HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-02-27, Page 5`l'litxr•sefay; February y 2'70x, X986. BUSINESS . CARDS LEGAL UUD,4EY E. HQLM t S 1BA*RSTER, SOI.3CPTOR, NOT. ARY PPIJBLIC, ETC. OFFICE --I amil'ton Street, just off the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Special Attention to Couneell and Court Work, Mr. Holmes may be consulted at ttioderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL. Dr. W. D;. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON ri At DEITZ BLOCK -ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HAETLEIB'S BLACK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday Wednesday.. and Dr, 11. 11. COWEN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE Main Street Exeter - Ontario Punt Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in dais': Column, FOR SALE A Triunity of good seed !barley for Sade, test 48. Apply to: Edwin Hartman, Phone 98r15, R. R. 2, Zurich. FOR SALE Twenty-eight head of colts rising three and four, . in the vanity o Dashwood, will sell .for half ,cash ,balance six xnonths. Apply or writ to Alex. Sparks, 354 'Victory~a St London, Ont. FOR SALE GOO Egg Incubator like new. Guaranteed. Apply to: Seth Aleutians, Zurich. tf33 c Ele y C' z,fi SNw 'fig .1s w Our hatching program includes V E T E R I N A R I A.N 1 Government Approval, sixth year, Bloodtesting for five years and Spec- $. C®ON I3,�1'• Sc. zal feeding of Breeding Stock for 'Dr. W. vitality in the chicks. VETERINARY SURGEON It .includes the setting of choice °face in the Horne of the late eggs, carefully incubated and hatched Dr. J. Routledge. Zurich to preserve. theirvitality. ..Phone ----96. It also includes a practical sanitat•• 1 s e • ZURICH HERALD LOCAL NEWS dMi'. and 1Vlx.s. Au:ra ` WzarrkW of Seaforth celebrated their 50th wedd- Golden Wedding 0.404 4 1/0(i0000•r0110.11lir11101*0••4'► 1H01r4001100 000 16/100**** I• • Reeve Alfred Melick made a busier- ess tripto Toronto over the week- end. BORN--•Denonane, at Hay Town- ship on February 21st, to Mr, and Mrs, Dennis Charette, 'a. son. Mrs. Norman Geselao and ,Mrs. 1 . E. Weida were visitors' with relatives at London over the week -end, Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Mittleholtz en- tertained a few of the young friondb to a social evening last Monday .even- ing. The1Vfen's Chorus of the Evangel- ical will .assist in the services of the Evangelical church on Sunday at both morning and evening service, With the arrival of :more coal b the local dealers in town followed b the mild weather, the fuel situation in the village is now out on Ganger It is surprising how much less coo we are shovelling when it is milder Previous to the thaw this week shortage of water was experience by some people in town as well a in the country, not only did than cisterns dry up, but also some of the hard water wells are getting low. The thaw indeed was ;welcomed. y y l • el Constable William Thiel wishes to .warn the children of -Zurich to dis- continue to attach their hand sleighs to the back of farmers and other horse drawn vehicles. This is a very dangerous practice .of some young stens and many a one has been -in- jured Seriously in this way. Con- stable Thiel pleads with the parents to co-operate with hien in having this perilous so called sport discon- tinued. Thecoldest weather of the season last Friday night, when the mercury here in town dropped to 16 below was followed .by the first thaw. •irz bwo • weeks, which arrived here • on Monday, while the sun was nota shining 1Vlonday and Tuesday, still the baramoter was climbing up ani he snow was going down, little treams of water soon began eating their way through the big banns an 1 I the snow became soft and settle i A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary 1College, University of Toronto. All diseases of domestic annuals treated' by