HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-03-26, Page 10.R'.ACI+..'ETrnP THE STORE WITH THE STOCK '1:11/111...i.111111111, For This Week N'-3,.' Prints, 36 inches, per yard 17c Ncns inghams, 36 inches, per yard 25c 1 ?•lwV e r °l d Scrims, per yard 13c New a r t t•rtin Net, per yard 1 8c N.?w Silk Net, per yard 25c v S'tl, Net, per yard 39c M.,: ✓ Frilled Curtains, a pair 59c New Summer Sweater Yarn, a ball 25c New Table Oils, 54 -in, per yard 49c New Table Oils, 45 -in. per yard 39c New Table Oil Runners, each 25c New Overalls for men, each 1.45 New Work Shirts, with zipper, each $1. N v Wall Papers, 55 patterns to choose from prices from 10 to 35 cents, single roll .Also Bundle Lots for Sale, at less than HALF PRICE. Fre A., Fruits and Vegetables every Week End 10 9 PRODUCE WANTED CH PHONE 59 4 ZE4,.1.: $.iA.W.yrguA The Iuron &� Erie Mortgage Corporation t. Canada Trust Company nge of Interest Rates as 1' RATES OF INTEREST AFE OBTAINABLE UPON EItIE DEBENTURES AND GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES: 4 PER ANNUM, HALF -YEARLY FOR TERM OF 5 YEARS 3',z `'a, HALF -YEARLY FOR TERM OF 3 OR 4 YEARS , HALF -YEARLY, FOR TERM OF 1 OR 2 YEARS. OR MORE CAN BE INVESTED IN THESE SAFE, AND Cv:cVEtiI NT SECURITIES AT ANY TIME. AP NU AT IONS RECEIVED AND FULL PARTICULARS CHEERFULLY SUPPLIED BY: grew F. Hess, Mich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY .n..:.imrw:at—,":,rrer:. .w.. rte, 41. 4.44 131 6:?) 1.x3 !r A A ' ° v'a`AR E — SEEDS s:$ ,114. and F 1JRNITURE tl c' 6`h Al your i'ec un'eme .its of 77''vner's fuel, be it Coal or , Prices the lowest, quality considered. PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. T E D & WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY PRICE -- SERVI101 CE0�iM►AeMi 2 0 4, es 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, e 4, ar i a 1 w a w i • S 4, • • s 111111111 111111 I 1 I 111111i IIII III 111111111111111111 ZURICH H HERALD I�IfCi1811if11>f11i►IIl(ID1�' 1,1111 II1N1111111 I1lilll 1111 IIIIgi11111111 Iili! 1!I 11111 ac ry NES Grocery St.ore Kippered Herring, per can Red Rose Coffee, per ib. Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs. 'Catsup, (Cross and. Blackwell) Chicken .Haddie, per can New Cabbage, per Ib, Sodas, 2lbs. Canned Shrimp, per' can Menno Oesch EGGS WANTED. ,ili.�iilm(Il11ali61l (111III111111111IIIII I11111111111111111llIII11Ill f11111111 . 15c ... 39c r 23c per bottle ..15c .,... 15c 2.5c 20c; Zurich Phone 165 1118118111111111111101111111111111 ' 1 i "1!II u!II, I'i'i, jl'Irlilifllf+lFI(I_ f f1317ff�If1(I n, tams, OF LOCAL INURES' ` � Mr. and Mrs.. Ev Heist were Sun- day visitors at .Crediton. The maple syrup season has been, very good the past week, but this warm weather will likely soon dry up. the trees. Mrs. W. McGreggor of near Kip pen and members of her family were. Tuesday visitors at the home of her sister, Mrs. N. Gascho. Mr- C. E. Zurbrigg, R. 0., of Luc - an, made his weekly call at the Hess Jewelry Store, where he is for the convenience of people requiring glasses. fitted. After the weeks of blocked roads during the winter, Mr. Zurbrigg advises us he will again his regular weekly calls to Zur- ieb. and Dashwood. The sad intelligence was received here in Zurich this Wednesday moan- ing of the death of Mr. Georoge. Hy. Pfile of Dashwood who died early this Wed. morning. Before moving to Dashwood Mr. • Pfile resided on the 14th concession, Hay Township. On Saturday afternoon, April 41:11ii the ladieS''of St. Boniface parch. un- der the :auspices of the Altar Society will hold a food sale in .the Town Hall, Zurich. A three story fruit cake made by a first class e."tok will Abe drawn for at the close ofn the sale. It will be on ex Mr. Ward Fritz of town, and sig ter, Mrs. H. H. Cowen �f Exeter motored to Toronto last week. On their return they were 'accompanied by, Mrs, Ward Fritz, who had spent a few days in .the city with her par- ents, :Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber of