HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-03-26, Page 11 q1 . XXVI Nob 3• ZUR I CI 'THURSDAY OH iI Patronie our i r�. . 4W TOO Early '17'7 Two 15 year ,old Godericl's girlso anade an attempt on; • Sunday to be the first in 1936 to enjoy (?) a dip n Lake Huron, but their attempts wisely in order that it will not disa- ppear and that it will give the high- est financial. returns that are econo- mically possible. There are thous- ands of examines in Ontario of far- mers, who thoughtlessly have restroy- ed the few acres of bush on their farms. Very few will start a new woodlot even though the government provides free trees for this provincla- The woodlots could have been pre- served quite easily and cheaply by protecting them from stock. The Farmers who stili have a. few acres of woodland remaining on their farms should take measures to pre- serve it as the well being of future generations is jeopardized if too much land is cleared for cultivation and pasture. The county was well wood ed and future generations will blame their ancestors if a mistake is made. Every farmer should avail themseli,es of the free trees for re -forestation supplied by the government. Make a start this year. Get in touch with your local Agricultural. Representati- ve, and start a woodlot on the back end of your farm! assessment is very low in. several townships. The farmers should con- sider carefully the value -of a woocl-. Suits and Dresses for ....59c. lot and• if the decision is in favor of , a woodlot, they should manage it •2 -Pc. Swagger Suits and. :erciia EASTER SPECIAL • nvere fruitless—the ice was too thich ,.Ohe girls did parade; around in bath- ing suits, posing {barefooted in the, ice of the harbor for amateur photo- graphers, and they scampered around for some time, braving the chilly at- mosphere and surraundngs. The would-be members of the Perna. Bear 'Mb were Grace lii`aelt onalc! and Rope Mutch. Signal Wood Lots Disappearing Many Huron County farms have Ihot a woodlot and the percentage of .woodland, as shov(ari by the 1934 Do You Need Glasses? Stop and Think haw irarsortant it is -that you wear correct glasses—cor- rectly prescribed . for your vision. 'Correctly styled to your face. Your .health may largely depend can keen vision. See C. E. ZURBZI(1G, R. 0. At HESS JEW'ELERY STORE Every Tuesday at ZURICH Mens (�! At Dashwood, Saturday„ at Pf ie's 10 ys Store., 1: 1 n , Couple Wed. 60 Years Pt. Elgin, March 15th—This date marked .the 60th wedding anniver- ST. PETERS. Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURI.Cif — Ol~T PA Changeless Christ few a Chang- ..ing, it4raela%'� . Friday, 8h—Luther League_ ' {Thursday—Choir Practice_ SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m.—German Service- 11.15 a.m.—Sund'ayI School-. 7.30 p.m.—English service. Everybody Welcome to. all Services. E. TUERKHE&3'=„ Pester. eS We have put in a- Stock of Good Choice - Quality Men's Spring Coats at 79c. Dean's Cleaners, and Dyet''3 H. Johnston, Agent Call. Tuesday. Del.. Friday aggmliwapart- nary of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner, at the home of their daughter and son-in-law,. Mr. and Mrsfl Gilbert. I+reckleton. Mr. and Mrs. Turner, who are 85 and 83 years old respect- ively, were harried on March 15th,! 1876, at Exbourne, Devonshire, Eng- land and sailed from Liverpool for Canada on April 6th arriving at Bay- field on April 20th. They farmed for 52 years in Stanley Township,, south of Bayfield, and' during that time two daughters and four sons were born, namely: Mrs: George Campbell, Stanley Township; Mrs.; Gilbert Freckieton, Pt. Elgin; Will- iam Turner of Windsor , Robert and. Fred Turner of Goderich;, and John of Stanley Township.. There are 11 grandchildren. Since leaving .the, farm Mr, and Mrs. Turner resided in Exeter and Lucan before moving to Port Elgin a year ago. Both are enjoying good health and take a keen. interest in all Current events. The bride and groom were surrounded by flower and were the recipients vi , many menages of congratulationi;j and other gifts. A sumptuous dilizle,l, was prepared by the hostess, tint. table 'being centred by the bride' cake. The condition of the road, prevented most of the family froel being_ present but William and wile • were present from Windsor, In Police;. Court nd Boys Work Shoes, . and .