HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-01-23, Page 5• BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL UTUDLEY E. Horns BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. :Special Attention to Councel and Court Work. Mr. Holmes may be consulted at Goderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETERINARIAN Dr. W. B. COXON,• B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON late ;Office in the Home of Dr. J. Routledge. Phone -96 - Zurich A. R. Campbell, V.S, BV.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All diseases of domestic animalstreaated by the most modern Day or night Charges reasonable. Calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- erness 'eller of Scottish terriersVain n Street, 1ennels_ Office ,tVosi't,e. Town Bari. p$tine 116. EENSALL. BUTCHERS popular, MEAT AiAB.KE Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur - Meats, P+olognas, Sausages, always on hn `;.d. Kept fresh in Electric Re.: rigex'ation Highest Cash Prices Wool, Hides and Skins H. yungbltut ez Son GARAGE Tit A.rE9 _ IN YOUR DA IEROUS TIRE e A MOST GENE ROUS ALLO 41,:' ANCE STOCK REDUCING SALE NOW ON! �RtgtIV Phone 60 — DASI-IW OOD mommoresewsmo INSURANCE 'Western Freers' IfIntual Weather insurance Co. OF� WOODSTOCK ICHE LARGEST RESERVE BAL. .,A.NCE• OF ANY CANADIAN MUT VAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .,,mount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 81st, 1934, $19,613,539 - Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $235,550311 ;Bates—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Year E. F. Klopp--Zurft.ki ,![hent,, Also Dealer iia LidhlinitU Roti maid all kinds of Fite kansaf:rAsair r Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads, in this Column NOTICE To Chick Buyers Through the co-operation of Tor- onto Elevators Company we can give a coupon good fora two weeks sup- ply of 25 lbs. of Master Starter free with each one hundred chicks bought from us providing they are ordered three weeks in advance. We are now booking orders for March and April Chicks and will appreciate a chance to satisfy your requirements. J. E. MCKINLEY, ZURICH FOR. QUICK SALE A 1927 Ford Coach, in good runn- ing condition. Will be sold very cheap for quick sale. Apply to Ed. Stelck, R.R.2, Zurich. Meeting of The Huron County Council The first Session of Huron County Council for 1936 will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, Ontario, commencing Tues- day, January 28th at 2 p.m. Coun- cil will be in session until Friday 31st All individuals or deputations de- siring to address Council should notify the Clerk in advance so that regular business will not be inter- rupted. All accounts, tenders or applicati- ons for grants should be in the Clerk's hands not later than Monday the 27th. J. M. ROBERTS, County Clerk. NOTICE I have been appointed as agent for this district of E. D. Smith & Sons, of Winona, to take orders for their LOCAL NE'S Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haberer are afew days at London this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stade visited relatives at Dashwood on Sunday. Miss Evelyn Clarke' of Dashwood, who spent a week with her friend. Miss i dila Kockems has returned to her home. Miss Edna Kochems whospent; the holiday season at her home here has returned to her work, east of Hen- sall. !Huron County Council meets for the January meeting on Jan. 281th. This is always the big meeting of the year when a lot of business pians are laid for the coming year. Mr. Leeland Willert, the new bak- er, is making extensive improvements in the upper story, the living quart- =ers of his bake shop, by putting in a new ceiling and making other reno- vations. The public are heartily invited to attend the Zurich Rink's annual big night, Friday of this week is Carni- val night, and one of the finest list of prizes are offered that wehave e,.e •i i yenrs. Make this a big suc- cess by all who can, come out and ,cud. Thank You! We are very grateful to Mr. T. L. Wurm, of Toronto, whom we all fav- orably know, and acknowledge his enclosure which pays his Herald up to Jan. 1938. "Tally" writes .the following: hear Friend: Enclosed find .. for Herald. I had expected to De In Zur- ich before this but could not get a- way, so I thought it was time that I send it to you. We all enjoy the Herald very much. Kindly remem- ber me to all the boys.