Crediton.. LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs 14;,13, 12 Butter lb. 27 Chickens, lb. 15 *,6, 14;.13, 11 Wheat 72 25 32c e [Buckwheat, bush. Flour cwt. 2.25 3.15 Bran and shorts, ton 32 Potatoes per 90-€b. bag Live hogs, cwt. -•IOats, bush. Barley, bush. A number of hockey fans Iistened to th.e broadcast on Tuesday evening when the nation League teams had their first playoffs to decide the Stan- ley Cup winners. The most spectacu- lar game was the one in Montreal where the Detroit team- played the fast Maroons of Montreal and the poay lasted till after two o'clock in the morning .when the Detroit team finally made a score which won the game for them. The game starting at 8.30 and the total time that the players were in action was 1761' minutes, or 1161/ii minutes of of time. This looks like a hot c o - tested series. Appointment transferred Miss Clement of Goderich VMS re- cently advised that her services ae Deputy .Sheriff were no longer to quired, he appointment having be . transferred to Miss Teresa Delaney of Seaforth. We are happy to state that tle.ft will be a few auction sales in 1;e• community the next few weeks. On Thursday, April 2nd, there will be an auction sale of farm stock and implements on the farm of Milne Rader, 14th concession. On Satur- day, April 4th there will he a sale of household effects on the corner of the Zurich Road and Bronson Linn, when Mrs. Barbara Gascho will dis- pose of her household effects. And then on Tuesday April 14th the farm stock and implements of Mr. Peter Manson, three miles north of town will be sold to the highest bidder. The public will do well to attend these sales. The country roads have made won- derful improvements the past few days, and the old scare of "roads -..n•eaking up" will be practically eli- minated this spring this is due to the heavy blanket of snot .'u:•rebv little flCost• reaching the roadJed.. So the much. snow has been a good thing: this spiing. The road to Hensall is drying up wonderftilly and the pat- rolman, Mr, D. Oswald, has done some very good work with the horse drawn graders this week, and th once or twice over with the big heavy power grader would help still more. It will be only a short time till what we are now thinking as the lnud menace will soon be substituted with 'he dusty season again. But thank goodness, we aro recd of these big banks of snow, 20.00 1 00 7.00 Season for Muskrats The open season for the trapping df muskrats in Huron county this year is from March 20th. to April 3rd inclusive. Trappers will be 'required to dispose of any muskrat pelts which Iare'taken during the open season not later than seven days. after the Closing date. O'Donnell Appeals Harry O'Donnell, convicted of the murder • of 20 -year old 1;.Z.uth Taylor,. at 'Toronto, and sentenced to hang May' 5, signed the official notice of his,'appeal against the sentence. The grounds of the appeal will be. that the trial judge, Justice Nicol Jeffrey, allowed as evidence headlines from newspapers about finding of a wrench with thte initials "OD," • an impart- ant"pieve of evidence. The appeal - •The Comxnur_zist Peril Seaforth and Godreich Lions Ira- ternized'at the hinn.er meeting of the Goderich. Lions Club at the Park House Thursday eve last. After din- ner Club activities were discussed, and a committee was appointed to arrange details in connection with the annual Easter doll parade. The chief feature of the meeting was an address by Lion Vernon 'LeChance of Ottawa, international organizer of Lions' Clubs, who spoke on "The Menace of Connnunism. VISITS II.URO&, REGIMENT Gen. J. C. Stewart, of London, made his first official visit with the officers of Huron Regiment when he attended the annual meeting at the home of Col. A. R Sturdy, at Gorier icii. Gen. Stewart was accompanied', 'J Major R.. G. Whitelaw. The offic- ers of Huron Regiment, 1.5 in 4111111 - her, from Wingham, Clinton, Sea.'i forth and Goderich, took the oath of allegiance to King Edward VIII, as administered by Col. Sturdy. It was decided the regiment would not have a military ball this year. Dog Kills Deer A big doe .met its doom up in the Lucknow district when it wandered into the barnyard of a farmer. 