HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-01-23, Page 8i,PRI' i . -1ERA/.� THE STORE WITH THE STOCK NEW PRINTS S A SHIPMENT OF NEW SPRING PRINTS NOW OPENED UP. 40 Pieces to choose from in a Great Variety of New Patterns. Priced from 17c to 25c yard. STAMPED MATS This is Mat Hooking Tinie. Let Us Show You Our New Rug Patterns. Priced as low as 25c each KNITTING YARNS We carry the Celebrated Monarch Yarns, Guaran- teed fast colors, and will . not shrink, best for Sweater Coats. We have Monarch Down Dove, Radiant, Silvertwist and Tweed. Have also receiv- ed a cheaper yarn suitable for Cushions, Afghans, Etc. Peerless Fingering, selling at 10c for 1-0z. Ball GROCERIES! GROCERIES Baking Bran, 2 lbs. for Cookies, per lb. No. 1 Sodas, per lb. Broken Sodas, fresh, 2 -lbs. for Sardines, 3 for Smoked Herring, per Ib. Large Grapefruits, 4 for Oranges, 2 dozen for Dried Peaches, per lb. 5c 15c 14c 19c 15c '18c 25c 45c 20c Fresh Head Lettuce and Celery on hand Thursday to Saturday J. SC 0 R, u SON PHONE 59 PRODUCE WANTED e security PROVI�_.D FOR A HURON & ERIE DEBENTURE OR A GUAR- .`-`?1'EIED TRUST CERTIFICATE IS AS FOLLOWS: — FIRST CCATAIIH UPON EVERY DOLLAR OF THE CORPORATI- ON'S 2.SST TS 17HICH TOTAL OVER $46,870,0,00. THE TOTAL ASSETS OF TIiL HURON & ERIE AND THE CANADA TRUST CO PAMEXCEED $78,000,000. IN ADDITION THE PAID-UP CAPITAL AND RESERVE FUND OF THE HURON & ERIE IS $7,000,000. IITHE SECURITIES, BOOKS AND ACCOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO A CON r INUOUS AUDIT BY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND THE COIVI?ANIES ARE UNDER STRICT GOVERNMENT SUPER- VISION. INTEREST ON DEBENTURES AND CERTIFICATES PAYABLE HALF -YEARLY IS AS FOLLOWS: 3 sl % For One and Two year Investments. 4% For Three, Four and Five Year Investments. APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AND FULL PARTICULARS CHEERFULLY SUPPLIED BY: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY; .. 1 .�i i! •• HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE j • • • • Let us fill your requirements of s your vvinier's fuel, be it Coal or I Coke. Prices the lowest, quality ; • considered. • L an.: COBE PAINTS! PAINTS! • • We carry a full line of the Well Known ' and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, • Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall 1 Mattresses t Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line Jf heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. STADE & WEIDOI IZUR$CH - ONT. QUALITY — PRICE — SERVICE 4►•sassso somsom••s•••saR 4 msj 111111111111111it1111, IIIIIIII0111111101 III II11IIII 11111111111111 11111HHII f 11111111111111111111111111111 111p11111H11. NEW Grocery Store- - Minute Tapioca with sherbert glass, pkg• 15c Spanish Onions, 3 lbs. 23c Wheens Carbolic Soap, per cake 5c 15c 25c Straw -berry am y Jam, large jar 35c 39c Peanut Butter, 16 -oz. jar Orange Marmalade, Large jar Geen Te, per lb. Tomato Juice, per can B( x Sodas, per pkg. ... ...15c enno Oesch - Zurich EGGS WANTED. Phone 165 11111111 IIIIIIHIIIH II 111111IHIIIIIHIIl0111111IIIIIIH 1 HIIIIIIHIIll111H10 011! t HIO 1 11111111hill 11111111111ff111H 001111001000111 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEtRi,S ;< Messrs. Louis and Leonard Prang spent the week -end in Detroit. {Mir. William McAdams of the Bronson Line motored to Landon on Sunday. Miss Mende Langford, teacher of the Bronson school, spent Sunday at her home at Lucan. Miss Ethel Fowiie of Bayfield, visited the past week with her sister, Mrs. Gid. Koehler of town. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Cowen and family of Exeter, were visitors an town one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Merner, Miss Merle Langford, Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Oswald were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Theo. McAdams, Bron- son Line. The annual meeting of the Mem- bers of the Hay Township Farmers' Mutual. Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich on OE\londay afternoon, January 27th, at 2 o'clock when the usual business will be transacted. Word has been received here of the very illness of Prof. Herbert Kalbfieisch of London, who recently underwent an operation for append- icitis. Pleased to report that latest reports show an improved condition of the patient. We have again experienced a very cold snap of weather over the week- end, with the mercury dropping con- siderably below the zero at times. We hear so little these days of the mild winter we were to have. The big half of January is gone, with only another week after this and we have not as yet had our annual Janu- ary thaw. Although we had a little milder weather early in the month, but no general thaw. The members of Hay Council were in session on Saturday afternoon in the capacity of a telephone meeting, as apparently the contracts with the local managers were expired and it became necessary to draw up new contracts and make new arrangem- ents. Mr. P. Mclsaac was reappoin- ted manager of Dashwood with an increase in salary of $150, while in the Zurich office Mr. Harry G. Hess was given full management of the switching as well as lineman at a straight salary. This will eliminate the reiVontibility of looking after the engaging of switchboard operators by the Council, and in future If we LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter, creamery Eggs. Chickens, lb. Hens, Ib. Ducks, dressed, lb Geese, dressed, lb Turkeys, dressed Wheat bush. 20, 18, 16 15%, 14, 13, 11 10, 9, 7 16c 15 27 68 Oats, bush. ............. Barley, bush. Buckwheat, bush. Flour cwt. Bran and shorts, ton Potatoes per 90 -lb. bag Live hogs, cwt. 25 32c 32 2.25 3.15 20.00 L00 7.00 County Statement For the first time in years, it is stated, an auditors' report of the county treasurer's books will be plac- ed before Huron County Council at the January session. The count meets on January 28. Great Poet Passes Rudyard Kipling, distinguished British writer of tales and poems, died on January 18th in Middlesex Hospital, lessthan five days after he had undergone an operation for a performed stomach ulcer. He wrote prose so electrically exciting, so rich in its choice of words and rhythm of sentences that to read them will aI- ways be for anyone who loves liter- ature, a marvelous experience. He did what all great writers do—create a world of his own. A world peopled only with children, but a jungle of wonderful colors, shining rivers and beautiful flowers and plants that will never be found anywhere except there. BOOK ABOUT BANKING There is much about :bank methods and practices that is a mystery to the ordinary man and woman. They know about savings accounts and cheques, ;but they know little about numerous other services that the banks are prepared to give them. To enlighten the public on the subject, the Bank of Montreal has just issued a new edition of its ;booklet entitled "Your Bank and How You May Use It." Prepared "for the purpose of setting forth the many ways in which the bank can serve the individual." this booklet is really a most valuable manual on Canadian banking. One of the surprises it provides for the reader is the extraordinary range of service which the bank offers to the 4. + + 4. + +° Thursday, .1 anuary tip `lira` 'a ..rq zy ,ri+.t.$1,4.4,4,44.4i.44.*+F••9.4.+++444i+++-1; • . +A PF++4.10+4.4 le °M.*. 1� With a sense . f loss and respect, we mourn with all the. + passing of our t gracious and weII- Ioved sovrei + gn + King George V + ++t+ + Johnston ec sch na:• • 4Z •. •• . 4 4 • • 40, • • a, + Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 • r'+dry+F+++i++.144.4.44+••.+-+ +•>5.1Fi+++i $4.4.