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Zurich Herald, 1936-03-05, Page 2
1.0004. 'or-Nrn"."4 etcoa- v: ac • erre ,Mtanns Measures 1 ,a neres, -., . '.a illi _i-, I.•..� _e:.:- rill:. 4;7 I: 7.'�+'-: - .. • illi grated '4:.f__ .: 3...:., - i -ii :rens paes.:ea.. eesesee. aa salt. �• a - s., e:..„ . <. _ ,z. ... gill i�✓. .. 1 cz. •.. . lilt. 1 ez. ea ,....... .. 1 lb. • qs 4 .. avers .le 3 `eee ... `,< ... •.e . 1 tz. 4 4 .-, setenelf 7r G G .. 1 ..... . ....... . 1 az. No -t ou Mea L*rtug t. ldo -=e tee Pene dry ..C'.. a e- lettr _ ps.ekeel SANDWICHES. '�:. a pee a a paroty on e Y!steese .esy :r✓ +;17 get - 1'14; F .,..... ., l enol • it's Light ..._:a: alter earl ith the of seraing ._..._...,...:. saee le ee, he- - .- ek eee •Jen... illi -.r. 3Y� Beall. Tee naareer and testier year u- .re rthlaireat ea -ad otea rig.( . F .:.-:ill ill i t: neee er.3 __• er the fez eery breed. eae ,illi. eey at the ,.. r ee raet, rye, fereoen b :'r'r. Grelere. end cereen. kinds of The aor: 3see, c a rfe@t fill. ' .a:r..ie illi... ,,. ...-eitle variety,areeare,e ,r„ r a a n erg, ,r., .. canilaiaarecne. and the like. Fr '.rte. hear: G r e eerve of meat, r.r t'Cd f:rs(i'?, 1i the r frig'•. t-rat'r that e<✓r Mune •; th a „1('a dreseing r;f dee r rearrty tyos will.make e del:n:rt i filling. Yr3t.r e: e ey jmagiratie, are about the of ly .:.mit; WI what yo;< can work flit as a dello. loins filling. will. Pinks Red Rose Fa'i'lhigs 1. reeeked ham faeketi 'aimen ▪ reelzed anah wa:N na:_.r 2. ?✓s'.':?'. -s leken tura J. ealanoo eal as des:Teed with peaS or r:el :y .. 'hoemer3 hard (_riot„ed e:rag pine- 3. Red r:a;'ia_. Yellow Or Gold Fillings 1. D;a.:.ed, 'v^.. g:a.`.ed eleezeepie and heney oneked !rite s f..,_. -.t•" .l ift het7e: and arta sr.nrel eepper, reeetsrd and w . r made with, moiet co- t-a.vender Fillings Cream thee.se nixed anti grape _ ..__ c. • aped red ca'ebabe and wr-f l • beets re with am or cot lege e_ i lli _'•LL<.'p, Orange Fillings A#:: k:rel of yellow cheese. 2. Creamed cheese or banana p'r:v tit ea.r l eel orange peel or orange 3. Grated raw carrots, sea_r#i_ed with .1r-eiMed onions, worked into cream cheese or, moistened with mayr;'nn.. ,_se 4. Create cheese with chopped dried arateeke.d apricots. Apricot Nut Bread 1?:, cups dried apricots, 2 table- spoons s ortering, cup sugar 1 egg, 1 cup sweet milk, 21A. cups flour, 5 teaspoons baking powder, 1rr2 tea- spoon cup nuts chopped. Method: Cook apricots five min- res. Drain, cool and cut in fourths,. Cream shorten°ng and sugar, add well. beaten Egg iedd apricots and milk, ^en 7:'1(:*sally sifted dry ingredients earl nets Bake. in a geese.d 'leaf pan S.We £'"✓? r ix a 2..7.2e deg. F. r.,ar Quick Nut Bread 2 egese 1 pg1('_', 1 cen ef mil r, nenchse.,ped.Gilt. mr`✓- Vet ;:, +"r' ' :. >r x, ..__ b,Gr.-.g p - :,i"✓ Gni. e n Best ba; a 'd a✓ ilii a: a W „ well. Fele: .. fear winlelt. .:1(3 been. ,*,.ed ._ the t...:i s• Deader ate; .art, 2H.;:,. Ir-ee bread par. and bake b e n "s i <.: s z F. over 47.; rl.. ▪ < 3 %.m 1(r. ,. dente. Add any de- sired ed ,r -r fr sf. f 1 t c'1 , g, (lper:ding the et,:er sett ee s d .....til flex the t,1(• LEFT -OVERS fan:Al- :es ease= thF ':a day :east Gal fowl apeea:` h. 1('3 teeny diepaleee bei f'$e the,Y fi :clime make. their flea? tea. The • raj try de with left -ease= of r' 1(r ee, :r3 :lake t .ern s3 attrar-' lee. t r.el _:y f,. i .1((e nhat thee,' ori- gin One. ei the meet appreiznag slays `r3 .setae left -(,'v era ':• hethe.r they be pc,.dtry, Eel -a (Leat r,'r rr•getr.1);e5, is in .a rice ring„ d er:orat i. e and easily made, FU MANCHU "As you fell through The hap your shot broke the ail lamp over Fu Manchu's head," Neyland Smith fold role while we clang to The ladder. "Shen Yen'swhole place isin flames. ies French Count former Ser,o,fea ,L},,+e.1 -a erez, Spanish tennis star, n Ill her l.tzai,anel, Count Jean da Ga...:_ 1a Vaid,ene, member or an tl.d J!i n.