—T. L: Wurm. Village Fathers Meet The Police Trustee Board of Zur- ich met on Monday afternoon for the regular January meeting, and after subscribing to the declaration of ofsr'e they became organized as a working body. Mr. Harry Eick- ier was elected as chairman for me broke all local precedents at its in - 1936, .and the following appointmen- ts were made: • Secretary, Mr. A. F. ntial meeting when a woman was ap- Hess; Street Commissioner, George 'pointed chairman for 1936. The new J. Thiel; Fire Chief, Milton G. Deitz; chairman is Mrs. D. D. Mooney, who Motor Mechanic, Herb. Mousseau; ! is serving her second term on the Caretaker of water system, C. L. board. Our King Passes On Kang George V, our ;beloved mon- arch, died .before midnight on Mon- day, January 20th, after a brief ill- ness which proved serious for only a few days, although he contracted throat trouble around Christmas. FR ,he former Prince of Wales will aut omalticaliy heconi'e our next King,an.: will be, in due time crowned, about • (lar from now, as King Edwari VIII, and distinguished as one of 1.11 few batchelor Kings of England. T.'ihc new King's grandfather's name was Edward VII, and died in 1910, after a short reign of only nine years when George V ascended the throw: and was in his 26th year of reign. Edward VII occupied the throne : om 1901 to 1910; and the lat. Queen Victoria, of whom many of the present generation still well rem- ember, occupied the throne from 1837 to 1901. • The ertire British Empire, one quarter of the world, i•5 deeply grieved over the loss of the, outstanding, quiet and peaceal;le monarch, who has shown, in his calm and diplomatic manner, how to "Be" a King to the world's greatest Ern - Aire; while some of the other mon- archs who have been disposed of in o`her countries who were of the "ruling and dictator" type. Our new King Edward VIII who is 41 years of age, has had a wonderful experience for his age, having visit- ed practically every colony of the Empihe ani is beloved by all. He has visited Canada several times, at present owns a fine ranch of choice horses and cattle in Alberta, has been in Toronto, and see:: .1 see took part in the dedication prelimin-' aries of the Peace Bridge between Fort Erie, Ont., and Buffalo, N. Y. While we are all in mourn over the loss of King George, we will all rally behind the new King Edward Long live the King! Long may he Reign! Woman Appointed School Head The Goderich public school board Smith. Some of the items under ..1.—.1. nursery, stock; such as friut trees consideration were deferred to the shrubs, climbers, flowers, ornamenta; next meeting EXETER RESIDENT PASSES trees, etc. Your .patronage solicited. Exeter mourns the loss of one of Wm. L. SIEBERT tf13 A SOCIAL EVENING A very enjoyable time was spent its most prominent citizens in the at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph death of Thos. Harvey which took Gelinas on Friday night, when the ploce at his home last week. He had LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Hurt— - nd Middlesex I AM INA I uSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-57. PRODUCE members of the Junior Farmers' not bean in good health for some Club and Junior Institute gathered tial:; and gradually grew weaker, at there for a Leap Year Dancefl Lively • te age of 73 years and 8 months music was furnished by the Gr'lina:= 'passed away. Born on the Thames Orchestra, assisted by Mr. Bruce Walker. A tasty repast; was serve:; at 12 o'clock. An intere:-L r" feature of the ever ing was th'': i Grace road, 'on Oct. 14, 1885, he was unit -- ed in marriage with Almira Perkins ani on Oct. 14 this year celebrated their golden wedding. Following their Gelinas conducted a Lc iii `'r•'.- f cy farmed in LT borne, p a: n on bo!;'f of � In t,J,; until 34 years ago when they moved Girls. The 'i:e.