HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-01-02, Page 5" Thursday. January 2'u( 136 BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL U&TDLEY E.HoLmiils BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUI3LIC, ETC. OFFICE-Hamiltoa Street, Just off the Square, GODEILICH., Ontario. Special Attention to (tel ;tad Court Work. Mr. Holmes may be consulted at' ,Goderieh by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. .1110346.1210211110.11=10.11446MOSIRMILIVIC.P.IMMINDIIMMOSIMP.I41. D'ENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK -ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At IIARTLIItB'S BLOCK, ." DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. CWN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter Ontario Imansausrumats.rma.n.....mammult....oecummoseassoncles.n VETERINARIA.N Dr. W. COX N, ...V. Sc. 111 .111 VETERINARY SURGEON 'Office in the Home et. the Dr. J. Routledge. Phone -9G. late Zurich A. R. Campbell, V.S, aracluate of Ontario 'Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All diseases of domestic animals treated by the most melseer, principles, Charges reasouabie. Day er night calls promptiy attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Invorness Bennels. Office nn Main Street, .opposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL. BUTCHERS Y..1" u r Pop E Tr m Let Us supply you with the .viery 17; and Cr- , fresh in Electeiz R. ';igesa„v.o.r, Highest Cash Prices kor 11.s and Skins :EL ngiU k 1, GARAGE TBADE TIRE S MOST c32) ALIL WANCE 'STOCK REDUCING SALE NOW ON! • -Phone 60 - ircy,AT (7,1 itk,, 444 DASHWOOD INSURANCE estero Farmers' Mutual Weather instrauce Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- XJAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO jizcio-unt of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1934, $/9,6/3,539. "Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $235,550.31 Bateo $4.50 per $4000 for 3 Years IE. F. Kopp---Zurirl% !ident, Also Dealer in Lidhlaind Rods d all kieula Fixa; rerau Leer a ly Put Your Want, For Sale. Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this FOR SALE Tha renewing live stock: Sheep, ewer end 1 rair11; 4 yearling, (eaves:. we:veld cows doe to freshen Soon. Apply to Samuel fohner, Bronscri line, Stanley, Phone 78 r 11, Hen - sail. 24-3 NOTICE STRAYED -A small grey year-old steer, small mark in left ear. In- formation gladly received( by Chas. E. Aldworth, R.R. 1, Exeter, phone Dashwood 36 r 11. FOUND A yearling Steer, strayed unuto my premises, Lot 11, Con. 12, Hay Township. Owner can have same by proving property and payrng expen- ses. • 23-3t Elmer Restemeyer, Dashwood. STRAYED From Lot 6, Con. (3, Hay Township 2 yearling steers, left early part of the season. Also 1 red 2 yr. old leftat close of grass season. Kindly notify Wm. Alexander; prone 13-82, Bonsai] central. STRAYED From my grass farm, Lot 12, Con. 7, }lay Township, a 1 -year old steer red and white, no horns, slit in both ears, left early in the season. Finder kindly notify: T. H. Shapton, R. R. 1, Exeter FOR SALE Latest model Ball Bearing DeLaval Cream Separator, new, for sale at cost. L. A. Prang & Son. NOTICE I have been appointed EtS agent for this dietrict of E. D. Smith & Sons, of Winona, to take orders for their narsery, stock; such as friut trees shrubs, climbers, flowers, ornamental trees, etc. Your patronage solicited. Wm. L. SIEBERT tf13 LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron r d Middlesex I AM .TION TO CON - .my Apt". .in Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. 1 solicit your 1,148i110S,S, and if not satisfied Neill leake no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHITR WEBER-Dashwoed eaceee la -57. PRODUCE PRODUCE WANTED wrc tt to tolzf, crnam end Eggs at my home at Zurich, for which we will pay highest market e,.icee. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay according to grading. Give us a Trial! First house south of Dominion Hotel THOS. H. MEYERS, Phone 116, Zurich, Ont. LOCAL NE Mr. Norman Gascho returned to 'Byron Sanitoriuin, London, after sp- ending a week with his family hero. Mrs. Theo. McAdams and sons, Harry and Milton motored to Tomo: to recently. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Wagner, of Cvelph, returnrgl after :eie holidays at the home of tile 1ormer'a parent, Mr. and aire. Wm. Wagner. Miss Beatrice Volk of Toronto; is spending the holidays at the home of Mr. and IVItts. Theo..MCAdams. Mre Jim Johnston. ihf Blake left the beginning of the week for Byron Hospital, London, where he istakixig treatments. • • Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wuerth'und Mr. and, Mrs. L. Cook of Kitchener, were New Year's visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner. Miss Geraldine Surerus has e,e- turned to Kitchener, after spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs," O. Surerus. Mr. and Mrs. Irwen Dedels and clarg.1 tee Merlon of Kitchener, spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Deters Sr. • Skating, has been one or the big attractions and sports with the young people of town the past week. The ice on the local rink de in fairly good condition. Mr. Ed. Brenner has returned to Kitchener to resume bis duties at Kitchener after spending some time at his parents' home, Mr. and Mrs, John Brenner. Mr. Walter Burn of Ottawa, Mr. Albert Burn of New York City, and l'ar. Carl Darn of Toronto, are spend- hae ti"! l'olidnys with their parents., Rev. and E. Burn at the Evangelical' parsonage. Beginning on Tuesday evening of next week the various stores or business places in Zurich will be closed et six o'clock. on Tuesday ev- enings for the winter months. •Or until usually the spring work begins with the farmers. Thank You! Mr. Fred Leibold. of Stratford ir renewing his subscription to the Herald, wishes all his Zurich friends a most T•Tappy and Promerous Nee, Year, Eve rt eelacrel S. 5, eMicers 1936 At the annual ehettior of officer:. for the Evangelical Sunday Schee'. on Sunday morning, the followirn were elected: Peeeident, cearlield Witmer; First Vice President., J. E. Gascho; Second Vice President, Le- roy O'Brein; Secretary, Ethel Gabel. Treasurer, Ed. Gascho. The school ie he a flo..trislling condition, Former Resident Pasne:: "oath 117. Vo;dlteo been 7-y 11r. J. Sttinhury or of th det..1;1! of his itrot:hor-i...1-1e7 17 vt llitctontln, .A7 7)777rte.. "1eath 1 fith. 1' 7r. "7.7, st- .-47 t;t: .7,- 7. -• ;: rliti f, '0 , ' 7 , • .1' Rohr 17'. 1 'k telueittal of Zurieli l'ublie Se17ool .onty 1"""f1 Y."1°1 1.'711. 1 r•; 11Ix ,yv7rrii•O Mies Plos.lif. t..-. 7 „ ' ..trvives bini i7 '• . Charles at Eilmontoll 1.7 ivo ciautrliters, ie i leen. CH_HERAT...D. Do You Need Glasses? et2 Nee. Rep and Think how important it " hat you wear correct glasses -cm fly t: -eUtt‘r3 for your -isinh ly gun, r,li•o• , • ;it, n71 on iti. • See Q. E ZURBRIGG, R. 0, At HESS JEWELERY STORE Every Tuesday at ZURICH t Dashwood, Saturday, at Pfile's. Store, Municipalities Pay Up A report from Gederieh states that ileron County municipalities have re et.ed the reputation o4' peying thei'• prOmptly. , all 073.0 of municipplities having veld their' Tates. Of the total rate of $243,491.- 40 the Amount received to date 1: $233,084.03. HOLIDAYS FOR 1936 The _Tolley:lag is the dates of th public holieleys for the year 1936. New Year's Day, Jan. 1st. Coed Jr April 10th. rester roe 'ay, April 13th. Victoria Da e, (Mon.) May 25th. Birthday, (Wed.) June 3. Inee:nion Day„ (Wed.), July 1. -Cane Holieree erre,-.‘ ik-t(r i. Labor Day, (Mon.), ae..e.t. V. Theeksgiving Pay, Oct. x. Remembrance Day, (Wed.), Nov. 11 ph ristmas, (Fri.) Dec. 25. (x -To be proclaimed.) Stanbury, Exeter, is Honored Among the Christmas honors an- noz,:wed by the Attorney General of Ontario on Saturday last, is the ap- -Foharment of Mr. J. G. Stanbury, of l'he.tee, to the rank of King's Coun- t'. Stanbury has practised hew in Freter since 1899 when he gradu- ated from Osgood Hall, Toronto. Fern at Bayfield, son of Dr. Rich- e,rd and ?qrs. tenle-ey, he receittal ii'ehezi3on at Bayfald publie ett,t-e! and Clinton alai 'tervis Toronto, then his degree in Arts efe ter a double course in Political Econ- omy and Moderns. Coming to Mee. ter as a young man Mr. Stanbur • early took an active interest in all niuiiicipal, church and political acti- nities. In 1900 he was elected Vice .'