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A brother to every other Stout, without regard to race or creed
According to the latest Swat con -
pus figures, just issued, Toronto is
the Dominion's largest Scouting cen-
tre, with a total membership of 9,-
700 Scouts and leaders. This is a
net increase during the ,year of 1,-
240. The figures show 4,369 Wolf
Cubs, 4,403 Boy Scouts, 308 Rovers,
50 Sea Scouts, 10 Rover Sea. Scouts
and 634 leaders.
There are 141 Cub Packs, 149
:Scout Troops. The sponsoring
churches irhow: Anglican, 51; Unit-
ed Church, 84; Presbyterian, 20; Ro-
man Catholic, 8; Baptist, 4; Jewish,
8. There are 24 community Scout
Groups, S associated with Home and
School clubs, and 9 not classified.
The Silver Anniversary of the 2nd.
Border Cities Troop, which has had
a continuous existence since 1910,
was marked by a largely attended
Scouts' Own service at All Saints'
Church on Sunday and an annivers-
ary banquet on Monday evening. The
banquet was attended by over 150
present and former members. The
troop developed from the lst. Wind-
sor Troop organized in 1910 by Col.
E. S. Wigle, who still is District
Chief Justice J. B. M. Baxter was
elected President of the New Bruns-
wick Council of the Boy Scouts As-
sociation at the recent provincial an-
nual meeting.
A towel and a bathroom plunger
quickly secured from a bathroom
were successfully used by a Char-
lottetown Seolt for a tourniquet and
tightener when a spear -lice piece of
glass severed an artery in his fath-
er's leg. Because of the depth of the
cut and the rapid Weeding, the doc-
tor credited the lad's promptness
and efficiency with saving the fath-
er's life.
A tree -sheltered nook on Mount
Newton, British Columbia, and an
altar of moss -covered rocks, provid-
ed the impressive setting for the in-
vestiture of the Rover Leader and
four new members of. the North
Quadra Rover Crew of Victoria.
An erhibition and concert held by
the 123rd. Toronto Scout Group at
Deer Park United Church raised
funds for the purchase of Christmas
toys for the children of needy fam-
ilies. The exhibits included a knot-
ting display, an amateur radio sta-
tion, a toy repair shop, a camp ex-
hibition and camp moving pictures,
The island of Grand Nanan, N.B.,
in the Bay of Fundy has three ac-
tive Scout Groups and a Local As-
sociation composed of clergymen and
other leading citizens of the Island.
The troops are located at North
Head, White Head and Seal Cove.
Canada Seeks
More l enors
At Chicago Show - Wins
Wheat Crown, Some Live-
stock Awards
CHICAGO - Canadian exhibitors,
with the wheat crown and some of
the major credit, awaited judges to
resume their work in hope of fur-
ther honors to carry home from the
International Hay and Grain. Show
and the Livestock Exposition in pro-
gress here.
W. Frelan Wilford, who with his
wife operates a 1,200 -acre farm at
Stavely, Alta., carried off his second
world wheat crown. In 1933 Wilford
won the world title at the grain show
and conference in Regina in inter-
national competition. Second award
In the wheat sweepstakes went to
William Rogers of Tapen, B.C.
Wilford's victory gave Canada its
21st win since 1911 and it was the
ninth time the honor has gone to the
foothills province. Saskatchewan has
won the world wheat crown 11 times
and Manitoba once.
The Prince of Wales, with an entry
from his E, P. ranch near High River,
Alta., carried off a major award in
livestock. His "Bapton Orator," a
shorthorn bull, won the blue ribbon.