the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night :calls promptly attended to. Also 13r•e- .oder of ess 1ennels. Scottish Office onMains.InvStl eet, ,olrposlie Town Hall, 'Phone 116. H SA3L•. BUTCHERS _-- ;i richs' pular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bologtt�aas, Sausage Set:.., always on h' nd. Kept 'fresh in Electric Re riger•atiof Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins ``� . unrg'�' lut Soli GARAGE TRADE IN YOUR DANEROUS TIRES NOW! A MOST GENEROUS ALLOWANCE STOCK REDUCING SALE NOW ON! o Phone 60 __ DASHWOOD 69 Er INSURANCE Masters' Fanners' Mutual leather Insurance Cu, OF WOODSTOCK FI1E LARGEST RESERVE AL ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT. .IUAL COMPANY'DOING I3USIN1+ S` OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO ,mount of Insurance at Risk or Dec 31st, 1934, $19,613,539. `Tota Cash in Bank and Bonds $235,550.31 :Rates -$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Years AL F. Klopp-Zurich a i4,,Mse Dealer ii*LiLittaise YReds. owl all kinds of fixe bleat/Mae 3 ion program to protect their health. That's why they live better. That's why • they grow better. etter. el"u<in r a x^ 1r n not iex'a t: . 'That's why they pay better. r This, we pre •- That's t snnne is the traditional January zn ox r ma ion, Call, 'Tin arriving a month later. To - 1 hone or Write : t day, Wednesday seems a little colder I Goshen Line, Stanley Township. weeks of zero -weather is again be ; t ' ;hind u$ for this winter, t eminently fitted ••e. anniversary at their home on 4 . eeb. 8th. He came from Port Elgin tad they were wedded at Clinton on ! • Feb. 10 1886 by Rev. W. SpanlinIn After a brief honeymoon at Port Elgin they settled near Grafton, N. ' 4 Dakota, where they lived until 1897 i when they returned to Ontario. They farmed in McKillop for mune- ) yea.: till 1921 when they retired to Sea. forth. y�'`PAG]3 FIVE 1 • i Wrong About Meat Eating••. • • • • • • •• Friends of a North Easthope pat- riarich, who is confined to the hop- pital. at Stratford, chuckeled as they told this one: "Dey say dot it's high, plat pressure I have" the old gentle- man told friends who celled on hint. "Dey say it's too much meat clot i eat. But dot can't be true, 1 tet meat for dinner, but for breakfast. and supper it's chust sausage thot I eat." Wild Duck Befriended i The heavy snow of . la t f w weeks are believed to have cauee ei acute suffering among wild bin e.h which are unable to find food. A wild duck, exhausted :end emaciated, was found in the back yard at they }tome of P. H. Wood. Goder•7eeh. The bird was taken in and- is being fend u arm breed and milk. Although so feeble it scarcely can stand, it.fiercely fights agenn t being handled. Car Sales Show Increase Ottawa -January sales of motor vehicles were 5.544 units, of which 4,730 t " _• neesenge c u. en.; 814 tre�,e'.ks and bassi... nneehr flureau of Statistics reported, 'the total represented an increase of al- most 60 per cent. over the 3,472 cars, trucks and busses sold in Janu ary, 1935, and an advance of 1110 per cent. over the 2,131 sold- in Janu- ary 1934. Number of new cars soldto Ontario wee 2,6(11 compare;_ NOTICE We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Pound B. Fat for . Churning Cream delivered at our plant. t. Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same Day. e ••••e1•seseeesecescee • • 1 Yours Truly, ZURICH CREAMERY • Dewe 6 4,4460 eitee.0150 WOO �4�r•S6r4✓o+rr .. .... • - • _ p*..r,.l. ,.*;,•}•_•rat-.•°, , .-•F•.3• r••3 + 'r.;.:� o�, 4..:..� .� + i• Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF! Buy Storm Windows andDors LET US QUOTE YOU! REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. AL SG ,z - •r .3. .1. 'FLEISCH ZURICh 1,845 in January last year. r •fse•osame gassaeas+®es•a�g ,t ace Is Deputy Speaker e Frederick G. Sanderson, Liberal member for- Perth Thursday last ee nen; elected dent: tt� , pe akar of the' 'n House of Commons. He was nomin� ,1 by Prime ..I met, r :;i enen..