HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-01-30, Page 5'Itlka ate. .1grrituary, 4114, 11'00 BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL DUDLEY E. UOLMES BARRISTER., SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUELIC, ETC. "OFFICE Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GOIDERICH, Ontario. Put Your Want. For Sale Lost. Found, Etc. Ms. in this. Colun1n4 NOTICE ZURICH H HERALD L(K.AL W Mr. Charles Hagan an000red to London one day last week. Miss Lillian Rader •was confined to the house for about a week ow- ing to •a bad cold, but is hack at her position at the local switchboard Special Attention to Comm' and • again. ► Chick Buyers ers Court Work. Through the co-operation of Tor- onto Elevators Company we can give a coupon good fora two weeks sup- ply of 25 lbs. of Master Starter free with each one hundred chicks bought from us providing they are ordered three weeks in advance. We are now booking orders for (March and April Chicks and will appreciate a chance to satisfy your requirements. J. 1 . NeKINLEY„ ZURICH Mr. Halmaes may be consulted at ,Godericb by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. 1>. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ .BLOCK,—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S'• BLOCK, DASITWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Dr. 11. H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETERINARIAN Dr. W. B. COXON, B.I. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Home of the late Di, J. Routledge. • Zurich :Phone -9 6. . R, Caraphelle V.S, Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All of domestic animals treated) ni?r:seiy, stock; such as faint trees Mr. and.Mrs, William Decker and aMrs. Ferd, Haberer were recent vis itors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gaisei at Crediton. We regret very much that Mr Edward Kal'bfleiseh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis .Kalbfleisch of the 15th concession is quite ill at the home. We trust he will soon recover. The carnival that was advertised or last Friday evening was nootlao',k ed till this Wednesday evening, :owing to the bad weather last week.t1,.: was thought advisable. FARM FOR SALE Schools throughout the "district as:'well as in town were closed a fewFO SAI1 .-75 aeres good pasture days Iast v"^r,k owiiV.' "n "01 never failing water. Lot 16, Con. c, „weather. There were. oply a few Hay Tp.—W. C. Pearce, Exeter.. scnoiars who eentureu oµ4 e.r �... short distance in the village. The road from Zuric fi to Hensall which was all ,blorcked up has since Saturday been made passably' fox the motor vehicle. The big snow plow was pushed#through by Mr. Harvey who has the contract, and on Wednesday forenoon he made an- other trip in as far as Zurich, as the Blue Water Highway has so far not been opened it is useless to open the Zurich Road that far. FOR QUICK SALE A 1924 Ford Coach, in good runn- ing condition. Will be sold very cheap for quick sale. Apply to Ed. Stele R.R.2, Zurich. NOTICE All those using the Evangelical Church Sheds who are not support- ers of the church, are requested to make arrangements for the use of these sheds. 13y Orderof�,the Board_ Arrangements can be made with Mr.•. Roland Geiser. 3_30 • NOTICE I have been appointed as agent for this district of R D. Smith & Sons, of Winona, to take orders..for their: alrseases principles, :by the. most modern ay night Charges reasonable. endo. Also Bre- eder.etalls promptly eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness l fennels. Office on Main Street, -opposite Town Hall, Phone 116. HENSALL. BUTCHERS .uriehs' .Pop1.11a ° ME AT YE AR R E' ' .het Us 'supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, alw ays oar, Ir7nd. Kept fresh in Electric Rcsrigeratioli Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins - , Yungblut & Sou GARAGE. TRADE IN YOUR DANEROUS TIRES NOW! - A MOST GENEROUS ALLOWANCE STOCK REDUCING SALE NOW ON! S. S. Wein Phone 60 — DASi3WOOD INS URANCE Western Fanners' Mutual Weather Insurance Ce. QFC WOODSTOCK fTHE LARGEST RESERVE l AL- .ANCE OF ANT CANADIAN MUT- VAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS END TN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on 31st, 1934, $19,613,539. Beads Bank and�` tail Cash in Bn O Utes—$4.50) per $1,.000 for S Tenn E. F. Kaop..