HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-01-16, Page 1Vol, XXXVI No,28 ea" 1,•••••••............0••••••.110•••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••m•PIMIMNOMM...•••••••••••••••••••••••••%.1.14.0••••••••••••••••••••1 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING JANUARY 16,1936. $1.25 a yeehaZtTYSL..$17..VbiliP.arbme 11.50 IN ARREARS, $2 ma Aut ORABOAtio efchant and read the Tiorrie Paper Patronize your local Tug Cuts Way The tug Donald Mac,„ at the Mor gen Fish Co., Kincardine,. which ar rived in Goderich 'harbor last Wed nesday in a heavy fog,, -mks the firs vessel to point her prow- into tha harbor this year. The sturdy 75 -foot steel tug came down to fill an lee - breaking contact in the harbor_ Capt. R. Lange stated that he encoimtered no ice until he readied the harbor 'where ice is from four to six inches Proceeding cautious}, in the fog, the 30 -mile trip was made in 8 hours. In the previous 25 years., the earliest record entay date of a vessel in Goderich harbor was in 1932, when a ship made port on: April 5.. Although some years ago the freeze- up did not come unfal the end a February, there was no slapping im -that time. ti t :Do You Need Glasses? Stop and Think how- important it is that you wear correct glasses—cor- rectly prescribed for your *is' ion. 'Correctly styled to your face. Your ".health may largely depend on keen vision. See C. E. ZURBRIGG, R. O. At HESS JEWELER -Yr STOW: Every Tuesday at ZURICH -At Dashwood, Sateaday, at Pfild'ael Store. AtrAsacussamasimmanonmeanu ST. PETER'S. tvangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT.. 'A Changeless Christ jaw chmqr- ing WoricL" Friday, 8h—Luther Leagme. Saturday --Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES: .10 a. m.—German servie' e. 1.1.15 a.m.—Sunday School_ 7.30 p.m.e--Englisaa service. tEoexirbody WeIconie cc ll Serricus. E. TUERKHEEK Pastor. HAY COUNCIL $20.00; Assessor $100; and postage; Caretaker of hall $40; for transients 20 cents per meal and 50c. for atten- 4,ezw7a.SY/ The fir gt session of the Council of; (king to fire; Auditors for Twp., $6; the Township of Hay for the year for Telephone$2, each; Weed Lisp - 1936 was held in the Town Hall, ector, 35c. per hr including transpor- ' Zurich, on Monday, January 13, ac- tation; Road Supt 35c per hr. includ- cording to The Municipal Act. The ing transportation; Board of Health following subscribed to the Declare- $1 per meeting; Selecting Jui:ors, tion of office: Reeve, Alfred Melia; Clerk $5; Reeve and Assessor $2, Councillors — George Armstrong, each; Sanitary Inspectors 50c for William Haugh, Max. Turnbull and placing and removing cards in coun- Edmund Walper. try and 45c in Zurich, and aCc per mile, one way; 50c for disinfecting The Council then became organiz- a house; $2 for inspecting Zurich; $1 ,ed for the year 1935.. After dispos- ing of the communications the folio- for Blake and $1.50 for Dashwood, wing resolutions were passed: • That the following be appointed toffirials of the Township of Hay for the year 1936; Clerk and Treasurer Al P. Hess; Assessor, W. H. Edighoff- er; Auditors, Geo. Deichert and Jacob Efaberer; Caretaker of hall, J. Al- brecht; Member of Board of Health, Josiah Geiger; Sanitary Inspectors Eastern. Division, B. C. Edwards; Zurich and vicinity, john P. Rau; Dashwood and vielnitar Cleytmi.Pfde. School attendance officers, eastern divis' ion, W. R. Dougall; Western, F. E. Ducharme, and that a byl-aw be prepared by the Clerk for passage at the next Council meeting confirming said appointinents. That the salaries to be paid to Tp. officials for the year be fixed as fol- lows: iCierk and Treasurer $360.00; for Telephone $350., for Twp. bads Mens and Boy s Work Shoes We have put in a Stock of Good Choice Quality Men's not Bcys' Work Shoes, and invite the public to come in and we can fit you up: PUT IN A SUPPLY OF MEN'S AND WOMEN'S RUBBERS, MEN'S .HEAVY RUBBERS, ETC. CARFILED BROWN Victoria Street. Zurich, Ont. WE 'GIVE EXPERT WORXMAN- :SWF.> IN REPAIRING Your Patronage Solicited AM:01•10••••R=MOVNINOVilldleilUn...C.40••••••=1. ..........ildreUrwrarnearreSSerM WE SP-rik. THE iiiEsT FOR •Specials for Thursday, Friday .and Saiturday Royal York Coffee 14lb. ith Demi Tame Ckina Cup and Saucer„Free. Hehphill's wheatBerries, 5 -lb.. Derby Cheese,, Catsup, large bottle, each - -- -19c 'Com Flakes, Kellogs, 3 for Ready cut Macruni„ 4 lbs. Corn, Golden 13zaitatri, 2 this ..