HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-01-30, Page 8PPIWIRGW ••••••••=101••••••••, THE STORE WITH THE STOCK ..,..••••,..a•urwaau•u•vr•••.••kaprN.,•****n•ww7rxernamateAtnxrn•%. NEW " RUNTS A SHIPMENT OF NEW SPRING PRINTS NOW OPENED . UP. 40 Pieces to choose from in a Great Variety of Now Vattern& Priced from 17c to 25c yard. STAMPED MATS This is Mat Hooking Time. Let Us Show You Oar New Rug Patterns. Priced as low as 25c each KNITTING YARNS We carry the Celebrated Monarch Yarns, Guaran- teed fast colors, and will not shrink, best for Sweater Coats. We have Monarch Down Dove, Radiant, Silvertwist and Tweed. Have also receiv- ed a cheaper yarn suitable for Cushions, Afghans, Etc. • Peerless Fingering, selling at 10c for 1 -Oz. Ball GROCERIES! GROCERIES Baking Bran, 2 lbs. for Cookies, per lb. No. 1 Sodas, per lb. Broken Sodas, fresh, 2 -lbs Sardines, 3 for Smoked Herring, per lb. Large Grapefruits, 4 for Oranges, 2 dozen for Dried Peaches, per lb. 5c 15c 14c for 19c 15c '18c 25c 45c 20c Fresh Head Lettuce and Celery on hand Thursday to Saturday n'ta PRODUCE WANTED ON PHONE 59 10111160.1=12=1•1.96.0:1100.1.11.621.28==.965•9•011.0111 112,11B11•1161•11101.1MONIMINIMuMpilar tmemeterwommx.p.x..trigeniumnpannosornifflOmmasimm66611:110/ e Security PROV1na.70 FOR A HURON & ERIE DEBENTURE OR A GUAR - 31) TRUST CERTIFICATE IS AS FOLLOWS: FIRST C' n Di UPON EVERY DOLLAR OF THE CORPORATI- iDN'S ASSTS WHICH TOTAL OVER 846,870,•000. THE TOTAL .A.Sa:Trs OF THE HURON & ERIE AND THE CANADA TRUST 'COMPANY EXCEED $78,000,000. IN ADDITION THE PAID-TJP CARCLAL AND RESERVE FUND OF THE HURON & ERIE IS $7,000,000. THE SECURITIES, BOOKS AND ACCOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO .A CON IINUOUS AUDIT BY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND THE COMPANIES ARE UNDER STRICT GOVERNMENT SUPER- VISION. INTEREST ON DEBENTURES AND CERTIFICATES PAYABLE IIALF-YEARLY IS AS FOLLOWS: 31a % For One and Two year Investments. 4t:'; For Three, Four and Five Year Investments. Ale2LI:::ATIONS RECEEVED AND FULL PARTICULARS CHEERFULLY SUPPLIED BY: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY, ..,.....56.0sasceSrairasar,ezaloonio,mrniaMsisfararaboy.lagoalemauraliarefaa=611111112C Sialer.na=cCr.gr,-ars1zSws.a.a.r.Manarntoxr6axyam,etosusaat.,... ae• ' 1, • IlLtRI.)71,4ARE SEEDS and FURNITURE 3 es 1141 g 11:11:3is 'fill your reorkirements of 3 a • PAINTS! PAINTS! your winier's fuel, be it Coal or Coke. Prices the lowest, quality considered. We and ZURICH HERALD 141_1=1111101.1101111 111 011 1 11 1111 1 1111 1 111 I 0110101 111W1 llhIlliL 1 011111r111 1111 11I111111I 11 Grocery Store Minute Tapioca with sherbert glass, pkg, ..... .15C Spanish Onions, 3 lbs. ' 23c Wheens Carbolic Soap, per cake ........... 5c Peanut Butter, 16 -oz. jar 15c 'Or-ange Marmalade, large jar 25c Strawberry Jam, large jar 35e Tomato Juice, per can 5c Green Tea, per lb. Bix Sodas, per pkg. 15c enno Oesch EGGS WANTED. '-. t rich Phone 165 111101111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111101111101111111011111111, 11111111111111111111110111111111111111111111a ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr.s. Wm. Miller •one day last week. Mr. Stephen Peachy of near Dash- wood was at Kitchener last week. was in London Hay Council will hold its regular monthly meeting. on Monday next. Born -At Hillsgreen. on January 21st, to rM. .and Mrs. W. Forrest a. daughter. Mr. Roy Weber of Hensall spent Sunday with his parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Louis Weber. The annual Day of Prayer will be observed by the Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. in the Evangelical church next Sunday. Mr. and Mxs. Lennis O'Brien and family of Exeter, were Sunday visit- ors at the home of Mr. and.Mrs, W'm.1 O'Brien. A. very impressive memorial serv- ice was held in the Evangelical. church last Sunday morning in honor of the late beloved King George, V. Miss Gertrude Turkheim met with a painful accident on the skat- ing rink on Saturday evening, when in some way in falling she cut quite a gash in her leg. It required sever- al stitches to close the wound. Special memorial .services