- ti>lvite°'x»the ,pulahe fo come,in and we can fit you up. - PUT IN-ASUPPLY OF MEN'S AND WOMEN'S RUEEEIZS, MEN'S • HEAVY RUBBERS, ETC. GARFILED BROWN Victoria Street. Zurich, Ont. WE GIVE EXPERT WORKMAN- .. SHIP IN It 1aPA IRING Your Patronage Solicited C. MARCH 20, 1936. t dna read the r e Chester L. Smith, Patrl:areee'' $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in ).erg;? r $1,5O 1N ARREARS. s21kiAY BE s mb'sext4't ,per • 44A 171,, o,a • Mr. Herb Block of Exeter was in town on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Hess and son,, motored to London on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Morley Witmer, and family of Detroit, were week -end visitors wits- relatives t+rs. C. r;ilber sprint •a 'row day, at Hensel' over the week -end, return- ing home Sunday evening. Mrs. Alex. Foster enjoyed a very 17' t1 -ret week -end with her daughter, J,'ic`' Dickerson at Detroit. :!ir. and Mrs. Thos. Trevethick of 1>1•in:l,?y were Sunday visitors at the horse of the latter's mother, Mrs. W. C. Me. and Mrs. William ls'lopp, of retlord, Mrs. Wagner and son 1 of Shakespeare were Sunday visitors with their mother and other j, ;::rives in town. St. Peter's Luther League at their 1 , .sting this week will have an in- t:r»sting topic on "Missions-. The Spf acher for the meeting will be a c: -.:Lost for which your President is leader. Workmen are busily engaged in t}lt• rebuilding of the stage part of tho local town hall The stae7e hes been raised and largened, extending i a few fand ha, a nice a ,earance. v n( rete n c p d . orn A rear stairway is also put in an1cutressing rooms will be put in the basement as we11 as at the side of the stage. HYDRO REPORT The annual hydro ``Thirteenth Two local men _ �;erp ahxested,: Power=Account" • has lie."nereceived . t._ Goderich And charged With the theft •,by the local eolnirission and it. is the l " of 18 hides from the slaughterhouse' best looking report we have had in e of D: O'Brien and Allison &' Heir- bail on charges a few years. As the local system will to an. The pair, with .a third clan, have a credit balance of $582.21 asi who was out on;0f compared to $26,31 last year and the e theft, t .re � harped with the theft of previous year a deficit. However, the hie} )e :'ore Ping. J. A. Malcins .the focal Sys tem ha, in the Howe ar, I • Three transients, who were ralnin(t • had huger credit balaalue . Dat '.o; m ---THIS WEEK ONLY -- SPECIAL SALE Gent's Wrist . Watches $7.95 $7,95 Regular Price $10.00 These Watches are fine 15 jewel Movements in beautiful Cases, with Strap or Bracelets Absolutely Guaranteed Hiss, The Phone 74 Wt LPAPr PER We have Wall`apar from /5c per double roll up.. See our newest . •;Ps;(sris.._ 4 yard -wide Linc lana zn newest patter , Iwr us cover your floe's with a new Rug in C rnzgole a z,_. Feitol,.. or.. Linoleum- For your Windows; Curtains by parr; in Hurrahed or netts or by the Yard. Special Pricer ie Groceries for this Weak: _ Corn Syrup,, Net. 2 tins, each 5c Corn Syrup,. No.: 5 tins, each __ . ... �._........33.c Sunlight Soap, 5 cakes — . 25c Shaker Salt, plain or iodized, 2 bIs... 13c Quaker Puffed wheat, 2 pkgs_ ......«....... « ..._ 3' 9c Choice Cohos Salmon, 1' Ih. fin,....._. ...,.._25c Prunes large sweet, 2 -lbs. ;_...Z3c Tuna Flake Fish, halfs. per fin House Hold rtshi g soar„ per pig. .... . Sc Golden Bantam. Corm 2 tins ...—.....23C Peas, 2 tins at Flushes, per tin a ji Highest Prices for Ewa. %, iftp 'logo l' 1B* act the preceeding week on pleading be fair one should the—;net the raise guilty to charges of breaking ante, of $8.00 per h.p. tint we: shoved on It _ti'i ' :111 ( melt, were' Y'�'nasnded ne t11e 1a t two :v -ears which makes a apaiin after pleading g giulty to furth-' total of over $200. So when we con- ( .• charges. ,. Th, et.:'i1;:;:5 admitted by, Sider this, 'we art, still a long way the trio were breaking into and steal -from getting any reductionon our1Y;" a: tit CS 1.'011! ' Gl and Bend cot • lai.cz? 't : (' '. .a '. - t(: h' •' nothing tat. :in4 a c . n Twp,, school- ent( •'e' 't Hay township !church. The last h• ige was dropped 1 erelh step in. the church. i vincial Constable P F. M ((o`.. ',a investigated, said • ':1 (10'10. 