, Pre !See i4 se, 'oesly ill at the home of fo
,sa'gdri. la 1 snn er., +ir. liar lake of Sorlh 1
.Rev. Father nen ,';: of St. P t ''s fly hone that she will `1
-, tninary, London, ,: ns Inge the be- 4 ell et i t -tn; ed to her usual health °a
seed drill, Oliver sulky plow, farm
wagon with new rings and tires,,'
reach for wagon., set of team harness
3 bush. of timothy seen ,;t'
a quantity of timothy in the sheaves;
horse 'blankets and robe, a quantity
of wood, eedar carpenter box.
chen range stove,, heater for wood or
coal, extension table, cupboard, sink,
kitchen cabinet, 2 conches, wash sink
6 kitchen chairs, bureau, large rocker
Congoleum rug 9x12, 2 diningroozn
chairs, 3 -burner coal oil stove, meat
harrel, strainer pail, 2 milk pails, t
large number of carpenter tools,
paper rack, mirrors, writing desk,
bedstetid, bedstead with springs, dress
ser, stand now; ' large quantity - of
mats, cane rocker, 3 new rockers, 2
parlor:• tables; Rayo' lamp, electric
iron, sideboard, step ladder, 2 ben-
cies, bedstead, dresser with springy
and mattress, 2 bedsteads with stand,
large mirror, carpet sweeper, bed-
stead, cream separator, Borne made
soap, quantity of lamps, .butchering
bench, washing machine, clock, .a gra-
iner outfit, large can, butter dish, a
quantity of sealers, crocks, tubs,' bed-
ding, dishes, pots, lame, tea kettle,
knives and forks, silverware, kitchen
utensils, and numerous other articles.
Terms of Sale—CASH
Arthur Weber, Auctioneer.,
R. F. Stade, Clerk.
Chris. Schwartzentruher, Mose Erb,
Executors, J. Gerber Estate.
(Kincardine tax rate this .
�, � y car is i
T., i 54, mills on the dollar.
1 At a congregatre_raI meeting of
the Crediton Ernngelical church on
Sunday evening last, it was decided
to make soma alterations in the base-
ment of the • chnrch.
Noon anStanleke, son of Mr. and
'lir, :4o:.son SStanleke, of Hay, was
t,' ee to. Victoria lro;pi';al, London,
aril underwent an operation for ap-
p'endi IJ .
Roe J. F. Anderson, of the Wing -
ham United church is again taking
chcarge of the services in his church
after an illness of over er a month.
The poisoning of several valuable:
dogs of Myth has aroused the indigo,
nation of their owners and .the po-
lice a: tryh.tg to find out who Si `�
The c ngt gement is announced of
Florence Mildr+d, do ghter of the
late "i hard Pobins end Ales. Robins
of E..eter, to Harold T. Foster,' see•
and son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fos-
ter of Hensall. The marriage to
take place the end of March.
.Crediton Child Dies
Eleanor Hoist, daughter of Mr.
ancl,,'sers : . Wsflin'gten Heist, pa-s,sed.
away in the Children's, ward at Vic-
oria Hospital, London, last Tuesday
Mining followin;: an operation for
appendicitis, Peritonitis followed
Her parents were with her ,continu-
usly. Her age was 6 years, 3 mon-
this and 12 days. Surviving are her1
, a is r c it r li f. i 3lo reel gresti,
r 24 . eer i, some times relieved:6
few menthe then taic>a relieved f�r.i.
few. feta menthe and then in much
in again for. a lone,' time, hi bed. -
Biu dturrl�' all tlr
tee years of sufter-
irig he never known to complain, al-
ways ways it was best so or it would hot
'Fisot °a �t Cr e. � 9�ri,.? r`" ^°t .a tri tom. vane -
$e 'ies ermut ee ens e 9 ci e c t*ft': cu'v'„?t s tatit at EA.s, iEtar'1'tt°�
atztuv' tli E^C9T0 Ji &c,,�vU yr La.1 �ltiavL ' c .WN Aoi'o ♦.t:-`�i� ilk= 1lI1�; 5)5
amead e„ C l5 , .�wa 1)'' •f`'. 4 ii 667 7.,.,p?! i, 9 s n p 7`s 2n -other.
