HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-01-16, Page 41
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ZURICH HERALD and the following Paper
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Rock Bottom. Cash Store
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
Mss Aivina Denomme who has
been engaged in St. Peter's S'emin-
isty, London of late years, has re-
turned home permanently.
Miss Cecelia Ducharme who has
`bean visiting her parents, Mr. and
lire. Wm. Ducharme, has new re-
turned to St. Joseph's Hospital at
_London to resume her duties.
Mr. Leonard Sararas and brother
Norman were in Goderich ane day
last week on a business trip.
Mrs. Morris Masse was visiting
t f i her mother, Mrs. H. Rau Iasi
;trigs. Denis Charrette spent the
wc).elc-end with her parents, Mir. and
Mrs. Chas. Laporte.
Men. Avila Ducharme and Maxims
,I,':flrc'y have nearly completed their
.school cutting contract for school
leo. 11 and 4.
lelias Lucoill Jeffrey of T eaeerto=;-
:ho has been working in St leen,
i;Seminary, , tt London, the past few
years is home spending the winter
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Re-
mit Jeffrey.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Oesch spent
Sunday afternoon with her mother,
Mrs. Caroline Oesch.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnston have
returned home after spending a few
days with their daughter, Mrs. E. E.
Weido, at Zurich.
Mrs. Johnnie Hey of Zurich cal-
led on his brother, Mr. Sam. Hey in
the village on Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Oesch and fam-
ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Aaron Erb.
MT. and Mrs. Sam Gingerich and
family; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gingerich,
were Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Jake Swartzentruber.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerieh ane
Jean were Sunday visitors with Mr
and Mrs. Aaron Erb.
W.M.S.-The Women's Missioziar
Society held their first meeting i•
the Ney Year at the home of Mrs
Robert .Stephenson with Miss Anni
Tarrott presiding. Call to worshi'
and the meeting opened with 1lym•
241, Prayers and the Scripture
reacting, Acts. 10, was taken by Mr
R. Stephenson. The devotional lea
let "The Spirit of Reciel lurotherhoi
was taken by Miss Helen Anderson
after which prayer was 'offered. Tho
Secretary and Treasurer then gavr
their reports. The business was dis-
cussed and the offering was taken.
Mrs. H. Turner will tak ti F b •
ary meeting in her honf.e, The 'stu.dy
on "The Penetration of Afrirea from
Chapter 3 was taken by Mrs. R,.
Stephenson, Mss Irene '1'itrner, Mrs
R, :Consitt and Mrs, R. Mc.Alli.ster,
Hymn 252 and the meeting closed
with prayer.
Notes -Mrs, Ross Dick and son
Douglas returned tip their home in
Torotnto, after spending several we-
eks with her brother, Mr. Alan Coch-
rane. ' ilia
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Huxtable of
,Centralia visited the latter's mother,
,Mrs. Love and family.
Mfrs. Leonard Wagner of Zurich
and Mrs. Otto, Stephan of Hensall,'
have been taking care of Mrs, iSte-
phan who has been quite ill. Rut at
date of writing is getting along filiei.
Mrs. Frank Farquhar of Hensall;
is staying with her .,brother .;for . a
while. k
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baker .and,'Miss
Doreen Reichert were, in London re-
Mr. M. Tully also spent a day in'
Miss Juelene Stephenson visited at
the home of Miss Ruth. McAllister:
Dr. Eugene Tiernan of Hamilton,.
spent the week -end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Tiernan.
iMiss Luft. of Kitchener is visiting.
her brother, Rev. and Mrs. T. Luft.
Mr. Jack Taylor of London, is.
visiting his brother, Dr. and Mrs.
MVir. and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman and Mx
and Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan were Susi
day visitors in Kitchener.
Miss Greta Burmeister left for
London on Monday where she has
secured a position,
Mrs. L. Morenz spent a rew days
in Kitchener last week.
