HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-04-02, Page 3.:z ii Try this fresh fragrant Ereen Tea Fe - —. - 4-* . • The (�`{�Hail �� iFY M r r By Adam Broome n -a -s -o --a 0-4.,.orw a-.o-o.n-o-4"-o-o--c-o.+•o..-•►-a-e..-.-.- fur the performance to come over the radia. Parelli makes his entrance, and rais- ing his baton suddenly collapses. Medical aid is immediately forthcom- ing. but it is obvious that the man is dead. in the LetticeanrManton are andtwo Stephen oung people, Garton. liranksunne, a student Is traced as procuring some deadly poison from the University safe dust before PareI 1's death. SYNOPSIS SIGNOR P<tI:7;I.i.1 of Milan. a fa- mous composer, is about to make his first alilteau'ance in London. [-le is to COnduel. the first performance of a sym- Qitony of his own composition at the ueen's Hall. The event has aroused '.very great interest. t'be hall is crowd - 'ad, and millions of listeners are waiting ROYAL YEAST CALCES always keep FULL STRENGTH WHITE BREAD Use Tested Royal Sponge Recipes and Royal Yeast Cakes for these fine breads Az1 air -tight wrapiiing preserves the freshness of each Royal Yeast Cake— the only dry yeast with this extra pro- tection. You can count on their full- strength leavening power whenever d an women them. 7 out dry yeast Cana- dian Royal. Buy a package today. FREE BOOKLET helps you! "The Royal Yeast Nalco Book" gives tested Royal Sponge Recipes for all -the breads shown above and many others. PI UE Mail con+ non today! BUY 71?AOr-1N- ' CANADA GOODS STANDARD nnANDS-tIMtTED Fraser Ave. and Liberty St.,Totonto, Ont. '.crease send nee the free Royal Yeast Bake Book. No,nc Street_ Town. } He had thought, when the Brank- some business came out, that they were in sight of a possible arrest in definite connection with the Queen's Hall murder. But that had proved a deadend, too. It was true that, on advice from London, the Oxford Magistrates were holding a fellow on remand from time to time, in the hope that something more definite might turn up. But nothing had turned up—nothing at least, that brought then any nearer the solution of the Parelli mystery. It looked as if the student would have to be brought up and given a nominal sentence for "pinching" drugs out of the laboratory—and that. would be the end of that. Neither Taunton, nor anybody else who had studied the case, now sus- pected that Branksome knew any more than he had already admitted: and that did net get them much fur- ther. It seemed as plain as a pike- staff that the undergraduate was merely a fanatic with a bee in his bonnet. 011. KNIT THIS CUNNING SET FOR BABY'S AIRINGS, SAYS LAURA. WHEELER BABY'S KNITTED SET PATTERN 1177 Whether His Highness, the Baby, is yours or another's you'll want to knit him this cunning set of Shetland floss. Anyone can do it — so simple is the sweater body of lacy stitch—the yoke. of ribs, caught with contrasting yarn to resemble smocking.' Pattern 1177 comes to you with directions for making the sweater and cap in an infant and one year size (both given in one pattern); illustrations of the set, and of all stitches used; material requirements. Send 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred) for this pattern to Needlecraft Dept., Wilson Publishing, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. Write plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. Commissioner was beginning to feel the draught. His appointment a few months before had been, on the whole, 'well received. But the glam- our of his military popularity had died down somewhat and the usual cycle of events was beginning again. Not without a struggle would cer- tain organs surrender their favourite Aunt Sally, and the Parelli case was providing ample ammunition for their onslaughts. Taunton nodded his agreement. But Taunton was not permitted to get much further in his musings. Time and again he Was interrupted to deal with routine duties, and soon after 10.45 he got up and tramped down the corridor to the office of the Commissioner of Police. _. "Good morning, Taunton.. Sit down." General Berwick was a tall, good- Iookin; man, the wrong side of six- ty. He had had a distinguished military career and was popular enough to have been put into the Commissioners job with less outcry than usual from, anti -militaristic quarters. Like all Army officers he was a disciplinarian. But the discip- linary vein in himself