Zurich Herald, 1936-03-05, Page 4REEN , 1.` . The February meeting -of %br I" oreten's Auxiliary we :a at t he: easels- of Mrs. H. Turns,:.ufl Oa, 30a «ef Prayer on Friday, it. 28. ►tith the president hiss Edna C'ocn- ..r;e. presiding. Call to Worship and :1`tarr t aria was sung. Prayer in url_ ;;OM. Sae.ponsive reading, tee rromis- itr$ a'eaee, Prayer of Confession in •axtilea,aa Micas Irene Turner naafi as 't : se i;. ire lesson Isiah 35 chapter; .:d' '-r of Thanksgiving in 3'P)' :•: alasere:249, The Ways of !'ease, pr.e- :yer for the league of Nataone w.; • afeze7 .by Mrs. R. .Con.sitt; frayed • :fort ,' Empire. King :in,/ Queen h4' Ili;-, eraa St.•phe see, prayer for th, el:12r_": by Mrs. W. Turner: Prayee ttar Fee fay Miss Ann 7 arrest. Hyrrw I�= ':aeee, of Te•nrp'r•a:Te Miss Ed- na 4' ..:':'1Wunr: Prayer for alis. un; , in 1111:S.0 , , Hymn tee. T. iaesaee was thee taken. T:'.. • ..yr .• ears treas. r1hen 'tie tl:••ir 3 sTeeesse Ti;e• business was then c s- ;, i:- were eho en for the year. mut-` eala being responsible for th aseeiraasesge during the year in turn. 'The March meeting is to be held at -The -name of Mr. Chas. Stephenson on Neat. March 11th. The ladies dee- St3eG a nave the play ..Where': Glee • _lama" presented by the W. A. of "i church. given some time in 'la a. in the Hillsgreen church. Ful- "'ier announcements will be given Lir•. Dedicatatory prayer in unison aarei elan 568 dismissal prayer in 'rani Fred Brock who is employed racier. lar. Frank Hagan received a ae•>oael on bis face that required :eseverasel _stitches to close it, when ae slipped on th,• ice leading a cow which zttruck him with its horns. Mr. Dyirhnp11' and Miss Dora of Tuckersmith visited friends in the vicinity, Hass Katie Dttlyrnpie re- turning with them after spending a few *tike with her cousins. Miss 'Margaret Mousseau of the Zurich Road visited friend:: in this vicinity recently. BLAKE Mr. and Erb and family waited with V1t', .ind Mrs, Ed. Oesch Mr. William Oesch called on his grandmother Mrs. Caroline Oesch on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Swartzentru.bcr spent a day with their daughter Mrs Ed. U,•..h, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gingerich. :tlr. ara Mee Antos Gingerich and Jelin. spent day last with Mr. and Mrs. Seth Amanns. Miss Ii i maedi Hey spent a few days with her uncle and aunt, 111e and Mn. Ed. Stelck on the 14t1t. Mre. Roy and Mrs. Amo: Ginger- ich and Jean called on Mrs. Ed, Oesch one day last week. Those who attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Barbara Gerber from a distance were: Mr, Chris,. Schultz of Pool, Mr. John Oesch of Milverton, Mr. Peter Nafzinger of St. Agatha. Mr. Chas. Yantzi, ,rf Baden, and Mr. and Mrs. Art. Weber and daughter Jean of Dashwood. Mrs. Emmerson Edo and daughter Marion spent last week with her mother, Mrs. Chris Gingerich. • Purity Flour - the very "flower" of the world's best wheat - is always uniform and dependable -rich in nourishment and flavor -for cakes, pies, flaky pastry and bread. A strong flour that goes farther. PU'1T9 FLOUR Best for all your Bakinsf • HOW TO t'KEEP E.DU EATE:id" Read Daily the World - Wide Constructive News is THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR rtn International Daily Newspaper Si gives all the oonstructtre world news bet does not exploit crime alto scandal. Mett Hke the column. "The world's Day" -news at a glance for the busy reader. It has interesting feature pages for all the family. t Weekly Magazine Section, written by distinguished authorities, on eco= nemk, social and political problems, gives a survey of world affairs. Oras-- a. --- .. ,..o..r-------o The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Please enter my subscription to The Christian Science Monitor for a period of 13'ear *9.00 8 months 54.50 3 months 12.35 1 month 75o Wednesday Issue, including Magazine Section: 1 year 12.80, 6 issues 25e .Address S'amp/s Copy on Rogues: C+,4 ZURICH HERALD'S .sga Clubbing List 4 vire 4, 4, as .8.. was* d'vi -...a. .o ▪ *****...4.4"._._ ■ • • • • • • • • • d4-4,4-viW34404,-4.• e• ee Ale �► '10 10 • r� rfr w ZURICH HERALD and the following Paper for one Year: Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 Toronto Daily Star $7.00 Toront oStar, Weekly $6.00 London Free Press ..., $6.25 London Advertiser $6.25 London Farmer's Advocate ,,.., $2.25 Farm and Dairy $2.7 5 Family Herald and Weekly Star $2.25 Family Herald for 3 years $3.00 Canadian Countryman $2.25 Weekly Witness $3.15 Seaforth, Huron Expositor $2.75 Stratford Beacon Herald $5.10 Border Cities' Star, Windsor $6.10 Kitchener Daily Record .