•D+4+i•+>r+t.1411 iHirllilHIiIIIH[II" pb6AHIHIIIHIfHH++IIItIIIIHH}tllHllpliHlllitiiTHIIHIIII(Ilill(HIHHHIHHHHHIIUIINfiIIJlllflE6111lIflHlllllllllHllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIHIHHHHfH1r THESE PRICES subject to. change without Notice 72 Painting Wagon $7.00 and 10.0( Painting Buggy 6.00 and 10.00 Recovering Buggy Top 16.00 and 18.00 Rerimming Buggy Wheels, Set 12o00 Buggy Shaft Cross Bar Buggy Reach Buggy Spokes each 3.00 1.00 1.25 HESS, the Repair Man Il1i111111IM 1ID91111111HH11111 ilw"vt 6911#iQH !GH 144 11 HIIHHH i!„E iH!JUIIIIIpiH1 mo muutummementemonwil 1.+444 4+E4.+4.4.+t+44.+i^3+++i•+E•i+4.+ 4.++M4I+ +++ +t•+ +F++.1.4 d+++++i+P44 4 +4.4. i'# t 4. ���I� bGA3GE • •4 EXTRA EXTRA •P f + Large Shipment of Tires Just Received Regular $10.00 Heavy Service tires at ................_6.35 E Regular 10.75, Heavy Service tires at 6.90 Gasoline at per gollon . 23c Lubricating Oils and greases at corresponding low prices Get Your Requirements Here, where Your Dollars Go the Farthest! Expert Workmanship on all Makes of Cars,, with charges Very Reasonable! 11 Mousseau Zurich 'L have any problems we know just who public, 5g#nethin like a score gf F 4"111 't`' '.#'*';i * +**' '1 • +**F*)++I++*;I+410+ + * ej14+*yt+*$,4.4+:4•,a,} ,44; to go to. With the continued heavy falls of snow it keeps the various plows quite busy to keep the roads open. The road from Zurich to St. Joseph has received several plowings this week and to -day Wednesday is again filled up, but we think it will be op- ened as soon as possible. Mr. Har- vey, of Kippen, who has this piece of road in charge, is to be congratulat- ed on the fine work he has done so far this year. For instance on Sun- day evening the found the Zurich road considerable better than the No. 4 Highway, which has a concrete bottom to work on. Mr. Harvey seems to have an exceptionally good big plow that sends the snow scurry- ing into the road sides. UNCOVERING FISH W;DRMS Civic employees could go fishing if they wanted to, and use live, wigg- ling worms as bait. Heavy blankets of snow have prevented the frost penetrating the ground, and six in- ches below the surface, fish worms are being uncovered. This actually + occurred at the skating rink where r SON town employees were digging a tr Rosier lin Hay Township on Janu +�, Tet shop 149 �� ro� — Res. 67 Z ench. As both the river and the ary 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin 4 lake were frozen over, the men did Regier, a daughter. lot leave their work to indulge in Millar --At Dashwood, on December: 1 g? V. BEV the fascinating past -time of fishing. 26th to Mr and Mrs. Ted .M'li 1* — Gnderieb Star. son, ,these services is listed, and not only is each service explained in language that is easily understood, but the correct methods of procedure are also described.. This valuable booklet may be had for the asking at any branch of the Bank of Montreal. Died at Stephen Twp. On Monday last Mrs. Thos. Hould- en passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. Reeder, 2nd con., Stephen Twp: Mrs. Houlden, who had been an invalid for the past two years had spent the past 5 weeks at the home of her daughter. A few days before her death she was taken ill with pneumonia and passed away. She was aged 72 years, 7 months and 17 days. She was born in Usborne Twp., about three miles south of Elimville and was united in marriage with her now bereaved husband. Be- fore coming to Exeter a little over 30 years ago the Cornish family re- sided on the farm on which Mrs. Cor- nish was born. Besides her husband, 5 daughters survive. 14.4.4+.14+ 6+44++ ++4144.+ +4.+4.4.4++bfi4•1+4+4++1.414 + +II- + + + + + 4. + + + 3+r + + + •II+ + + + SUPER LAS'IIC TIRE PRICES Again Re- educed and we mount same free T. Use Massey Harris semi -steel deep chill plow Points. MASSEY-HARRIS NEWS Now that the harvestis over we appreciate having an early settlement on Repair Accounts. Manifest your appreciation for receiving credit by settling at once. 10 per cent. added after October 15th 4F SPECIAL on Hot water Heaters for your car for balance of month. $18.00 heaters for only $8.50. Cash with Order. BORN