HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-01-23, Page 1igNINONIMINIVINEMINONENISEMMUMMINIffiEMEIMMIEVEREORMEEIMMEft Vol. XXXVL bliort 29 zuritcm. THURSDAY M RNI , JANUAR'Y' 23, 1936. eve, eeie Chester L. Smith, Prt&n1is1 ,$1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Adel 11.50 LE ARREARS, $2 22A•Y JBi taBI•Rtk•$, Patronize your local Merchant and read the He ne Paper Not Here for 'Opening - Premier Hepburn will not Toe home for the opening of. the Ontario Legislature on. January 2.1sr. }Ion. 'Township Clerk Resigns Harry C. Nixon will lead the govern- Mr. Henry Strang, who for the meat in his absence. Mr.. 'Hepburn Inst .IS Years • has been and whohe 'dpal wi11 not return until Fe's late at is clerk ng thosef ybornhas e pen ;d aking stated on authority. .and efficient service to the municip- ality, is tendering his resignation to Has Fine Record 'tage effect after the new council has ~ been sworn in at ,their inaugural meeting. Mr. Strang was appointed to the position 'in May 1918. At the resent nomination meeting at E'l7n- viille he intimated his intention of -resigning thus giving the new comma ''time to consider the matter. it, 'in spite of the fact that the tax I rate was dropped from three and a half to three mills. The Township of Fun„ 'lin Perth County, boasts perhaps 'the best financial standing of any muni- cipality in the Dominion Far 'free years the township d 'rto in- terest to banks or any other inetit- ution, nor has the township.'eer had a debenture debt. Oa top or that, the Council this year is winding up with a surplus of $12,000 tet its. tired , -Do You Need 6 STEPHEN COUNCIL GRAND CARNIVAL AT ZURICH • RINK ON Friday, January 24th 1936 At 8 o'clock p.m. given donated by the merchants oi'• Mx. and Mrs. Everet Heist mgtored When a Fane List of Prizes will be Zurich rand the management of the ''to London one day last week. Rink. Admission—Adults 25c, Children 15c Including Tax ALL WELCOME`' GOOD MUSIC its Highways during the past year. That the Municipal World be ord- ered for each member the Council and Clerk for the present year. The newly elected Council of the Township os Stephen met in zee town That a by-law be passed appoixlt- On Tuesday of next week will be 13, ing the following persons: Assessor; t the day of burial of our monarch, Glasses' hall, Crediton, on Monday, Jan. Reeve, � at 11 o'clock a.m. Present: and Truant Officer, Wm. Kleinstiver, � Bing George V, and this will likgly Caretaker r be Dkoelaintod as 110 and postage extra;1 a public holiday. - Wm, Sweitzer; Dep-ReeVe, Chester I of Harll, E: GuettinQer an rel' ann- Mawhinney andCouncillors; Edward', - .��,,° 1 public Mrs. Clara Weeper ancc son of Lamport, Alonzo McCann and Roy num agil 1 nc ra • '- each - "indsor attended the funeral of the meeting or concert where an admis- sion has been charged. Road Supt., 'Geo. Silber, 30c per hr; Sheep Valu - Mr. Delbert Geiger has taken a posirtiou with Bean's Bekery at Hen - sail. Miss Beatrice Gascho of Exeter spent the ,ek-end with her parents, Me. 'and Mrs.. Dan Gascho. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McConnell of Varna were visitors at the home of Mr. William Lamont last week. :Stop and Think how important it is ''that you wear correct g es—cor- rectly prescribed. for your •vrisuen- •Correctly styled to your face. Your health may largely depend on 'keen vision. See C. E. ZURBRIGG, R. ®. At HESS JEWE1.ERY STOtt.G Every Tuesday at ZURICH At Dashwood, Saturday, at Pfde's Store » Ratz. After each had subscribed to his Declaration of office and taken his seat, She minutes of the previous ntor, Wm. Kleinstiver, 309 ler; B1 • Mr. Albert Kalbfieisch, accompan- meeting were react and adopted. of Health Win. Sweitzer and C. Ma Moons- That the Reeve and Clerkled by his two sisters, Mrs. W. Brok- foriner's father, the late Jul Bloch this week. make application to the Dept. of Highways of the Province of Ontario for the statutory grant towards the exnditure incurred by the Twp- on IViens and Boys ork Shoes ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Chi. ZURICH — ONT. iI "A Changeless Christ for a !Chang ing Wor141..'