'MOW`i re ; i 9 >ar r ' t Ey e'
Read l 'y theWFJcarktt W! !e Construct:ye Ilieics in
�t=- k :i al� _y gS,,t 1�t7 :S5 � l7st�liEt
a-3 i t , onc..d. Deilyo
7� ;' g1 g^ j'
It sines tri f51, a ce 2 2 ti u e beet da n e-i?oit crime and
ta± P i x x a 1 'y S.A
'rte T s ,,y_ ne.±rm i P i 4' 3 aE �, 220-
Tr Cl±ri. t , , ir.s fi •c- + •
gr. so e±.t`r my F!t !inn .o ,.u,. C ... ,... ± 0, :_ :e, elseltor for
1 5. mt ;5 I c .r) 5 Via.. t 5 a g, lin ti±75c
w..l.._._.,� .:.A....^iU.,.. eLot.;.o:±. 15,... ,3,56, G lsstres 25o
Afldress ....r,..... ..... ..••..
`.nesp!a Copy s on t r,/ne•2,
r.>.y ^ 3vCraJkvctr..y �ni+.se,�,�n+p4't+ }
-u s
U4 CIL Ding
� ,. _ 1,2
ZURICH (-HERALD and the following Paper
for one Year:
Toronto Daily Globe 6.00
Toronto DailyMail Empire $
and lrmpre $6.00
Toronto Daily Star $7.00
Toront oStar, Weekly .......................•. $6.00
London Free Press
London .Advertiser
London Farmer's Advocate $6.25
Farm and Dairy $2.25
Family Herald and We e k $2.75
Weekly Star $2.25
Family Herald for 3 years $3.00
Canadian Countryman
Weekly Witness .:.. $3.15
Seaford', $3. l 5
�, Huron Expositor ,,..$2.75
Stratford Beacon Herald
Border Cities' Star, Windsor
n Daily Record $5.10 •
And a great many more that we.cannot enumerate mera.e here.
We have the Agency For every. -reputable -
Magazine .in
Canada and the United Stntes,•end can save
n1, • you money
:a;, one the most of them.
all your Papers and Magazines at our
Office and save Trouble arid Money
e s
z ..3e
sent for him. to beer.. 'e was a
eepresvntative of the I.r:1.0 of Lon
cion branch for 18 years, also for the
Len -
Canada Packers fee 17 yore's, giving
these up -two years ago os.�ipg to fail-
ing health. Ile leaves to mourn his
passing. away his wife .n daughter,
Mrs. E. Kerr, of It eIciilop; brother
Thos: and four srste �,,.
Of Palm Stock, Tmrlements and
Household Effeet', on
Lot 3, C:7nce, ion 11, ..c,.iriey Town
ship. Three miles north of Zurich,
On TUESDAY APRIL 1.4th, 1936 -
At sl o'ccck sharp the following'
HORSES ---1 bay mare 7 yrs. Old
sound, weighing about 1650 lbs;
Bay horse 10 yrs. Fold; 1 bay .mere
S2 -yrs, old; .r bay 'f11y rising 1 yr,
old; all in A-1 condition. -
CATTLE -=-1 roan milling cow;
red cow with, calf at foot; 1 Regist-•
ereci red "roan cow, 1 white' Cow due
in May; 1 roan cow due in :clay, 1 o
red and white cow due in relay; 1 i
roan cow dup in Juno, 1' cow due at
time of Sale; 11 good Durham steers;
rising 2 yrs, old roans and red; 1.
calf about 4 menthe old; fall calve;
POULTRY -1 dozen dens ?oeks;
2 geese and gander.
Implements—Massey Harris binder
6 -ft. cut, Massey -Harris mower 5 -ft.
M.H. 18 hoe drill; M. H. spring tooth
cultivator; Massey Hai rie side deliv-
ery rake; Deering 10-1t. steel hay
rake, roller, 4 section harrows, walk-
ing plow, Quebec riding plow; double
skim plow, 1 -horse scuffler, wagon,
gravel box, flat rack new, Clinton
fanning mill, set of scales, .se" .of
sling ropes, extension ladder 30ft:,
quantity of grain bags, pr. bob slei-
ghs, pr. bunks, Portland cutter, torr
buggy, quantity of lumber, 2 double
setts of heavy harness, single harness
horse collars, horse . blankets, whip-
pletrees, neekyokes, logging chain-,,
forks and shovels, bag truck.
couple of tables, half dozen chairs,
heater, large apple pealer and nunr-
eeous other articles.
Terms of Sale --Cash.
Arthur Weber•, Auctioneer:
R. F. Stade, Clerk.
Peter Manson, Proprietor,.
