HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-02-13, Page 1X W. •I .16.4 1...VIY,11111 • Vol. )(XXVI No. ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING.. FEBRUARY 13, t936, Chester L. Smith, Pabliehan a year, U.S. 11.50 iAdvaarn1- .1.50 IN ARREAR13,102 RAT RR OaraReiril Patronize your local Merchant and read the Houle Paper Strategy Used. in Rabbit Hunt Up at Kincardine?, with jack rab- bits proving a pest Era some dIstricts Sof Huron TWO.9 urete; Ileav6 hit on the expedient of piling hay blithe centre of their fields. and Fayin.g traps around the pile. Thies, combiner] With :Moonlight rabbit huntFres resulted in the destruction: Of many Of the pests. •—• Pay 75 Per Cent The announcement has recently been made by Bone Be ske CrolE, Min- ister of Public liliffertae-es that the Government will assume TS per cent rather than 66 per cent of relief COStS, will mean a savin-g of Z252.37 11)o You Need Glasses? Stop and Think how important it is that you wear correct glasses—cor- rectly prescribed for your vision. Correctly styled to your face. Your health may largely depend on keen See C. E. ZURBRIGG, R. O. At HESS JEWELERY STORE Every Tuesday at ZURICei At Dashwood, Saturday, at ?file's Store.. ranzzzariamerxmosisie ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICIL-014T. 'A Changeless Christ Ee Chang- ing Wari4L°' Friday, 8h—Luther League. : Satarday—Choir Practice. . SUNDAY SERVICES: . 10 a. m.—German Sersice. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—EnglisTa. service. Everybody Welcome lbs• 4011 Serviees, E. TUERKHE1M Pastor.. ji oiSeaforth. (Citizens, The amount isl estimated on erelitef casts during l'9•35! During that year $2,804.08 was spent! on. relief, of which $1,850.6* was! proVided by She Government—Ex- Ipositor. 4-4 Not 'The Only One What is bothering us now is the East that we have- bought a new pair of licenses. They are no use to us off the ear, and the car is no use to us even with them on. All of which makes lie feel very much as if the, weathree man had gone ons: .of his road to help the Minister of High- -ways put a real one over On An Apple A Day If there is any truth in the old say- ing, "An apple a day will keep the doctor away", Huron County Coun- cil should be a healthy, hearty body of men. And all owing to the thought ful generosity of Reeve L. E. Cardiff of Morris Twp. Each session Mr. Car- diff arrives from this northern consti- tuency with a bushel or two of prime eating apples, which he distributes to the members. At the January session his contribution consisted of McIn- tosh Reds from the cold storage plant of IVfecs. R. Thompson, Brussels, and in size, coloring and flavor they were beauties. We know, because we had somel—Huron Expositor.. Mens and Boys Work Shoes We have put in a Stock of Good Choice Quality Men's nd. Boys' Work Shoes, and invite the public to come in and we can fit you up. PUT IN A SUPPLY OF MEN'S AND WOMEN'S RUBBERS, MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS, ETC. GARFILED BROWN • Victoria Street. Zurich, Ont WE 'GIVE EXPERT WORKMAN- SHIP IN REPAIRING Your Patronage Solicited WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday .and Satinrif ay OxydoL large Pkg.. Fancy Cohoe Red Salmon, per Ib. Tin I 9c Old Dutch Cleanser,, 2 tins Kellogg's all Bran, large pkg. . _ _ .19c Many Flowers. Toilet Soap, 4 cakes with free Cboth — Corn Starch,, 2 pkgs. ..... .. ......... .. . ... . . Pork and Beans;.. .118-1-)z. Tin3,tins 7'94 White Corn„ Z fins 19c. Peas No. 4, Z tins 9c Kirk's Hard Water Soap, .4 cakes.. .... . 19c Jelly Powdex„ 4 pkgs. .