(chl family and a flying,- -ace ;.. ._:e war, pictured at St, 1luriie, Sw:tzf.rland, or that,' ? oneymor;•:.. Then. the.re are ceelee to and r m. ...r.... a 'i triage: a:.'t ;'tai::rie.e a:rd se grafin- t'; s:rey r:ething ef salads a' nrdwiehee and hashes and :1(_o•,.. (realm{ fowl in :ice ring M'ak_.. .. S.elioteas rdish far a- coup.'- :' t,I:f:l:eon. Sere it with asparagus lad, frrizi-n pair(: p . _. g, c : ,_: es a :: tare; ',fi :' . Rice Ring Three cupe e cc> ed ries, 1 onion. thin s.icea G een, 7 cees ao?.'a ee-. teas•po(;n salt, 1-4 tea.epreen pepper. Peel alta slice onion and cock wt-: bacon until brr✓rv'n. Add rice, sal: and pepper and temmeee. ales tea:. oughly and coal: thirty m. (tunes=. Peke in a well oiled nt -id a d bake t L d minutes in a m:dera>e overt, Remove from oven and let stand fire inntee. This steams the ring lccs:e from the mold, Run a spatula arc nd the edge and invert on a eer (•tg platter FIE centre with cr eaemed fowl and. garnish with. tender .'.iris of celery leave_. I the fowl needs stretchng, ad' m ....0✓w and blanched almonds, and this de.rci tris c ; ib.naticn car- ries ar- r es no saggest:cn of left -overs. Frozen Plum Pudding One c'uart milk. 1 pint whipping • cream, 1?-: etas granulated sugar, E Eggs (yolks) teaa-paon salt, 4 ans. bitter chccoiate, 1 cup seedless rai-' Pins( SA, cupl. Candied cherries cut ,n. Naives ?_. cup czndied pire.ar,ple tahlespccns shredded. citron, 1 cup of blanched almonds. Scald milk. Beat ewe ?elks with cup sugar and salt until Chore ggiy blended. Gradually tea. in scalded milk. Put over hot water and cook until mixture thickens and coats a metal Epson. Remeae at once frem heat. M_.: chseolate r, er het/ water with - .'-p g1( n d ezeuah Err to make a smooth poste, :1tI,1 n lat7:e hat custard to chocolate ':ate rn t rill until perfectly smooth. 'reset this to the rest or the (a, n d rl turn into a cold dish. Let ,..,,1,i _- i; :sell chilled. rola in c°reau.!lett :s 7:Lipped until firm. Turn into .l a:f.. _• .rays and freeze until fleet . a ..: ei e(iges. Beat in fruit w14te It ed„ over n2ght in syrup to t`t4V• drained. Freeze until firs i e .i .. Fe with a garnish of at , -°c . :a and candied cherrice. es. This pudding can lt'' freeen ht _ i:: six parts ice to ono wilt ':\C salt. Freeze without s `.green Bene more recipe this time for fit'( :ash pastries ries which are differ[^; t and 'serereffective on a luncheon plane _._ a creamed vegetable. Cornish Pasties One and one-half cups floor, two i-Teseeens butter, 3 teaspoons bak- :'der, ?z teaspoon salt, water. ne and one-half cups mince i fowl, cee. chopped oysters, 2-3 cup of puce, 1,2 cup Trolled cracker ._ _zes, milk, salt and pepper, minc- e Mia, and sift flour, salt and powder and _ ;b in butter. Gut in water to »__ a sift dough. Roll on a floured leerd ._ o a siteeet about 3-2 inch.. Cat ate sin: sarae:ea with a. fleared knife. Combine meat, oysters,. cramies ani cream sauce, Seasen with salt and pepper and a sly minced parsley and add enough milk to make the mixture quite moist. Place a saconfal of this mixture just to one side of the centre of each square of deugb, and fold over to make a t ie g?e. Make a gash across the top and pinch, edges firmly toge- iaer, Bake thirty minutes in a hot oven.. UNDAY JCHOOLESSON LESSON X—t4IARCI•x `8 Jesus Teaches [Neighborliness Luke ID Golden Text - "Thous shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with alt thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself — Luke 10:27. THE LESSON I:: ITS SETTING Time — November and December, A.D. 23, Platte — All the events of this chap- ter o''curred in Peraea, the territory a -t of the Jordan River, extending t{irn the City r,f Pella sr✓utb,tiard half way sewn the eastern ccast of the Dead gee; the lest five verses of this chapter are located In the city of i 4, Betn.an•_r on the ease slope et' the lit,. . oe. 