Miss Ruth Humble 'of Sarnia is
visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Fink-
Rev. S. W. VicFalls spent Sunday
in London.
The C. E. Band held a social even
ing on Friday night after band prac-
tice when sandwiches and coffee was
Evang. League Elect Officers i t
The annual election of officers ".of:
the Dashwood Evangelical . Young
People's League was held recently
with the following results: In the
Senior League: President, Harry
Hoffman; Vice Pres., Miss Anne .Tie
man; Corr., Sec., Miss Phyllis Reid;
Rec. Sec., Miss Hope Roppel; Treas-
urer, Miss Ruth Tiernan; Pianist, -Miss
Gertrude Hoffman; Asst, Miss Hope
Roppel; Counsellor, Rev,, H. E.
Roppel; Librarians, Sheldon 'Wein,
Albert Goetz. In the Intermediate
League: Supt. Mrs. 3. M. Tiernan;
Pres., Ross, Guenther, Vice Pres
Lois Geiser; Secy., Doris Wi11ent;
Treas. Margaret Wein; Librarian,
Milford Mason. In the Junior Leag
ue; Supt. Mrs. Earl Witmer; Pres.,
Ruth Guenther; Vice Pres., Russel
Tiernan; Secy., Ray Guenther; Treas.
Jack Geiser; Librarian, Geo. Wolfe.
Evang. Sunday School Annual
The Sunday School of Dash cod
Evangelical Church held their annual
reorganization recently with the pas-
tor, Rev. H. E. Roppel presiding. The
new officers are as follows: President
Ezra Bender; 1-st Vice, A. E. Oes-
treicher; -2nd Vice, Harry Hoffman;
Secy. Vernon Schatz; Asst Sec., Alb-
ert Goetz; Treasurer, Daniel Weber;
Pianist, Donald Oestreicher; Asst.
Miss Gertrude Hoffman; Librarians
Mrs. V. Schatz's Class. The new
teachers and assistants are as follows
Excelsiors, Rev. H. E. Roppel, G.
Oestreicher; Bethany Sisters, Mrs. D.
Tiernan, Mrs. H. E. Roppel; Soldiers
of the Cross, Louis Morenz, Daniel
Weber; Kings Daughters, Mrs. A. E.
Oestreicher, Mrs. Garnet Wildfong;
Princess Pats, Addison Tiernan, Ches-
ter Geiser. Star Class, A. E. Oestrei-
cher, Harry .Hoffman; Intermediate
Girls, Miss Ruth Kleinstiver, Mrss. H
E. Roppel; Jr. Boys, Mervyn Tiernan
Geo. Link; Junior Mixed Class, Mrs.
Vernon Schatz, Miss E. Martinson;
Primary II, Mrs. Geo. Link, Miss A,
rieman; Primary 1, Miss Gertrude
Hoffman, A. Haugh; Beginners, Mrs.
A. Haugh, Mrs. J. M. Tiernan; Supt.
of Cradle Roll, Pearl Kraft, Mrs. R.
H. Taylor; Supt. of Home Dept.,
Mrs. E. Bender; Miss. Committee,
M. G. Link (convenor), Mrs. E.
Witmer, A. E. Oestreicher; H. Hoff-
man, Ezra Bender; Temp. Coni., L.
tjorenz (convenor), Min A•. E. Oess-
treicher, Miss Ella Martinson, Geo,
Zink, M. 'Tiernan.
Miss Eleanor Scotclner has re
:tuned to her school near Seaforth *ending ending the holidays with: he:
parents on the Bronson line,
Mr. Lloyd Scotchme.r trucked two
loads of hogs to Kitchener last weal
Blake Branch W.M.S. held thei
irst 1936 regular meeting at tin
'tome of Mrs. J. A. Manson.
