HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-01-09, Page 1"Vol. XXXVE No.27 ERAL. ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 9, 1936. Cheater L. Smith Pub!inha e $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.60 in Advannots •1.50 LNARREARS, IZ MAT MI ONABO [ale To our many Readers and Friends we extend Season's Greetings Three Year Tem Clifford Grimo1dfsy, 20 year ,old deaf-mute of Owen Sound, who re- sided in Wiingham far a mouth the past year, was sentenced! By Mugisir, ate J, A. Mains in Goderech Burt to three years in Postal/math Penit- entiary on pleading guilty to the theft of $2,500 front Joseph Coulter sof Blyth. Fred G. We JP rated as interpreter for the courts, lie having made known his knower a the deaf-mute language verse= he remand- ed the young man a few previa Pons. Grimoltlbystole the monelT OR December 1st, during a Winking party at Coultees a i' 1 fry to Saint John, N.B., via London and Montreal He was brought flack teen &tys after the theft with $1,0 aid 'ghat re- mained of the ztoTesn money:, • 110 DEGREES BELOW Exeter was one of the coldest spots in the Dominion. en Saturday evening last. London at 13 degrees below zero was reported as the cold- est spot but the thermometers sof town registered betweed 19 and 20 degrees below at 10.30 o'clock 'Sat- urday evening. Our authority for this is Mr. Wm. Hatter, local dairy- man Mr. Hatter observed itis own theremometer about that time and then to verify the figures he shade a trip to nearby stores and the two heremometers registered the same. —Exeter Times -.Advocate. Speed. is Costly It is not generally known that the faster an automobile travels the greater the consumption of gasoline, but such appears to be the case. Thirteen kinds of cars were tested to ascertain if that fact applied to them all. The American Automo- bile .Association gives the following as the result of tests made: 30 miles, an hour, 18 miles per gallon; 60 miles an hour, 12.6 miles per gallon; 80 :miles an hour, 8.6 miles per gal- lon. Oil consumption is seven times as great at 55 miles per hour as at 30 miles an hour. r Do You Need Glasses? .Stop and Think howithpar%t it is that you wear correct le/asses—cor- rectly lasses—correctly prescribed for unser vIola. Correctly styled to your face. Your health may largely depend on keen vision. See C. E. ZURBRIGG, IGt. At HESS JEWELEIRY STORE Every Tuesday at ZURICH At Dashwood,. Saturday, at Pfile's .. a—•iw WEDDING ANNIVERSARY On Tuesday, January 7th, the 62nd wedding anniversary was observed of Mens and Boys mR—iWorkShoes ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran' Ii ZURICH — ONT_ fj "A Changeless Christ finer a Chan i ng War%&" Friday, 8h—Luther� L_ye�ague. Saturday—Choir Y 2a^RT� SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m.—German. Service. U.15 a.m.—Sunday Sr 7.30 p.m.—English service. Everybody Welcome to ' E. TUER)K.HE! , Pastor. We have put in a Stock of Good Choice Quality Men's nd Boys' Work Shoes, and invite the public to cone in and we can fit you up. PUT IN A SUPPLY OF MEN'S AND WOMEN'S RUBBERS, MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS, ETC. (GARFJLED BROWN 'Ctoria :Street. Zurich, Ont. WE GIVE EXPERT 'WOIIIKMAN- SH1P i Rest.: ATtING Your Patronage Solicited WE SF3-. ME BEST FOR LESS Spas for Thursday, Elie w :and 3t P.and G_ Naptha Soap, TO Dazs Aylmer P nth Near., :ice each Canned Pumpkjns,, large .tin Bauch Catsup, large bat -tie,. each • .13c Corn Flakes Kellogg, 3 :for _.___ __,_ :25c Ready cut Macron. 1leas. �._.25c Corn, Golden Baxdcaln, 2 tins Peas, No. 4 Sue, :2 dins . _ .. _« _..__....__..:..._.2%c Tomatoes„, large u,, 2 tins ._. __._.__.