HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-03-19, Page 8PAGE tiatir THE STORE WITH THE STOCK For This Week New Prints, 36 inches, per yard New Ginghams, 36 inches, per yard New Frilled Scrims, per yard New Curtain Net, per yard New Silk Net, per yard New Silk Net, per yard New Frilled Curtains, a pair New Summer Sweater Yarn, a ball New Table Oils, 54 -in, per yard New Table Oils, 45 -in. per yard New Table Oil Runners, each New Overalls for men, each New Work Shirts, with zipper, each New Wall Papers, 55 patterns to choose from prices from 10 to 35 cents, single roll Also Bundle Lots for Sale, at less than HALF PRICE. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables every Week End 17c 25c 13c 18c 25c 39c 59c 25c 49c 39- 25c i .45 $ G ': PRODUCE WANTED HO&SON PHONE 59 SZEIRBRIBRIMIBRIMESINORIROSEISESP `The Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation The Canada Trust Company C fi r nge of Interest Rates THE PRESENT RATES OF INTEREST AFE OBTAINABLE UPON HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES AND GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES: 4% PER ANNUM, HALF -YEARLY" ` FOR TERM OF 5 YEARS 3 :.r %, HALF -YEARLY FOR TERM OF 3 OR 4 YEARS 8 sir, HALF -YEARLY, FOR TERM OF 1 OR 2 YEARS. $100.00 OR MORE CAN BE INVESTED IN THESE SAFE AND CONVENIENT SECURITIES AT ANY TIME. APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AND FULL PARTICULARS CHEERFULLY SUPPLIED BY: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY, 1 1 4i!•!••••••••••••••••••••••••••H• • HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE a COAL and COKE Let us fill your requirements of your winier's fuel, be it Coal or • Coke. Prices the lowest quality considered.• PAINTS! PAINTS!1 • We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried i • and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax I Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes • Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall i Mattresses 1 S Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock.. •,,, - ,,,1111.. STADE & WEID0I ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY - PRICE - SERVICE *aiseasetweerammealioeriaassamasseeesseaseaseseasea X ZURICH HERALD "' mono 1111 Ili I{IIIIII(lliillllllllilllilill l IIII►IIIIIIIIIIIIi IIIillllillllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIII0111 IIIIIIIII 1811110 i ORM' ulHI i llll 1111 pi111r;1is 111-11GIIIIIII NEW. Grocery ' Store Kippered Herring, per can ,. . Red Rose Coffee, per lb. Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs Catsup, (Cross and Blackwell) Chicken Haddie, per can New Cabbage, per lb. Sodas, 2 lbs. Canned Shrimp, per can 15c 39c _= 23c !lilt 'I Iiffl i?I NUMMI! I11 M 11,7 per bottle 15c 15c 5c 25c 20c Menno Oesch EGGS WANTED. 11111111111111IIIIIO illlllllll ,1111111111111111111)11111111111011111111111011111111:MIMI I II ITEMS OF LII ; INTEREST Judge T. M. Costello of Goderich, was in tam. on Monday presiding at the local Tenth Division Corirt. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Cowen and family of Exeter, were Sunday vis- itors with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert K. Eilber of Crediton were Sunday visitors with theirdaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz. Solicitors Frank E. Donnelly .of Goderich; and John. J. Huggard, of Seaforth attended the Tenth Division. Court at Zurich on Monday. A few signs of spring: Sap's run- nin" and we can hear the occasional robindoing his ever welcome song. Crows are here in abundance, and of course, March. is "marching" a- long. Assessor W. H. Edighoffer is mak- ing his rounds delivering the annual ndti;c s, which goes to mean that in a few more months we wrI receive our tax notice, and we trust it will not be enlarged to previous years. The mild weather the past week 1;as greatly helped to lower the big snow banks in the vicinity, the main roads are now opened nicely, but the concessions, excepting the 14th, are stili impassable for the auto. It will take