HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-03-19, Page 1'Vol. X,XXVI No,3Eg
Chester L. Smith, Fab
41.25 a, year, U.S. $1.50 in Advanta,
11.50 INARREARS.$2 MAT Si OBAK1111110
Patronize yourlocal Merchant and read the Heine Paper
21,382,361 Gallons Beer
Consume& -
The Ontario Hydro-Efecticfe, Power
'Commission has paid 431„.6113,274
and the Liquor Control Hoard $12,-
560,000into the provincial treasury
since the present Government took
office in 1934, it was disclosed lea the.
Legislature in response to opposition
questions. During 1935 Ontario con-
sumed 21,382,3611 ralitnits asf teed
and 1,328,400 gallons of wine„ it Was
'revealed in the answer tss allether
Mr. and Mrs. EL Fred ft.ca,
and Mrs. Walsh af London, and Mr.
and Mrs. Moses S., gas were Sunday
Do You Need Glasses?'
..Stop and Think how fropoxtar$ 'that you you wear correct glasses--cor-
weedy prescribed for your vision.
'Correctly styled to your face. Your
shealth may largely depend on keen
See C. E. ZURBRIGG,. R. 0.
Every Tuesday at zuRrat
At Dashwood, Saturday, at Ffile's
Evangelical Lutheran Churc
xiiSitors t the km e of Mr. ara Mrs
Rudy Swartzentruber.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Erb and
daughter Marion and Master .Albert
Erb spent Sunday at the home of M.
and Mrs. Chris Gingerich of near
Miss Alice Erb spent Sunday with
and ;Mrs. Amos Gin.gerich and
'fan2ily of Blake.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Swartzentrub-
er and Mrs. Jacob Zehr visited with
Mr. and M.res. Hy. Steckle of the Bron
son north on Sunday.
Mr. Edmund Swartzentruber and
sisters Mabel and Edith spent Sun-
day with Miss Rena M. Erb.
Misses Gertie Bechier and Laura
Gascho and Messes Allan Swartzen-
truber, Bill Bechier and Clarence
Gascho visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Amos Gascho, Sunday.
, LVI4essrs. Edmund Swartzentruber
and Chris. N. Schultz and Misses
ll,Vlabel and Edith Swartzentruber and
Renie M. Erb spent Sunday eve with
Mr. Dave Swartzentruber.
Quite a number of young people
on the Bronson Line are attending
the closing program of the 'Ontario
Mennonite Bible School at Kitchener
on Tuesday evening.
Miss Eva Bechier of Zurich spent
Sunday at her home on the Bronson
Mr. Simon Gascho and sister
Louella of Imlay City, Mich., spent
a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Chris.
Mens and Boy,9
Work Shoes
We have put in a Stock of
Good Choice Quality ,IVIen's
ncl Boys' Work Shoes, and
Dr. Fowler of Toledo, Ont., was in
the village one day recently viewing
the situation with the possibilityof
locating here. Citizens of the vill-
age hope that he decides to take up
the practice here.
Mrs. Chas. Widcombe was the vic-
tim of a painful accident last Tues-
day. As she hurried into the pantry
with a saucepan in her hand, she.
tripped over the corner of a basket
of vegetables which was on the floor
and fell headlong. In the fall the
saucepan flew up and hit her face
and she fell on it, the edge cutting
into her nose which was badly lacer-
ated. One lence of her glasses was
smashed and her face and one knee
very badly bruised. Miss M. Stirling
gave first aid in the absence of a
Not So Sad Off
. .
Those citizens who had their rad-
ios tuned in to CFRB, Toronto, on
Saturday morning last, learned, thr-
ough Jim Hunter, the talking report-
er of The Evening Telegram, that
the little village of Bayfield which
had been eat off from the rest of the
world for two months, now had aai
outlet since the snowplow Lad open-
ecl. the road' from Goderich. A Bay -
field correspondent wasn't aware of
the fact that Goderich was "the rest.
of the world." The Provincial snow-
plow had cleared the road to Bruce -
field some ten days previous to the
occasion to which Jim Hunter refer-
red. Before that sleighs and snowcar
managed to traverse the extremely
bad roads to Brucefield, and the cit-
izens of Bayfield were only without
mail for one day.