Canadian sheep won many awards,
with Charles J. Shore of Glenworth,
Ont., winning the blue ribbon for the
best pen of lambs. Ontario breeders
scored many wins in the sheep class-
Honey For Cooking
In experimental work on the uses
of honey in cooking, conducted at
the Central Experimental Farm, it
has been found that cakes, cookies,
etc., made with honey remain fresh
and moist for a much longer period
than when sugar is used. Where
mild flavoured honeys were used to
replace sugar, the flavour of the
finished pr'odt'tct was much. improv-
ed. It must be remembered,, how-
ever, that approximately one-fifth
of the honey is water, therefore, the
liquid portion of the recipe must be
reduced by one-fifth. The sweeten-
ing power of honey is at least equal
to that of an equal quantity of
"Aim at perfection is everything."
Creamery or Factory -Made Butter
(By "Just Cobbler" in Port Arthur
Quite an argument is under way
in the Old Country on butter -mak.
tug. It centres around the butter
l.Made in New Zealand and that made
!ItDenmark and the Irish Free State,
is well known that Danish and
Irish buttershave long held their own
in the Old Country markets, and that
;late comers like New Zealand, Aus-
tralla and Canada have had to take
second place. The reason for this is
the system employed. Denmark and
IreIand send their whole milk to the
factory where it is separated and
the butter made, whilst the other
countries employ the separated meth_
a, that is the milk is separated from
*the cream on the farm, and the cream
then sent on to the creamery. Both
'*methods have their advantages and
also their disadvantages. Where the
,whole milk is shipped the separate
'Plink is returned to the farmer to feed
l pigs and poultry, and it is claimed
that sometimes this milk is the source
10f disease germs that cause serious
itrouble on the farms, especially if it
!is not pasteurized. The patrons of
'course are paid on the butterfat con-
tents as in the separator cream ven-
'dors. The advantage claimed is that it
leaves the farmer more time to de-
IN Oi4 T.A.UIo
Some good properties at fair prices,
part cash and extended terms on
the balance at 4% interest.
State your requirements and write
for details to:
CoalmiSSXO1v'E1s OP
Parliament 81dlrs. - Toronto
m KININ M.11 +ee. a .ne
Shipping; on the co-operative plan has
been productive of splendid results.
Selling on the open market means real
value for the owners. Get In touch
With us,
Writ -Wire -or ICeiephone
x',Yudhurst 1145
Till; 17141SCED rammERS
Union Stook Yards, West Toronto
Issue No. 52 * '35
vote to other sides of farming, and
keeps up a steady flow of milk to the
factory. On the other hand the op-
ponents of the separator claim that
cream has to be held over in many
eases so long that super acidity is
caused, and to overcome this the
butter maker has to use neutraliza-
tion. Anyone who has had anything
to do with a creamery will admit this,
but in a dairying country like New
Zealand, they counter this attack by
claiming as an advantage that it
brings the distant farmer within
range of the creamery; it avoids the
spread of disease through mixing and
redistribution to suppliers of separat.
ed milk at the creamery it avoids
economic waste of carting whole milk
and separated milk; it saves tabor
on the farm and at the factory -the
milking and separating process can
proceed simultaneously.
. In Canada we are practically cream-
ery farmers, and the New Zealand-
ers claims can be regarded as ours.
The Old Land is different. Large hauls
from farm to centres of consumption
make a different view point. Whilst
on this matter I have before remark-
ed on the liking tlhe British farmer
is evincing for protection. He is go-
ing in for all he can get, One of his
latest moves Is on the canning ques.
tion. He says and possibly with some
cause, that he can supply all the
tinned milk England can consume,
up cornea the British fruit farmer
with it further claim that the supplies
of tinned fruit imported from abroad
be reduced as he can supply the quo-
ta. Then to make a patriotic move out
of his demand they both claim that
by this procedure it will employ more
hands in the Welslh tin-plate indus-
try. This in turn will cause more
work in the coal mines and tin mines.
This will cause more employment in
the machinery work -shops, cause
more paper to be used, and a host of
other industries to turn their wheels,
and in fact only use the l3ritish far-
mers' surplus milk and fruit and the
whole economic prosperity of 73ritain.
is assured. I think I heard some such
talk about Canada and the home mar-
ket a few short years ago and its a
'armee I an still Molding the bag. 4
Variations In
Butter -fat Test
(From the Ontario Milk Producer)
It is pretty well known that the
fo e -milk drawn from a cow is low in
butterfat, and the niter -milk, hig'h..