considerable thawing to carry away the snow and ice to make these roads passable for the auto. No Weeds in Eden There were na weeds in the Gard- en of Eden, a Northwestern Univer- tr'caldy clear of ice• and snow for the sity botany professor said recently. first time in months. Rev. A. E. Pietch was on the sick list a few days last week. We are p/eased to see Mr. Charles Fahner back in Creditort again. He spent four months in the hospital at Toronto and one month he was a patient at Chaldean, Ont. Mr. Fred Geiser of Crediton, met with a 'painful accident last Tuesday. He was engaged in reMoving paper at his home when the ladder which he was. using-, collapsed. As a result, Mr. Gaiser fell heavily- to the floor and suffered serious internal in- juries. We are glad to report that Mr. Gaiser is getting a/ong nkely but still fdels the effects of the severe shaldng up. Rev. A. E. Pletch preached two very practical and inspiring sermons to large and appreciative congregati- ons la•st Sunday. 1VIr. and Mrs. Wm. Bowman of 6th Con., Stephen have secured a home in Crediton and will move there the latter part of March. Mr. Norman Kleinfeldt has rented the farm and takes possession the first of April. The Bowman fa.mily have resided in anti are highly respected. Mr. and 1VIrs. Ernest Geiser, of Blake visited with the latter's father, Mr. Fred H:aist. The many friends of Mr. Fred Heist wil/ regret to learn. that he is quite at present. A delightful evening was spent at the hame of 1VIr. and Mrs. John Hir- tzel when a number of' friend's to- gether with the Stars S.S. Class of .the EVangelical Church gathered in honor of Mr. and 'Mrs. Laurence Hitzel, and NIr. and Mrs. Irvine Finkbeiner whose Marriage took place recently. During the evening an interesting program was held with Eldon Smith as chairman. The pro- g•ram included a piano instrumental by Cuthbert Carr, readings by Chest - violin and cornet duet by Earl Heist and Murray Morton. Alvin Finkbein- er rendered several harmonica selee- tons to the delight of all present. On behalf of the Stars Class, Laur- presented With an Alladin Lamp. An accompanying. address was read by Earl Heist. Mr. Irvin Finkbeiner also a valued member of the cla:o; was presented with a pair of woollen, blankets, A short address was read: Jay Earl Heist and Eldon Smith made the presenthtion. The remainder of' the 'evening Was spent in games al:ter Which an exceNnt lunch vas serverl. LI Zurich Phone 165 MARKETS (Car: • ‘•.ed every Wednesday) Butter lb. 27 Eggs, dozen .. Chickens, lb. Wheat Oats, bush. Barley, bush. Buckwheat, bush. Flour cwt. Bran and shorts, ton Potatoes per 90 -,lb. bag Live hogs, ewt. ....... 20,1816 15%, 14, 13, 11 72 25 32c 32 2.25 3.15 20.00 1 00 7.00 Mrs. Jas. Love and son Stanley, spent a day with friends at Centralia during the week. Mr. John Fahquhar of Hensall is spending a few days with his uncle, Mr. Alan Cochrane. CREDITON • +-1. Mr Herbert K. Eilber was in Tor- onto this week representing The Hay Township Fire Insurance Company, at the convention of the Mutual Fire Underwriters Associationin that city Mr. Harry Trick attended the annual convention of the Ontario Thxeshermen's Association at Sarniaa, last week. Spring is in the air. The children are playing on the sidewalks with their wagons., • The srteets are prae- Not until Eve bit into the apple and Adan had to hoe his own row did weeds spring up, the Professor de- clared. Efficient Mail Carrier It has been hard going during the winter for A. C. Brandon who is mail carrier between Bayfield and Brucefield Station, so he rigged up a snow -mobile which galloped across drifts and allowed folk to have their mail when many in Western Ontario were deprived of about a week at a time of that comfort. Mr. Brandon car has negotated roads that were impassable to any other known. means 'of transport. The snowmobile was shown in a London Daily paper. HILLSGREEN W.M.S.