was not the one that he stressed. He leaned forward and offered Taunton his cigarette -case. "Thank -you, sir." "And now, Taunton, I'd like to discuss this Parelli affair with you." Taunton groaned inwardly. It was all very well for the Commissioner to sit there and expect him to pro- pose a solution. All the General had to do was to put down together all the facts that his subordinates got together for hila, rattle them off to his Secretary, sign a neatly typed letter a few Minutes later, and send it straight off to the Home Secretary or whoever happened to want it. "I'm not blaming you," the Com- missioner went on, his tone rather implying that he wished that he "Is was bad enough when the home Press started in on ine. They don't know the difficulties that you and I have got to face. But now the Italian Press is beginning to snake a political matter of it and I don't like the look of things at alI." "I've never had a more puzzling case—not in over twenty years' ex- perienee," said Taunton. "I don't want you to think that I'm relaxing one hit"—the Commissioner made a wheat, mosquitoes and bill collect - deprecatory gesture—"though the Ors. affairs's early three months old. In Beniah Bentley, Spruce Crik, fact I can give you a few more de- Seek.: "Weather, did you say? Yep. tails that have come out since we I see it's pretty cold all right, but detained the yeoman Francesca Pom- not like it was back in '82, when I agna. was riding herd west of Wood Moun- "She doesn't deny that it was slie taro. Me and Ike Weever shot a buf- who outed Martinelli—substituted a falo bull that Winter and the son -of - sham baton for the real one—im- a -gun was wearing two buffalo coats. personated the valet and handed the And, by cripes, he needed them." fake one to Parelli at the Queen's Ira Swatfoot, Moose Mountain: Hall. But she denies utterly that "To tell you the truth, young feller, she had any idea that it was poison- I think she's been pretty cold the last cd. Though, as you will see, there couple of weeks. It pretty near may be some doubt on that point, I froze my mother-in-law stiff in Jan - must say I couldn't help feeling that uary, but we didn't notice much she was speaking the truth. She change in her. But I was out olio seemed terribly upset—genuinely day there a couple of weeks ago, sorry about the fellow's death." and I sure would have froze my ears "I can quite understand that," in- off if it hadn't been that I had froze terra )ted the Contimissioner. "Par- them off completely back in the cold elli seems to have been an almost Winter of 1907. Having no ears legendary figure in his own country now, and knowing enough to keep --a sort of national hero even be- my nose out of other people's busi- fore his death." ness, I get along pretty well now, Winter and Summer. Good day." When The luffalo ore Two Coats (From the Regina Leader -Post) The Leader -Post's inquiring report= er took a half hour off to interview a number of old-timers on the pres- ent state of the weather compared with the old days. Here are some of the views: Ezra Peters, Lenton Hill, Sask.: "She sure stayed down pretty steady in January, but it ain't nothing to what it was in '92. I was hauling cord wood from the valley that Win- ter and the wood froze right to the sleigh rack so we had to burn the rack because we couldn't get it away from the wood. Yes, sir, that was a cold Winter and the next Summer we had a great crop of Daily Newspapers Being Issued By United States Government Prom the New 'York Times The initial issue of the first official daily newspaper of the United States Govornineut rolled from the giant presses of the Government Printing Office the other day. Edited, published and circulated by Government personnel, it is devoted exclusively to the rules. orders, regu- lations, specifications and judicial in- terpretations of the executive branch of the Federal establishment. A special appropriation of $100,- 000 is available from the recent De- ficiency Bill to finance the venture through the remainder of the 1938 fiscal year, which ends June 30 next, The daily is officially styled The Fed- eral Register and is in the same for- mat as The Congressional Record, the closest approach heretofore in 'Am- erican history to the official gazettes of other great capitals. The Congressional Record, how- ever, is devoted 'exclusively to the transactions and debates of the