'YOU tnboohls?" a§ked (.1!, 31.yr, • .«y, "No, sol;,, ta, 1'et "r' t ti :i 1 theii l.Ivotigations,it hal Ina Leen learned the men, B. Austin _.:,.` D. Crlig vre wanted by S uric. of ili(:11,• was ren aand:'d a week on his > „ 1, :it of .'"I when the theft of. coal t'ront the yards of local dealers. STEPHEN COUNCIL A. special meeting of the Coun.dl of the Township hip a;: Stephen was hold l in the Clerk's Office, Crediton, on 'vcaine the 21st of March -at Ail m,rti1 crs pere present. F. W. Monod k, Collector of Taxes reported that h:' had made favorable pre; litn 'last irectinrg' and .after going over the list of names who were still in nayears, it was felt that not many would be unable to pay their taxes by the first of the tient,: The Collector 'was instr ret - 4d to see those 111 a)Y'heaaln personally and warn them that action would be. 'taken if payment wasn's made at once. Motion, That the following order, Mid pay sheets be paid: Treas. of County of Huron, Indig- 1 ent pat'^Y1t accounts re Waghorn and Rollings 58.60; Percy .Mollarcl, con- : veyanco re: Ewald 3.00; Pay Sheet Wrn. Desjardine rd, 21 26.82; Dennis O'Rourke rd. 11, .13,21; Stephen Morrison rd 13 6.0; Harry Yearley rd 9 3.40. The Council adjourned to moot a- 'aie at the next regular Council rne- eting to be held in the Town Hall, Crediton; en Monday, the. 6th day of April 1:930 at 1 p.m. •flerbel t K, Either, Twp, Clerk to say as to what our h.p. rate's from the Toronto orlee, wli; ' they tell ue ,.is figured et:: at; COSt. r, , is• The tot- al alnotu t. 1' r ii: • :1 oil ,,, during the ;oar 11... , a dollars 1es:, !ban t'.,,•,7,4,—,p.17 :veal' i- oT4'hat WO Si. c d ii!,.' ... l . ,' duction of our 11.l,. , i , c (!rule' 1 'lower our loeel rats. ; ii'1 :'li :.) •t awl 2 as a few yell ;,'S ago. Zurich junior I -tt.te The rr(r.t.h c••a cu,. Zttr i.eh Junior It, t,Jt:: .'',i in the Town Hall. Zur' 'k, t', .:r1:::1 4th. 'The meeting cps .1 -, < sl ging the I 1Inetitute'Oderelieve.)..old'- 1'1 l,: e 1 Mit _.'lie •.r of the , meeting was opened by Ir It bloua- sean, l'resideut, ala(1 it tCa tri ei(led that a donation be 'It to ;,I;, (,'a;•- penter Fund at Lon.lol,, Ile roll call was answered by a' riddle. 'i°he motto "A Stitch in '11 ter Stlt t':: Nine" was taken by Patricia i)uelnifm(' and the topic I;iven by ;-.;:a'L' .":1'O1na11. A Heart Contest conduotod `'y Grace Gorillas followed, el' rehicil Irene .iVlousseau was the winner. Some very interesting fortunes wt:re then drawn. The ni"eting closed by sing- ing "The Maple Leaf" and the girls joined the, boys for tb' joint i ec't;n;;• An old'fashioned ; lradr was the maid feature; solve, very interesting COStumeS of o11h'_:(:'t' 1::'ing r.lis- 1)laved.. Mrs. Ds, l)v'hzrllte, Hon. Pres., and Miss K. MacLean, the judges, awrded the prize to Ruth Fester. 'Other contest, worthy of mention were Joan Colinas, Patricia Nein-trine, and Irene Mott saau, The Club Paper, the "Bbcnc':er 1 eye-open- er" was read by Mac Editor, (rhea Gelinas. Lunch was served and the meeting closed by .inging "God Save the King," The next meeting of the Junior Institute. , and the Junior Far mlers will be herd in the Town Hall 'on April 1st. All young people of the vicinity are invited to it attend. 1 $ 0 0' 4 e m 4, 4 4 4 9 4, Q.4 c 4 4, Bi C 9 '} Nue co More Ileat—Less Atteaitiar,. The color guarantees quality Sen.riet Solvay Coke,,, Miller Creek aid. ,t 'l Sed a1 e Alberta Tile and 13i°ick , W. R. DAVIDSON Highest cash huller Eggs on a 1 Phone 10 Zurich pricespaid f graded basis. 04 4.4.000tt00.1.� (1*,044s>ba r�aA:fes: ALL PRICE C M ' ITIPI Tailored li Tyr Clothes as ure PRICED AS LOW AS ICI niUh B COMPARE OUR PRICES AND BE CONVINCED! REMEMBER EASTER. APRIL TT" • ft ai 4;' 44 :w pit) ._ bbl CI Bei* t.,E>• : isM .r'*.LW1tiEit' a AND s 1., WE HAVE A WELL „4 A SO a ,':D S7 OF STAPLE GOODS, SUCH AS: Prints, Broadcloth, Drapery Chintz, Cunr Zairis, and Curtain Materials, Home Dress::s, Wien and Boys' Shirts, Smocks, and Overalle,. Sweaters, Boys' lteaa>•.ner's and I''a::ts. Harness Repairs , Shoes and Rubber Boots. Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Root Seeds, 5 and 1 Oc. package Garden Seeds. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND a Jae N. ,,G GENERAL. !i'd. R.801 -1A1'1 PHONE f .97 gehame d1 • es. C. tL .. 4 Ili