'tT e,11.1 righting the deer, the dog attacked it and in the battle that ensued the canine was victor. A man was work- ing nearby with a team went to the assistance but arrived there too late as the dog had killed the innocent animal and the battle was over. The co'nstnible• was notified and brought the animal to town. At this time of the year, deer are not so goocl to eat ancl the carcass will be disposed of rather than cut up for meat. Asks the King to Return Quints Oliva Dionne revealed at New York in the midst of the sightseeing tour he is enjoying with his wife and the mother of the famous Canadian quintuplets, that he had writted the Ring asking that the five little girls be returned to his custody. He said; that they. see. she babies onlya i a le of the time, when they are over 'in the hospital, and feel that the family has been dNided. By special act of the Ont. Legislature, the quints of Callander, are wards of the. King. A board of guardians supervises their welfare. The letter sent to the King has been sent back to Ottawa to th Parliament for consideration. Seem- ingly, King Edward, dward, who is a batch-• elor, is not enough interested in the raising of these five babies to take;1 anyother step's than what out auth-:' orities have taken. •E+ 4 1+ T� • 4 i THIS 'I'hut6cl iy, Mai oh -2444 193C' YOOR 1 rd r „ and. STORE • SEASON CALL FOR ' GOOD . FENC a ON THE FARM.LET US SUPPLY t; ' YOU WITH THE B,,� Al�h�r 1�IA'6lE BARB WI�� OF WOVI� Vt�IRE �, SEE US ABOUT t. NEW ROOFING, PLUMING TROUGHING AND R'i�E- Fq, SPE Coal C3al .goodCIALS, : PECIALS VV s gradeat........ a a. Special Gasoline for Stoves, at per gallon .......... We else ---� ._ _." _ _ -- , have some very Attractive Prices in - °raaitnreo See Our New Beds, Springs *nd 4. Mattresses. USED 1 FURNITURE Used Chesterfield Suites on Haz;Td UsedDressers from$4.50 up;. Dining Tables:Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick Sale. BE SURE 'AND SEE THEM! • r 4 4 i 4 i 4 Johito & Kalbfleisch . 4. e & Furniture. Phone 63 j i'I++E,$÷u° j+`[e'n 441, ++44+44444 4. e, iflllHllNl!iNira"G11Iillll(lllillll"IIII{IIII!!llllldl!I{VllllllslU�flll(IIIII(lil@4I!IUIIIlIIII.!Ilul�,!!!!I1rE uuillul MlUlrrltfH`E PRICES subject to change without ?iotice Painting Wagon ......................... $7.00 and 10.00 =PaintingBuggy 1 .......................... 6.00 Recovering Buggyand 10.00 Top_ .............. 16.00 and 18.00i= Re/rimming aeranming Buggy Wheels Set N. Buggy Shaft ...... .................. 12000N. Coss Bar .................................<....... .3.Q0 Buggy Reach ......................... • ...................<.. 1.00 s Buggy Spokes each ...... +. 1.25 _._-.. .-:_-,___„ E[R883 the Repafr • Mau I0mri11111!I!!0!HIIIIIIH?I+111rU11l111!IIUC!}llIII811}IIIIIIIIIIIIIUIlIii!ill?M1LIiUlikitlllfllfl;!Cii!il!ll. ��� ' X11111114.,...1,W'�II1111111111iL111111!1,1111113!ifl11111111NI1I111Gi111111111lli fliii. fi =a£t*.:,.:•ace•£•+1. +• •++4.E.•fi441+++++ +++++++ 4,++++1,44,1 -4 4 4s;. �� ay. .;F -. i i2 n:'..Fa •�`�t4".. ..a . �:• Wil` =y R`. EXT Lege Shipment of Titres .> 1st Received it t Regular $10.00 Heavy Service tires at .............epOev.o.6. 5 Regular 10.75, Heavy Service tires at............_..._6.90 Gasoline at per gallon 23c Lubricating Oils and greases at corresponding low prices Get Your Requirements Her; where Your Dollars Go the Farthest! Expert Workmanship on all Makes of Cary., with charges Very Reasonable! rE >rp e1, earf iousseau Zurich y �e "! •;i >..P..'.r+d .t.,k F' C 3"e Cele ,ileien,s^yv4;31. .i ur`'•Pkg. •'.11"4t!t, 4 t, ve..� .....A,. . 14TtkSSEY-HARRIS NEWS SEFDING MACHINES WILL SOON BE USED Let US have orders early for Repairs and avoid Disappointments. Cultivator Points for all makes, M. -H. Points are the Best. How about a CreaYxm. Separator Demonstration? Tel. Shop 149 0. KLOPP & SONS AUCTIONEERING? YES( Res. 67