Tit some tests made at the Agricul-
turr 1 College, Guelph, the milk was
drawn from the cows ruder test in
one -Pound loll&, Several tesi.s of d,reStele, the new maid, seemed .emin-
ferent cows were made, but one set -entiy satisfactory, but the mistress
of figures Zvi 1 fairly well represent of the house thought a few words of
the general results. In this one test advice would bo just as well:
the first pound drawn tes`erl 1.7% in Mistress: Remember, that I expect
butterfat and 8.22% in solidds not fat; yoU to be very reticent 'about what
the sixth pound gave 3.N. in b.f. and you bear when you are waiting on the
9.07 in s.n.f.; and the thirteenth and tae -e.
last, 6.2 in b.f. and 8.42 in s.n:f. The Elsie, (wwose face lit up with in -
composite test was 37 b 1. and 8.7 recent curiosity) : Certainly, Ma'am.
s.n,f. May I ask Ma'am, if there will be.
The butterfat. increased regularly much to be reticent about?
and considerably to the last pound * * *
drawn. The solids not fat increased All saving is not wise. Some spend -
slightly to about the middle of the ing 10.
milking, and declined toward tate end. • * • •
The practical conclusion is evident: Prospective Employer: Have you a
cows should be stripped clean at recommedation from your last place?
every milking. Applicant: Yes, sir; seven months
Variations Due to Condition of Cow off for good behavior.
Cows freshening in high condition. r • •
will supply usually, for a Period 01 Everybody's doing it.
time, 20 to 30 days, test abnormally "Opportunity never knocks,"
high. hubby with a smile, •
A cow in the Guelph herd freshen- "Well if it doesn't," the wife
ed on March 24th, and her R.O.P. test plied„ "Its surely out of style!
on April 2nd was 5.0%, while on June * * *
It's foolish to waste time
with people who don't care.
3rd it was 2,7%a. She was very fat at
calving time and lost considerably in
weight during the first two months.
Variations from Day to Doy
The morning and the evening milk
from four cows was tested and weigh-
ed separately for the whole lac.ation
period, to determine what variations
occurred within the whole period. The
following table illustrates the wide
range in tests on individual' cows:
No. of cow L. Test H. Test Av. Test
1 1.S% 5.2%
2 ' 1.8% 9.4%
3 2.5% 6.3%
4 1.7% 6.1%
A Great Gentleman
(Irvin S. Cobb)
When I first knew him, he was
plain John Buchan, writing the best
Scotch novels since Robert Louis
Then in 1918, he was Col. John
Buchan of the British wartime" press
bureau, shrewd, kindly, and deft,
handling a bunch of rampaging
American correspondents as gently
as though they were so many new -
laid eggs and he, personally, had laid
every last one of them.
When he became Sir John. Buch-
an, a lot of us said: "Well, he
earned his honors, but no title ever
can swell that Scot's' head."
Now, at Ottawa, the flags fly and
the cannons roar for Baron Tweeds-
muir, Governor General of our
noble neighbor nation to the north,
but, if His Lordship doesn't mind,
I'd like, personally, to go on think-
ing of hint as my friend, John
Buchan, a very great gentleman.
They'll like him up there, we're.
going to like him down here. And,
if any of you Canadians has any
doubt as to his diversified talents,
wait till you see him casting a trout -
fly across a likely pool.
Blankets Need
Just Sudsing
Twice As Much Soap As
For. Other Articles
Is Used
Do you know that the rubbing of
woollen fibres against each other is
the main reason for blankets shrink-
ing and the nap felting? asks M. C, R.
in the Christian Science Monitor. But
you are asking ,how can we get the
dirt from soiled blankets without
some washing machine agitation and
friction from the action the machine.