Bad Floods
One of the worst floods in history
on Tuesday night of this week visit -
burg, Pa., when the terrible rains of
ed the cities of Johnstown and Pitts -
47.S07 -1S7/
Mr. W. C. Pearce of Exeter made
a bisiness visit in town on Tuesday
Mr. Everette Heist was a visitor
with his father, at Crediton who is
ill.' L.
Mrs. Ward Fritz is spending a
few (lays at Toronto and Crediton
Miss Emma Dinsmore of London,
'visited at the home of her cousin;
Miss Mima Johnston on Saturday.
Mrs. C. Rader, Messrs. Fred and
Louis Rader of Dashwood, spent
Monday at the home of Mrs. C. Rader
and Mrs. S. Haberer.
Mr, Clarence Brenner of Hensall,
Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Hendrick, of
the Blue Water Highway, were Sun-
day' visitors at the home of Mr. ands
Mrs. John Brenper,
Mr, George J. Thiel has invested
in 's. new Ford V-8 truch for his
transport business. Making the pur-
chaSe from Mr. Elliott, Ford dealer
at Exeter.
Messrs. Clayton and Clarence
Hofinan and Miss Merle Preeter of
Galt and Kitchener respectively were
Sunilay visitors with friends in the
Word was received here of the
passing or Mrs. Paul Jeffrey, of De-
troiV, the death taking place last
Thilladay following an operation.
The ' many, friends of the departed
her in Zurich will reget to learn of
this intimely death. She was indeed
a -v ry pleasant person to meet and
we 3i'ill tegret her departure.
Messrs. Harry G. Hess, George
Hess, Calvin and Less. Williams mot -
• • 1 Tuesday raised the rivers with water
ored to Port Franks on Sunday to
! invite the public to come m
A Changeless Christ Mae- .c Chong- and ice that they fairly swamped the see to what extent the spring floods
ing Wort:Er and we can fit you up. lower parts of these cities, with water
Were at that nationally advertised
Friday, 8h—Luther League.
"tEhursday—Choir Practice.
10 a. in..-4Germart Service.
11.15 a:m.—Sunday Soho&
7.30 •Nra.---English servate..
Everybody Welcone. to all11 Sc
E. rEUERKIECEEM, Etastcrr..
• ;PUT faii A SUPPLY OF MEN'S AND in the streets in many places eighteen .
little village on the shores of Lake
1 WOMEN'S RUBBERS, MEN'S feet high. During the past week in Huron. At one time the big city
iHEAVY RUBBERS, ETC. our own fair land, the Grand river dailies carried much publicity of the
flowing into lake Erie past Galt and inhabitants being icolated from the
Brantford and an annual trtouble-
rest of the world by snow banks,and
maker, took it easy on his rampage food shortage was threatening, and
and flooded only a few cellars, its
now it is ice jams and floods. But
tamest performance in years. Ai*
' Mr. Hess advises us that the condit-
'Vittaiia Street. Zurich, Ont.
Your Patoonage Sacked
To ' Those Who Wall:Dart Howse Deuarafigg
early, We can SEEKW The Newest nittenni Wall
Taper at the New lanr Plices,, fur the . Best
QuaIity We also have New Patterns in 4 -yard
Wide 'inure -cm— Cuttain Mabin 1g, fike
Also by Pairs. 1.sa. aiS SUM Mall 'AMA ISM lave.
Special Prices in Braceries for:this Week
Tomatoes, large !Size, tins* .2 iins
Rinso, large package, per pkg. 1/2,c
. Corned Beet, Bovril enc Helmet 2 tins .„---...25cc
Molasses Snap Biscuits,„ per Ib Oc
Chicken Haddie. 2 'Ens lox 25x;
Salmon, Fancy Pink; 2 tins
Pork and Beans large tin ea& . .. .
Prunes, largp sweet, 2 Ift,s. 23tc
Maxwell House Coffee, per
Port Franks sixty residents of that
summer resort village spent anxious
hours last Thursday, taking turns in
maintaining a vigil as the flood wat-
ers of the Aux Sauble River continu-
ed to rise unable to get through the
lake because of ice which packed the
shores, the water on .mnairt street et
one time was about five feet deep.
families had been forced to vacate
their homes, ond thers were prepar-
nand Haberer of Zurich. The farm
ing to do so. The trou:fie started
when the river flowing about twenty .was sold together wit& the stock and
miles an hour encountered an
, implements, and immediate possession
given. The farm is in good state
jam a mile long which backed up the I 'All,'
of cultivation and hasa very good
hardwood bush of about five acres of
nice timber. We understand that
Mr. Wurni will reside in the house
for several weeks at least.
ions are not as bad as they have
been in some former years.