were conducted in the Lutheran church on Tuesday morning in,hortor of the late King George V. The pastor, Rev. E. Turkheirn gave a very appropriate message. • The annual meeting of the Hay Municipal Telephone System will be held in the town hall, Zurich on Saturday, February 1st, at two o'- clock, when such business will be taken up and discussed as is in order at this meeting. The system is in a good financial standing and is well managed and had a good year dur- ing 1935. carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried II Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, fa 3 Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax iGoodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes sr in all sizes i 0 Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall : Mattresses 3 Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ** ing our Specialty. Full line .4 heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. ca, A- E , 110.: LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter, creamery ...... 31 Eggs. 20, 18', 16 Chickens, lb. 151/2, 14, 113a-1.1 Hens, ib. 10,. 9', 7 Ducks, dressed, lb.. 16e Gees% dressed, lb 15 Turkeys, dressed 27 Wheat bush. 68 Oats, bush. 25 Barley, bush. 32e Buckwheat, bush. 32 Flour cwt. 2.25 3./.5 Bran and shorts, ton MOO 1 00 Live hogs, cwt. 7.00 Potatoes per 90-1113. bag • Passes Out Gas Masks • -_,•The Government at Jerusalem is- sued,gas. masks to harbor officials at Haifa and Jaffa._ Distribution- of the masks climaxed widespread reports and rumors that war preparations were going on in the Holy Land. Arab newspapers, in particular, had been persistently reporting secret sta- toning of troops, importation. of munitions, arrival of a submarine 'and passing out of gas maska.to.sol- diemand sailors.. rFee Skating The Goderich town council at a special session •decided there would be -ie skating for the children this winter, either in the West street rink or at an outdoor rink - under town supervision. The Lions Club had Planned an outdoor rink, but the town took the matter over. An effort is being made to use the West st. rink as it is enclosed. The manage- ment. is to be offered a flat sem to throw the place open one .v peer week, preferably Monday, with both - sides having the privilege of ZURICH ONT. QUALITY PRICE - SERVICE CO 0 00000000040 a 0,011, 041004405041110040410 cancelling if a hockey game is sched- uled, An Old Cheque Apparently the depression was not aswidespread as has been generally thought. In any case Mrs. J. A. • Kerr, secretary -treasurer of the Sea - forth Agricultural Society, reported at the annual meeting Friday that one of. the .Society's prize cheques in the'sum of $8.50 and dated October 1926, had been presented to her for payment •a few weeks ago. The owner Of the cheque had carried it for 10 yearsand had forgotten to cash it -Expositor; SALES, ARE HIGHER A report from Ottawa states that an increase of 36.9 per cent. in the volume and 32.8 per cent. in retail value was shown in sales of new motor vehicles during 1935 compar- ed with the previous year, according to the reeent report by the. Dominion Bureau of Statistics. New motor vehicles sold numbered 100,403 val- ued at $100,622,673 against 73,358 in 1034. Of Ufa total sales passenger cars numbered 82,841 and busses and trucks 17,562. • Ontario led the prov- na Expert Workmanship on all Makes of Cars, with charaes knees with sales of 51,423 vehiclea & Very Reasonable! Quebec was second with 17,497. The • • 0,41" 4. 4. 4. .1t4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4, 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 ThursdaV '..):Enelladaa 30th 1,,9,,Aa' .4.11.4,010,....amimlyambalthfaaeoguilaT, TTE14•••••• 4'' 4h .1,-frt-41.+4.++ t --Petp4•:p4.4.4I. 40. 4t With a lase 4. • 41, ss and 44 • ikf • 4' respect, we mourn with all the passing of our gracious and well -loved sovereign. • King George V /I 4. 40i ' 4. johnston& Kalbfleisoh Hardwar. 84.- Furniture. Phone 6 3 t 4. 