__ __ ... :23c Tomato Juice,, 'l rix, itin, each 5c Blue Ber r to ;, 2 time Mer.'s andy .s T iderwea Sweater Coats at Gar .Reduced . Prices to liar Also Lail 'ea gaud, .9E ldr n's : nder.'wear :and .f xrsr erry, Reseed. SEE OUR TABLE OF ODDS AND iE ND CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation of our neigh- bors and friends for the kindness and sympathy shown, and for the Mass Cards, tendered us at the time of our bereavement. Mr. William Meidinger, CARD OF THANKS Mr. Melton Walper wishes to express his sincere thanks to all his relatives and friends who so kindly remembered him while at the Hos- pital and also at home during his recent illness. CARD OF THANKS Zurich, January 7, 1936 Dear Mr, Editor: I wish to convey through the medium of your press, my sincere thanks 'to all the electors that have supported me. I congratulate Mr. A. 1Vfelick for his splendid victory. Also my sincere good wishes to our Council, (Signed) David Ducharme. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ducharme, Sr., about a mile north of St. Joseph on the Blue Water Highway, when a few of their friends gathered and congratulated them on .their long married life together. Oscar Duch- arme, .Sr., was born in Lower Canada 87 years ago, and at the age of eight years moved with his parents to the French Settlement, on Lake Huron, at that time there was no roads cut through the vergin forest, the early settlers following the Indian trail down from Goderich. His parents settling -on a farm : which they were obliged to hew out of the dense for- est, as the timber was very heavy a- long this fertile tract of land. Mr. •Ducharme knows all about pioneer life and loves to recall many old re- minances for the long ago. Mrs. Du- charme's maiden name was Jane Wilson and was born and raised a- bout 40 rods from where they now are living. She is 77 years of age, and lived in the neighborhood all but a short time when she was at Grand Bend. Both Mr. and Mrs. Ducharme are enjoying very good health for a couple their age, and hardships they have come through. They were married in the little Mission R. C. church which stood very close to the now fine St. Peter's Church, in the year 1874, by Father Maitron Moran a Missionary Priest from Goderich, who came down once a month to the Mission, at this time there were no roads, just the original trail. Mr. and Mrs. Ducharme who are the old- est living couple in the parish, have had an 'admirable married life to- gether, having lived there all these gears and watched the steady pro- gress of civilization and in recent years when the mechanical age was -ushered in. This happy old couple is blessed with three sons and three ?daughters living at present. They are Fred, William, and Oscar Ducharme all of the Blue Water Highway, and the daughters, Mrs. David Geromette Mt Carmel, Mrs. Sol. Williams, of Seaforth and Mrs. Barnum Hartman of Thedford. There are arso 63 grand children and 84 great grand children. ANNUAL Insurance Meeting The 61st Annual Meeting of the Members of THE HAY TOWNSHIP FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE• COMPANY Will be held in the TOWN HALL, ZURICH On MONDAY JANUARY 27th, 1936. At 2 o'clock, pan, BUSINESS Receiving the Directors', Secret- ary -Treasurer's and Auditors' Re- ports. Election of Directors and ••••14.1aptuins rage Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd Kalbfleisch of Elmira, were holiday visitors witth relatives here. A Holy Communion service will be conducted in the Evangelical church next Sunday at 10 a.m. Miss Doi Chuter of Varna spent Christmas week with Mrs. Mary Manson and family, Goshen north. Mr. Donald Manson of Toronto, is spending a few weeks at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary Manson. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Manson and son Leonard of Toronto spent Christ- mas with friends on the Goshen line Stanley, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Weston of Sarnia Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Becker' of Dashwood, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thiel. Mr. Gerald Bedard, who spent the holidays at his home here returned to Toronto to resume his duties on the teaching staff of that city. Rev. E. Burn was called to Cred- iton rediton on Monday afternoon to assist at the funeral services of the late Mrs. William Geiser, nee Schwartz. Mrs. William Davidson, Jr., of the Go@hen line, south, has received the :sad news of the death of her uncle, M Robert Stelck, of Edmonton, Alb - The late Mr. Stelck was a for- me • principal of Zurich Public School fro the years 1901 to 1905, and w `: a son of the late Charles Stelck 1#arna. , A Coleman Expert will be at the hardware store of Jomnston & Kalbfleisch on January 15th and will ` do repair work on the Coleman pro- ducts. To every repair customer he c will -give absolutely free an extra pair of mantle burners. 