• Bing and his election wa- etot rune ' as r d. The new deputy Speaker ha.f been a me ntre t o1 t}a, lio t,.. r'nr• tent 1 he hatchery r located on floorwith some ..not?, but we glad that thei ! . t I_., a,_ The phone number is 97 r 11, Hen- t all. ; NEW BOOKS The address is R.R.1, Zurich, Ont.1 Have you ever read these books? The Red Knight of Germany, We appreciate your enquiries and By Floyd Gibbons. business. - Six Years fa the Malay Jungle, By Car vewh Wel J. Ev • MKTNLEY Canada's Eastern Arctic, Minister of In'-erio ( These books can be obtained at the N O T I C E 1 Zurich Public Library at cents p book and are. educating and ve! only less imp speaker. Cons i nett said, it wa for e post e,leielt ae tont than that et. er~eative Leader Belie! s more than ordinary important in this Parliament that th presiding officers of the House show fairness and impartiality. He hoped 1 1•�. I rnemi'ners of the Opposition would not have to suffer from such partisan • :rc1-s es they had to suffer frotn, 0 '‘ Mr. Sanderson in the parr. Has 95th B.-thd y er K 5 T have been appointed as agent for j interesting. this district of E. 1). Smith & Sons,1 of Winona, to take orders for their Painful Frost Bites nursery, stock; such as Print trees! Two young Goder•ich 1<t,i_es nen shrubs, climbers, flowers, ornamental , painfully frostbitten, one •nrtou '; trees, etc. Your patronage solicited.l?vhile on i. laz°:e> lase Sig*, ,.l,ey tftet Wen. L. 5-1Elilelli'1' tfl31 noon. Thp pair walled :es f_ e 0 _ ._._.._ Dunlop aril vein i' arly ro:l! uen: I when they had 'walked a mile or tw LICENSED AUCTIONEER fading a. stiff breeze nn their t e'tur ;trip. One of them, Mrs. Hilda Wil For Huron and Middlesex , ntt, 1..: 1 lee o io hysterical v^'th n T ;AM IN A POSITION TO CON- when A. Stevenson picked Thera re duct any Auction Sale, regardless; with his team tnd sleigh and hto r e. as to size or article to sell. I solicit them to Goderieh Mrs. Wilson'. your business, and if not satisfied will: face and head, rigl ` a riff side make no charges for Services Ron- legs were frozen, and : h wn- pl e dered. under medical carr when she zea~ ARTHUR WEBER -Dashwood ed Goderich. Iter friend escaped with Phone 13-57. frostbitten hands and lace. • '1 homes "Dad" Stephenson. nr' oinie- tor of the Queen's Hotel, Seaforth. aridolde'.i active hotelkeep •r in t het Provint•e, celebrated his 95th birth - es day on 1 terday last. Still wtiv, and in gu:vi health, he r, r ive•el t .. steady stream am of visitors } who c ', to congratulate him en le.- 1 „t1 i•. d Since 1868 when 1•<• buil, o l hotel, Mr. Stephens has been ltodt ten nixie travelling p e. ,,::. His (i1)1.h1, i ( that of the Hotel, is familiar to thou- I 71 sands who have been his e t, r Ithr0ugh the y 1t e. Born me r 1. t'•- I .4,NYMINC‘eliAi ii e t C•., ,��� n 9 , e a �+ e ! don he came to Se•nfort.h la 1 SC.. ?,. WM'AIWA RA VVVA' tr, jg coon/*"C310 f091)04 -0 009e ILAN' :a tol A Complete Mineral Feed for the In-foaa Mare. Ade- quate Minerals makes possible the normal developx::ic.rct of the Foal. Get Our Prices on your Minerals far Cattle, and Hogs before buying elsewhere. Cod Liver Oil c. $1..00 a Gallon for poultry and • Flogs. SEEDS! SEEDS! We are in the Market for Red, Alsike, weet Clovers and Tirnothy Seeds. Coal and Coke at Hensall and Zurich at all Times,. Master and Pioneer Poultry and Hog Feeds. eta ea▪ deiereaneCenneennaCe00 Eel PRODUCE PRODUCE WANTED We are in a position to take Cream and Eggs at my home at Zurich, for which we will pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive then, and pay according to grading. Give us a Trial! First house south of Dominion Hotel THOS: H. MEYERS, Phone 116. Zurich. Ont. Live Poultry WANTED raken every Day till t o'clock pan. )o not feet Fewl same morning ' when, have/girt he HIGHEST