^ ^ hours of morning to Exe,, r and in partnership with were already here wi e i the gue his bro cher they too': over the Exe- denarte:l. n ht.balf of Ch1' _.act, t • ter Flour Mill under the name of 1 Mr. 1''Tilrr%-:1 Poet ores',,1d••1t of Harvey ilros. Silnce the death of his! the Club moved a vote of thanks to brother !rven yea-:; ago. i,dr. Harvey' Mr. and Mrs. Gelinas and family for PRODUCE WANTED the lovely time. n �a ,•f;•l x'•,cc cl. rat aierel fleei(l.`: t 1 D We are in a position to take Cream A very and Eggs at my home at Zurich, for names Andersen, who i which we will pay highest market of the Zurich Creamery, melee on prices. We will grade your eggs as Saturday evening a: thn local rink' we receive them, and pay according he thought he would tee hie L1': n11 at 0100000000000 9 • r r • PAGE FINX 6M. *ri ti►'priY•+`****6 (061( 0611 4.6.044q{d y► NOTICE We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Pound B. Fat.. .for Churning Cream delivered at OUT plant. • • Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed • • • Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same • s Day. • t • • a `r••••i••1••a©09041666% ao00t`3•tv.41c a: ,. Yours Truly, •1 • • • 1 • ZURICH CREAMERY (a awiwoetvis t", 4.41a b+++.33••D^«A•3••I•++•i•+.y.+.i.a,..i.1,..1.. +4••:•-!•+••,..-;•••:••:••;•-:•=,•;•.;•-; Cut Your Fuel Bill I HALF! Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. t PHONE 69• C. 4• • 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. FLEISCJI ZURICI-J 411,4•44444+++++++++++++++÷÷±4. ++++++++++++++++++++•;-÷++++ • •••M••••••••••••••••••••• iID•••• e••••••••••••••t3•RRI• • • • STEIMA-'S • • Savafoal A Complete Mineral Feed for the In -foal Mare. Ade- quate Minerals makes possible the normal development of the Foal. Get Our Prices on your Minerals for Cattle, and Hogs before buying elsewhere. Cod Liver Oil c. $1.00 a Gallon for poultry and Hogs. SEEDS! SEEDS! We are in the Market for Red, Alsike, weet Clovers and Timothy Seeds. Coal and Coke at Hensall and Zurich at all Times„ Master and Pioneer Poultry and 4r . g,:��3:MtNz"o a46 f € Q4 3t4t.t?8ix a�tu..a-6a 7•�3e. «pw) a 6s cJC €sed "u �+s� 1�1e41 Hog Feeds. Pel Y • 1 1 has continued with the business. Ile l `_ was a man of sterling character and• ni held in the highest esteem in the co munity. . Beside; his bert,avee :•ici-' ! 143 '9•rs tl wl x lfa:k•i4 tlf#ItitiWtti4 'e` RPM. L fir° i�i'd'?W ow he is survived 1 t' Cllr `r' d.1uehtnl• S3 -:i6 and one son. He i:; also t •e el by one brother ;T' -1 then( eet.c°rh. 5 to grading. Give us a Trial! skating .;° , having ane. slier';l f,:,' so:11 Late Dr.' W. F. Clark First house south of Dominion Hotel ten veers, and that twine ie Ilea-, nl•trk wi!ce, the skates at •e mtte h cl°I- I' A well known fi;gar among l r -••r. wren.;, to t. o o..l he trice on ;7at,,r_ news racing notable � }a ' -:,,'• ' ,• N. "„r.s day evening, while in the old con .`r'Goderich i:' the person 0{' Win. 1. l II(' w"'s a good sk:etor. Tie hmvevOr Clarlik V.S. a 1 at the ,da pital -*z was on the ice only a few moments where he was t.t:.dn oz,ul,,..an., when ht, t':ot•. t:ln�t�le^d mil r1,41":'p s''i'll stroke the first ar 1?d•ceinb,•i'. 1}r. the meet that lie snapped both bones , Clark, who was in Ili. 75th year, had in his left leg. Dr. A. J. MacKinnon been in poor health for more than a w ,', summoned and reduced the .frac.-' year. He was knocked down by a THOS. H. MEYERS, Phone 116, Zurich. Ont. Live Poultry WA ''E fatten every Day till 3 o'clock p.m. Do not feed Fowl same morning when brought in HIGHEST CASH PRICES --FOR-- CREAM AND EGGS : Y1tt Wm. O > rien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich No Let Up Here Because of Depression • Every one who is in t position to do so. should assist in the work of stamping out tuberculosis. The National Sanitarian; Association through its hospitals 11: 'Muskoka and at Weston has been fight- ing this disease for more than 30 years. and has extended its mercy and its charity to upwards of 25,000 afflicted nn;n. women and children, who would surely have died -without such