Miss Margaret Douglas of Blake
pent part of the.school holidays wit,
'riends in the vicinity of London au
Hyde Park,
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith an
family of Markham speet the hot'
days at the home of ?Vire. Smit]
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Menne Stecki
Sr., and other friends,
After two Years of caithful serv�
lee to the township, Reeve Hanley
resigned and Webster Turner was
elected by acclamation, Eddie Glenn
took. Turner's place on the council
for 1936. The 1936 courier' consist
f Reeve Turner; t;ouneillorsy Watson
Lamont, Pepper and Glen. The peo-
ple of Varna thank last year's co-
uncil for the improvements to the
hall and trust that this year's offi-
cials may see fit to add a porch over
the door and refloor the platform
and add greatly to appearance and
Former Residents Celebrate
Golden Wedding
Mr. andMrs,JamesDergaty Deig ty form-
er well known residents of Stanley,
;but now of Gibbei1 Plains, Manitoba
celebrated their Golden .Wedding an-
niversary at their hoin.e there .an
.December 23rd, ' They were the re-
,cipients of many valuable presents,
letters and telegrams of congratulati-
ons. A letter of congratulation was
sent fron S. S. No. 5, Stanley, sign-
ed by over 30 ex --pupils and old fri-
ends. Mr. Delgaty spent eight years
as teacher of No. 5 and he was ple-
ased 'indeen to receive this letter of
congratulations. About 30 persons
were present and partook of the wed-
ding dinner and it was a happy and
memorable event, in the life of our
old friends, Mr. and Mrs. Delgaty
We hope they may be spared to see
many more •anniversaries, of their
wedding day.
• The many friends of Mrs. Ann
Hudson will regret to learn that she
is: not enjoying her usual health.
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Muckle and
children were holiday visitors with
his parents, in Ridgetown.
Audrey Twitchell spent the holi-
days. visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. A. Anderson, Stanley.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith of Lon-
don has been visiting Ms parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith.
Harold . Bonthon has returned -to
Pickering College.
M.r. and Mrs. Leslie Knight and
children of Kitchener, were visiting
friends here.
. ',Martha Carlile of London spe
:the holidays with her parents,- Mr
and Mrs. Wilson with,
W. R. Davidson. has been confined
to his home with illness.
. Dr.Murray. Fisher ,of Gravenhurst
visited .with his mother, Mrs. P. Fish-
er and sister, Miss Eleanor Fisher of
Name Chairman
' At a meeting of the school board
Friday eve last, Alfred Clarke was
elected as chairman and A. L. Case, 1
Secy-treas. The other members of
the board are: W. 0. Goodwin, Geo.
Hess, John Shepherd, and Fred
Mrs. Wm. • Henry, 'who recently
fell in her home, and fractured a
bone in her shoulder and one of her
elbows, is not recovering as expected.
.She, is suffering from neuritis and
other ailments. She was 91 on her
last birthday.
A short cause in Agriculture and
Home Economics will be held in the
Hensall town hall, from Feb. 4th to
Feb. 28th. Lectures will be given
each. day except Saturday, from 9.30
till noon and from 1.30 to 4 o'clock.
There . are n10 tution fees, tee only
charge will be an enrolment fee of
50c. There will be six special quali-
fied teachers to deal. with the subjects
of the course in an interesting- man-
ner. The young people are urg'ect to
take in the lectures.
View Rad' Oases
I+'ttur' ballots were spoiled at Sea
forth, • according to report, *hen
four voters inadvertently marked. L.
opposite (the names of all four eau
ciidates for Reeve,
Scarlet. Fever
A number of scarlet fever having
broken out in Exeter both high and
public schools were closed a few
days for fumigation:
Celebrate 58th Anniversatty
On New Year's Day Mr. and Mrs
Harry Weston of Bayfield quietly
celebrated: their 58th wedding !anni-
versary. Mr. and Mrs. Charres Wes-
ton and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Weston
were the only members of their fam-
ilies to be present-
resent-Underwent Operation
Mrs. Jas. ,Shhapton of Exeter, und-
erwent an operation at London Hos-
pital for the removal of a cataract
from the eye. Her condition is satis-
factory-. Her many :friends hope that
the operation will prove successful
and her sight restored.
