Zurich Herald, 1936-03-05, Page 8PAGE ETGwr THE STORE WITH THE STOCK Lenten Season Is Here and we are offering the following SPECIALS: Sardines, 3 for Peanut Butter, No.1, lb. 15c Raspberry Jam, 32 -oz. jar 29c Strawberry Jam, 32 -oz. jar 29c Canned peas, 2 for 22e Macaroni, per lb. 5c Sodas, No. 1, per lb 1? 4c Oranges at per dozen 20c Corn Syrup, 10-1b. pail 75c Chocolate Cookies, at lb. 15e Prunes, per lb. 10e Oxydol per lb. 19c Pork and Beans, 2 for 15c Canned Apple Souce, 2 for 25c r Special Size Beans, 28 -oz, 2 for ...............«< 5c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables every Week End 15c ASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 The Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation The Canada Trust Company Change of Interest Rates THE PRESENT RATES OF INTEREa tAFL+`- C?:BTA_L•NABLE+ 'UPON HURON 1& ERIE DEBENTURES AND GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES: 4',;'r'P PER ANNUM, HALF-YEARLYY, FOR TERM OF 5 YEARS 3 1 1 %, HALF -YEARLY FOR TERM OF 3 OR 4 YEARS !'e, HALF -YEARLY, FOR TERM OF 1 OR 2 YEARS. `100.00 OR MORE CAN BE INVESTED IN THESE SAFE AND CONVENIENT SECURITIES AT ANY TLME. APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AND FULL PARTICULARS CHEERFULLY SUPPLIED BY: Andrew F. Hess, - Lim MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFET7, ZURICH I-IERA11 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II11111111111IIIIi1111111111111111111111111111111111111if1�1"1111 illllllllllllllllllul I I i! IIIIIIII II IIIIII 11 111111111 _I= Ott IUI T. 11111111IIIIIII11111111I111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl111111111NI111111111111111111111I1111111111111111Ii1111 1111111RI111I11IllallIll1tH;11f111111111111111111Bih: IBI IIIiIIIIIIIIII11llIIIIIIII 111.11 IlllllllIllllill iiilllll#11!11 lu NEW grocery Store Peas, No. 4, per can ,.......... ..edit* ...< Vol ....<.,......... TOc Grapefruit, 6 for 25c Cookies, with Jam filling, per lb ......<..«<..........10c Pork and Beans. large can ... .a...<.<,.<........... ...... TOc Salmon, large can .J Oc Tomato Juice, per can c Strawberry or Raspberry Jam, 32 -oz jar Tomato Soup, Libby's, 3 cans .. .... ..« 23c Menno Oesch g Zurich EGGS WANTED. Phone 165 IMIIIIIIDf111011113I10QMEIZEM iiilITI7 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr.. Chas. Fritz spent a few days at Exeter_ Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hess, motored to London last Friday. Pleased to report that Ma: Harry Yungblut is out again after his re- cent illness. Pleased. to report that Mrs, Amelia Schnell is improved again after her recent illness. Mr. Alex. Mousseau spent a few days with. his son Elzar at. Kippen Iast week- Mr. eekMr. and Mrs. Orville Witmer have moved into the dwelling glrauiers of the Willard Bakery, where Mr. Wit- mer is employed. Mr. and Mrs Elzar Mousseau of Kippen were Sunday visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Rousseau. March was ushered in on Sunday, the day was bright and: clear but very cold and frosty, and we do not know exactly just whether it came in like a lion or a lamb. liFowever, we will have to take the kind or weather that is given us during; this usually wild and wooly month; of changes. IS THIS SPRING? With the exceptionally fine weath- er these few days one wonders is this spring? Crows` are seen by the hundreds, and the snow which has been so abundant is sinking down, and to -day, Wednesday' is a real a nice day, and we, hope that spring is very near. • M a HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE I OOALand 0i requirements of your fuel be it Coal or 1 • Coke. Prices the lowest, quality • • considered.• Tried s • • • s a I1 w Marshall Let us fill your wi nier's PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Goodyear Balloon and Cord in all sizes c Furniture, Springs and Beds. Mattresses Drying .Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Tires and Tubes Felt and LOCAL MARKETS • (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter lb. ... <. 27 Eggs Chickens, lb. 151% 14, 13, 11 Wheat .. 