I'll, explain. Don't wash blankets
clean as you do other clothes, just
suds therm and wring them clean,
Make a double -action suds, using
twice as much soap as you use in
washing, and' use the water lukewarm.
Have the wringer loosened, and after
getting the blanket thoroughly wet in
this heavy suds, wring it at once
through the wringer. Keep sudsing
and wringing until the blanket is
completely cleaned. Three suds and
three wrings will nearly always clean
a blanket, but keep on until you have
done six sudsings and .six wringings,
if the blanket • requires that much
cleaning. Now put the blanket through
a light suds, wring and then put It
through two lukewarm rinses and the
covering is ready for the line. In
hanging to dry, be Sure you hang the
blanket so the colored stripes in the
ends are vertical in order that no
color runs into the main' color, and
pull the blankets into shape on the
line. You will find your blankets soft
and fluffy and glean.
It insures less washing to use pro-
tectors on the upper edge of the blan-
kets to keep the body from touching
the edges of the covering. I)o not de-
pend wtlholly on the overturned sheet
to do the entire protecting of the
upper edge of your blankets and do
not find yourself in the position of
having to wash a whole blanket just
to get the upper edge clean because
of not tieing 'protectors.
* • *
Office boy: I et six eggs
fast this morning.
Bookkeeper: You mean
Office boy: Well, maybe it was eight
I et.
_* * *
Two Jewish business men were rid-
ing home from their stores, on the
street car. Side by side they sat, both
looking worried and both remaining
silent. Finally one heaved a deep
sigh. The other studied him for a
moment and then said in an annoyed
tone: "You're telling me?"
* * *
He always smiled and winked one
break -
ate, don't
Anytime he happened by,
He joined the village choir and said
He liked the way I baked my bread,
Sometimes he squeezed my hand a
A-sittin' in the candle -light;
ale often helped me find a cow
That strayed off from the place some-
And once when I fell on the ice,
He picked me up and kissed me
And that's how Grandpa paved the
For me to set the wedding clay.
-James A. Sanaker.
* * *
John: So your new job snakes you
Friend: Absolutely! I get to the of-
fice any time I want to before eight
and leave just when I please after
* * *
The man with the highest sounding
title ofen does the least work.
Doctor: Is the night nurse giving
you proper attention?
Patient: Not exactly, but I'm per-
fectly satisfied.
• * * •
A wis man think all he says; a
fool says all he thinks.
• * •
A manwandered into a tennis tour-
nament•the other day and sat down
on the bench;
Man: Whose .game?
Shy young thing (sitting next to
him, looking up hopefully): I am.
• • •
The church bell is far more im-
portant than the fire bell, but it
doesn't make the people run nearly an
• • •
Bill: Bring me another sandwich.
Waitress: Will there be anything
Bill: Yes, bring me a paper weight.
That Iasi sandwich blew away.
* * *
' Nothing is so nerve-wracking, as
talking , pleasantly to a man who's
leading up to a request for a loan.
* * *
Customer: I don't want to buy your
crackers; they tell me the mice are
always running over them.
Brushville grocer: That isn't so;
why, the eat sleeps in the barrel every
* * *
A girl who marries a widower is
bound'to be disappointed, because she
loses all the, fun of taming him.
Neu, York People
Prefer Oranges
Tampa, I+<1a. New Yorkers like
oranges best, Chicagoans prefer
grapefruit, and Detroit's citizens are
willing to pay the highest auction
price for tangerities, says the Florida
Citrus Eb change Market Report.
On the auction market in New
York the average price of $2.61 a box
can be had for oranges. Chicago will
not pay that high for oranges but for
grapefruit they averaged $2.10 a box.
Detroit's average pried on tangerines
was $2,56 a box, with Cleveland a I
close second, paying
School Shoes
A Major Problem
Shoes far the school chlldree
again becomes a major problem in
homes where several ohildren must
be kept in school on a moderate in-
come. Other garments can be cut
down and made over. Caps•and stock-
ings and mittens can all be Made at
home if necessary, but shoes must be
purchased. They are an expense that
cannot be side-stepped. We must
make them last as long as possible.