4,.............4,,t,o++++4.4•4"f';Af 111111111111IMI IHROINIIIIMItillig.4111111111111111111MILIIIIIIIINNIUMMEIMBINEVERIE1111111111101110M11111111111111111111DIIIMMEEMUM THESE PRICES subject to change without Notice B g-= Painting Wagon Painting Buggy Recovering Buggy Top Rerimrning Buggy Wheels Bum, Shaft Cross Bar Buggy Reach. Buggy Spokes each $7.00 and 10..00 6.00 and 10.00 a 12o00 3.00 1.00 -1.25 25c liRHIlhHIlhIIl 16.a4) and 18.00 Set HESS, the Repair Man 1111PRIEMTEMPIDIIIRIIIIIIIITAnalliiilillIllilllIli1111111111111111HIRIAM0111111111111111Kade15111111111M1111111111M2 14++444.44,44+++444+++444.4+444-4.+4444+++++4•444•144.4.+040 45 6- 4. 4, 4. 4. 4. a. Regular $10.00 Heavy Service tires at Regular 10.75, Heavy Service tires at 41' Gasoline at per gallon Lubricatinz Oils and greases at cm -responding low prices Get Your Requirements Here, where Your Dollars 4- `'• Go the Farthest! EXTRA EXTRA Large Shipment of Tires Just Received 6.35 6.90 23c -Maritime Provinces ac.countecl for t TT 1,615, British Columbia 7,11';.., with ousseau- ZEtric 1 4 the other PXOYfnetaa tomparitively leas. (44.4444+044P;ar".4'54141".1”.t"P'.11.P.P:VtV'P*1"Piktfelltfal.Ptal'tininE1***1/".6.41,1 ANNUAL MEETING The, annual meeting of the Bay - Kings Attend Funeral field Agricultural Society was held in Five of continental Europe's 10 the Town Hall on Wednesday after - reigning kings attended the funeral noon, January 15th, when a good of Ring George V on Tuesday in the number of members -were present.. most impressive assemblage of royal- Mr. John Rathwell was appointed as ty in postwar history: Leopold of the chairman. The president's address Belgians, Boris of Bulgaria., Haakon was then given when J. McClure st- of Norway, Carol of Roumania and ated there was always good will. and Chriatian of Denmark which marched harmony among the directors and all behind Britain's new King Edward worked well together for the upbuil- VIM in Great Britain's most Minos- 'ding of the society and it has pros - :1)g funeral in more than 25 years, nered. Last fall, although the day Gustav of Sweden, Victor Emanuel Was wet, there was a very good at - of Italy, _George of Greece, Zog of tendance and a good exhibit. The Albania and little Ring Peter of secretary gave a report of last year's - Yugoslavia were the only male sov- proceedings. A balance of $307.82 ereigns in Europe adio were not pros- is in the -treasury. Officers and Dix- ent. Prince Friedrich of Prussia, estora for 1936 are as follows: Presi- grandson of the 'former kaisor and a dent, John McClure; lat vice-presi- godson of Ring George, epresented dent, 11obt. Penhale; 2nd vice, John Wilhelm of Doorn. Grand Duke Rathwell; Durectors; T. M. Woods, Dmitri, son of Grand Duke Cyril, S. 'Houston, E. Foster, T. M. &IOW' head of the House of Romanoff, re- den, C. Deihl, Wm. Sparks, W. W. presented the former Russian czarist Wise, B. Dunn, F. Middleton, Alf. family. Don Alfonso of Spain, nephew Warner; V', Keegan, H. Stinson, .Mrse of former Ring Alfonso, represented T. M. Snowden, Mrs. F. MeEwen, the exiled Spanish royal family, and Mrs. F. Middleton, Mrs, E. Foster; 'since Paul, senior regent of Yugo- Secy., A. E. Erwin; Treasprer, F. A. slavia represented King Peter. Can- Edwards; auditors, James id. Reid, ada W/18 represented at the ceremon- john R. Cameron, The datehosen es by Hon. Vincent Massey, high for the Fall Fair are Wednesday and commissioner to London, and by Thursday, Sept, 23 and 24t1. The representativel of the army, the navy, annual Masquerade carnival is to be and the air forces. hold Wednesday of Easter week. .•••••••••••.gimomme•momill•• 4+44-14++++++4,444++++++++414 0440+++++++++*+++++4.++++4,4)* 1:4,* IVIASSEY-HARRIS NEWS 4. 4. 4. balance of month. $18.00 heaters for (spry $8.50. Cash with Order. t •i•• • SUPER LASTIC TIRE PRICES Again Re- duced and we mount same free • t Use Massey -Harris semi -steel deep chill plow Points. Tel. Shop 149 a KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 t •-;•• Now that the harvest is over we would appreciate having an early settlement on Repair Accounts. Manifest your appreciation for receiving credit by settling at once. 10 per cent. added after October 15th SPECIAL on Hot water Heaters for your car for ÷ * + * + Auctioneering? -- U. BET! ' pg.'"*Ialeataaaaaaaaaaaaarrealae.