72 Oats, bush. 25 Barley, bush. 32c Buckwheat, bush. .............. 32 Flour cwt. 2.25 3.15 Bran and shorte, ton .. ..... 20.00 Potatoes per 90elb. bag 1.00 Live hogs, cwt 7.00 22, 20, 15 iMrs. Mary N''teb who has been on! the sick list and has been. staying at i the home of her daughter, Mrs.. I. 1 Tetreau on the 14th conce.ssios, re -1 turned to her,- home onTuesday_ We are pleased ttoa say much irnpr ved bat health The Ladies" Aid of the Evangel kat church are holding a at.. Pat- rick's supper,en the !basement of the church on Tuesday evening March 17th. FoliOneing the supper interest; ing lantern slides will be given by Rev. H. E. Roppel. Mis Zeta Nadiger nurse in train- ing den Victoria Hospital, London, underwent an operation for the re- moval of- tonsils and adnoids Iast Sat urday. Her condition is not improv- ing a.% t"ast as her friends wing de- sire. HENSALL A FEW DAYS LEFT Frank Farquhar and brother Chas. There are only a few days left in of 'Staniley Twp. visited with thein t'etther Thos. Farquhar, who is seri- which to share in the many bargains offered in the annual Sale of mei'.chandise at J. Gascho & -Son gen- eral. merchants. The date of the Sale is Saturday March 7th, and we urge ' all who have not shared in these many bargains offered to do so thte last few days. Roads are bad,but it will pay you well to take ad- vantage of these last few days. We are also offering Special Lenten season Special in. Groceries, which, will be appreciated by our many cus- toni..ers. Be sure and get your share of these I Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetrotzghing and Tinsmith - p, ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. STADE 00 BORN WildfSng—At Hay Township, on February 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wildfong, a son. Smith—At Hay Township, on Feb- ruary 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ad 1- bert Smith, a son. Wagner—At Zurich, on March 2nd, To Mr. and Mrs. Leonard W, pner-, a daughter, DASHWOOD Miss Hilda Snell of Detroit is spending a few weeks with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snell. The Ladies of the W. M. S. of the Evangelical church bowed their heads on Friday afternoon in observance of the Women's World Day of Pray- er at the home of Mrs. D. Tiernan, and in fellowship with many other women the world over o'ff'ered pray- ers for peace on earth. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hayter attend.. ed the funeral of his brother, the late Wiliam Hayter of Parkhill on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wildfong, of near London spent the week- emit with her mother, Mrs. Hamacher. Thuryc)a)y, March Lith, 113:1) l4.+++.0.4,41.44+++0++++ + 44+44 t,., • i+ + + + I Hardware and i ously 'ill at the home. of her daughter in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth. Travis are moving theeir household effects fr'orni Shelbourne to 'Hensalt. Mabel Fee of St. Thomas is spen- ding 'a, few days here visiting her parents and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Shepherd were in London visiting relatives. Mrs. 3. W. Wilson or Stratford spent the week end here with her' mother, Mrs. Geo. Brown. Helen Moir is spending a few we- eks in. London. Robt. IFassmore occupied the pulp- it of the United. Church Sunday even ing last, as the pastor Rev. A. San- clair'has been quite ill. Rev. B. Farr, rector of St. Paul'_; Anglican church has been confined to his home with illness. Mr. Travis, who has been engaged with. Bonthron & Drysdale as tin- smith has rented the neat dwelling of the Jacobi estate on Richmond st. and is ready to move therein Mfrs. Gillespie and Miss Garry have been holding Evangelistie meet- ings during the past weeks in the east part of what has been known as the Murdock frame block. Miss A. Tiernan of Dashwood wan a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs C. Cook. The twenty-fifth anniversary saki of Bonthron. & Drysdale ended Sat- urday eve last when a hundred dol- lars worth of prizes were given away Alice Higgins has left for London where she has accepted a position. A dance was held on Friday even ing last