Customs Ceollectiona
As shown by figures taken from
the customs office, Gioderich had a
much better year in December 1935
than the same month of the previous
year. bast year December receipts
totaled $19,325.32, an increase of
$1,184.46 aver the same month in1934,
New Division Court Clerk
R. N. Creech, of Exeter, who for
the past thirty years has occupied
the position of Division Court Clerk,
which he filled in a very efficientmanner, received word that he was
being retired. J. H. Grieves Is the
new- appointee.
Successful Operation
AHuron township farmer saved
the life of a Inc turkey some time fie
fore Christmas, by constituting ;him-
self a surgeon in an emergency. The'
turkey had eaten something which
stuck in its crop and wcs quickly
strangling the bird: The farmer,
aided by hTh brother,'cur open the
crop,. eemoved' the article and sewed
it up' agaiir. It is not known if the
turkey was saved only to fall a vic-
tim to Christmas appetites, but he
was all right for the time being at
'Titurstfay, January IGth, 19
.,,.„.y r,, arm
horse to the left hand side of the
car, but the ar, skidding on the •
icy pavement, struck the cutter and
hurled Welch into.the ditch. The
:utter was wrecked and the horse
was rut -but not seriously.
Monter Surprised
A.:faxrner married 4-1.1ison Walker of
Kincardine twin, had an unusual ex
perience while out hunting rabbits
with a party of friends. one of til M
iitxan'ters hired ata bunny. A shot
Aril*a rook, recochetted, and stru-
) ccs. Walker in the law. It followed
the jawbone into the mouth and was
awalowed by the surprised victim.
1 No permanent ill effects were suffer-
Golden Wedding
M. and 11�Irs. J. W. Maines, of
Blyth, celebrated their golden wed-
ding on Dec. 304h, many old friends
and relatives taking the opportunity
to extend congratulations. A splendid
dinner was served at the home of the
beide and groom of fifty years. The
couple were :married at Westfield in
ttt� Mail Driver Injured
Miss Irene Douglas of the contin-
uation school staff was able to resume
her duties at the school Monday fast
after a month's illness.
Mr. Claude Blowes, principal ofthe
Hensall public school, received ack-
nowledgement from the Children's
Memorial hospital, London, thanking
the scholars of the school for $'3.I5
'contributed to the hospital work
Death of .Edward Sheffer
Edward Sheffer, one of Hensall's
oldest and best known •citizens•, pass-
ed. away suddenly last Tuesday morn-
ing at his home after .a short illness
a few weeks ago, and on going- to
his roam Tuesday morning it was
found he had passed away. Be was
born in Woodbridge, 8G years ago,
son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hy.
Sheffer. When a young -boy the
family moved. to Hay Tp., and set-
tled near Hillsgreen where they re-
sided for a good many years. 60
years ago, in the 17th of January; he
was united to `Miss Bella Hannon,
of- Stephen county. They farmed for
a• number of years near Hillsgreen;and. about • 40 years ago they moved
to• Hillsgreen. Mr. .Sheffer was a
carpenter and builder by- trade, and
worked on the erection of most of'the
fine' residences in" IJensall. Besides
his widow, he leaves one son Win. of
Toronto and one daughter, Mrs. W.
H. Reid - of Port Rowan. He was a
member of a large family, but only
.one brothel: remain, Chas. of Marlett
Miclt,,. A private funeral was held on
Thursday. afternoon with internment
in Hillsgreen cemetery. Rev. A. Sin-
clair of.the United Charge officiated.
Gone to Florida
Sandy Elliott G nd IL 0. Southco'
of Exeter, left S;• :m'day last for
Motor trip to .Merida.