House and Senate and appears only when Congress is in session. It is published by and for Congress and never has been offered as an official record of government. By contrast. The Federal Register undertakes to present in official, authoritative and uniform manner the multifarious de- cisions of the 130 -odd Federal admin- istrative units. It will be a formal journal, devot- ed exclusi•cely to official texts. Edit- orial comment is specifically forbid- den by the statute creating the en- terprise. News of matters beyond the administrative and quasi - judicial agencies is to be limited sharply to the official utterances of department or bureau chiefs, gas` transmitted for- mally to the Federal Register Admin- strative Committee, composed of the Arbhivist of the United States, an "But could you," he continued, Henry Woolbottoin, Goose Gulch, get out of her any idea why she Sask.: "Weather? What weather? agreed to do this thing at all? There Cold weather? Who cares? I ain't must have been—I should imagine— ,t been out of the house since Christ - quite a lengthly preparation. rias. If you're looking for weather, must have been a bit fishy that she go outside and get it. I'm staying had to drug a man like that with in" chloroform and then go and take the could, "but the things' getting rather conductor a faked baton. And if serious ---a bit too serious for my she did not know there was any liking-." poison about it it's quite likely she Taunton smiled inwardly. Several might have pricked herself on it be - of the papers which Made a habit of fore she handed it over. She has a husband, I'm told. Does he know anything about it? iia: he been questioned?" Taunton nodded. administering reproofs periodically to the Metropolitan Police, had late- ly seized upon the chance for fur- ther diatribes, and he ]mow that the RUN DOWN ? TAE WINO P IS If work and worry have got the better of you and you aro feeling weak and listless, follow the recommendation of more than 20,000 medical igen. Take 1i'incarnis three times daily. To thousands who once felt as you feel now, this advice bus proved invaluable. Wincarnis brings to yeti all the valuable elements of grapes (214 lbs. in each bottle), and the strength building content of beef and malt extract. It is not a drug, but a delicious, blood and tissue building wine which quickly soothes tired nerves and builds new wells of energy. From tho time you start taking Win- carnis you will sleep better, .wake -more cheerfully, and feel more nearly as you should. You will know,then, how wonderful it is to be on the road, to sustained, vigorous health. For those who aro run-down, or who suffer from raged nerves, insomnia, anaemia or de deny, Wincarnis is a marvelous tonic. Get Wincarnis from i your druggist today.—Sales Agents: Issue No. 13 -- Harold F.Ritchie & Co. Ltd„ Toronto. "Yes—I had a report from Bright -- mouth this morning. Ponlagna de- nies all knowledge of the affair. And this corroborates what his wife said. She told mea, quite flat, that it was nothing to do with her husband, and that lie knew nothing whatever about it. IIe'd only been away in Bright - mouth a few weeks—went down to a good tcinporcry job at t'ie I7r•tel If You are acekl,ig menial improve - anent and efficiency, you should write for particulars of the courses offered 'at moderate fees by The In- stitute of Practical and Applied Psychology. React 'TIlIS IHIDTLPER" •-- a now monthly magazine of help for ev- erybody published by The Institute of Practical and Applied Psychology (inc dollar a year Sample Copy — Ten Cents Wil to for your copy TODAY! 010 CONFETIENATION B1TIZOINii Mot/Arena Quebec 20 9 Early to Undergoes Revision Bed EDMONTON, -- A group of Uni- versity of Alberta students here be- lieve they have found the secret of scholastic success. Tliey go to bed at 7 p.m. and arise at 1 a.in, From then until lectures sleet they study. "There is always a tendency to criticise sovereigns till they have been able to forge their own great- ness."—The Dean of Windsor. Majestic for the winter season. But as it was only temporary, his wife, who had a job of her own at a rest- aurant in Soho, and a child to look after as well, decided—and he agreed -that it wasn't worth going to the expense of lodgings for them all in Briglitmouth for the few months the man was to be there," (To lie Continued) ALL? 