Cheap shoes are never an econo-
my. If it is possible at all it is wisest
to pay a fair price in the beginning.
Last year I had just two dollars and
fifty cents when two of the children
needed shoes, Tire pair that cost one
dollar lasted one month. The pair
for which I paid a dollar and fifty
cents lasted three mouths. The extra
fifty cents in quality gave as much
'wear as two dollars in the cheaper
Of course, a very expensive shoe is
not necessary as they are so soon
outgrown. Do not purchase shoes with
the intention of passing them on to
the.next child as once a shoe is fitted
to one child's foot it is almost sure to
be uncomfortable for the child who
gets it second-hand. In this case it
may be better to get a more inexpen-
sive shoe and when the time conies
get new shoes for the second child,
also more inexpensive.
Shoes can be made to last much
longer by taking proper care of them.
It is an improvement too in their ap-
pearance and an excellent habit for
the children to acquire. If shoe polish
is too expensive have them wipe the
dust off and with a soft cloth go over
the shoe witha little sweet cream
and sugar. The cream keeps the lea-
ther soft. The heel must not be ne-
glected as it is essential that the cov-
ering of the heels do not become too
If shoes must be worn without rub-
bers ee a wet day first cover the lea-
ther with tallow or neat's-foot oil. Rub
it in well, and be sure all the stitch-
ing is covered. Never put wet shoes
too near a fire to dry. We fill them
with oats, corn, or wheat and• place
on a shelf where it is dry. If in a
hurry first heat the grain in the oven.
The grain keeps the shoe in shape
and as it absorbs moisture hastens
the drying. It swells, but as expan-
sion takes place where there is least
resistance, that is, the open top of the
shoe, it does not stretch the leather.
Crushed newspaper may be used to
fill the shoe, instead of grain.
Children's school shoes should last
that much longer if they can be re-
moved upon reaching home after
school. I make slippers for home wear,
sometimes a nice pair with crocheted
or knitted top and felt soles and
sometimes a quick but comfortable
pair by sewing stocking legs to a pair
of soles or felt or any warm material.
I always use overall material for the
outer sole as it does not catch dust
or pick up slivers.
Shoes are better kept in a rack and
if each child is furnished with a place
for shoes the care of them will be at-
tended with more interest. It is very
simple to tack a strip of material to
a convenient wall, making a compart-
ment for each alone. If the material
is a pretty color, the children enjoy it
more and each child will want a color
of its own. A stocking bag of the
same material to hang near the raok
solves still another problem in effic-
iency when the children are getting
ready for school.
Dad Is .Realizing
His Responsibility
Chicago. - Dad is enrolling in
home economics courses for adults.
Enlightment on this trend in mas-
culine interest was obtained at the
Central Regional Vocational Training
Conference. Of 134,000 adults enrolled
in pie making, sewing, child training
and home management courses, Miss
Florece Fallgatter, home economics
federal agent, estimated 6,500 were
To her this indicated men realized
that as parents they had responsi-
bilities toward their children etheh
,tau bringing home the bacon.
Only one croon sepq.nor in all the world
Isas Din Trap ,het present. din'oina
through with the cream, IP, the
Thu ,cerosin. Din Trap Insure, CLEAN
CREAM this ,*El bring you op pekes, And,
there ", ELEV$N other exrla,lne features
on this separator, Including the only howl
made in Amerle, snd pguu rnntecd in writintt
e, be SELP. BALANCING, Ask for proof'
Anker-Holth Mfg. Co. Ltd.,
Sarnia, Ontario.
Poultry For Market
To a great extent the ultimate guo.
cess of the poultry enterprise will (le-
pend greatly oft the manager in wbich
the products are marketed.. The dfs..
criminating customer will be attrac-
ted by the well -fatted and well d)~ess-
ed chicken or fowl, and will pa a
premium in price for appearance as
well as quality.