Left Bayfield
Dr. B. M. Burris, who succeeded
Dr. Newton -Bendy and praccesed at
Bayfield for two and a half years,
left that place ion December 21st,.
for Savant .Lake, Northern Ontario,
to take over a practice in a mining
camp. He was much interested in
sports and the badminton and tennis
clubs will miss him. During his stay
at Bayfield he was :considered a elev.er physician and made many friends.
Bay-fieldislnow without a doctor and
it is some distance to get one- 13
an%les go Gofderich; 12' to Zurich; 10
to Clinton. There is a good opening •
and it hopes that soon one will Beate:
Looted Ruins of Warehouse
Thieves looted the charred ruins of
Chas_ Lee's warehouse, at the har-
bor, Goderich, last Sunday night fol-
lowing the fire, and made off with
5200 worth of wrenches, heavy work
gloves and .mitts, flashlights and oth--
er articles. The vault had also been
tampered with but apparently with-
out success. Constables Ferguson and.
McCoy investigated the robberyandt
are attempting to confirm suspicions:
which have arisen from the case.The-
night watchman at the warehouse
had been busy making some repairs.
and it was apparently, ciuring this -
time that the theft took place. harm-
ers of articles have been, stolen, ail
various times since the building was
urned, but at no previous time had:
a quantity been taken.
Ed. Welch, 60, Clinton mail driver .
was badly bruised and shaken when
a car drived by Bert Foyster, of Tor-
onto, crashed into his cutter the oth-
er day. The young horse driven by lb
Welch headed for the centre of the
road in the path of the cacr. TheJb
mail driver attempted to drive his
With- a-selftimet' omyour camera, you can make "character" snapshots
of -yourself.
DID you ever stop.tottbink that an.
of us have>had a desire atsome.
time tO be a stage or screen star?
Deny it or not it is still ;true that
We like to. sea ourselves in pictures
-although' it, may be just a snap-
Way down deep ineverybody's.
nature is that feeling that we have -
certain pointy of similarity to - some
noted actor or actress. Then tome
there are certain facial expressions
that we have cultivated whichseem
always to amuse our friends.
NOW if you want to -convince your.
self of your ability -or faihire-as
a comedian or a. tragedian youcan
dei so quite effectively'with your own
camera. Put yourself in pictures.
Few properties are needed .for
these personal, informal character
snapshots. Speelal costumes are not
always necessary; foe in many in-
stances it will be the facial expres-
sion that tells the story. In the two.
;pictures shown here, however, the
costume plays a rather important
part. A burnt cork, sharpened to a
point, willhelp accentuate the fee
tures of the character yeti Wish to
You may find it difficult to hold a
certain expression- for more than a
few seconds so have your camera -
Man have his camera, properly' fo-
cused,and ready to shoot before you.
"go into character:"
Suppose that you want to experi-
ment with the idea by yourself- You;
eau take your own picture. Howl!'
"Use a self •timer.• A self timer is an,.
inexpensive gadget that fits over the•
cud of the butt4 on the cable ree
lease of a folding camera. It is ad-•
justabie so that you can set it ton
give you as muck as 30 seconds to,
'take your position before your cam-
era and contort your face into char-
acter and then -zip --and you have,
your picture. Some camera shutters;
e.?raa built-in self timer so if yolk.
have one of tihese'models anc'I."'
bavenbtused this feature now's yotm?
These snaps can be taken out-•-
doors or indoors by well lighted win-
dows or at night with two or three,
floodlight lamps. With floodlight.
Iamps,iiowever, it will be necessary
to ase a camera with an f.6.3 or.
faster ions. The shutter speed in this:.
Instance should be set at 1/26 sec-
ond. Set the diaphragm at f.e.3.
You 'will find this type of snap-
shoot/lag a lot of fun and it will:
help you while away Many hours.
during the cold winter r,•lys and
nights when outdoor activit les are•.
none too pleasant.
:ern, Tr 1:)'Gen r:$'Eit,