CASH PRICES --FOR-- CREAM AND EGGS Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, 2ta.r"ach Hydro Bonds Yield 2.5a% Attorney General Roebuck announ- ced in the Ontario Legislature the other day the sale of a ;15,00Q,000 issue of 5 year hydro bonds at 99.561 yielding 2.58 per cent. The ne_:t. best sale of Hydro bonds was some months ago when eight-year ebom1' ere sold at 3.06 per cent. That, he said, was the cheapest rate in hydro history up to the• present. The Op- position pposition had insisted the Government ruined the credit of the province by certain actions regarding the power contracts, he said, but he felt this an- nouncement would answer Oppositi- on criticism of the Government's action. I5 Miles For Treatment Up at Underwood last Friday Don- ald McKay 23, who bad awaited for 1.0 days x-ray examination of an in- jured leg, was taken •bycutter to Kincardine. The 15 -mile journey was completed late in the day with Dr. R. Lough, of Tiverton, leading the way in bis cutter. Dr. M. R. Helli- evell, of .Kincardine, made the exam - :nation at hospital which showed that the injuries to the leg did not include t fracture as expected. The return ;rip to Underwood was made in the ;evening. Although the 15 mile trip took four hours the cutter drawn by z single horse was able to break hrough where a heavy sleigh would have been impossible. McKay fell in his father's barn on Feb. 9 and suf- fered injury to his leg; It was beliov- l3'razil is: still baring' her coffee in cd he had .btoken a bone but no arch=r• to, keepe the price at a proper,, hector was able to get to the injured ve=l. During they month of May, '34' man until Feb. '170. Then I)r. Lough he destroyed' 1',1O1,OfH) bags. Since splinted the leg but was not able to ]rte 'Deeming- • af the dear -action cam- have the Iiatient removed to hospital ";fin in June, IVAT, 2.'7,914 ,000 bags for' x-ray examination bemuse of the 3:ve: bcai:ar: eicstroyed. cold -weather and blocked roads. ing engaged in the grin u ie s. et that time Seaforth was nF ll portant village, Hero urn r mondville being in the ligelight. Med Killop Twp. was practically virgin bush with only a few : etticers.---- Nt'"-' on Expositor. 131 1 I Here and ' ereThere Buffalo in Wainwright reserve n - crease at the rate of about 2,000 each year. i The output of coal from Canadian (nines during January, 1923, amount- ed to 1,7.43,800 tons. The total wheat production of Canada in 1922 was 399,786,400 bushels of which Saskatchewan pro- duced 250,167,000 bushels, The Eskimos give the doctor his fee as soon as he calls. If the patient recovers he keeps it and it not it is returned. Heads of large implement and machinery firms in Edmonton and Calgary state that for every acre of corn that was sown in Alberta last year ten will be sown this year. 1923 will be the greatest pros- pecting year known so far in North- ern Ontario. The largest rush of prospectors is in the district extend. in from Swastika for a hundred miles east into the Province of Que- bec. Grain men and others in Calgary alrendy forecast the probable yield of wheat in Alberta this year at something in the neighborhood of 100,000,000 bushels, This estimate is based on the 65,000,000 bushel drop of last year, The total wheat psoduetiotr ire Canada has grown from 16,728,000 bushels in 1871 to over 399,000090 in 1922. The number of elevators in 1905 was 525 with capacity for 18,- 320,25+", bushels, To -clay the capacity 31,924 elevators in Canada is 231,- 1 T15. L.l. oi We have a full . Line of all the requirements 0: School Supplies Store AI ;i , AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. .PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations Perfumes, ToiletWWz rs, Perfunxixers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and !'r ushes. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNT.AIN PENS. Dry J, MacKinnon, Zurichli li siK