$5.10 ANA a great many mere that we cannot enumerate hare. We have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine ,in Canada and the United States, and can save yen money ea the most of them, Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our Office and save Trouble and Money �• HERALD OFFICE . Zurich i itostvrvvvW, ,i+ '9JYYlµd}btb47# � e�et14.44 a*vve•t4J-Za c0( 4 4 4 4 4 • 4 4 4 4 4 4 • 1 'S 4 • 4 ZVRLC.H REND CREI)ITON Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stevens of Detroit, +;Hiss Susie Dayman, Mr, t+'. Killbreath of Sarnia spent the 'week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Lovie, Mr, John Lovie is attending the funeral of his uncle Oscar Wade of Wilson, New York State, on Wednes- day. Mr. Wade was a. former resi- dent of the Grand fiend district and the last survivor of the Wade family Mr.Oscah Wolfe of Detroit ,spent the week -end with Mr. and- ee. • Lloyd Geiser and friends in town, A delighful and interesting feature at the close of the morning service in the Evangelical Church was the list- ening to the broadcast of the mess- age of Kirtg Edward VII. All list- ened in rapt silence to the King's gracious message and joined in sing- ing the National Anthem with lnill4- ons of British subjects. Thanks to Mr. Everett Fahrner for installing a radio which was enjoyed by all. The Ladie of the Evangelical W. M.S. met with the W.M.S of the Uni- , ted church for The World Day of a Prayer in the United Church on Fri- { day p.ln. A good attendance • vsa present and the spirit was felt in the meeting as all over the worid. Prayer I went up from millions of christian women of all denominations that the 41 Prince of Peace might reign in the hearts of all men and women., and i that world peace desired by nations, !might be established. A splendid pa - I per on "Prayer" was given by air:. Emery- Fahner; vocal duett by Mrs.1 E. Wenzel and Mrs. H. F. Either. 1 STANLEY TOWNSHIP On Saturday, February 29th, Mrs. Elmore Stephenson gave a birthday party in honor of her sister, Mrs. Grace Robinson, who has the unique experience of having a biltnaiay only once in four years. About twenty guests were present and a very ple- asant evening was spent in music and games after which lunch was served by the hostess. On Friday evening, February 28th i Mrs. Percy Johnston entertained Mr. ` and Mrs. Will Clark and daughter, and Mr, and Mrs. Orval McClinchey' and family_ it being the occasion of the celeb_ation of three Birthdays,• that of :;fns. Percy Johnston, Mr, Will Clark and Mr. Orval McClinchey, Ratrvey Keys and Bobbie ?'ick of Babylon Line arrived home on Sat- urday from Hensall where they have been taking the Agricultural course for the past four weeks. (Intended for last week) The recent thaw leaves the roads especially the highways upon which so much labor was uselessly expends ed, in a very impassable condition, and there is little promise or much change in the situation. , The many friends of Miss Helen Tough are sorry to learn that her health is still in a sel:ious condition. The funeral of the late Miss Cora Nicholson, a former resident of St- anley, took place from the home of her brother, Chester, of Goderich, on Wednesday last. The deceased was the youngest daughteror the late Thos. Nicholson and Susan Stirling of the Blue Water Highway. Miss Nicholson was engaged in the teach- ing profession until a few weeks ago, when she had to undergo a serious operation from which she never rani• ed. Her passing comes as a severe shock to all the old friends and ac- quaintances. Treasurer Retires George Beatty Sr., the worthy tre- asurer of the Township of Stanley for 26 years, has resigned. Mr, Beatty has held the office for 26 years and during that time has been a faithful servant and we trust he may be spared to enjoy a well-earned rest from public life. The auditors who served during the 26 years were the latae Geo. Baird, W. H. Johnston, the late Wes Harvey, Wm. Robinson. R. G. Reid, Lorne Manson, W. J. Luis, Alex. McEwan, Thos. Robinson. G. H. Beatty has been appointed treasurerand it is felt will be a com- petent .officer. DRYSDALE 4 • 4 Mr.and Mrs. Wm. Denomate were • Sunday visitors with his brother, Mr. • Remrnie •Denomme. ' Mrs. Philip Denomne treated her : lady friends to a quilting bee on • • Tuesday afte noon. Mrs. Montague and Miss Lenoa • Denonlne enjoyed a sumptuous chic- ken dinner with their friend Miss Barnette Mousseau. Thr