HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-01-16, Page 5finrsday, January lour, TaF BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL s OunLEY E. }forams `BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE--liamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICII, Ontario. Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column. •••••••• LOST On Saturday in the Evangelica' churth shed, a parcel of merchandise and one length of stove pipe. Finde: Special Attention to Councel and kindly return to Urban Ducharme, Court Work • Zurich, or leave same at the lir, Holmes may be consulted at ware store of Stade & Weido. Goderich by Phone, and Phone ----- chargee reversed. FOR SALE alIMMIIPLIMMONCLAIIIMINIMMIMINIMMIM DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Ev'ery Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEII3'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Dr. 11. 11. COWEN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETERINARIA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON hard - The following live stock: Sheep, 9 ewes and 1 ram; 4 yearling calves, several cows due to freshen soon. Apply to Samuel Rohner, Bronson line, Stanley, Phone 78 r 11, Hen- salL NOTICE STRAYED—A small grey year-old steer, small mark in left ear. In- formation gladly received ny Chas. E. Aldworth, RR. 1, Exeter, phone Dashwood 36 r 11.. FOUND A yearling Steer, strayed .unuto my premises, Lot 11, Con. /2, Hay Township. Owner can have same by proving property and payrng expen- ses. 23-3t Eimer Restemeyer, Dashwood. STRAYED From Lot 6, Con. 6, Hay Township 2 yearling steers, left early part of the season. Also 1 red 2 yr. old steer, leftat close of grass season. Kindly notify W:m. Alexander; prone 13-82, Herisall central. late STRAYED 10-1fice in the Home of the From my grass farm, Lot 12, Con. Dr. J. Routledge. Zurich 7, Hay Township, a 1 -year old steer Plione--96. red and white, no horns, slit in both .,.._ ._ --ears, left early in the season. Finder qish her a speedy recovery. A. .Campbell, V.S, B. - • T. H. Shapton, R. R. 1, Exeter Luther League ')mCi I-IFRA Agricultural Society will be held in IOC AL The' Annul Meeting of the Zurich • the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday Miss Beatrice Gascho of bet r ' - Afternoon, January 20th, at 2 visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs O'clock, when the annual business D, Gascho, a few days last Week. will be conducted, and re-election of Mr. and Mrs. A. Melick are this officers will take place. Wednesday evening entertaining Mr. E. F. Klopp, Secretary. Melick's Sunday School Class Of Ferd. Haberer, President. Ladies. We understand the gents are also invited for this anmial out- a----,a..=..a.--a--.........=7._,:a •...... - ing. • To -day, Wednesday, 115th., is t last day to go spinning around vvi the old 1935 'license plates on ''' t auto, and people are warned !th NOTICE he Meeting of The th he . Huron County Council their 1935 licenses are now expired and you must procure 1936 plates. Motorists continuing on with the 1935 markers not be surprised if they will receive word, to appear before the magistrate and pay. a penalty from now on, A Play, entitled: "The Girl in the Fur Coat" will be given by the Yo- ung People of the 1-iensall United Church, and under the ausprces' of the Royal Knights Men's Bible Class of the Evangelical ' Church, Zurich; in the Town Hall„ Zurich on Friday January 37thr at 8 o'clock p.m. This is a very interesting play interspersed with plenty of humor and comes high- ly recommended. .Apparently, the long drawn out case of Richard Hauptma-n, the man found guilty of kidnapping tree Lind - The first Session of Huron County Council for 1936 Will be held in the Council Chainbers, Court House. Goderich, Ontario, commencing Tues- day, January 28th at 2 p.m. Coma zil will be in session until Friday 31st • All irliviclual.s or deputations (1:-!. siring to address Council should notify the Clerk in advance so that regular business.will not be inter- rupted. All accounts, tenders or applicati ons for grants should be in the Clerk's hands not later than Monday the 27th. J. M. ROBERTS, • County Clerk. Germans Eating Canadian Salmon bergh baby in the State of New Canada h -ads in the supply of sal - Jersey, will finally come to an end ted salmon Germany, and shows an on Friday of this' week, when Mr. increase in 1934 of 44.0 per cent a; Hauptman will take the electric compared with the previous year, ac - chair. This has been indeed a very cording to the Industrial Department complicated affair and many are of of the Canadian National Beilways. the (minion that the innocent mart is being electrocuted. 