by the young people of thn. short courses held for three weeks Guests were present from Dashwood and Zurich and the surrounding dis- trict and the happy throng of your: Mr. .Hartman Elsie who spent the people throughoughly enjoyed them winter in Sarnia has returned to his selves. Music was supplied by th home. (alelinas orchestra. Misses Jean and Mary 174clsaac, The ladies of the. home economic Maxine Bishop and Melville Vernon, class entertained the ladiesd'of Her atea and �t to 1 and vicinity �t 't n sall Y of Detroit spent the week -end s all d 1 with Mr. and Mrs. P. M,clsaac, I exhibition of their work, in the town Mr. Harry Hoffman assisted thee' hall on Monday afternoon last. band concert in Exeter on. Sunday great many ladies attended. 'Tea wa evening. poured by Mrs. McLeod or Clr-nto & IA/El D0• i en;d 4r'rthoisrdhoonmKe eeiln er'M4pnlt, he wo: bsyd MMrxs.s. VY. ouGoryHsdlnaseallania,5lst• Ili ' Miss Leila McFalls of Exeter, is .McDonald one of the teachers. six • visiting her mother Mrs. McFall, tit tubers of the class served lunch. II • O present. exhibits of sewing and fancy Wit QUALITY -- PRICE -- SERVICE ikilr. and Mrs. J. C. Reid and 'Mr, scrapbooks and cooking, were sple and Mrs. Alvin Kellerman spent did and were greatly admired b -g% ::elle I*wll6••• wwrMNM ''J Tuesday :afteMOon in 'i hedaoril._ present, ZURICH O N T. YOUR STORE dit THIS SEASON CALLS FOR GOOD NEW FENCES ON THE FARM. LET US SUPPLY + YOU WITH THE BEST OF WOVEN WIRE, V 41. ALSO HAVE BARB WIRE. SEE US ABOUT NEW ROOFING, PLUMBING, AND EVA TROUGHING SPECIALS! SPECIALS! Cil Oil, good grade at + Special Gasoline for Stoves, at per gallon • W• e also have some very Attractive Prices • Fite. See Our New Beds, Springs Mattresses. •1 20c tt 28e • in and t. .k: USED FURNITURE * Two Gadd Used artesterfield Suites on Hand; f Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining Tables; .E's,.`'. Kitclaen.Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick Sale. BE SURE AND SEE THEM 4. ++++++++++++++++++++'F+++++i++++4.4+4+444++++ e:r', n '9n o.�.nston alb Furniture. 4. el :� Phone 63 t ++++.44.. <t..:l'dware & 11Mll;(0:11i:SlC f11111111111U311Yfi{11111111111111111i1M411IIN1111181L.6111111111lnIM{'a`+Iii 1111IIIIII111111111111 111111111111 ;Et!!;61i1!!1111111111111111141 111111111111lfllllllillllll111111 "s'r THESE PRICES sobject to change witfamit Notice Painting Wagon$7-+ and 10.00 Painting Buggy 6.filie and 10.00 Recovering Buggy Top 16.60 and 18.00 Reriimming Buggy Wheels Set _. 12o00 Buggy Shaft 3.00 Cross Bar 1.00 Buggy Reach 1.25 Buggy Spokes each 25c =_ HESS, the Repair Man _ gid:SH1P.(fllllllllllllli111i1>e"" J�!"' IIIIIIIIit !u1 act 171 tittihl9l!11; i61nI111isiIIIIHIIIIfI}ifliS trIfIIL';iii'111111i111Nm1:,i111's!i1111111IIIiIINIIIOIIIIIIllI! 111111tltili irl 1 tiylll 14+++4 $ •• F. p fRegular : 4, t 411 IExpert 4.4. + +1 1404 44, ++++++fir+++++•> +++++t+•Ot0 Zt731011 AGE ¢„ Vii: 1 I 4 i . Regular Gasoline Lubricating Get Q EXTRA EXTRA Large Shipment of Tires Just Received $10.00 Heavy Service fires at 6.35 10.75, Heavy Service tires at 6.90 at per gollon: 23c Oils and greases at corresponding low prices Your Requirements Here, where Your Dollars Go the Farthest! Workmanship on all Makes of Cars, with charges Very Reasonable! ' ' s Mousseau Zurich 4. 44 11.+ +44 444. 4. 44 41.44.11441* 444.4.++++++++ ++ + +4 4. eh � ti, , ' r •r '...v'r 1 - i iii Y.Fv SwP;I' i} a •,. 'rw •irl nitre ' t � 1.1 l'til�+x4r1 1 Y � y,r'ii.rtYiL '? irr,,.'.. tea aha 'a',M... �.tlrly s.� [,9 ': V �9 k.. '� Q NC ..r �+r� � .. i, i:N...rht ",••1.F 'yvµ.� 'I inn Y I.+ e rC ����n.n 1 1 ,e ,f • MFr i.� {I!r p{ A v.� 'I.s -:i t:i!}I. 5 6 �r.`A ;,I �..;rt� a qtt �7 r �i,#tiff i. _ styM '"la, 1rr,i1'4rr{ rr ti�rz`SijyJ�`L(<r� �y�eat S. 'afyn,, ggjj;; r , F Y t �GA ,ti�liY �� 4 e. t. r� q 5 1'. t•'' T I N 'M1hS(1' h x � S'4, t .r arj� l't ��" y r,r tv P .� Sr � r , i it lr ,i lAs!; f); fi5'�i �,. .,1r,. Y h, .. ra1, 'rt 0�• it +b. .I V '1' 1 fa�N t kr�: , WE IIERH SEEM A 1'. C7 LH UP -SET BUT WE STILL. WISH OUR FRIENDS THE COM PLVMEN'T'S OF THE fiE` SON1, -r-t %litr " t AQ OE KLOPP '& SONS ev. 67 Q