HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-01-30, Page 1'XXXVI No.30 1,C146 THURSDAY DA IN G JANUARY `?O, 1936. ;, r Chester L. Smith, Publiaheit •• w-* $1.25" a year, U.S. $1.50. in .t .dv ,. sus INARR1:A11S,$2 MAY S6 UH1r s4lt�ci atronize your local Merohant and read the llo:ne Paper New Precedent setby g London, Jan.. 23 -King Edward VIII, the first B3ritish. soverign to, fly . an airplane, ,created another lvreced- ent today. His. message to Parliament in which he said "li am resolved to follow inthe way; he Citing George V) has set before rher was • framed in the first person,.. Flitherto ;such messages have been he to third per-: son, for instance,the message 'from the late King George: when 'he :acced- ed in 1910. •-* :Sorry To Make Officials Wai "I am sorry to keep gout wraiting like this." These were tire last words King George V uttered to his council fors. Sir John Siinene Home secret- ary, revealed this; fe li incident in - Do You .Need Glasses? the fateful meeting of the Privy Co- uncil ,before the King died. As his Majesty was making garlarlt but, path- etic efforts to sign his name to the .decree which would place the affairs :of the country in the hands of a council of .state, he turned to those }present and said, quietly and..simply, "I: :am . so :sorry to keep youwaiting like flus.?' :Stop and: Think how int it is 'that you wear correct glasses—cor- rectly lassess---correctly prescribed for your vision. `Correctly styled, to year r fes. Your health may largely depend on keen vision. • See G. E. ZURBI IGG RO. At HESS MUMMY Y STORE Every Tuesday at ZURICH At Dashwood,. Saturday,. et .Pile's Store.. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Cht reb ZURICH — ONT. '`A Changeless C6ruc> $arc- x Chang- ing Friday, 8h—Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICE:, 10 a. m.—German Se€ . ' 11.15 a.m.—Sundays Sammi 7.30 p.m. -English. service.. Everybody" Welcome to all fezar'L > E. TUERKHHE , Pastor. Badly Snowbound Mast 'Friday and Saturday Yas food wig milk supplies were almost ex- hausted at Port Franks, -windswept" hamlet on the shores of Lake Huron, 'two Government snowplows cut through the drifts and a truck load of provisionspassed into the rriar- doned village late Saturday. The 60 residents of the small village had .beencutoff from supplies since Mon- day and calls for aid were sent out Thursday night when • the situation was becoming acute. .A plane with provisions was ready to leave the Lambetb airport, near London had the plows failed in their battle, thro- ugh the eight -foot drifts. People re- verted to home baking of bread and biscuits, and whatever they could do+ to replace the incorniug bread and milk. Scores of other hamlets were similarly cut off from road communi- cation in Western Ontario and there was shall hope that they would have roads opened for motor vehicles for. days, .or even weeks. Mens and boys OTS.S aeS CARD OF THANKS Mrs. J. Bloch of Zurich` wishes to greatly thank the neighbor's and friends for the kindness. and symp- athy extended during the -recent bereavement. South Huron Agricultural Society Meets There was more than an. average attendance at the annual meeting of the South Huron Agricultural Society held in the Commercial Hotel, Hen- sall, on Saturday last, although the weather was stormy. The president, Dr. A. R. Campbell, occupied the chair. The treasurer's report showed - a •substantial balance after all prize money had been paid and all expend- itures met and there was keen discus- sion over the plans for the coming Dr. A. J. MacKinnon and son Archie motored to Kippen on Tues- dey afternoon. Mr. Alfred Melick, Reeve of Hay Township is attending • the January meeting of the Huron County Coun- Oi ,at Goc'.