1936 County Council With the municipal elections now Accident Victim Recovering all over the county council board is According to latest reports Mrs. now completed. Only three new fac- Arthur Steinman, (nee Alice Koeh- es namely, Owen Geiger of Hensall, ler), daughter of Mr. and XrS. Ezra Webster Turner of Stanley, and Mr Koehler, of Baden, who received a Jock Scott, of Seaforth. The new third fracture in her jaw and a bro- n" 1 of 15 Liberals and ken arm in a car accident some time 14 .Conservatives. The warden will be ago is reported to be doing as 'well caosen on the January session, and aq can expected in St. Mary's Hos- this year the Conservatives will cho- pital, Kitchener. Her many friends • ose the warden from their ranks, and V SC kindly notify: The Junior League of St. Peter's Graduate of Ontario Veteritta•Ari • Luthorart Church at their meeting College, University of Toronto, Al? diseases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness Bennels. Office on Main Street. opposite Town Hall. Phone 116, HENSALL. ..i.1.••••=1=1...0•••=arl.111110.111•1=1110.••••••111•11...........1Mallnns....- BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolos -gas, Sausages, Ect., always on 117nd. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices tor Wool, Hides and Skins 11. Yunghlut & Son GARAGE TRADE IN YOUR DANEROUS TIRES NOW! A MOST GENEROUS ALLOWANCE STOCK REDUCING SALE NOW ON! s. Wein Phone 60 — DASHWOOD INSURANCE Western FarmersMutual • Weather Insurance Cn. OF1 WOODSTOCK 'THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- NCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1934, $19,613;539. Total Cash in Bank and Ponds $235,550.31 Rates—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Years LF Klopp—Zurich atient,,Also,Dealer inLidbieind, Reds ood. AIL kintkeiRikaikiSliEhl1140 NOTICE I have been appointed as agent for this district of E. D. Smith & Sons, of Winona, to take orders for their nursery, stock; such as friut trees ,thrubs, climbers, flowers, ornamental trees, etc. Your patronage solicited. -Wm. L. SIEBERT tf13 LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Hur,- Middlesex 1 AM IN A JSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I. solicit ,our business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-57. PRODUCE PRODUCE WANTED We are in a position to take Cream and Eggs at my home at Zurich, for which we will pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as, we receive them, and pay according to grading. Give us a Trial! First house south of Dominion Hotel THOS. H. MEYERS, Phone 116, Zurich. Ont. Live Poultry WANTEL Faken. every Day till 3 o'clock p.m. Do not feed Fowl same morning when brought in HIGHEST CASH PRICES —FOR— CREAM AND EGGS Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich No Let Up Here Because of Depression Every one who is in a position to do so. should assist in the work Of stamping out tuberculosis. Tho National Sanitarium Association through its hospitals in Muskoka and at Weston has been fight- ing this disease for room than 39 years, and has gt ended its mercy and its charity to upwards of 26.000 alilieted men, women and children, who would surely have died without such assistance. Throughout the years of depression, because of the increased demand for service, those hospitals have been forced to add extensive additions to their buildings and plants, until now they accommodate more than 1.000 patients. . Serving only es they do the victims of consumption who aro without means to pay for their treatment and care. these institutions are always "in the red" and could not carry on at all without the help of generous friends. The shortage this year Will be many thousands of dollars. towards which amount you aro asked to contribmt Will you please send as large a girt as Yon cats to the National Sanitarium Associalicom. 