—Zurlak ll Aleut, MNO Dealer loiLiettaind Rads 001 all Wads, aitt 1!'il a..l.:l..;aas.arzno. shrubs, climbers, flowore, ornamental trees, etc. Your patronage solicited. Wm. L. SIEBERT tf13 LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron- and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION .TO CON - duet any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. 1 solicit your businees • •• l •j not satisfied will make no ci_... ,., • or Services Ren- dered. 1 ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-57. PRODUCE PRODUCE WANTED We are in a position to take Cream and Eggs at my home at Zurich, for • which we will pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as. we receive them, and pay according' to grading. Give us a Trial.: 0 First house south of Dominion Hotel THOS. H. MEYERS, Phone 116, Zurich., Ont. WALKS SIX MILES Ur. Geo.. W. Raeey of Parkhill tramped six miles over deep snow drifts. in a close race with the stork on Saturday, In the Port Franks lo- cality north 'of Thedford he was for• ced to leave his car 3 )Hiles from his destination,. and start out on foo'. through the deeply drifted snow.Thr n,pectant father. who had phoned the doctor walked to meet him as it was impossible to travel with horse and cuttetr as thtere was grave -danger of the horse's legs being broken by go ing through the heavy crust of snow. The doctor however succeeded in arriving before the stork who intro- duced into the world a bouncing, baby boy. PREMIER HEPBURN RETURNS Rushing home to the bedside of his mother, Mrs. W. F. Hepburn, who is critically ill in St. Thomas, Hon. Mitchell F. Hepburn arrived at hi:, some near St. Thomas on Sunday evening, coming from thte south by Wane as far. as New Yor'• Tl.•. Premier said that the h. onehial con- dition n dition which he had contracted about 1, year ago had not been improved by his stay under Florida suns, It ivas still hanging grimly on, he admitted, and causing hila some worry and d1s- 'omfort. However, the rest and the holiday at Miami had improved his general health and he hoped to be able to gird vigorous leadership to his party during the fourthcoming session of the Legislature,, • HENSALL Annie Consitt left :donde:- ln. "- TUZSDAY A MEMORIAL . a trip to Kentucky and Tonnescee, Tuesday'was observed as a holiday where she will visit friends for a in town and community and there was very little ,stir. The day was fittingly quiet in memory of our. be- loved King George V. Churn serv- ices were held throughout the land. and not alone in the British Empire did the people mourn the loss of this time. David McNaughton of 'Bay -field, was a recent visitor in town. Albert Passmore, of Delhi spent a pleasant week -end with his paren•_s Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walters who beloved sovereign, but other.nations.left here some time to visit with fri- the world over. We would make pal- wi ends in Vancouver, Y.C., where they titular mention to the big coun 11 : try to j reside in future . Mrs. Walters z the south of us which • 2s so close l was formerly Florence McDonald. allied to •Great Britain, speaking the' The congregational meeting of the jSame language, same eustomes of i sited Church was schedl?leci far I Iiving. and many things in common ' ,anday evening..Ian. 27. Thr• mee•t- There is no need of and fortifications jag being in charge of. the Young l'or big guns pointing •et each otherl" c ople s Society. where t' Fr•: unity like tl�_. V1r i,.yrna Duddy; o T.onden - 'njo,rt-:i ce tr.l-.t.