1 A Play, entitled: "The Girl in the Fur Coatt,' will be given by the Yo ung People of the Hensel]. United 1Church, and under the auspices of the Royal Knights Men's Bible CIass of the Evargwlical Church, Zurich, in the Town Hall„ Zurich on Friday January 17th, at 8 o'clock p.m. Tlins is a very interesting play interspersed with plenty of humor and comes high- ly recommended,. Zurich public school re -opened on Friday after the holidays. The High Schools in the community opened on Monday of this week. Personally, we cannot see what good that one day of school did the pupils after the vacation. But we are told that this is entirely managed by the pub- lic school Inspector, and he ruled school open and it had to be so re- gardless of what the trustees or any- one else thought. It seems that gradually the old democracy that we enjoyed for many years is gradually slipping away from the common peo- ple. OBITUARY The village and' community was shocked when they heard of the un expected sad news of Mrs. Elizabeth Meidinger, sixtv-vears of age and a resident of this community for twenty-nine years, passed away on Wednesday evening, Janu!ry the first after a heart attack which proved to be fatal. while visiting a the home of her friend, /Cm. George Camp- bell. The deceased was born on January the thirteenth, 1875, in Mt. Clemens, Michigan. She lived there for some time .and then moved with her parents to Merrill, Michigan. She resided there until her marriage to Mr, Meidinger. The departed was a very loving companion and march devoted to her home. and had many very close and affectionate friends in the neighborhood. She was also very faithful and active in church matters. She will be greatly missed' by these neighbors and friends. The late Mrs Meidinger leaves to mourn her loss ler sorrowing husband and a daught- r, Sister .Toon Marie of Detroit; al - o six brothers, Joseph, Edward, Al- ,ert, Fred and George Furt;'w of IerrilI, and Robert Furtaw of Wayne Michigan. The funeral services were.. onducted on Saturday morning in he St. Boniface, R. C, Church, Bur-; ch, with larch r'ether L. Power 4.1 { �.iating. 1 11, *auditors and the discussion of such business as may be in the interest of ithe Company. Herbert K. Either, Secretary,• s' !.Albert Headrick, President, - c Visit Our Store BEFORE BUYING YOUR GIFTS A Beautiful Stock of Clocks, Watches, "Gents and Ladies" Fancy Rings. Silver Plated Ware Fine Boxed Stationery Waterman's Fountain Pens Toilet Sets, Make Your Selections Early Hess,The Jeweller/ eweller Eggs Phone 74 Zurich iPhone 10 'blue coal More Heat—Less Atteatiota The color guarantees the. quality Semet Solvay Coke Miller Creek and Rosedale Albert Tile ° and Bea W. R. DAVIDSON cash prices paid fag on a graded basis. IIENSALL v a 0.0.•••••••••••••••••• *••••••••••••••••E,••••••••e 0 • • • • FOR w •i e, • January Only • •. • • Extra Trousers 4 ABSOLUTELY• • •' • 40 • • • FreeAlb M .,..•..• • • • 4- • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS • WITH EVERY SUIT MADE TO MEASURE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED REMEMBER JANUARY ONLY SAVE From $6 to $10.0 ON EVERY SUIT an °♦441.064 -04.4.4f 00••**4-00-t>eTF®4s g aa.ev,e1,e•e a>o•na.ia ra.aea-a+4,arx&a. • • There is still time to do your Christmas Shopping. We have a nice assortment to choose from setahe for Children, Boys and 'Girls and older people. Also a good assortment of candies, Nuts and Oranges. WISHING ALL OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOM- ERS A VERY Merry Christmas AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS New Year R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 11 97 BLAKE