--.......—.---- 23c Peas, No. 4 Sive, 2 tins Tomatoes, large far, 2 tins .. .23c Tomato Jaime le -oz. tin, each ... _ .. ___-___-_-- 5c Blue Berries, 2 -bias for -- • Men's and Boy' linderwear, Sweater 'Coats at Greatly Reduced Prices to 'Clear Alm.) LatEes and Children's Underwear and Nosiery Reduced. SFR OUR TAD E OF ODDS AND ENDS 1- R tek. (Dr.) W. D. Bryce visited 'foA,eai,tew days at Exeter last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hess motored to London one day last week. and 10c per mile, one way, and thatl. and Mrs. E. W. Rader of a by-law be prepared by the Clerk confirming said salaries and feesfor passage at the next Council meeting • That the fallowing be appointed as.Poundkeepers for the Township of Hay for 1936—J. F. Ingram, W. Alexander, S. Schrader, 0: Grb. W. , J. 'Johnston, S. Hoffman, G. Becker, D. Swartzeatruber, Hy. Krueger, F. Turnbull and Filbert Denomme. Arid the following Shep Valuators—Wm, Parke, Fred J. Haberer and Freq Keeling. And the following fence viewers, C. H. Blackwell, Arf. Pfaff; J. Eckstein andAlbertHendrick,and that a by-law be prepEred by the Clerk for passage at the next Council meeting confirming said appointment That by-law No. 1-1936, providing for estimated expenditures on Twp.. Roads for the year 1936 to the a- mount of 4'7300 be read three times and finally passed. • That. the Clerk subscribe for nine copies of The Municipal World: For Reeve, Councillors, Clerk, Road Sup- erintendent, Assessor and Tax Coll. That the annual meeting of the subscribers of the Hay Municipal Telephone System be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Saturday, Feb. lst, 1936, at two o'clock in the afternoon. near Dashwood, called on friends t . on T--sday. wrsI Mr. and. Mrs. C. L. Smith, and M Eilber, called on friends at CI t er, Sunday evening. in Watches, "Gents and Ladies” Visit Our Store BEFORE BUYING YOUR GIFTS A Beautiful Stock of Clocks, TS in- Fancy Rings. Dr. and Mrs. H. H, Cowen a farnily were Sunday visitors at t home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz, and ea: Silver Plated Ware he Fine Boxed Stationery Wm, F. Braun and daughter Waterrnan's Fountain Pens Barbara, and son Allan from Forest, spent the week -end at the home of Toilet Sets. Lamont and other relatives. ter former's father, Mr. William Make Your Selections Early I *blue c More Heac--Less Attentio,, The color guarantee s• the;. quality Semet Solvay Coke Miller Creek and Rosedale Alberta Tile and Brick W. R. DAVIDSON Mr. Edgar Snell, of Sedgewick, rHighest Alb., is spending a few days with his p Eggs Ass, The Jeweller uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wagner, and other relatives and / friends. Phone 74 Zurich , Phone 10 Ray Council met on Monday for organization for 1936. The memb- ers, of the Council were entertained to, dinner by the Reeve, Mr. A. Mellck, Ladies' Aid Meet The Ladies' Aid of St. Peter's Lutheran Church held their monthly mceting in the basement of the church on Tuesday evening with a large attendance present. The mon- thly business was transacted by the That the Reeve and Clerk be auth-i. exe`alent, Mrs. A. Foster, after orized to sign and submit to the Min- whirth the annual election took place. ister of Highawys, the petitIOn of the LI,Wws:ELA 'kessidbeelnbt,g elected Asis!oI-; Council of the Township of showing that during the year 1935 there has been expended on Twp rds. the sum of $5097.32 and requesting the statutory grant on that amount according to the Ont. Highway Im- urenement Act and amendments thereto. That the treasurer's fidelity bond for $10,000. with the Employers' Li- ability Assurance Co., be renewed for one year. The following orders were passed: Hay Telephone'System: E. R. Guenther cartage 50c; Elmer Webb error on rate $3; Bell Tele, Co. tolls Nov -Dec. 71.55; Zurich Central swtg 4 weeks 68.00; P. McIseac 3 mons. salary $500.; Stromberg-Carrson drps and jack 27.75; H. G. 116sT, labor, etc. 71.56. Charity and Relief, Mrs. M. Snider ',rood indigent 6.75; J. _Albrecht, transients 10.60; E. Nadiger, indig- ents wood 2.25; J. W. Merner act. indigents.17.37; A. Melick, mirk did 8.64; G. J. Thiel tmg, etc. $6; Reid & Co. indigents 4.75; L. Schilbe & Son coke 4.47; Menno Oesch act. in- .digents 10.29; C. Fritz ditto 9.90. General Accounts—Election expens es 116.00; Gestetner Go . stencils a.67; Tuckersmith Telo. Co. mai '35 In one of the fastest games of Zurich Winas This One rates 202.95; Tp. Clerk reg. B., M., the season, on Tuesday night, Zurich and Deaths 20.75; Emp. Lia. Assce. defeated the fast Thedford boys to Co. bond 40.00. 