Soon extinguished and only a,. slxzail
portion of the rook was burned. Had
it not been noticed it would, no
doubt IbeOu only ,a' short time before
the whole house .would have been a, trualquet , ofp' h Iia
e 1 4QSL's, e'rrt('1'et
Thursday, April 2nc1, 1936
':oiliciated and the c'hur'ch was ast nicely^•
d"ecoraied with ferns and spring blo-
onis. 'The bride, beautifully •ohne
e white, satin with g d
lIu' h bridal"�reil and.
mass o Ames and • burled .to • the the ,church to ,the ;stranis of the 1344 -
ground,' al Chorus by Lohei r i
grin, and was es- •
Bus Leaves Highway torted to' the altar by her cousin
"' ' 'ihtobt
ze o�,,
Miss HelexAnaccraccident mighave re-
surted much more seriously halipe- Upshall, sister of • the
groom, as.
ed Saturday last when an .Arrow bus maid o'f honor, and the Misses Dor-
on the Goderrch-mStratford ran left othv. Blgie 'and :Dorothy Blair of Tor
No.:8 ;highway about a mile east of ; anter, as +brideslrraids;
Mitchell, struck a hydro pole and
Hien rolled over on its side in the left
ditch. Three of the four passengers
two of them frond Clinton, suffered
injusies. Mrs. Nellie Estlen, sister of
M. 3. F..Rogerson, of ,Clinton, was
most seriously injured, .and had t o
remain in bed for a few, days in
Mitchell. 'She suffered an abrasion
to her hand and a hip ' injury. Mr.
V. Franks, of Clinton 'collegiate
staff, suffered leg abrasions,
A pretty'spring wedding took place
in St,, Andrew's United Church, Kip -
pen, on March 21st at 4 p.in. when
Margaret Elizabeth, youngest daugh-
ter of Mrs. Robt, T. Elgie and the
late Mr. EIgie, was united in marr'i-
Ilan. Banquet
A" banquet was held on the even-
of .Aprii lith, in the basement of •
the Bayfield United Church, and was
well attended and very much enjoyed
It was sponsored by the '. WoxxrenV
Association and VF.. M. 8. The , pro-
gram, which followed an cxcezllent
supper, :consistedlargely; of respi uses
to toasts to the various organizations
of the .church. Robtt. Scotchnie`r" pro-
posed' the toast to the church,, re-
sponded to :by the pastor, who'the!a
acted :as toastmaster. Mr; Ed. Memel:-
emel-responded for the Session.; R. G.
Reid for the Board of Stewards;Miss
M. Stirling for the W.M.S.; Mrs. L.
Ttfakirts for the W.A.; Rev. R. • M.
;Gale for the Sunday School; Miss
age to Joseph H. D. Upsilon, of Kip- ',Gladys Gale for the Mission Band;
pen. The pastor, Rev. E. F. Chandler Ms Maud McGregor for. the Cradle
Of Farm Stock, Implements and
:Household Elects, 011
Lot 28, Con. 12, Hay Township. Half
mile south of Blake, and 1 i4 mile
west and 1 es. mile north of Zurieh-
sorer- "„'ane'• at 12.30 o'clock sharp:
HORS: S--1. bay mare 12 years
old, supposed to be in foal.
CATTLE. --1 fresh cow, 1 white
heifer due in April;; 1 roan cow r,
years old fresh; 1' cow 4 years old
fresh; 2 eteors rising 2 years old; 2
roan heifers rising 2 yrs old; 2 year-
ling steer;,, 2 yen cling heifers 1 steer
rising 7:' yr. old; 1. Holstein her
Calf 4 months old; 1 Shorthorn steer
calf 4 months old; .2 small calves;
POULTRY: --_.About three dozen
IMI'LEMENTS.`Chatliam fanning
mall with bagger; top buggy, cutter
tight wagon, counter scales 240-1bs
Set of chivies;. root pulper; wheelbar-
-eta, sap pan, about 4 dozen
''tickets singlework
„ set of harness, woxlc
-n the fend cooker, lawn] mowe1.cros:
..7,h ' str .t., I',� ;7 groin shove!
._,l1er, forks, logging oh ,ins, Noxor
fri C
a.t h
an a
keel M
to G
agents, four sisters and one brother
Londecboro Store Looted
The general store at Londe:horo,
weed by James 'X±"001 was broken
e ether night, and the thief scooped
p every cigarette in the place, worth
about $,10, also $2 in coppers fr oin
e till.. Entrance seas -gained thro-
gh a cellar window, which was Por-
ed. .P. C. McCoy and Co. Constab-
Ferguson are investigating,
To Submit Plebsciie •-
The Exeter council are calling'a
onrination meeting for March 31st,
r dominations to fill the vacancy the council caused by the resig-
ation of Councillor H. T. Rowe. At
e .time of the election, April 7th, a
ebiscite will be submitted on the
estion whether a municipal build
g .be erected at a cost not exceed -
g $10,000.00. Persons entitled to
to on the plebscite shall be those
rsons entitled to vote on a money
Y law.