• Friday, 8h—Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m.—German. Service. 11.15 a.m Sunday School. We :have put in a Stock of• Good Choice Quallit Men's ncdiB ys' WorkShoes..•;.ate.... invite tie ipn'61ic to come in and' -we +can :fit you up. PUT SIN A .SUPPLY OF MEN'S AND WOMEN'S KISBRERS, MEWS .HEAVY .RUBBERS, ETC. GARFILED BROWN •victoiim Street. Zurich„ Oct. 7.30 p.m.—English service. ' -WE GIVE EXPERT WORD Everybody Welcome t+m• all Service. SHIP IN REPAIRINIG E. TUERKFIEIM, Pastor. I 'Your Patronage Solicited With a Zeep sense of oss and .r ect we join in she Universal `Sorrow at the passing f a beloved and � gracious� over gn, George the Fifth J. W. M--ERNF whinney at $8 per annum; Secy of' enshire and Mrs Fred Haberer mot - Board of Health, H. K. Silber at $15 tied to London on Sunday to visit their brother, Prof. H. Kalbfleisch who is i -l1. Womens' Institute The monthly meeting of the Zur- ich Branch of the Womens' Institute was held in the Council Chamber Room of the Town Hall, onMonday or, E. Willert at 20c. hr. In each 'evening, January 13th. The Commit - each case the above named are to ltee in charge for that evening which II furnish their own transportation jpad been omitted in the last week's That by-law No. 502 to borrow 'report are to be congratulated for from the Can. Bank of Commerce 'their delicious lunch which they ser - the sum not exceeding $300 to meetlved in such aisle manner, to a large me t --ex diturese-haviing • .,beck read three time be passed and sign- ed by the Reeve and Clerk. That By-law No.. 503 to provide for the total expenditure on • roads in the Twp. during the year 1936 having been read three times be pas- sed and Aigned. The fallowing eomesporEdenee was read and filed.: 1. Letter front the Onrio Good Roads Association regarding filre an- nual convention to. be. held ini Tor- onto next month. avail asking the Council to become a member of the .Association and. send• a delegate: 2. Letter Atom A. S. Leith. &le Co. ;Public Accountants, offering to milt ne Municipal Books. 3. Dept. of Municipal fairs re- garding proposed) Bill, to be isitro- .duced at the next. Session: of the eaaislature ,to Mallen. a. pecex racial b- ase:Are tax. 'The following orders• were passed: A. Regier road 9' $6.80; Pay sheet A ;ti 27 5.32. Tress, Co: Huron, Indi- gent patients, Wanner 2.60, Keller t r.:b0; H. Ford, dog tax refund $4; (Cs%i'.R. Express, cbnrges> .70; F. J- 'Wiukwire, printing account 59.89; .Cron. Bank of Commerce, cashing chk 410; ditto collecting taxes 71.70; W -Kleinstiver sheep valuator acct. 1.65; N. Baker, `sheep iuSured by dogs $7; Geo. Mason refund dog' tax 2.00. The Council adjourned to meet a- gain in' the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, the 3rd day of Feb. at 1 ' ane. for general business. H. K. Eilber, Township Clerk. and $8 extra for attending meetings: Sanitary Inspectors, Eli Lawson, G. Merner and W. B. Oliver at 25c hr.; School Att. ORicers, E. Lawson, G. Merner, W. B. Oliver at 25c. hr. Athletic Field Committee, W. Sweit- zer and C. Mawhinney, no salary; Milk Inspector E.. Guertttinger at a salary of 40c per hr; Wend Inspect - ANNUAL insurance Meeting The 61st Annual Meeting of Members of THE HAY TOWNSHIP FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Will be held in the TOWN HALL, ZURICH On 'MONDAY JANUARY 27th, 1936. At 2 o'clock, p.m. BUSINESS Receiving the Directors', Secret- ary -Treasurer's and Auditors' Re- ports. Election of Directors and Auditors and the discussion of such business as