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Zurich Herald, 1936-01-09, Page 8
PA(P r(+rTT 1 • THE STORE WITH THE STOCK We take this Opportunity to Heartily Thank you for your Generous Support and Friend- ship throughout the past year and wish you a Happy and. Prosperous New Year! J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 11 The Security PROVIDED FOR A HURON & ERIE DEBENTURE OR A GUAR - ,ANT 1TID TRUST CERTIFICATE IS AS FOLLOWS: _---" FIRST 1.M UPON EVERY DOLLAR OF THE CORPORATI- ON'S .A.SSEZS WHICH TOTAL OVER $46,870,000. THE TOTAL ASSETS OF TNA HURON & ERIE AND THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY EXCEED $78,000,000. IN ADDITION THE PAID-UP CARIT.AL, AND RESERVE FUND OF THE HURON & ERIE IS 1 $7,000,000. ti THE SECURITIES, BOOKS AND ACCOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO f A CONl11+IUOUS AUDIT BY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND f THE ,COMPANIES ARE UNDER STRICT GOVERNMENT SUPER-. ' VISION. INTEREST ON DEBENTURES AND CERTIFICATES PAYABLE HALF -YEARLY IS AS FOLLOWS: 31.i% For One and Two year Investments. 4% For Three, Four and Five Year Investments. APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AND FULL PARTICULARS CHEERFULLY SUPPLIED BY: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAF'XIT) J1 HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE Coleman Repair Da Y. ON 2 • Wednesday January 15th The Coleman Representative will be at Our Store to repair any Coleman Lamp, i Lantern or Iron, Etc., Etc., that will be brought to our Store on or before above mentioned 'date. No charge will be made for Labor; but parts needed and used will be ,charged for, Every Customer bringing in a lamp or land tern to be repaired will receive a pair of free Mantles in an envelope. O 1 "� lllu Ilii1111 ZURICH HERALD JlINI1111I11111111!11111111HIM 1111 .11111IiIIl0Ii111IIIII01111! 'NH 1111111111II 01 IIIOillllll IIl101111110! III l IIII Illlll I11111t11J1 II 1111+ NEW Grocery Store Dried Peaches, per ib. 20c Marshmallow cookies, per lb. 15c Heinz's Pickles, per jar 2.5c Salmon Emblem, large can, 2 for 25c Golden wax Beans, per can 10c Happy Vale Catsup, 2 bottles 25c Libby's Pork and Beans, 1-1b. can., 2 for 15c London Special Laundry Soap, per bar 5c SEE OUR BIG PREMIUM ON TEA WHILE IT LASTS! Menno Oesch •' Zurich EGGS WANTED. Phone 165 I I IIIII IIIIUIIIIIIIIUIIIgIigIIIllilpHliNI11111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIillliifliuii'Immiiullll t i4iru 11111111111 111111110 IIll111111HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111il811111II111111111111111111111111111111J11111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 1111111111i1110;. ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. and Mrs. William Davidson Jr spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Price near Clinton. Mr. .Roy Weber of Hensall was the guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weber on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington -Johnston and daughter Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. William S. Johnston spent the week- end with friends in Detroit. Mr. Hugh MacKinnon who spent the holidays at his home here, left on Saturday for Kingston, where he will resume his studies at Queen's Uni- versity. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Johnston are moving their effects from the apartment in the Melick block, to the residence of Mrs. 1erhnston's mother, Mrs. Henry Truernner. This will be greatly welcomed: by Mrs. Thuesmner, who is physically not so active is in years past. Miss Ruth Turkheirn, B. A., who LOCAL MARKETS .18101.1110/1/0 (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter, creamery .. - ... ...... 31 Eggs, dozen Chickens, lb. Rens, ib. Ducks, dressed, lb Geese, dressed, lb Turkeys, dressed Wheat bush. 32,3::©,24 I5%,14,1.3,11 10,9,7 15 Johnston 8C Kaibflejsch 6c Hardware& Furniture. Phone Oats, bush. .....