local fishermen are catching a few herring at the lake, but they seem to be rather scarce and hard to get. Mr, Frank Corriveau is putting in his summer's supply of ice. S:ome of the farmers are hauling their beans to Hensel' market, as the price which is low at present, has a tendency to go even nuch lower. Mr. jos. S. Bedard has men engag- ed in putting in his summer's supply , i icse. Mrs.Frank Corriveau celebrated ' t r 5. t12 birthday last. Tuesday, to "ase evc7ti_•,g a number (if neighbars «. Sind friends gathered and had a utast `3"l tta t srl`ayr, Marto. Tint, 1036 CANADIANS AND THEIR. i1NDUS•TEJES--AND THEM BANK- - FISHERIES • JIM: "Bill, do you ever get tired of handling fish, fish, fish, all the rime?" BILL: "Yes, Jim, but it Helps spit to 2etp loin' when I think of the LlamLmdlis of Iona we're helpin' to feed!" JIM: "Thais right -fisc, i' itrrppstartt and were in a fine big business." BILL: "Wasn't always big,. though.. The Chief was tellin' me the other cley Avner haw this com- pany started. It seems funny, naw' He and his partner figured they would db, e whole 'lift better if they could keep their bait fresh for all -year fishin'. llyeu- fishin'. They went to the Bank of Montreal and borrowed on their personal secatiities to build a cold storage plant. Of course, they soon paid Nyack the loan, because a lot of folks sre, what a good thing this business was goin' to be end bought stock in the company. Now look at the business! But the Chiefradmirrea to me, confidentially, of - course; thee if It haat{. lteeu for the Batik of Montreal, they couldn't have succeeded, and hey said it was; the same way .with a, lot of the other - ffsher)? concerns." JIM: "A good story, Bili, and if know di s true ccause the Chief sold me„ too. 1 reckon be tells 'most everybody, because he likes to talk about': his Bank. it's my :Bank„ Too- 1 have a savings: account there." BILL: "Have you, Jim? Se have I: Some of the Bank's services to the Fishing Indus- try and its employees: Business cheguing accounts; financing of shipments; commercial loans; trade and credit information, safekeeping of securities; savings accounts; money orders, travellers cheques; banking by main? BANK OF MONTREAL ESTABLTC,I-IED 1817 - BEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL, Zurich Branch: E. M. DAGG, Manager MYi1D111.N, EvrICIENT BANKING SERVICE T it OUTCOME cox' see TEARS' SVCC.SSTL`t: (93'ERATION II wonderful time, as these people sure I know how to entertain and make one; • feel welcome. During the evening a most delicious lunch was served. and 'the evening was spent in games and card playing. Mrs. Corriveau re- , ceived some very nice presents. The roads are in a terrible con- ` dition with little hopes of any im- provement. The snow keeps drifting in. which make; walking very haul, , 'almost impossible, which i. very In-� convenient as especiallyat this time. the Lenten season, people are an- xious to attend church services. It would be a big relief if either the plow would happen along, or better still a real thaw conte along and take' away the heavy snow banks which are a menace to all who venture out. COUNTY NEWS Announcement Mrs. Robert T. Elgie announces the engagement of her youngest daught- er, Margaret Elizabeth, to Mr. Joseph H. D. Upshall, son of Ilir. and airs. Frank Lpshall, all of Kippen, the marriage to take place in aa. And- rew's Church, Kippen, on Saturday, March 21st, at 4 p.m. Motored to Exeter Bert Holt of Grand Bend, motored to Exeter Monday last. Ordinarily this would not be much news but in order to reach Exeter he motored to Parkhill, then to Elginfield and north to Exeter a distance of about 50 mil- es. He had to cover the sante ter- ritory in returning. Blows In Wall One result of the recent blizzard was felt in Kincardine, where the wall of their salt block was blown in, leaving a hole 50 feet long. Injures Eye A snowball, frozen hard overnight and thrown by a companion, struck Douglas Harness, aged 12, of Exeter, in the right eye and caused a serious injury. The lad was hurried to Lon- don, where treatment was given, bile it is said that an operation may be necessary. Sees A Robin J. M. McMillan, Manager of the Province of Ontario Savings Office at Seaforth, has the distinction of being the first person hi that town to have reported seeing a Tobin this winter. He saw the bird Wednesday morning; last. Doctor Uses Snow Shoes During the past week with travel difficult, Dr. Bowen of Lucknow, re- sorted to snowshoes in making calla ON some of his