may be in the interest of aie Company. the w .Herbert K.. Eilber, Secretary+ a' A. W rri'. l£i;endriek, l.'resident, " .aimittee in charge are as follows: Mrs. .:Alex. Foster, convenor, Mrs: Ed. Stelck, Mrs. John Manson, Mrs. Con. Siouan, Mrs. Oscar Klapp and Liss Jeer's. MacDonald. . A Good Concert Thee Play "The Girl rat the Fur; Coat" which was put on by the Woehelo Class (meaning work and help others), of the Hensartl• United. Church Sunday School, was in every way a decided success, in the Zurich Town Hint on Friday evening: Note withstanding; the scarlet fever epedi sic a goodly crowd was present. and all enjoyed: the play to the fullest. - The play was: quite humorous and kept the enterest of the crowd. Ev- ery member: of the caste seemed toe fi11 their posiainm splendidly. Re- iween acts the. Traemner Orchestra, delighted the: audience with a nunr< •ber of good. selections. After the play the class. -weize royally entertain- ed to a dainty lunch served at the home of Mrs. Lydia Pfile and need- less eo say nil enjoyed the social hour spent inthis hospitable home. Miss Mattie Elilis is the teacher of this Sunday School Class and is to be congratulated on the splendid christ- ian work that, ftnay are carrying on. OBITUARY Visit Our Store BEFORE BUYING YOUR GIFTS 'A Beautiful Stock of Clocks, Watches, "Gents and Ladies" Fancy Rings. Silver Plated Ware Fine Boxed Stationery ere". Waterman's Fountain Pens Toilet Sets. Make Your Selections Early comic More Heat—Less A_ttentioai The color guarantees the quality Semet Solvay Coke Miller Creek and Rosedale Alberta Tile rid Brick W. R. DAVIDSON Ness, The Jeweller !Highest cash prices paid form; Eggs m a graded basis_ Phone 74 Zurich Phone 10 I ENSALL 6 sq.4+a6•'*'41.6.te1)A•••••.d••A7lhF.0•1$_Qe$Qt/.0004.•0.010••••••t3. 0 • •FOR • January Only • 4 r 4 Extra Tr. users 4. • ABSOLUTELY4. L•,ree • �ot •1 • • r c ce 0. s. az .,4,,, i 4• • • • • • . • • 0. 0. e. 0 • WITH EVERY SUIT MADE TO MEASURE SATISFACTION GUARANTEFD REMEMBER JANUARY ONLY SAVE From $6 to $10.00 ON EVERY SUIT a�n x9it Com' 4 • • EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS c` .4a„e. ,e.a.e.„4 .e dun'a:>4aoataD•Q&La•69c#et1+';,.r.,;t,.e sore eee rate a,tA.weaeae. v o • Late: Julius Bloch This week. we are called upon to crcnicle the: death of one of Zur- ich's well known and prominent citi- zens in the, person of Mr. Julius Bloch, who passed away on Saturday January 18th,. after an illness of a number of weeks from wnicir he suf- fered of a complication of diseases. Heart failurebeing the final cause of his death. Mr. Bloch was born. and raised. in this community hav- ing farmed south of town, now own- ed by Mr. D. Ducharme. After die - posing of this farm he moved tee Zurich and for a few years conduct- ed a butcher business in Hensall, but of late years resided in Zur,celu, where he was a County Constable, and dial much in keeping order, and make the community law abiding; He was also a. member of the local board of Health. The late Mr. Bloch was aged 68 years, 2 months and. 27 days. His remains were laid to rest in tae i Lutheran cemetery on Tuesday with, Rev: E. Ttlrkheim officiating: Sures ing are his bereft widow; one son, Herbert Bloch of Exeter and Mrs. Clara Wolper of Windsor, the child- ren being of a former marriage. Mr. BIoch will rbe greatly missed in the village, and, we sympathise with the bereft, Reduction SAFE We are offering at Greatly Reduced Price; The Following Goods: 'All Heavy Wool Underwear, Wool Blankets, Men's and Boys' Windbreakers and Sweaters, Heavy Socks, Men's and Children's Heavy Socks... All Heaa,- Rubbers. Boy's Tweed Pants and Bloomers, Flannelette. Prints, Ginghams and Towelings, Etc., Etc. Askto See Our New Chintz suitable for Quilts and Comforters - R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 11 -97 BLAKE d.G".eee