— _ I9c Lux flakes; 2 pkgs. • New Print /11111$9 all Styles, Sues and Patterns 98c to $1.75 Newest Patterns in Print, wide range IA Paiterans 15c-, 'to `25t. ;yr 1 E Highest Miceli few Esp. at.WIN.......Nolnimeek.m.motootemnawn.domanmiumnonsum -01•S iliouto 140 Parliament Opened Thursday The Dominion Parliament opened its annual session on Thursday of last week, when the parliament ex- pressed their regret of the loss of our late King George V.. Prime min- ister Mackenzie King has 179 sup- orters, less •the Speaker, in Parlia- ment, opposition members number 66. The Conservatives have the large est group in Opposition 39, under the leadership - of Mr. Bennett. The Senate has 33 Liberal merabers ou of a total of 96. Huron County Council At the January session of the Hur- on County Council we quote the fol- lowing items which eie think will be interesting: Mr. Louis H. Rader of the 14th con., made a .business trip to Kitoh- ener last Friday. Misses Vera Decker and Norma Cook of Hensall spent the week -end With the former's mother„ Mrs. C. Decker, an_ friends. Friday of this week is St. Valen 'tine's Day, and if the occasion is observed rightly mand kind and nice That Ross Johnston of Zurich greetings will be exchanged. -be ' appointed corn borer inspector for Mrs. Mabel Snider epent a few Huron at a salary of 45c per hosstA says at the home of Mr. and Mrs. and that he furnish his own trans- portati on. That all Fall Fair Associations in Huron County receive a grant of $100 each. That a grant of $75be made to the West Huron Woman's Institute. That Municipal Clerks be paid a fee of $1.50 and 10 cents per mile, one way, for old Age Pension. claims and that a by-law be passed accordingly. Reeve Geiger expressed the opin- ion that there should be a flat rate for Hydro the same as there is in our postage system. Mr. Hill tho- ught that would be too great a step to expect at once. Gerald Snyder of the Blue Water Highway. • Miss Lylyan Rader has returned to her duties at the local telephone switch board, after being absent for a week or so. Mrs. Earl E. 'Weide spent the Week -end with her mother and sister it Goderich. Sorry to report that the mother, Mrs, Ross Johnston has not been enjoying her good health. t. HOCKEY NEWS e What is considered as absolutely Asks Salary Increase th c fastest game of hockey ever play - Before reading his report county ey on the Zurich Rink was played list engineer T. R. Patterson applied to 1,Mday evening, when the fast Carl - the council for a salary increase. He, sag team were up and crossed sticks ., ith the locals. The Carling team 1 a rived at Hensall about eight o'clock the evening and it took till about eleven o'clock till they arrived in claimed he had been in the office al- most 17 years. The County Engin- eer's report showed expenditures for, 1935 to be as follows: Mainteeanee, ..$83,097.73; Construction, $9,697.99SsZ %rich, as . a truckwith a team of Machinerye and repairs $7,437:43 ;...1A:eses :, ' attached therete. had gone Superintendence, $4,477.32;. total, •overthe road during the day, and $10280.47. i this was thought to have opened the road- for the auto, but it was a long Motion Re: Zurich Road *way from properly open. However, Moved by Owen Geiger and second when the game got under way the ed by Alfred Melick: That as a re- boyA soon had a lively time. In quest from the farmers in the Town- the first period the visitors had some - ship of ,Hay, Villages of Hensall and what of a walkaway as when the Zurich, all along the Blue Water period was over the score stood 4-l. Highway, north and sooth, we beg, Then_ the locals put on their full that the Department of the Provinc-i strength by injecting a few more of ial Highways of Ontario will make, the more experienced players and the connecting link of a provincial ' this eased off the Carling boys to highway from No . 4 Highway at:some extent, as during this period Hensel], west to Blue Water High -1 both teams scored twice. Then in way, as this road is greatly in need the final 'period the ' locals locals for the farmers and the punlic, t '1) scored four goals to the visitors one Hensall is the only real grain market one, making the final score 8-7 in in ;South Huron. Cook Bros. average favor of the visitors. The game in grain 'and beans three hundred i ended at about one o'clock and we thousand bushels yearly; G. MickleI do :not envy the Carling boys for & Son, around two hundred and nine- their trip herriewards. They were a ty thousand bushels of grain and ,fine bunch of sports and played a beans; George Th.ompson, two hund- ' good game of hockey. red thousand bushels of grain and beans; J. A. Williams & Co., of Zur- ich, with flour and wheat, will aver- age another one hundred thousand bushels of grain. As this road is one of the heaviest travelled roads in South Huron, we beg a copy of this motion be sent to the Highway De- partment of Ontario at Toronto.