•, 1 _ Vine addless !:..,,;;111"}i'-'1:11-7,•01.1';;:: 'ar a 1 give i a:' -c cf the •- ratio :spe- l akers of whom we -would mention ''.at .wily -news broadcaster Soak Carter, and also Mr. Campbell of. the Ford Motor Compaany on Sun- day evening, one of his statements, "when we say the King, we mean the King of England".. But he is now .;one Net his good worke and memory will linger on as .the ideal man of e 'ford Hogg i kf 1' ,•. -o time ago for New Ontario, has re_ e e erred home. • 'e .a sneeai meeting of the coun- cil Saturday eve last, George Fee was, appointed constable of the viIIage. S tenders were received, L. Rands, A. Hildebrand and Geo. Fee. hTe lat- t' is application was accepted. The generation. Lang rive the King? . new -constable will take over his dui - les Feb. 1st. .The bell on the town hall tolled for 10- minutes Monday evening last, when word came of the death of King -George. Harold Bell, son of Mrs. Albert' Bell. had his tonsils removed by I)r•. j Dunlop of (+;anter. The lee in the local rink ie in ex- cellent condition and large evo v& en- 'ov the .`skatitl., o (. pi ,p; Ed. McQueen is the very efficient manag- er. The euchre and dance sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce was well attended. Prize winners for euchre were: Ladies' Mr.,. (Glen Yell. PLAYING GOOD I•IOCKEY In a recent important and fast game, of hockey at Guelph. when the Toronto St. Mike's Jrs. played the Guelph team, we take a fee- notes from the Guelph Mer :try ie their writeup about the garie. an 1 where they comp'iri, -ttt':l oe the Jc''t" •1 work done by the Guelph gore: Mr. Harold Stade, son of Mr. ani Mn. R. F. Stade of Zurich. "Goalkeeper• Harold Stade of the Guelph Maple Leafs held off the fast attack of St. Mike's for more than two periods, but when his own team started firing n him, he had to admit d J' Live Pailiry WANTED Taken every Day till 3 o'clock p.m. Do not feed Fowl same morning when brought in HIGHEST CASH PRICES --FOR-- CREAM AND EGGS Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich At AWN Recalls War Incident , At least one man in Huron OounTi- ty recalls an incident of meeting the late King George, it was -during the days of 'the Gireat War and is re- called by Serg:-Maj., Geo. James, pf •Goderich. The officer was in charge of the physiicaI training unit whicl. the King -and Queen .inspected. Eel majesty made as if to move • on, and 'turning ta; the King • said, "Come ,George.' Committee Meets 'The property committee sof the :Huron County Council met at the courthouse, 1Lx'ode ' i ncl The other day after inspecting the new filing a:quip- mena• at- the re-gist.rary office, and ;passed several accounts. hTe reinod- :eling of a section of the courthouse :to .'install; .pulilie lavatories in the !basement, which has been discussed Ifni' some time, wi11 be dealt with •b* 'the property eainruittee of the 1936 one of his own team backhanded tf•d 1111rs. T. Mitts: 't„1 •s. tv m. Heti., A. puck into the net. The Gn•,lnrt teem Workman: lucky ticket, `ils. :a. 1 ,, displayed some beautiful <,•1 teal- Poster. ring by Harold Stade.. put Dr. J. La- The Chamber of Commerce flextime, manager, of the visiting team was loud in his praises of Stade and especially so in the third period waren the game little Guelph golie suffered a cut over one eye when he dived across his net to stop a shot with his face. That play was tipical of Stade all night, and he played on outstand- ing game as he always -does.” His team has won every game with the regular team this season and they will be .in the ployoff games soon to take place. • The Big Storni One of the worst blizzards and heay fall of snow swept this part of Canada last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and we have had a few inches of snow practically every day since, with the mercury dwelling a- round the zero mark. The blizzard, on Thursday especially was a real Miss Ellen Ford. After a very pre old timer as terrible banks of snowy asant four day trip they arrived were piled up in places while in other j safely at Daytona Beach where they on a skating carnival in the local rink on Wed. eve., Jan. 29. We regret to report that Mrs. H.' Pipphardt is quite ill at tate home f her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Fee. Friends of Jas. Robinson are sorry to hear that he is quite ill at his home. NLrs. Alex. Ellis of Aberdeen, S.D. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Lindsar and other relatives in the village.She was a former resident of Hensall and before her marriage was Jeain Mur- ray. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis were the first couple married in the Presbyterian Church (now United) after it was built. Arrive In Florida W rd Inas been received from Jno. Bolton who left here before Christ- mas for a trip to Florida with Mrs. Bolton, :Mr. and Mrs. -T. Berry and 1 PAGE' V M 0IIiHwtsl0010900l10MM40110000 00000* 000.19•O•i 4 t 40 40 1 We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Pound B. Fat for Churning Crearn delivered at our plant. Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same Day. Yours Truly, ZURICH CREAMERY a• ria • 0004WPfilWW0W&tia8a®000 WOW WOG 00 a4 8s , 4 :<rr lr LYci-w*6aiNis 44)04E.t3 -bQ(,1#.40� detidee+S--elefeleeeeed.d de: : l-+ Cut Your Fuel Bill Ib HALF! ]buy Sts.=rte. Widows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. 0. KAI( 69 PHONE 1 022 ZU IC ileseees+++++++ F.+.:..I'++.a -e+ •' . �'I"i' a'I•� •I.Or-f •i•-,ti.i••Y•ti ... ;..r,..l.:: •xy�• 43000 00000000000e60Ns00000 r.,;064sf0' 06effo`b to 0 st Sn its e MTET1M esosoweser Savafoaj '�tlD�a�Y A Cozrsplete Mineral Feed for the ha -:foal M.^re. Ade- quate Minerals makes oo ^i rte zI of the Foal. Get Our Prices on your Minerals for Cattle, and Hogs before buying elsewhere. Cod Liver Oil c. $1.00 a Gallon for poultry and Hogs. SEEDS! SEEDS! . We are in the Market for Red, Alsike, weet Clovers and Timothy Seeds. Coal and Coke at Hensall and Zurich at all Times. Master and Pioneer Poultry and Hog Feeds. ale 2 a• 0 ,10 5 .e.„„ „„ci IT CA 'taHeNti. ,...' P'++.$Caell34 :w,sf. atk'1:6 , 0.N.!:t."'&$ua• `04,: 1)Ch rilhiMANY ti ur ru St s g ore Sch'� • q�Ey f �J We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies spots the snow is all, swept away. The traffic, even on the main road from here to Hensel] was impassable for the old reliable team of horses, the motor car and truck had to be set aside for several days, as the snow was so deep the plows could not keep the main highways open, not until Saturday were the big plows able to get through. Zero and be- low weather accompanied the blis- zard, which was considered in many places as the worst in 25 years. Ap- parently this storm is taking the place of the usual January thaw that we are now looking for to take down these br • banks,butbe itwill not g in January this year, but any time soon will suit most of us. On Thurs- day, the train became blocked at Clinton, and on Friday heavier eng- ines with big snowplow had to be .sed to come up from London. It was a real old -times, and we arc not very anxious to see another one like it, for many a year- ,r •will spend several months Mrs. Bol- ton, who has been in very poor health for several years is receiving a lot of benefit from the trip. A Worth While`Work . The problem of caring for the many • unfortunate sufferers from tuberculosis is a task which for some 30 years has been occupying the attention of tho National Sanitarium Association. operating the Muskoka Hospital for Consumptives. the Toronto 'Hospital for Consumptives and the Queen Mary Hospital for Con- , sumptivc Children. At prcecnt these up-to-date hospitals. With an accommodation of over 1,0(1(1 bods are tau t 1, .•] c hr..,utmost to rare for 1) ,l the needy consumptives, whose old) , hope of future health lies in propel treatment and care. It is in order that these institution, may be enabled to carry on this worth while work that it is necessary to annuailt ' make an appeal foe funds. Tor the statut- ory allowances tereivcd fall far short 0: 'Cho actual cost of laltln eco. With deficit of nem Ihoosands of dollars to make up this vonr no optrltin; aoroullt- •1vc ail: that yon 0 as generously as you o0e1 11' z .tet .(lin' n111 gait to the National :iani:uriInn lstandaellort.. 023 Cooego on cct. "i el, Oat • ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. 1 PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. i++++++++++++++++++$+++++s See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes and Brushes. Mitt+ 7Awwww*g1*.#4.':4.440i" 0#+,4*** We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. 1 AlC ]1s MacKinnon, Dr. A J. ��ri_. •