'Regardless of tate nattue of your illness or its duration, do not fail to write or telephone Iles Company rite., Federal Sttiicling, 'koroitto, for Dr. Tftos. d', Ilene free information, "Notes of .Suterent on Ferments" and "Antiphylttinol." Successful during 17 years. 1 Boas, * this e E�cKEY BooK Assistant Attorney General and the Public Printer. The Register will appear daily throughout the year except on Sun- days and Mondays and days follow- ing - holidays. - The initial run was 15,000, copies. About 4,000 copies are required in the Government departments and agencies, principally in their legal divisions. The remaining copies are for sale at 5 cents a single copy, $1 a month by subscription or $10 a year. A survey by the American Bar -As- sociation showed a wide potential de- mand for such a daily record among attorneys, newspaper editors, schol- ars and business men. New orders, the survey of the As- sociation disclosed, aggregate approx- imately 200,000 words monthly in simple text. Perhaps an equal volume of interpretations, rulings and decis- ions follows each month's orders. Henceforn and all . -current orders will be published daily in official text in the Federal Register. As rapidly as possible the existing body of ad- ministrative law will be codified, de- partment by department and bureau by bureau. - and AUTOGRAPHED PICTURES d YOUR FAVORITE PLAYERS gip Every boy will want this Book—"Flow P (TIIowto Become a Hockey Star" , by Gorman, coach and manager of the world Champion Montreal Maroons. Simply take alabelfrom atin of 'CROWN BRAND" or "LILY WHITE" CORN SYRUP—write on the back your name and address—plainly— and tho words "Hockey hook". tdail the label to The Canada Starch Co.; Limited, Toronto, and your book will be sent you immediately. also `' e Send in a label or the front of a carton from any product of The Canada Starch Co., Limited marked with your name and ad- dress and tete picture you neat (one picture for each label, and your choice of the follow- ing pictures, mounted ready fomframing, will bo sent to you. Group Montreal " iMaroons"--Group "Les Cana- diens'—Group Canadian Olympic Hockey Team— Individual pictures of Baldy Northcott, George Mamba, Russ Blinco, Art Lcsieur, Dave Trottier, Armand Mondou, Ear4Rot;nson, Frank Boucher, "Ace Bailey. EE DIVA Fit 210 S>E31T!G CROUR BHA EUREA SYRUP THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD LILY WHITE CORN SYRUP BENSON'S CORN STARCH CANADA CORN STARCH ` CHALLENGE CORN STARCH SILVER GLOSS GLOSS LAUNDRY STARCH Products of The CANADA STARCH COMPANY Limited TORONTO o o "It is quite clear that if all the world is rearming we cannot be de- fenceless."—Mr. Lloyd George. The Man Who Knows Whether the Remedy You are taking for Headaches, Neuralgia or Rheumatism Pains is SAFE is Your Doctor. Ask Him Don't Entrust Your Own or Your Family's Well -Being to Unknown Preparations nEFORE you take any prepara- tion you don't know all about, for the relief of headaches; or the pains of rheumatism, neuritis or neuralgia, ask your doctor what he thinks about it --- in comparison with "Aspirin." We say this because before the discovery of "Aspirin," most w- eaned pain" remedies were ad- vised against by physicians as being bad for the stomach; or, often, for the heart. And the discoveryof "Aspirin" largely changed medical practice. Countless thousands of people who have taken "Aspirin" year in pro proved out ttthet medical findings about its safety were correct. Remember this: "Aspirin" is roted among the fastest methods get discovered for the relief of headaches and all common pains .. . and safe for the average person to take regularly. "Aspirin" Tablets are made in Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade -mark of the Bayer Company. Limited. Look for the name Bayer in the form of a cross on every tablet: Deixtand and Get "ASP1 IN" •eas wamenamexraa NEVER TOO YOUNG TO LEARN MOTHER, CAN'T I HELP 1' YES,PEAg. JUST HAND ME THAT TIN OF MAGIC $,AKIN& rvwDER YOU WiLt.,TOO, SOME DAY tF YOU ALWAYS REMEMBER TO USE MAGIC 1�"> Mule in Canada DON'T It1SK 1AILUDDS Follow the advice of Can- ada's leading cookery experts and use Magic whenever you bake at home. This famous baking powder is absolutely dependable. Assures luscious, fine -textured cakes every tune—because it always glees full leavening power! And' Magic is very economical— actually you use less them 1p worth in a cake'. Order a 'tin from your grocer—today!