assistance. Throughout the years of depression. because of the increased demand for service, these hospitals have been 1•arecd to -add eXtcasive additions to their buildings and plants, until now they acconan'1od3'te more than 1.000 patients, . Serving only as they do the victims of consumption who arc without '.means to pity fortheir treatment and care, these institutions aro always in. thered" and could not carry on at all without the help of generous friends. The shortage this year will be many thousands of dollars, towards which amount you are sashed to contribute Will you please send as fartte a tdf1 a• you eon 10 the National Satuti.a;uttt sus4iatlan 22.5, College Street. Toronto euro, and after this wn4 completed the Doctor took the patient to the Clinton Hospital where an X-ray re- v -eared that the fracture was proper- ly adjusted. Mr. Andersen is back home in Zurich and it will some long weeks before he will be able to be out and around again. Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Zurich Agricultural Society was held in ae town hall, Zurich, on Monday ifiernoon, with a fair attendance. lifter the past year's work had been ;one over, which showed a very pro - ;table year, notwithstanding the im- provements, such as putting cubbards in the interior of the show house, Ad tae iceenin:g of the fair grounds, hc. treasurer, Mr. E. F. Klopp still ;bowed a nice balance on hand for he year's operation. The total bal- mce in the treasury' is $436. a very olnmendable amount for a society re size of Zurich, and it is to be joked for another good year 1936. The dates of the fair were not de- cided on at this ,tune. In the election of officers we notice Mr. Ford, Hab- erer, who has been the president for a few years has fell back into the director class. The officers elected .re: President, Wrn. Decker; 1st Vice 'res., Lee O'Brein; 2nd Vice, Oscar :lopp; Directors, Ford Haberer, Hy. lausius, Henry Fuss, R. Geige:•. ed J. I-Ta•borer, Alfred Melick, Loyd Y 'Brein, M. Rader, Alf. Pfaff, L. F. Kropp, Secrea fry -Treasurer. college Street, 'Tertuata car in October 19•1_, and vs1:,ta:t for weeks. He was well known by horsemen throughout Weeteen On- tario, and acted as start: r at race meets in almost every harness racing centre. He was secretary of the God- erich Trotting and Pacing Associati- on since its organization 15 years ago, and was a:5 oriated in that cap- acity long before thattime.Hewasal- sosecretary of the the Goderich Agri- cultural Society For the last quarter of a century. Born in Colborne Tp. and studied at Toronto, Glasgow and Edinburgh before practising as a vet- erinary surgeon in Goderich. He pra- ctised for 50 years, retiring seven years ago. A Worth While Work The problem el caring for the many unfortunate sufferers from tuberculosis is a task which for some 39 years has intim occupying the attention of the National Muskoka 11ns tat fordt'Onsumptives.1he he tlormt` ueen \Tory 1111Ios1»tallrpforrs(011- sumptive Children. At prcaent these up-to-date hospitals, beds. are taxed accommodation 111114(151 4occareCMt the needy con,nrnpaives, whose only hope of futuro health lies in proper treatment and care It is in order that those institution - may be enabled to carry y on this worth while work that it is necessary to anrntally Millie an appeal for fundi for the statut pry allowances received tall far short of the actual cost of 1n.,fntdnalle0, with a deficit of many thou andel of debars to make 11(1 1 his 1,411 (1,,d 'r r li(ig rtecounotNly [ aY 1` nsi1 Ihnt y(111 41 you van ,•1'n !e'•e .•t•nd • n10' got to the Natio ill tiunftarilnn .Association. 223 5,0 ZuriahStore a.� We have a fcJI p •ter line q2 .f all the requirements of School Supplies Al .1. AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. *44,4,4+4++++++,1,44++++++14,4144 See Our Supply of Toilet Prep arat s Perfumes, Tont.` Psrfurrnizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and ^ '1.1shes, .I'aft,"41+II4h d4444.1.`I,'4-4,*:+4,^bl 1, 1.4, s•r ,* We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. ZuriohMaoKinrion, a�C l'iNkMikAWRANW !mg Rmw mikRA4 TVs A eDr1