223. enilogn &cent, Toronto AIL thi s Friday evening will consider the .!;opic "A Sorn; Book". The Senior --.-, _ . , _ .eeek hes-inning a re- view of the book "The Flying Boat". Let us•not mi7s the first instalation of this true story. At the recent re- election of officers the following we- re elected: President, Albert Deich- ert Vice Pres., Ruth Foster; Secy., Beatrice Thiel; Treasurer, ,Charles Thiel, Organist, Beatrice Thiel. That unwelcome and contagion:. -lisor-o rennint fever is making in- roads in this community, and the: Zur;e01. school has been ordered clos- ed by Inspector Beacom, unon the recommendation of the local Board of Health. Several cases have brok- en out around Zurich and vicinity, also out in the Exeter district of Hay, there are some cases. We trust the outspreading will soon be curtailed and confined only to those now effected. Fortunately it is of a mild nature. Zurich school has been ordered closed for this week at least, beginning Wednesday noon. ATTENTION FARMERS Plan to attend the meeting to be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Tuesday, January 21st, at 2. p.m. When Dr. Lionel Stevenson will speak on the subject Contagious Abortion and Mineral Deficiency Disease. Dr. Stevenson is on the staff of the Ont- ario Veterinary College an dis well known throughout the province. This meeting is one of a series which mave been arranged for as a result of a series which have been arranged for as a result of a request from the Advisory Agricultural Council of the Huron County Council. DIED AT PRESTON The death occurred at Preston on Tuesday 7th, of Lizzie Ann Weber. wife of Addison 13. Snider. in her 69th year. Deceased, who was well known in that community suffered a stroke two weeks earlier. Born near Elmira, she resided in various rural centres in Waterloo county, while for the past nine years she had resided at Prestin. Surviving are her husband, two sons of the west, one daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) W. B. Dengis, of Buffalo, and formerly of Zurith; one sister, Mrs. Henry Wei - and, of Dashwood, and two brothers Mr. Aaron Weber, of Zurich, and of St. Jeromes, Que. W. M. S. MEET The January meeting of the W. M. S. of Blake United Church was held at the home of Mrs. J. Manson with twenty ladies present. Mrs. T Dins- norc presiding. The meeting opened tvith a Hymn after which Mrs. Carnie led in prayer. 1Vra.s. Robert Mcl3ride read the lesson and Sara Manson gave a short reading. The minutes of the December meeting were read and adopted and the roll call respon- ded to. The business part of the meeting was then transacted and an- other Hymn was sung. Miss Alber- ta Finlay had the topic and Miss Mary Johnston offered prayer after ,;inging another hymn. The Lord's Prayera in unison. A very dainty, nob,. WaS served which was much ;enlOyed by all present. • a. there are several aspirants. Follow- ing is the representatives of the Co. Council: Ashfield—Murdoch Matheson. Blyth --Geo. McNall. Drussels—Robt. J. Bowman. C.iaton—Goo:a.a211. Ellitha, Colborne—Goo. C. Feagan. aetor—Tho., F''le Goderichr-J.J. Moser, R. E. Turne C'aderich Twp.—Wilmot Haacke. Grey—Hy. A. Keys, 0. Hemingway Hay—Alfred Melick. ifensall—Owen Geiger. Howick—J. A. Bryans, T. Lovell. Hullett—Herbert Mogridge. • McKillop—John •M; Eckert. • M• orris—L. Elston Cardiff. • Senforth—Jock Scott. Stanley—Webster Turner. S• tephen -W. Sweitzer, C. MaWhin- ney. Tuckersmith—Wm. Archibald. - Turaberry—Roland Grain. Usborne—Geo. Weetcott, W. Wawanosh—Wm. J. Stewart E. Wawanosh—p. W. Scott. Wingliam—F. L. Davidson. Captures Burglar Early the other morning while Mr. E. - R. Guenther of the Guenther Transport, Dashwood, was on his way home from Toronto and had stopped at Mitchell to deliver some goods at the Edighoffer store, he came across a burglar in the store, and after a lively chase the robber was captured and placed