-The monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs. Chas. Ste- phenson on Wednesday, March 17., 1936 with Mrs. W. Turner presiding. The meeting opened singing hymn 374. The scripture lesson was taken by Miss Rena Stephenson from Acts 13. Mrs. R. McAllister read an item "Inasmuch". Prayer by Mrs. W. Turner, hymn 153. The Secretary and. Treasurer's reports were read and adopted. The business was then taken. It was decided to have the play "Where's Grandma" on Friday evening March 20th. The quilts are to be quilted the last week In April. Miss Edna Cochrane gave a topic on the common cold, sunlight and a healthy semis. Hymn 241. The April meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. W. Turner. The offering was taken, the meeting closed with prayer in unison. NOTES -The Women's Associati- on of Kippen are putting on a play "Where's Grandma" in the Hillsgre- een church on Friday evening, March 20th. This play i•; a three act com- edy and comes highly recommended. Everyone welcome. Admision 25c and 15e. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Parke and family of the Goshen Line visited at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. R. Mc- Allister on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Iluxtrable of Cen 1 �ial,a spent Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. Jas. Love and family.. ivliss Edna Cochrane spent the week -end with relatives •in Clinton. ' Mr. Robert Passmore of Hensel', took the services in the I•Iillsgreen church on Sunday afternoon. Rev. E. F. Chandler taking the services in the Hensall church. ., i) la, 4li 4Y1^ .:•:-....e:... -,'...:. ., ••.n�T-..�:ti. ; M. -... . .-...v......�mn+-.� .n.-^tom....-r-+..�... 1+ 41 YOUR Hardware and Furnifure1� -STORE HIS $ +� TSEASON CALLS FOR GOOD FENCES ON THE FAR1W. NEW YOU WITH FARM. . LET US SUPPLY + ALSO r VE BEST U►FW NEW ROOFING PLUMBING, SEEO US AgOUi. TRODAND EVE- GN1N0 SPECIALS!4. 4. • , Oil, good grade at .........SPECIALS..' > Special Gasoline for Stoves '"' ••" ....28c at per gallon ..............213c tWe 1edea have some very+; Furniture.See Attractive .Prices in Our New Beds, Spring" and s+��*i 4. Mattresses, 4. USED `� Two Gadd Used ChesterfielFURNITURE ; ' Good Used Dressers from $4,50 u Suites on Hand; • Kitchen Chairs, Etc. p, Dining Tables; .�. ,� All Big Bargains foru } BE SURE ANDTHEM! 9 ick Sale, SEE THEM 1 at Johnstonif de Kalbfleisch .} z. +++++'F! t VI(IlfI allinll'xaUM IIM1?1111111111g1!illitIa llillIllle1611I1111111}111111l111111VSZllplllplhll; llillJhg lipyyssgl RIIIllRIIIIIlIIIMIII lllfk,l2PIIIllllllllllllllllHllllilllllly THESE PRICES subject to change without PaintingWag �= PaintingBuggy ........................:.. $7.00 and 10.00 ......1. 6.00 and 10.00 Recovering Buggy Top , 16.00 and 18.00. Rer'•711i ig Buggy Wheels Set . Buggy Shaft .................. 12000 C...................................................3.00 ch ............ ..................................... 1.00 Buggy Rea Buggy Spokes each ........ ........... ....:...............1.25 . rr�r,i .................................. 25c SS, the Repair Man I 1111�1+ kgc 8tlalHflXUa 1trUCrJaaliluluNal �((poutallmuGlfHl!itYfl;11�7I +1PUi iBl�t4 IHiSlitEr)rli W . 11111il,.1411,, a1111114 alftl)k r IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBMITi t+41"'q'44++++++++++++++41+ilk'4•+•Ff++++++++tt•9•+++++441141 r I ZtTICE . . EXTRA EXTRA • • Large ent of Tires Just Received R• egular $10.00 Heavy Service tires at ...,.x.. ............ 6.35 t Regular 10.75, Heavy Service tires'at 6.90 w Gasoline at per gallon 23c o o Lubricating Oas and greases at corresponding low prices tGet Your Requirements Here, where Your Dollars s. Go the Farthest! tExperts Workmanship on all Makes of Cars, with char • Very Reasonable i ;' o 4. EL Mousseau 1 tai►li g44.44+4.4d•+�F+i�++'F++»ie;++44,44444 4i+ �M!! ,,,,.! MASSEY-HARRIS NEWS ,.SEEDING- MACHINES WILL SOON BE USED Let US Iaave orders early for Repairs and avoid Disappointments. Cultivator Points for all nakesa M,- Pan' is .are the Best. How about a Cream Separator ei ori ration? To. Shop 149 t KLOPP & SONS Rea. 67 AUCTIONEERIN' G, °YES!