A success in fattening and marks•*,
ing will depend to a great extent on
the operator's kotyledge and ability
to prepare his product in the Meet
economical form. Special feeci6.ng
for from ten days to three weeks well
greatly Improve the quality and , pay
for the extra feed and labor Invoi'p d.
Only birds with strong cons2i>sn-
tions ca,n stand (heavy feeding r th
limited exercise. Birds that lack vigor
seldom make profitable gains in the
fattening pens.
A serviceable crate, six feet gang
by twenty-four inches wide, and
eighteen inches high, may be made
from slats nailed one inch apart,
with a galvanized pan beneath el
slatted floor for the droppings, Par-
titions Iwo feet apart will provide
compartments two feet square, and
-will accommodate four or five birds
according to size,
To ensure freedom from lice, dust
the birds with flour of sulphur and
create a good appetite by starving fqr
the first twenty-four hours. On the
second day give only slight feed and
gradually increase tihe amount until
the third day; from then until finish-
ed give the birds all they will eat
twice daily at regular intervals, about
twelve hours apart. Mix to a batter,
that will pour slowly from a pail,
skim -milk or butter milk with two
parts of cornmeal and one part of
finely ground oats; or equal parts of
barley meal and boiled mashed po-
tatoes may be substituted for the corn
meal. Feed in troughs suspended in
front of the crates. A good finish
should be obtained in ten to twenty-
one days. Feed enough to thoroughly
satisfy at each meal, but leave noth-
ing over in the troughs to stale the
birds. Starve for at least twenty-
four hours before killing. Bleed ay
"sticking" in the rof of the mouth,
and dry pluck. Grade in uniform size
and quality and pack in neat boxes.
Man's CounLyy
Indian Women Have To Toe
The M ark
"IT is a man's country", said ?Miss
Edna Down, speaking of India,
where she is a missionary in Co-
canada, to a large audience at the
Women's Mission Circles meeting of
Yorkminister Baptist Church, Tor-
"When the men folk in orthodox
Hindu households tell the woreela,
'we don't want anything from the
West,' it makes it nearly impoasi'tfe
to get the caste girls into the miss-
ion schools," she said. "These who
are permitted to go seldom reach
high school, due to child marriage,
since no one pays much attention to
the Sada Act, prohibiting it, in Coc-
anada. The parents accept the fee
which results from breaking' the act,
as part of the wedding fees, which
are going to be very expensive, any-
way," she said.
At Ramachandrapuram, Miss Down
said, forty caste women were bap-
tized and then allowed to return to
their homes, "a tremendous step a-
head for Christianity in India," she
Classified Advertising
List of wanted inventions and full
information sent free. T1iE izA1RS,&Y
Company, World Patent Attorney:, 273
Bank Sttreet, Ottawa, Canada,
wanted, only of Itusslan, German and
Austrian Governments. Higher prices
paid. 'David Davis, Queen and York,
Those Leisure Hours
Why Not Employ Them t'ro
fltably? Specialised training
leads to Increased efficiency.
Increased Efficiency means
Increased Earning Capacity.
Overcome Inferiority Complex,
develop mental power. and
equip yourself for better
things. Study leisurely in the
quiet of your own hone. Write
for particulars of fascinating
e01'respondence coarses -
The Institute of Practical and
Applied Psychology
910 Confederation Huild4ng
This 3rd contest closes on Dec. 28th, 1935. The Entry Pce is Twenty-
Five Cents, not postage stamps. The first prize will be 25 percent.
of the entire contest receipts, second prize 15%, third prize 10%.
A constructive criticism on eaoh story submitted is given, a
suggested market for every practical story offered. 'Each Entrant
must send in a signed statement that their story is either original
fiction or a true life story, your name and address, and number of
words in the story not over 1,000 words, enclose return postage.
Typewrite if possible or even legible handwriting accepted.