HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-02-13, Page 8(7(11 MGT THE STORE WITH THE STOCK NEW PRINTS SHIPMENT OF NEW SPRING PRINTS NOW OPENED UP, 40 Pieces to choose from in a Great Variety of New Patterns. Priced from 17c to 25c yard. STAMPED MATS This is Mat Hooking Time. Let Us Show You iOur New Rug Patterns. Priced as low as 25c each KNITTING YARNS We carry the Celebrated Monarch Yarns, Guaran- .'tteed fast colors, and will not shrink, best for Sweater Coats. We have Monarch Down Dove, 'Radiant, Silvertwist and Tweed. Have also receiv- ed a cheaper yarn suitable for Cushions, Afghans, :Etc. Peerless Fingering, selling at 1 Oc for 1-0z. Ball GROCERIES! GROCERIES 5c 15c 14c T 9c 15c '18c 25c 45c 20c Baking Bran, 2 lbs. for Cookies, per lb. No. 1 Sodas, per lb. Broken Sodas, fresh, 2 -lbs. for 'Sardines, 3 for Smoked Herring, per lb. Large Grapefruits, 4 for 'Oranges, 2 dozen for "Died Peaches, per lb. Fresh Head Lettuce and Celery on hand Thursday to Saturday J. G•SCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 v TThe Security �5.�,.I . . l' illi:. HURON 0 !PRO V11-0.:1) 17(IR A HURON & ERIE DEBENTURE OR A GUAR - :.N' ...NTEED CERTIFICATE IS AS FOLLOWS: FIRS ° l l '.� 1 �l 'UPON EVERY DOLLAR OF THE COEPORATI- tYD 'S: ASSETS' 1lICH TOTAL OVER $46,870,000. THE TOTAL I T ,'1N & ERIE AND THE CANADA TRUST «. 0111' `ANY EXCEED $78,000,000. IN ADDITION THE PAID-UP ;x;A1?ITAL AND RESERVE FUND OF THE HURON & ERIE IS $7,000,000. .' THE SECURITIES, BOOKS AND ACCOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO A CON UINUOUS AUDIT BY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND 'THE COMPANIES ARE UNDER STRICT GOVERNMENT SUPER- VISION. :INTEREST ,ON DEBENTURES AND CERTIFICATES PAYABLE '11ALF-YEATLY IS AS FOLLOWS: 3'a % For One and Two year Investments. 45 Por Three, Four and Five Year Investments. APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AND FULL PARTICULARS CHEERFULLY SUPPLIED BY: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY. samomes osalusnesss emcee tiosaaeoet e. • • HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE OOALan. OOKEI ILet us fill your rec, uirements of your winier's fuel, be it Coal or Coke. Prices the lowest, quality I considered, PAINTS! PAINTS! ZURICH HERALD '91111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 11111 11 111 111111111 111 1 0111 111111111110111 1111111,1111111111E 111111111111111111g. NEW grocery Store 11111111111111111' Aylmer Pork and .Deans, Targe can 10,. Peanut butter per 1b• 15c Chicken Soup, 3 cans 25c Forest City Baking Powder with glass 25c 'Vegetable Macedoine (with peas, carrots, and beans) per can 15c Marshmallow cookies per lb 15c Red pitted Cherries, 2 cans 25c Libby's Queen Olives, 18 -oz, jar 25c Menno Oesch 41111 Zurich Phone 165 EGGS WANTED. E. 111111111111111111E 111111111111111111111111111111111111i111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111r111111111111111110111111111111 1111111111111111111hi,- ITEMS OF LOLUL INTEREST Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thiel of thin 14th con., treated themselves to a fine new Dodge sedan., Mrs. E. Church spent a very pleas- ant week -end the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Joy, at London. Mr. John Schlundt of Dashwood' made a business trip to town one, day last week. To -day, Wednesday, is a big com- meration in the United States, as; they celebrate Lincoln Day, in honor of that great mancipator -who freed' the colored people of that great coon-. •try of slavery. Mrs. Robetlt McBride of the Gosh- en Line, north spent a pleasant week -end at the home of her son and' daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie.. McBride, to the east of Kippen. Messrs. Clarence Gascho and Har- old Swartzentruber who have been at Kitchener attending a bible school. returned to their homes on Saturday, We regret very much to repeat. of the illness of Mr. William Ruby of town. On Friday he was assisting at the farm of Mr. Dan. Oswald, Bron- son line, when he was suddenly aver, - taken with a heart attack. He was brought home on a stretcher and is progressing nicely at his home here in the village. We wish Mr. Ruby a speedy recovery. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried i and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, • Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Goodyear Balloon and Cord. Tires and Tubes in all sizes Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- Ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. STADE & WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY - PRICE - SERVICE LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter, creamery 31 Eggs. 20, 1S, 16 Chickens, Ib. 15%, , 14, 13, 11 Wheat bush. 68 'Oats, bush. 25 Barley, bush. 32c Buckwheat bush. 32 ,F1'our cwt. 2.25, 3.15 .Bran and shorts, ton ....... z0,.00 i.Pbtatoes per 90 -Ib. bag ........1.00 Live hogs, cwt. 7.00 BORN Ma,Kinley--At Stanley Tow e:liip on February 5th, to Mr and Mrs. El- gin McKinley, a son. M;elick-At Hay Township;, on Feb- ruary llth, to Mr. and la's: Glad- ; 'gin Melick, a sores • Grain Conference Feb. 25 Ottawa -Hon. Wm. E. Miler, Min- ister of Trade and Commerce has invited representatives f the grain growers and the grain trade to con- fer in Winnipeg on. Feb. 25 to dis- cuss and means of promoting the sale and use of Canadian wheat. During the past ten days we have had an unusual spell of zero weather the coldest that we heard of was 12 below, but it has been zero and be- low for the past week or so every night with the mercury rising some- what in the day time. In many plac- es people are experiencing a coal shortage, in fact in town here the dealer's bins are empty of hard coal, they still have some coke, but it is al- so going fast. We are told that the city of Detroit is importing coal from Windsor, something that has never happened before. Zurich like many other places in the community is handing out fuel in bags, while there is no shortage at the mines fut the transportation is next to paralyzed. Makes Maiden Speech pMrs. George Black, of the Yukon, second woman member in the House of Commons on Friday, made her maiden speech in reply to the loss of Ring George V., and In sympathy to Queen Mary, on behalf of the women of Canada. "I have address- ed audiences of 30,000 people and have been sitting in the gallery of the house during sessions for 15 yers. wondering why the speakers did not do better --now I wonder they diel a� well.' Mrs. Black said with a smile. • a • • • 1 1 NATIONAL FARM PAPER CHEESE SUITS BRITISH A good attitude towards Canadian cheese exists • in England, Dr. J. H. Gfrisdale, former deputy minister of agriculture at Ottawa told the Ont. Cheese Patrons, Association at King- saon. He stressed the importance: of securing better prices on the English market for Canadian cheese. England he said uses 170,000 tons of import- ed cheese each year and of that 110,- 000 tons came from New `'Zealand and 30,000 tons from Canada. Good Roads Assn. to . Meet The dates set for the annual con- vention of the Ontario Good Roads Association which will be held in Toronto on February 19th and 20th, Wednesday and Thursday of next week. At this annual evens there is usually a big turnout of the various municipalities of the Province Short Course in Progress The menn of this community are receiving instructions along the line of stock raising, farming and use of fertilizers under the auspices of the Young Men's Farmers' Club and the fair sex are enjoying at the same time a course of instruction in all the branches of housekeeping and household duties, including dres making, first aid, cooking, etc. The instructions are being given in the Town Hall, Hensall, by men and Women who are very competent, and will continu.g dur?1:g this month. GROWS IN POPULARITY Despite hard times, the Family Herald and Weekly Star, ,Canada's National Farm Magazine, is able to report steady progress. • Circulation continues to grow, indicating that there is as great a demand as ever for clean, entertaining and helpful reading matter, as provided by this popular rural weekly. The Family herald and Weekly Star aptly meets the general,. reading , requirements of 'farrfict's' and their families. ' The in- formation on farm. and :farm matters it contains is alone worth many times Trade Higher 'Canada's total trade abroad in the 12 months ended Dec. 31, was up 10 per cent. or more than $118,000,000- 000 over 1934, according to a report issued by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Ottawa. Total trade in the calander year 1935 amounted to $1,292,667,376:compared,witet $1,171- 997,517 in the preceding year. Do- mestic exports totaled $729,292,880, imports $50,314,551 and re-exports $13,058,946. Domestic exports to the British. Empire countries showed a gain of over 12 per cent at $377,- 644,809. Domestic exports to fore- ign countries were up 10 per• cent. with' a value of $351,649,071, and imports 'from' foreign countries ichor wed a gain of 5'ri per cent. The the subseription price. Add to this. United Kingdom was the best cus- the delightful stories, up -to -the min- 'tomer among empire countries taking ute articles, the Women's and Child- goods to the value of $303,501,542 ren's sections, the unique and much- While Canada imported goods from loved Sunday Section, and you have the United Kingdom valued at $716- a veritable storehouse of reading to 675,713. As in previous years the 1`ring pleasure to every member of United States was the best customer the. family. At $1.00 per year, the of foreign countries, taking goods Family Herald and Weekly Star can- .valued at 1265,975,002 an increase oot be equalled; at the special rate of ,$43,386,909 or almost 20 per cent of $2.00 for 4 years the value in compared with 11)34. The same year. ,rading given surpasses beyond con- Canada imported goods from the Un-, pare that )riven by any paper on the ited States to the value of $321,-. 'I`ITtarsda ri:Mli.° ' 13th, t9a'4r• t"I$°'>i4 9.44"I°+44.11, f+4•4+44.+44 .1^ Of 41414+++++. 4'44+ +44 °+° t +• YOUR 4. 1 Hardware and .., . „, Furniture m E4.1• .1 THIS SEASON CALLS FOR GOOD NEW FENCES ON THE FARM. LET US SUPPLY ° ; 444 , YOU WITH THE BEST OF WOVEN WIRE •t ALSO HAVE BARB WIRE, SEE US ABOUT : NEW ROOFING, PLUMBING, AND EVE - TROUGHING 4 SPECIALS! SPECIALS! Coal Oil, good grade at Spee Gasoline for Stoves, at per gallon 28c ., We also have some very Attractive Prices in & Furniture. See Our New Beds, Swings and Mattresses. ....20c s 4 USED FURNITURE + Two wed Used Chesterfield Suites on Hand; Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining Tables; t 4 Kited Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick Sale. t BE SURE AND SEE THEM! + 4. 1. Johnston c lbs } a 1 it Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 } 4• +++++++++++++++++++++++++44++++++++++++++44.+44. 44.1 4P uoU millUIliIllCk;zed'1'k (Nll!IiIIHIilllluNlU!! W!IIIIIIIINIIIIIIIII uilih311111INGP nutoun:all'4.i+$i�,'lillllllllllll4Ulii'k;Rll!Tiff!Fl illillBlllUiliRnsouittogiII milk THESE PRICES subject to change without Notice Painting Wagon $7.00 and 10.00 Painting Buggy 6.00 and 10.00 Recovering Buggy Top I' 6.00 and 18.00 Rerimanitrg Buggy Wheels Set . 12000 Buggy Shaft 3.00 Cross Bar ... 1.00 Buggy Reach .......... 1.25 Buggy Spokes each ,.. 2-5c L al HESS, the Repair Man toillmmirmism1Cliiiimitlfiiilllllriuilli ilii Ali{4iik,?!",lmoflilnillllNEmillll(ii;itlNli a ii?ltlliliif renin f1EiIafitioniia 44.4•41.4 4.44+i^+++4.4.44+++,+1 ++++++++++++4+44.4•4 141.4.► • � tis � , .,,_`• " sy ; " + G11 ItACI-E1+ • ✓ • • Large'Shipment of Tires Just Received t Regular $10.00 Heavy Service tires at 6.35 • t Regular 10.75, Heavy Service tires at 6.90 • Gasoline at per gallon 23c + t Lubricating Oils and greases at corresponding low prices . 4. Get YourRequirements Here, where Your Dollars• �+ • Go the Farthest! E• xpert Workmanship on all Makes of Cars, with charges Very Reasonable! + + 4. 4. 1444 4 4+++++4444 6+++++44434 4444444#4. 444:.444 4444+it EXTRA EXTRA Mousseau Zurich 1 i 1 It ' 41110118***IAF 1114 1116 1NIN 4118 Con tincnt. 411,118. • WE HERE S11:EM. A. ,I 9 TLLE UP -SET BUT WR STILL WISH OUR FRIENDS THE COMPLIMENTS, OF THE SEASONt Te/;Shop 149 O. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67