8-3, The first period enaed 3-2 The Council anjourned to met a- an,dotfoeTrhtehdefolio.dcallatabyosysmiandethiattrpeethr: o'cloc.kin the afternoon. gain on Saturday, Feb. 1st, at one Eah iod, but from them on it was a walk „ A. F. Hess. Clerk. away. Vice Pres., Mrs. Fred Haberer; Sec xetary, Mrs. Milford Schilbe; Trees - ever Mrs. (Rev.) Turkheim; organ- ist, Mrs. Albert Kalbfleisch. The aud- itors' reported a very good balance in tho treasury. Womens' Institute The Monthly meeting of the Zuie ich Brandi. of the Women's Institute was well attended on Monday even- ing, -January 13th, and- was a decid- ed saccesS, in. every way. A splend- id program was given by some of the girls; Miss Audry Foster and Greta Haberer gave a humorous play. Miss Beatrice Manson gave a splendid reading and Mangaret Hey a piano solo. After the program Mrs. Harry G Hess, Presisdent, conducted the. business in a very able manner. The social 'balf mour was certainty enjoy- ed by all present and a credit to the committee in charge. Next meeting will be held on February aid, at 8 o'clock, pan: "Surprise Meeting." All ladies welcome. HOCKEY NEWS ANNUAL insurance Meeting' The .61st Annual Meeting of the Members of TNT BAY 'TOWNSHIP FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Will be held in the TOWN HALL, ZURICH On 210NDAY JANUARY 27th, 1936, At 2 o'clock, p.m. BUSINESS Terciving the Directors', Secret- . ary-Treasurer's and Auditors' Re- ports. Election of Directors arid 12,4..tditors and the discussion of such min"-zs n‘• may bo in the interest of • Highest Mom F4Ss. the Company, Herbert K. Eilber, Secretary. ;IAc. nem Ile Albert nen ci.riek, President, Earl Yungblut was the individual scoring star with 5 goals, and was assisted greatly by C. Burn and I. Willert, the other players on that forward line who passed the puck unselfishly even if they could have: scored themselve,s. The Prang, Klopp, and Kockems line was the checking line and they had the opposing 4- tackers, well battled up in their awn end of the' rink, while Heideman anal. Bedard fitted in nicely in any Inc. The Zurich defence also made 1:t, a rough road for the 'opposing forward to get through, using their bodes to good advantage, The Zurich team boasts a. defense equal to most 0. H. A. team& J. Rockerns in goal played a good game although he was not kept busy. The lineup for Zurich: Goal, 3. Reckons, def. I. Yungblut, 1,ee 0'- Brein; centre, C. Barn; Winge, 1. Wil- led, E. YungbInt; Subs., L. Prang, W. IClopp, P Xockems, Bedard, }lei - &man. The scorers 13. Yunghlut 13. 1. Wilhart 1, Carl Burn 1, W, Klapp $ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • cash prices paid far on a graded basfs.. ILENSALE4 ._.6.A.1GIAJW•••••*,11.1...,...12•Mtir.tre21".•frafeam FOR January Only Extra Trlkrusers • ABSOLUTELY • 4) • • WITH EVERY SUIT 4, o • • • MADE TO MEASURE • •• kill, 01P • • SATISFACTION GUARANTEED to, o, • ‹.- * • REMEMBER JANUARY ONLY cs, 1a, • 1.1- • SAVE From $6 to $10.00 •• • qt, s ON EVERY SUIT o • o • 0 • , ,-- , ill w1 .÷..., lap L- • • • AJalli * • G • Ea YBAL.M.E.RS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS 4$ • tv 4v • todtbocte4.44)4e0.-4 at -404,1,4.14.o 4 a...3,6.4t o0,74 c ,:p.-. •,, :!:4-,1•1., .t, . t Is e.,.t.; k',.. Ir. :. ,i; • Affill$S625.12=12121EreM2IMEIMIUMES5aUETZMI"'"_;:,:‘,...'..:.3MMUMW• Re uction SALE We are offering- at Greatly Reduced Piices, The Following Goods: All Heavy. Woof Underwear, Wool Blankets, Men's and Boys' Windbreaker and Sweaters, Heavy Socks, Men's and Children's Heavy Socks-, All Heavy Rubbers. Boy's Tweed Pants and Bloomers, Flannelette Prints, Gingharns and Towelings, Etc., Etc_ Ask to See Our New Chintz suitable far Quilts and Comforters - R. N. LIGLAS GENERAL IICEROHANT PHONE 11 97 BLI4KE I latZW02505012315042WW1' 51222150•1060g212 aalleanaaaritaliagalifteen