�..ich. Mr. Herbert K. Eilber of Credit- on, was in town 1Vlonday, when he officiated at the Fire Insurance an- nual meeting. Annual Meeting year. -It was decided to hold the an- nual Seed Fair on Friday, February Thc, annual meeting of the policy - 21st, when a liberal prize list will be holders of The Hay Township Farm - offered. It is expected also that Prof. Gk's Mutual Fire Insurance was held W. J. Squirrell, of the Agricultural College., Guelph, will act as judge of seeds, and after the judging will give are address. Prof. Squirrell has act- ed as judge at Hensall for a number of years, and he has become so well. known and well liked through his in- formative addresses that the Society have found it necessary to secure larger accomodation for the seed show this year. The date of the an- nual Spring Fair was set for Satur- day, April 4th, when an extensive prize list for both horses and :cattle will be available. The following offi- cers were elected: President, Dr. A. R. Campbell; 1st vice Pres., W. R. Dougall; 2nd vice-pres., Owen Geiger Secy-Treas., K Ma McLean:; Direct: arheld ,re the church ,basement on urs: Wm "Gensler W; J.'Jones, Rpt"' eionday evening, January 20th at 8 p.m. Mrs. Edward Datars had charge of the devotionals and pres- ented the topic "My Neighbor, the Jew. Clipping's were read by Mrs. Ivan Kalbfleisch, Mrs. J. Haberer, Mrs. M. Schilbe, Miss A. Datars, and Mrs. L. Prang,. Mrs. I. Kalbfleisch offered prayer for "Peace in all the World." Tribute was paid to his late Majesty King George V, by HEAVY RUBBERS, ETC. On Wednesday evening, January 'ting softly part of the hymn. "For 15th, the Bethany Sisters' Bible Class; all the saints who from their labors CARFILED BROWN of th' h a •'lical church, Zerich. i rest.' It was decided to hold a mis-' 'Victoria .Sweet. Zna+c'e, Ont. with their husbands, by specs r ation met at the home of their teach- �RT :GIVE EXPERTWO 3is"MtSN er, Mr. and Mrs. A. Melick for re- '- organization and a social evening. Mrs. 3. Hey, convenor of the soc- trial committee acted as chairman. After a few brief remarks try the in the Town Hall, Zurich on Mon- day afternoon with a good attend- ance. The annual business was gone over by the directors and the secy- teeasurer, Mr. H. K. Eilber. Mr. Al- bert Hendrick was president for the past year and occupied the chair. At the beginning of the meeting the gathering observed two minutes of :silence in honor of the late Ring George V. The president for the year 1936'will be Mr. John Arm- strong of the Goshen Line north. W. M. S. MEET The monthly .meeting of the Wo - Men's o -Men's i iissioary Society of St. Pet- e�'s Evangelical Lutheran church W. A. Young, T. Sherritt, S. Dougall, We have put in a Stock of V. Chapman, W. Decker, L. 'Chap- 'Good Choice Quality menes man, A. Buchanan, N. Riley, R. N. Q y Peck, Roy Lamont, E. Rawcliffe, H. :rad Boys' Work Shoes, and C. Soldan; A. 13. Bell and W.. D. San • dens; Auditors, H. Arnold and C. A. invite the public to come m Mc.Donell. and we can fit you up. +—. PUT i.N A SUPPLY OF MEN'S AND presentation WOMEN'S RUBBERS,MEN'S ' 1 ucit sion study class, as in previous years. The book "Stewardship Parables of Jesus" by Rosswell C. Long will be studied, with Rev. E. Turkh,im as teacher: .FUR' Your IN Patronage Scrlicitetd •r ,dee . .ens .O ss respect, fite:. Univ ti s ~, Surow fat the passing of a beloved and gracious Sovereign, King Ge rge .the Fifth Highest el ;g ff40. ggg Vikose chairman- the pastor, Rev. E'. Burn took the chair and 'conducted the re -organization which resulted as follows: President, Mrs. A. Weber; '"il... plea, .. -• 'i»p. • lei Mrs. Jas. Allan; Asst., sec.,., :a? r.. was 45' years of age is- father of ii Wn,. Pro idne nb, l'i.1tU r; i�J.a, 1, .i, } lara'e?r, Lx•C'.- loran; ,7,acl in his }-/"l O'Brien. The p.t.,tor then c z t ct lon Monday at his h���ome in Windsor. attention to the great help a c.