under ar- reit. Mr. Guenther had entered the store with a key he possessed for the purpose of delivering goods brought up from Toronto. Mr. Guenther tho- ught he heard someone in the store and investigated found a robber and took chase after him, the robber made a dash upstairs and closing a trapdoor behind him cut off Guenth- er for thte time being. The police were summoned and the two other med of the transport, Elmer Zimmer rpc Ervine Guenther were put on guard, in the mean time the robber had climbed to the roof of the build- ing and after travelling over several roofs dropped about 30 feet to the ground. As he did so he was discov- ered by Ervin Guenther w:io gave chase •and ,after going down an alley -and about four blocks he captured his man and brought him back to the store and by this time the night wattch arrived and put him under arrest. The man was a stranger but gave his abode as kitchener, the till had been rifled and several articles gather up. Mr. Guenther and his men are to be congratulated for their bravery. A Worth While Work The problem of caring for the many unfortunate sufferers from tuberculosis is a task which for some 39 years has been occupying the attention of the National Sanitarium Associationoperating the Muskoka Hospital for Consumptives, the Toronto Hospital for Consumptives and the Queen Mary Hospital for Con- sumptive Children, At preeent those up-to-date bbspitals, with an accommodation of over 1,000 beds, are taxed to the utmost to care for the needy consumptives, whose only hope of future health lies in proper treatertent and earo. It is in order that these institution - may be enabled to carry on this worth while work that it is necessary to annuall3 make an appeal for funds, for the statut ory ililOW1.111C('S ITCViVed fall far short ol tho actual cost Of maintenance, With a deficit or many thou -vie& of dollars to 7•11510o op cbt‘, veer 00 operating necount, WO ask Mai yeti advt. as tmermetly as yo ('an dietise ,teml our gift to the Nationai Sanitarimn ASSeelatiOn, 228 Collette StreoA. Torouth Z.. PAGE FIVE 011004/411411011100•001110000.00.0401,01110111000000011011104,0110.00.000Of 1 • • • We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Pound B. Fat for Churning Cream delivered at our plant. * • 0 Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed • . Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same * * • Day. • • • • Yours Truly, • * • ZURICH CREAMERY * • NOTICE - 000000000000 0.0 40000000000 ao4a'r40•04t• • 1,41-14+++++++++++++++-:-;•-,.. , + .;: Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF! • „.• .1. Buy Storm Windows and Doors .:. .:. LET US QUOTE YOU! .1.• -i• REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A + + .1. + t .1. LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL :r. • '''' TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU- -l• •i- 4. WAIT. + + C. PHONE n • .3. 11 FLEISCH 6 I 4. - zuRicti .1.„ MI rit) 0,00100011000000004000 000GOO moo *Of 111000100111000O0OOCIP 000011 • • • • • • • 0• 1 0 1 STEIM.,N'S • Savafoaj I A Complete Mineral Feed for the In -foal Mare. Ade- I quate Minerals makes possible the normal development of the Foal. Get Our Prices on your Minerals for Cattle, and Hogs before buying elsewhere. Cod Liver Oil c. $1.00 a Gallon for poultry and Hogs. SEEDS! SEEDS! We are in the Market for Red, Alsike, weet Clovers and Timothy Seeds. Coal and Coke at Hensall and Zurich at all Times. Master and Pioneer Poultry and Hog Feeds. & So • 1 oessmommossoeseommesamompiewhommempecomsee000049000,1 451wwwwwwwv.wwwvaiviiNANAviwAveiwat Zurich Drug Store School Supplies We have a full Line of It all the requirements of 1 School Supplies ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT • IN STOCK. PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. .+4444++++.1.4.44444.+++44+4•44 See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations Toilet Weters, Perfutnizers, Tooth Pastes, and Erushes. Perfumes, Toilet Soaps, 044htalatetterilea+lefettertan•44*-44444** We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. Dr, A, J. illaolcinpon, Zurich! marmrimilukiwipiwkwAiwykrmilMPVYMMP11-4