patients, Dr. Bowen found this means of travel more com- fortable and Pet as si>eeoy ibr short trips at ]cast, Wilson --Hicks 1 Trig the space Erma Varna to Seaforti3 A quiet wedding was solemnized 1 bat return ,when traffic is light. Saturday last at the Anglican Reet-j ory, Tillsonburg, when Laura Mamie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hicks of Exeter became the bride of Mervyn Wilson, of London, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sid Wilson, Elimville. Tobogannutg Accident Mist A.. MacDonald of Godericil, believed in giving her Sunday school clan: of iboys a good tirne,a nd when Rev. A. G. •Cummer performed lir? she took them on a toboganning ceremony. party she entered into the spirit of the 'tiring 'ben -elf -but not for long. Storm Cause of Losing Arm She suffered 'u badly wrenched knt't• Snow blocked roads between Clin- in a spill and Wince the accident hae tan and Hullett Twps. cost John John been ctoxJtcnt't1 to her home. Young an arm. The 34 -yr. old farmer left arm was amputated because gan- ;gerezte had set In following an accid- ent in a grinder. He could not be moved the 13 miles to Clinton for 4 W*ritaneu ;at ,Goderich who an - days after the. accident. tearing drawn an old landmark, ;:1 fareane iblzelai.tsg erected a century ages am finding interesting evidence. of an early 1119th ce'lstury building. The floor is iatid on tree trunks, stripped ..if other evening to consider the erect- ion re ct- ,bark and averaging 12 inches in ion of a public building to be used thickness, which .obviously* were. for the ittsitaoe exhibit at the Exeter scivared on top with an axe. Boards on the walls are two feet wide. Ont- worknean found an ancient bras. Italica Found. Consider Building Rink at Earaeter A well attended public un'etdtlg was held in the Town Hall, Exeter, the Fair. Reeve Thomas Pre -de was ap- pointed chairman and' R. N. Creech secretary. clod; Irelr'tl the partition of an ul Baker Severer Burned stairs roomin. E. H. Cress, Kamm -dun; baker re- , ceived painful injuries when' he was.l burned by hot grease •at hi's shop is.- cently. He was lifting a pot of boil- gg mg grease to a small stove when a 1 ZURICH HERALD partied of it. spilled into the fire. Flaming up, it set more grease ear, fire and burned his arm. His son Gail- ; best, who was assisting him, was also burned about the arms, fate' and head, but n'st so seriously as the I father. Breaks Arm. at Carnival Master Gordbn Hoover, son of It years strictly In advance; ;1.60 HI H. Hoover, of' ti'stowel, met with a , ansate er $2.00 may be charged. Ili, painful accident. He was one of this use lin advance. No paper diatom - competitors in the musical harm/race at the carnival and in one of the tiaatd until all striate are paid um - scrambles for a barrel he was knock -,lens at option of publisher. Th. aa** ed clown and fractured his left arta. Ili Wi'`{� ennr Subscription is pR11 Playful Pup Hurts Pal A playful pup, put an abrupt end to what promised to be a jolly sleigh - riding panty, tar one little boy, Gor- don Mathews, of Goderich. The boy EetatIle tad 1!!00 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESD.A1: NOON FROM UDE Herald Printing MC, SUBSCRIPTION RATES -$1.21 of is alienated on the Label. . ADVERTISING RATES Professional Cards not eaeesillfn$ a % inches, per year 25.00. In Memoriam, one vers. 6941, fide• was going clown a grade Wain his t ler each additional verso Gard eV pupp1e, also enjoyed the sport, caught the rope which was attached to the sleigh, causing Gordon to swing into a barbed wire fence. He received an ttgfy gash through his nose and down his cheek. Three stitches ware re- quired to close the upper wound and two for the lower. All's Well at Varna The many friends of Rev. Mr. Bantry of Varna, who was raid' up with lumbago, are glad to' know he is aloe to be about again. -Walking has become very fashionable in 1 he Varna district, Miss Mossop walked frnrn her school on Bronson Nn. .t Stanley, on F'tidily last and retraced Oil Sunday. Several of our ,answer rTibeealks, SOL f Display advertising made knovnat len appl cation. Miscellaneous articles of not. snoit ' "than four lines, For Sale, To Ronk. Wanted, Lost, Pound, etc., One instar- • titre 25e, 2 ins. 40e., 3 Ina, gee - Farm or Real Estate for sale $2.0t for lint month, $1.00 for each t*--• lowiryg month. Auction Sales -$2,0S .per single - insertioa if not over four inshes be teagtit. Aellresa all communications tad; t'H HERALD Menhave taken up. the art. in covcrZURACIFI - 18 OW. •