`.: s He had been ailing for several veral weeks'. of this kind are 10 Christ and. ti'' Was thorn at Sandusky, Ohio. :?'iclf church. idea Hee a;,'..iir iv.:''- cars:+ rti :11 the fLnaiiy to the iron chair and called an .:.rr. Nese r to son line, hay Township where he was married and Iived for 16 years be- fore laic': tt'r to wird.;or, :', f:' t Ca]•.: ago. His brother, 1Ir. Denies 1)u- chernie resides on the homestead on the bronson line, also his mothei, be- sides his brothers and sisters he leav- es lads widow and 11 children. He was the proprietor of a grocery store in Windsor. The funeral was held on Wednesday in Windsor. Leaving Zurich We regret very much to learn of'. the departure from Zurich of Dr. W. B. Coxon, V. S., who came here *as given consisting of songs, meal l about eight months ago, having just graduated from Former Resident Passes The sacs intelligence was received here on Monday of the passing of Mr. Edward Ducharme, of Windsor, and a former resident of flay Town - a few remarks. Mrs. Weber spoke o h lit, :res•:; of the yea,. r. ant ai:.o o tee 1..:il rel 'lis ructions ' by their teacher. Mrs. Hey then read an address and Mrs, Weber' presented the teacher With a beauti- ful gift.; after the presentation the teacher macre a suitable reply thank- ing the members of his class for their kindness shown toward him. He said while he felt hie weakness in endeavoring to teach the word of God, he hoped that the Bethany 'Sisters Class would be a great in- fluence for Christ and the church. After which a short spicy program College legs and contests, also short addresses at that time. were given by Rev. Burn, Mr. Wm. O'Briedn and Mx'. J. Geiger. A boun- tiful - lunch was then served by the ladies of the class, after which all returned to their homes feeling it was an evening well spent. • The address: Zurich, January 15th, 1936 Mr. A; Melick, Dear Teacher: We, the members of your Sunday School Glass cannot let this 'we eannol; hr lit but congratulate hire opportunity pad by without giving on his new appointment, which comes to very few in -his profession. He `vas indeed a very sociable and like- Dr. Coxon who has • been enjoying a nice practice here in Zurich has re- ceived word from the Civil Service Commission at Ottawa that he has been successful in passing the exam- inations which he wrote some time ago for a position as Government In- spector in the Public Health Service. The Doctor intends leaving Zurich about Friday of this week to fulfill the duties of his new position in Toronto. While Zurich and com- munity regret to give up Dr. Coxon, txpiession of ,our appreciation o your helpful instruction in the Holy Bible from Sabbath to Sabbath., gentleman and his many friends Will you aiccri.pt this little gift here will groatly truss him. This Mfr ,air .year thus As a tarn '.i' 'leaves Zurich without a V. S., but token of our high esteem for you as we trust in the matter of a few a capable teacher. And may you be' months when the. College' term (loses sparred long to continue as our S. S. for the year, that someone will 10. saclaei, care in lttr'i;ch. Your S. S. Chase.. Have You Got Any? SUCH AS OLD RINGS, WATCH CHAINS, WATCH CASES, PINS, AND SO FORTH. WHY NOT SELL IT FOR CASH BESIDES WE CAN ALLOW YOU µ6.50 FOR $5.00 GOLD COINS; µ13.00 FOR 410.00 Gold Coins WE WILL BE PLEASED TO GIVE YOU A PRICE ON ANY- THING THAT LOOKS LIKE GOLD More Heat—Less Attentiare The color guarantees tg quality Seinet Solvay. Cook Miller Creek an.& Rosedale Alberta tind Brick W. R. DAVIDSON Highest cash prices paid fog• Hess, The Jeweller Eggs on a graded basis. Phone 74 Zurich Phone 10 HENSALVe • • • • • • • • • • • m m 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • vv 4 • • • cs • • 4 4 ,,,,.01,0••••••••0000,011)010.0,00 e04A4 00,,0 a0ac0004,0••m•0m'00,c4,61 03, Op, Clv eg. • (14 c,, oar <a+ a FOR January fy Extra Trouser ABSOLUTELY `,WITH EVERY SUIT MADE TO MEASURE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED REMEMBER JANUARY ONLY SAVE From $6 to $10.00 ON EVERY SUIT o 4; 181c E•da,..a ,,E.ta AND • i:+zt'= Ec ? Oi S. Re uctio , S We are offering at Greatly Reduced Prices, The Following, Goods: All Heavy Underwear, Wool Blankets, Men's and Boys' Windbreakers and Sweaters, Heavy Sociis. Men's and Children's Heavy Sock... All Heavy Rubbers. Boy's Tweed Pants and Bloomers, Flannelette. Prints, Ginghaxns and Tawelings, Etc., Etc. Ask to See Our New' Chintz suitable for Quilts and Comforters' GENERAL ilaEleopiANT HONE 11 - 97 BLAKE