�25 Barley, bush. ., .� ... 32c Buckwheat, bush. 32 Flour cwt. 2.25 3_5 Bran and shorts, ton: 20.00 Potatoes per 904b. hag 100 Live hogs, cwt. 7-09 Thursddj, ,lai tSiii 9th, 19- tim 011.1 Greetings! We are Happy to take this Opportunity of Expressing our -Appreciation.. at the Patronage that has been accorded us dur- ing the past Year and Wish one and all for A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS New Year MAY BE FINE CRITIC Ottawa -Rt. Ham. R. B. Bennett, leader of the official Opposition of 39 Conservatives in the 18th Parliament opening on Feb. 6', may himself un- dertake the task, of acting as finan- cial critic for his group. It is recall - Rev. and Mrs. E. Turkheim, left on that after the 1930 election Mr. Saturday to resume her duties at Springfield, Obio. The two auditors of the Hay Twp. Farmers' Mutual Fire Ins. Co.,, Mr. Jacob Haberer and Kenneth Rout- ledge, were at Crediten on Monday, when they performed their dities as auditors. The,en's InmeetinMondawhichconvenFoster. Zurich Branch of the Wom stitute will hold their regular g in the Council Chamber on y evening February 13th, to all ladies are invited. The or of the evening is Mrs. Alex Medium -Sized Town e thousand, two hundred and n. That number is well over population of Goderich, but exact number of babies that B. Whitely has brought into since he began practising ne.-God. ,Star. HINTS ON HONEY Granulated honey can be brought to its liquid form by standing container in water and heating, 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Ahigh-. than that is likely to the color of the honey and aroma and flavors. As soon honey has become liquid, cool as possible, but do not a the refrigerator. Honey arioisiure from the air and loses and flavor rapidly; therefore, not be kept uncovered any than is necessary. Keep honey in a cool dry place, honey in the comb should be where it is warm and dry. ANNUAL REPORT The annual ,financial report of the Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company for the year end- ing December 31st 1935 has been printed and will soon be mailed out to the various policyholders. The Company had a very successful year as the fires and losses were kept low by the policy holders, and only one" large amount of nearly $4000. ap- pears on the report, otherwise the losses are small. All total losses are $6,078.00, which is • considerable less than last year; The Company has at present 2,028 policies in force covering an insurance of $7,859,170.1 The financial end is .also very healthy with total cash and bond azsets of $58,223.82. The total ne:, :Premium Note residue is $207,092.89. While the liabilities such as losses not ad- justed and unearned premiums on all outstanding risks is $5,033.95. The total expenses of Management for • the year was $2,523.53. The annual meeting of the Company will be held T /� f'1 � wimp° in the Town hall, Zurich on Monday January 27th, at 2 o'cloock p.m. When the annual business will be transact- ed. The following are the officials: Albert Hendrick, President, George Armstrong, Vice -President; Secret- ary -Treasurer *Herbert K. Eilber, and 444 OSN�ARN etoeNNSi M� . the Agent, W lliam Lam m A Threeighteehalf theit is theDr. J.the worldmedic: SOMEGbackthe coit to 1er temperaturedarkendrive outas therapidlyitasput intab- sorbsaromait shouldlongerex- tractedbut hostored w1rr'1W11.. ZURICH - ONT QUAIIT"Y - PRICE -. SERVICE • Bennett assumed the portfolio of finance before relinquishing it to Hon E. N. Rhodes, naw a member of the Senate. TRIP NOT PROFITABLE Robert Wilson has returned to his home in Goderich from a far from profitable trip to Windsor. He par- ked his car on the street overnight, but it would not start in the morning A garage mechanic thought the tro- uble might be in the battery. He was more or less right. The trouble was caused by the absence of the battery. Someor{e had crawled under the car, cut the bands