A Farewell Party"
A pleasant evening Was spent at
home of Mr. and Mrs.. Percy
Marc;, Stephen Twp., when 35 fri-
s and neighbors gathered to say
ewell prior to their departure for
ter. The. evening was spent in
s. and croki'nole• Following this
and Mrs. Itiollard were presented
two parlor chairs. The address
read by Reeve. Wm. Sweitzer and
_ presentation made by Albert
Dred at Goderich
le death occurred last week net
erich of Eliza.Jewell, widow of
Allen at her home there.' She
in her 78th year; suffered a
se the previous week. Was born
olborne. Twp. and was married
er home at Dunlop, The couple
to..Gbderich some years ago,
Mr. Allen died in 1934. She was
ctive '\trorker at'the former Bet-
etlodist Church before coming
oderich, when she became a me -
of Victoria United Church.
s survived hifive daughters.
A Close Call
Alvin Workman, who resides on
the town line, Stanley, 12% miles
from Kipper', had a close call last
Sunday from haying his house burn-
yd. In some way or other ,a spark
from the chimney fell on the roof
which immediately set fire to the
shingles. Fortunately a neiglahorhap
'relied to be passing and satyr the 1;001
yn fi]^ HO r.s' once notified Dl'r..
7orTgeon Ind with the aid o£' a 1'ad&
dor and 'buckets of water the iS;i:u was';
ON Skid::
Johnston and K aMei_ cI'!,
Fascinating winter,
scenes of all types carry
be snapped with :0x -
pensive cameras. Don't
let the winter 'stop
11112Rn are in this world many
it amateur snapshootera who situp
do not give their cameras a "breaIk.
They complain of smndg3r Temkin
the shutter opening also applies to ,
ly i cleaning the front surface of single
Tenses fitted to box eameras and
-- e
pictures and sometimes believe some
thing is zadically. wrong with th
camera. The exposures are correct
and developing done carefully in
fresh, clean chefnicals but still, tbey
say, the final results are smudgy
looking prints.
You have looked through dirty
eye -glasses with probably a few fin-
ger prints on them. If you haven't
it's a sure bet that you have ex-
perienced the difficulty of looking
through a smudgy window. Clean
eye -glasses and clean windows give
clear vision And similarly the cam-
era cannot "see” so well if its 'eye
(the lens) is cloudy and Smudgy
from grease, linger prints and dust
collected over a period of months.
+eertain folding models. Handle the
- lens carefully and don't exert too ranch nch pressure. It isn't necessary
and might scratch the surface.
The amount of pleasure you get-
out of your camera depends almost
entirely on how Hauch thought and
care you give it.
Picture taking 1s just like golf,
tennis, basketball or. bowling -- the
more ,you experiment, 'the more
thought you give to your hobby, the .;
greater your reward in self satisfae-
There are Arany good books avails -
able on amateur photography but ones
of the latest off the press is called;?
"How"Fo Make Good Pictures." It is..
packed with sound advice for the
beginner or the advanced a.mateut-
and profusely illustrated with pie-' .
tures of every type, diagrams ancr
what have you. It might be Called
"The Amateur Photographer's Ref-
erence Book,” but don't think for -
one minute it is as "dry" as such a..
name might imply. You can no doubt
purchase this book from stores that,.
sell cameras and photographic 'sun -
plies or secure it 3n your public lie . ,
Remember that your camera is at .
precision instrument and should be '
treated as such. Know your camera—
ts .limitations- or its versatility -s
give careful thought to compositioix
d story -telling wl possibilities awl,
u will be well along the way ttocarte the kind of pictures of w Melt.
on will be proud;,
is the lens in youryoureainera fello r
Gleaning a lens is a very simple
operation. All you need is a soft, an -
starched linen handkerchief and per-
haps a match or pencil, if the Iens Is
quite small. The rear surface of the
lens can easily be reached by remov-
ing the back of the camera. I1 the
camera has;a double lens (one behind
and One in front of the shutter dia-
phragm), the front combination may
be removed lilt 'taming to the left
`which will allow you to work
through the shutter opening when
Set for "time," with the hairdltei- i
chief over the end of the match or
Iead pencil.. If the lens is quite dirty a
breathe on; it and then rub quickly yo
eith the handkerchief. Be sure„
when .replacing: the front lens, to yo
screw it back into the .shutter as €ar
as it will, go. a
The suggestion to work througlx