Farm Sold
Among the very few farms sold
or property changing bands in the
past few years, this' week we make
mention of the transaction or sale. of
Mr. Louis Wurm's fine 75 -acre farm
just south of the village, to Mr. Ferd-
water. At Bellville, Ont., a city of
14,00 population was in serious
plight with five feet of water roar-
ing down main streets, more than
300 homeless and a food shortage
threatened, the No. 2 Highway had
to be closed to traffic and a detour
was arranged, the cost of the damage
Will mount int hundreds or thousands
of dollars, much damage was done in
the business section. Fortunately no day evening, March the llth, at
lives were lost in the floods that 8 p.in., for their regailar meeting.
struck along a 180 -mile front from Miss Gertrude Weber was in charge
Gimanoene to Toronto, but several of the devotional exercises and pres-
bed-ridden patients forced from their ented the topic entitled "Our South
homes may die. No hope is held for American Neighbors, Who Are They"
two in Bellville. Clipping on the subject were read by
Miss Inez Yungblut, Mrs. B. F. Klopp
B 0 R N and Miss M. Heideman. Miss Beat-
rice Thiel gave an instrumental, Mn.
The Women's Missionary Society
of St. Peter's Evang. Lutheran church
met in the church basement on Mon-
Steckle—At Stanley Township, on
March 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Isiah
Steckle, a son.
Bedard—At Hay Township, on March
8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bedard
a son.
'Fisher—At Dashwood on March 10th
to Mr. and Mrs. Christian Fisher,
a son.
IllabererjAt Zurich on March 15th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Haberer
a daughter.
Anlerich--At Detroit, on March 12,
to Mr. and Mrs. (nee Marguerite
Prang) Arthur J. Aulerich, a son.,
Luit—At at. Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
don, on March nth, to Rev. and
*Yrs. T. Luft of Dashwood) a
Milford Schilbe offered prayer for
her prayer partner and Mrs. L. A.
Pang read the Thankoffering thought 1
The news was received here of the
passing in London on April 13th, of
James Brown, a life long resident of
Hulled Township, for over seventy.
years. Deceased had been in declin-
ing health for over a year and was
an adherent member of St. Joseph's
church, Clinton, a good neighbor and
had many warm friends. He is sur-
vived by his widow, two sisters Mrs.
Frank Mousseau, of the Zurich Road,
near Howell and Sister Eugenia of
St. Joseph's Convent, East Windsor.
High Mass was sung by Rev Father
Sullivan, who also officiated at the
grave. Internment at St. Joseph's
Gent's Wrist Watches
$7.95 $7.95
Regular Price $ 1 0.00
These Watches are fine 15
jewel Movements in beautiful
Casea, with Strap or Bracelets
Absolutely Guaranteed
Hess, The Jeweller/
Phone 74 Zurich
'blue coar
More Heat—Less Atteadost
The color guarantees; tifm
Semet Solvay Col,ke
Miller Creek and,
Rosedale Alberta
Tile and Brick
Highest cash prices paid fmr-
Eggs on a graded basisr.
Phone 10 LIENS:AIX
• wo***4•••••••0. 4444444 tio•*40.4,•••••••• .44 e8
All New Stock
• 18.00
I Sweaters and
FOR $15.50
FOR 11.75
than cost
n'• et,"t
at less,:
offman &Soni
• 11.1164/.0 44,4. •• .C.0041,4044,41k 4. 4400 04 44,0 4T V.C. 641,4, 410. 4, 44.4 4+04 4414;
Spring and S mmer
Prints, Broadcloth, Drapery Chintz, Curtains,
and Curtain Materials, House Dresses, Men's
and Boys' Shirts, Smocks, and Overalls,
Sweaters, Boys' Bloomers and Pants.
Harness Repairs , Shoes and Rubber Boots,,
Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Root Seeds, 5 arta
10c. package Garden Seeds.