'Cines. I "And behold, a certain lawyer;" We should not allow this word to bring before our minds the typical "lawyer" of today. In the lets- Testament "Iaw- yer" means "teacher of the law" and is a, synonym for the more frequently used word "scribe," "Stood up and made trial of him." The fame of Jesus as a teacher, had reached this schol- ar's ears, and he now undertakes to prove Jesus' skill, to discover if he reai.;y is the Teacher of divine truth as others claimed he was. "Saying, Teacher, what shall I do?" The tense supplies that, by the performance of one thing, eternal iife can be secur- ed. What heroic act must be perform - •.1 •I^#` ',..t ;tea 4 r. 71f 1''r D.1111'rat 4'11 V7,exx :.ft- : J ill;" ni.1» w a+„ a 1irg;:at:r1, :x i'n:+n r. ho (0:x' ..,1( ,y of rt, u .nal life' ,t• i^1i 1t.h+rlt:li.._.', "Ala! •'s,� fi.:i,p 41110 him, What I t+(Ai an in the law? how (cad'sthou 'rho very 11nsmuss of 11th; man quos Boning ,leeur4 04.11 lu linnsv 1114• "And he ons wa'ring fetid, Tent sled 111(1' the, 1,14x([ the Wel with ;111 111 1lrnrt.' Thr' 11n(1otion beginning i:'. !'rum J0.ut. ii:;; Dad :10:12. "An t:1th all thy noel, and . s11It all 111 sltt'Nilyth, and wit.( nil thy mind: aur tlly neighbor tut ihysu•1I.'' '1'11(' Jur. Ilhrilwn is; glwtwl I'r0m i,rv, IN:Ih '1'11(11(' t:'urds, urr•d 41(1 usl(1lssilinn, "And 11(' Dula uuln 111111, 'I'huil 1111(1 anewerc•d right; this do, laud t.ltu( sl:4tlt- live'." '1'bo vrrrh 1Wrc' 1xoni-1n1('r "(10" is r1 prert,ltl. imperative 41 11c could 111. liilert111y 1rn,nwlah',i "rnulin- IllIhy do," 11', not. ni('l'l•i;' (Ill it for a11. "Ilul lit', de"<Irinl" l0 lnt(li�y Iltiln;('if ua111 (11(10 drills', Aud [(•Ens Iso n(}' ue 1( 11, tn,r. 't'll my vO' 1uttr 4(1 1111x0 111141 IR! 114111 cunvIrl('ll ilinuadr ul' nt.141011 ;t gtteetiott 111111 tie [Tully Snow. in hie tauh:u'rn: s un nt, ho ns.];sa aim1hot' tltlrs(tiott t0 ti11l'tr lhrlt lis (lld ,n((" 11 point nt Oren ",1xette mode : (1 40'rr and staid, '\ Cot"( 1(111 101411 t:(IR 41((I ig down 1'1'(1111 ,trl'(l.(trtn to .1('ricttn, 11111 hr 1'(•11 11111x(1[1; rv1+t+"t1(. \\'h,, 11(111 ,ilr1ppr(1 `14111'' :\t, (•\rty+tit+ltal art or (f0htnrc. l ..aa::t' ter, Matt. :'i':1t.:it 1,1111 '".\u,1 heat hint." 11 01;; ttvei '. $.0 1:e' ..1('.i to herp 146; cl((1he'S �.. i lli ,1 , * :;.,,e+ hint, 111,11 111x[• ad- : \nd drpnrl('d. [111,' 1)111:,t, ..1 1 .'x.1'0 0l.(4'(1:. von, , „ .,<.rtivr ,\twk Or h:tln(1 t,1',' is 111 do11n 1n \; .. }• :i` .t (•('('1.1111 priral :.^,t . w,ty." By co- t ` . y, b}• tent won - r f eee event with ;"h.:.. .',t `i seems ('honer to 1`.te' 111y;'tt+1,101NC lVOflV- r.d. of the thread menal '..ves into the one eentnen��. ', "Anti when he saw him, ::.' a r.l by on the other side." I ant geite euro that, if nny one had asked this priest in the temple, What shall I do to inherit eternal life? he would have answered him, Thou shalt Iove the Lorci thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind, and thy neighbor as thyself. But the trouble with this priest was that, as soon as he got his temple du- ties over, he forgot all that about his neighbor. "And in like manner a Levity also, when he came to the place, and saw him, passed by on the other side." The Le, nes were appointed to assist the priests, but were not themselves. like Aaron and his sons, to approach the most holy things. "But a certain Samaritan." A Sam- aritan was one absolutely despised 1-y the Jews, and it was to the Jewish people that Jesus was speaking. "As he journeyed. came where he was: and when he saw him. he was moved with compassion." The feeling that one would. expect from the heart of a Samaritan was one of actual and powerful hatred. Instead of that, he was touched with the man's suffering. "And came to him, and bound up his wounds." Possibly with strips torn