on the battery box and removed the whole thing. Further in- vestigation revealed that an upper rear corner of the car had been cru- mpled, as if struck by a passing truck. TO NATIONALIZE BANK At Ottawa, change of the Bank of Canada from a private to a public ownership, a plank in the Liberal party's platform in the recent gener- al election campaign, is receiving consideration. A number of officials conferred at the prime minister's office, but no indications were given of the Government's immediate plans. Legislation will be required to amend the Bank of Canada Act and it is assumed this will be one of the feat- ures of the legislative forecast in the speech from the Throne on Feb. 7. To achieve nationalization of the Central Bank would require a calling in of the $5,000,000 capital stock in the hands of the public and the ques- tion would arise as to whether it would be redeemed at par ($50) or at current market value which, day hums about $53, Preventing Bees From Swarming. Work done by the Bee Division of the Dom. Experimental Farms has shown that the desire of bees to swarm may be suppressed to the min inium by elimination the excoting causes. This is done by keeping every colony headed by young and vigorous queens, by providing sufficient space for maximum brood production and storage of nectar at all times, by us- ing only good drawn chambers, and by providing shade for the colonies durjng the hottest part of .the sum- mer ' or properventilation for the hives. Cleaning the Hen House At this time of year hen houses should be thoroughly cleaned, disin- fected, and whitewashed. At the Poul try Division, Central Experimental Fahzri the following white e wash mix- ture has been used with good results: to Slake half bushel of Time with boiling 4° water, strain and add 1 peck of salt, 4• dissolve in warm water. Put 3 pounds .y of ground rice in .boiling water and + boil to a thin paste. Dissolve half -lb. .+p• of powdered Spanish whiting and 1 ,'ag, Tot Shop 149 O. KLOPP A ��A SONS Res. 6 " pound of clear glue in warm. water. + Mix all these well together and let 4- Auctioneering?- U BET! stand for several days. Keep over al 4• portable furnace and apply hot withl brush. 400*+eaA ***a+,s.•* ****4pa*fl •**+r*e r*a 63 4101 11 f 4. f 4* + 4+4444.4 • ••••++++++ir'4444444. ••••+.&,•••••••+4r+4444444 1 NIIINESES t dfl IMMIDISI IIWLIIN[ 1l1fIWIIIINE uID18181111101&{ f1lINI I!!killIMIIIIIII iiflfllil EN11IUI111111 z THESE PRIG subject to change without Notice B.. $7.00 and 10.00 6.00 and 10.00 16.00 and 18.00 12o00 3.00 I.00 1.25 Paantuig Wagon Painting Buggy Recovering Buggy Top Rerirnming Buggy Wheels Set Buggy Shaft Cross Bar Buggy Reach Buggy Spokes each 25c ffi UESS, the Repair Man MII.iME)llfMIMI4Eoi41f{NflIHMllllflllilll4ti' flU? muummoniii 1444,4014•14++++++++++++++++44++++++++++.14++++++++++41100 44 ,4+F4f4+++•++++++•f••i••i+++44+++++i•+•I•++.1•+++++3••6.++++4110 ► t + P + • •. 4. • • Regular $10.00 Heavy Service tires at 6.35 4 Regular 10.75. Heavy Service tires at 6.+90 Gasoline at per gollon 2 • Lubricating Oils and greases at corresponding low prices Get Your Requirements Here, where Your Dollars • Go the Farthest! Expert Workmanship on all Makes of Cars, with charges Very Reasonable! L .Tyloasseau Zurich .004W04/444+44.0.4.+++++++++41.44444.444,4444+4-24++++40+0 Zt731011 r GARAGE EXTRA EXTRA Large Shipment of Tires Just Received :.4144!4++44+44++4+++++4444 .4441.6•14++++++++++++44+14411 + + 4• 4• + •H 4 + + • + + + + + + 112ASSEY-HARRIS NEWS Now that the harvest is over we would appreciate having an early settlement on Repair Accounts. Manifest your appreciation for receiving credit by settling at once. 10 per cent. added after October 15th SPECIAL on Hot water Heaters for your car for balance of month. $18.00 heaters for only $8.50. Cash with Order. SUPER LASTIC TIRE PRICFS Again Re- duced and we mount same free Use Massey -Harris semi -steel deep chill plow Points.