— monthly meeting. The meeting was Good Roads Com.: Re motion of .well attended with 40 ladies being Messrs. Geiger and Melick, that the present. The meeting- was opened by Department of Highways be asked to, singing the Institute Ode with Mrs. assume the Zurich Road as a provine J. 1.10,, as convenor. The meeting cial highway, we recommend that this took the form of "A Surprise Meet - be done. ing". The committee, Mrs. J. Hey. Miss Pearl Wurtz, Mrs. H. Johnston; The ,Committees: ' . Mrs. Herb Desjardine and Mrs. Bryce A striking coil-mid:tee, composed oi t then presented a playlette which took Reeves Sweitzer, HerningwaY, Mat1-i us back in memory to our School eson, McNeil and Stewart brought .tin i Days. The parts were very ably a report appointing the followinys ° taken and was enjoyed(e, by eryone. the standing committee of the cows! Mrs, , sung.O'Dwyer Mthe meeting with a Exectitive—T. Pryde, 0. Geiti ger,. th pleasing piano duet. Mrs. Herb Neeb " Sea, R. Grain, T. Lovell., then gave an interesting paper on the Legislative—A. Melick, J. MOSer, b. life of the late King George V., this was followed by an interesting paper en King Edward VIII by Mrs. Bryce. Womens' Institute The members of the Zurich Branch of the Women's Institute met in the Council Chamber Room on Monday evening, February 3rd, for their Sherwood, Peter Scott, H. Keys. Finance—H. Keys, 0. 'Geiger, J. Scott, C. Mawhinney, G. Feagan. These papers were both well deliver- EduCifitm—W. Archibald, T. Pryde, ed and "God Save the King" was J. Bryans. W. Turner, Hemingway then sung. Miss Pearl Wurtz in her Property—Geo. McNall, M. Math' - usual entertaining manner gave one son, F. Davidson, G. Westcott, C. ; of the late Rudyard Kipling's poems 11/Inwhinney. entitled "Wee Willie Wickie" and House: of Refitge—W. Archibald, W. Pearl certainly did justicee to thee Sweitzer, G. Elliott, A. Melick, W. poem.The roll call was theri re. Stewart, ' sponded to by "Something I Learned Agricultural Advisory — 0. Honing- at School," or some Huhomous Ind- -.1 -way, Geo. Feagan, T. Lovell, f * dent that happened at school. The Mogridge, R. Grain. president, Mrs. H. G. Hess then pre - ' Children's Shelter — R. Turner, 3.' sided for the business part of the . Beyans, Bowman. 'meeting and the committee, mime] I Warden's corranittee—W. Sweitzer, .r, . . . very . .1 „v lunch tote auove, eervea a ttai in 11 ; Moser, P. Scott, M. Matheson. a social half hour was enjoYed by Road --L. E. Cardiff, W. Realm, s' everyone, Eck,art THIS WEEK Extra Special Normandy Chime Clocks $9.95 $9.95 BEAUTIFUL WALNUT FINISHED CA SES STRIKING ON 3 PERFECTLY TUNED RODS .. Hess, The Jeweller Phone 74 Zurich *blue mar More Heat—Less Attendant The color guarantees the, quality Semet Solvay Coke, Miller Creek and Rosedale Alberta. Tile arid Brick W. R. DAVIDSON Highest cash prices paid £c Eggs on a graded basis_ Phone 10 HENSAM • • • • • • • • • ,• • 4• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • 4 Was', zdaitaz ASK OffjelA • • EMEALMEH AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS, • • • 4k, •4,4t,tee.e64,sa.0,3.0 .•!.tgao.44,064•6444.04,0•44 4.er • ,e4,•••••••••••••••••••••1444....0******440.44114.40.4 FOR January Only Extra Trousers ABSOLUTELY Free WITH EVERY SUIT. MADE TO MEASURE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED REMEMBER JANUARY ONLY SAVE From $6 to $10.00 ON EVERY SUIT i* 11162064111101=40100i102531011501010101 •••0•••••••••*.nxret.v.el . irnt, • .r.1 Reduction SALE We are offering at Greatly Reduced Plices, The Following Goods:. All Heavy Wool Underwear, Wool Blankets, Men's and Boys' Windbreakers and Sweaters, Heavy So clis. Men's and Children's Heavy Socks... All Heavy Rubbers:, Boy's Tweed Pants and Bloomers, flannelette Prints, Ginghams and Towelings, Etc, Etc. Ask to See Our New Chintz suitable for Quilts and Comforters - R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 11 — 97 BLAKE6 AmonmeinNEIMInnoninonionnsonnw