from his own garments. "Pouring on them oil and wine." 011 and wine were recognized household remedies. "Anti he set hint on his own beast. and he brought him t0 an inn, and took care of hin4." "And on the morrow •he took out two shillings." Literally "two denarii equivalent to a sum of between thir- ty and forty cents." "And gave them to the host, and said, Take care of him, and whatsoever thou spendest more, I, when I come back again will repay thee. The expression of the "1" and its emphatic position, show that it is meant to imply "Come exclusive- ly to me for money and payment, "Which of these three, thinkest thou, proved neighbour unto hint that fell among the robbers?" Behind this question, our Lord rebukes the law- yen's previous question, "Anel he said, He that showed the mercy on him," And Jesus said unto hint, Go, and do thou likewise." The command of Jesus is in the present imperative and night be literally a "Atli Easy To Copy ...rte Ilrr 's Paris at your very door in a charmingr afternoon dress which one could very well wear fur lets dressy evening afi'airs. The smartly severe high neck- line, may also be worn in open V. In a gay printed crepe or in plain crepe, this model is equally lovely. It's so simple to sew, The long loose sleeves cut in one with fronts and back of dress. Style No. 25S6 is deigned for sizes 14, 16, 18 rears, 30, 38 and 40 -inches bust. Size 16 requires 41,4 yards of 3:1 -inch materiel. ROW TO ORDER PATTERNS Write your name and address plainly, giving number and size of pattern. wanted. Enclose 15e in stamps or coin (coin prefer- red: wrap it carefully) and ad- dress your order to Wilson Pat- tern Service, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. translated "Thou &so habitually dr l likewise." It was not to be a i-ing14 act, but lite 1oug eorduet, .But the Water Froze We are happy to report the return, to general circulation of a tyi4e who, has contributed largely in tie past, to brightening the dullness of this working day. We refer -to the'ide, eyed innocent who is sent to Isis fact: tory comrades for a pail of steam, a left-handed wrench or a valve' handle. During the war he was the fellow who was dispatched on vain quests for 50 feet of skirmish line[ or the key to the parade ground. Ir( print shops he gazes with rapt at tendon into an open form to set "type lice." He turns up now at Erie, Pa.. in a railroad machine shop, A yeas' ago, the gang was discussing the hard. Winter and speculating on a strip of blue that persisted fat out in the lake. "That water," observ- ed one of the hands nlysterzously, "never freezes." A helper nearby turned this phenomenon over to his mind, and last Summer rowed to the :pot indicates[ in the lake and filled several cans with water, While the rest of the boys Last week were filling their cars with anti -freeze mixture, he brought this lake water from storage, drained his radiator and filled it with the magic fluid. We regret to add that he is naw in the market for a new cylinder head, but meanwhile con- gratulate 14110 on his return to the public eye, which he has so often delighted in times past—Detroit News. By Sax Rohmer The Terrible Beam �f 1 • p,N sYx :r ¢ it' -'f111 Smith pointed info the ruddy p- t. '"See that beam," he said. "Ps Ms;ricklu's dev,'lesh trap altnott accounts l for you, Pefria, as if did for Cadby, Mason, The dacoit and heaven knows: how many mor©,' 1 saw in the glare of the flames, that two sword -blades, deadly keen, wero riveted, edges up, along the fop of the bears which only just now I had striven to graspl "The Severed Fingersl" I tried. • �'1 lii l Half -fainting with ��� ��it�r "ct, the horror of.what 1 `i had barely escaped, 1 Thought only of getting out of that awful place, and turned my face upward; The trap door was open. There was no sign of the slava girl. "Smith!" l gasped. "She's gonel"