...eddent of the South Huron Reform 'tesoeietion and at present Is Presi- ant o the -Heron Liberal Arsociati- ne For a number of years he acted as .taereptene of the Federal Assoeiatioe lene always taken an active part • the election platform campaigns. einht years he served on the a,' .ltItication and fel, 16 yrs. 1..cee ".'°1etary-Trensurer tri' the ••••,.Ht.. • ':,•••,..% •,I1.•trel t7!e • .! „ ot' the 1.td. 14r. Stanburr Member of the Seesion of Owen Peesbyterian Church and Superin- tendent of the Sunday school. He 'lee net only hod a Ione experienee Soliciter !!re teeel adlY prIgagN1 inny. irt- portant civil e.!td ciir•tin..,1 eases, 10th ir trial courts eel in the court of Appeal. HAY COUNCIL ***11101/0,011100**000,11•01eceibeaaeregoteeeemeeee th iI eg4 NOTIC PAGE FIYli admeoaaosoaaaalon ata We Pay a Premium of Two Cc.,nts par Pezaml E. Fat for Churning Cream delivered at our plant, , Proarkrdt Service anzl Your Cream Graded, Tcted reo, Day. Yours Truly, ZURICH CREAMERY 11) 0 *001,0000$*00e*C0***ow.00 tctii-4.77kutra7I5- ,,;:•,.oti.,44.-.001.-D10i1LOOY47717,0100111P • -^ +.4..+214+4 -1 -ea, -ear+++ +e-e-eeeee eeteaneeeeeee+ eetea++++++.i, ee 4-seeee++ et, 4. C t Your Fue Bill Tia HALF! Buy &Grill Windows and Doo LET US QUOTE YOU! REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT .A5..L TIMES.; AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. .5/ PHONE 69 4.44++++++++-:•++++.:-: - 1vyi ). F. ZURICH 4. ,7r,77 4. 4 - Ito 4. 4. 00,0 SeaalOaa eaeritee 00fece ree eat:Inter" e te Oat fee 000000 &ettleatili 00@n • • • • 0 as 4.a 4. 4. v.; 4. 0 a 4. 1.ct It is in all Si cry that we ci xtend to one and all the most Hearty SEASON'S GREETINGS Wishing for You and Yours' an overflowing abundance o. th ple- asures, the joy, and the happine,ss which is Associated with this Sea- son, and may the coming Year bring to You the PROSPERITY and PRICELESS GIFTS OF :-IEALTH C4NTENTMENT 0 ITT 771 0 •• . • ,„ . 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. A• 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 0 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. Young Girl Passz7, Word WaS receiteol of tlee deael- of Jean O'Il.rein, little datielelee Mr. and Mrs. Lermie ()'llreie., of Ex- (ter. Jean eves tel,,e to Vietetie ja . t The final session of the council of he Township - of Hay for the year 935 was held t s "47., ' 're•' Zurich, on ' e with all memhere easeeeteee ea, Edmund Walper. After tle. and adoption of the minutes of th, December 6th meetare eed ,ieeeee.! of the communications, the foliew- ing resolutions were passed: That the Tax Collector be and is hereby authorized to continue the collection of unpaid taxes for the year 1935. That the annual assess- ments of the assessed persons of the Black Creek Drain be reduced 30% for the year 1936, and also for 1937. That the accounts covering pay- ments on township roads, telephone charity and relief, Board of Health and general accounts be passed as per vouchers. These all appear in the treasurer's statement. The council adjourned to meet a- gain as per Municipal Act in 1936. A. F. Hess, Clerk. . . . '412.f 11k,1L as,1ay on Tno,411,T J.e.a .„ •. 01Jt‘: rOrt f'XO %IV A 77 V'] 7.71 ;Ind .9ornelas (Villain, nee', eir-iy er relatives ,and friends. Joan was Taken every Day tillsuch a lovely little girl, a real sun - 3 o'clock p.m: n beam and will be greatly missed i morning the home. A private funeral was held at the home of her parents, at Exe- ter on Thursday afternoon, and the CES remains were laid to TOST, 011 the Evangelical Bronson Line cemetery, Hay Township. Much sympathy is extended to the sorrowing family for the loss of their dear little girl. Do not feed- Fowl same when brought in HIGHEST CASH P -FOR-- CREAM AND EGGS WM. Olt rien p. • Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich No Let Up Here. Because of Depression Every ono who is in a position to do so. should assist in the work of stamping out tuberculosis, The National Sanitarium Association through its hospitals in Itlusltolta and at -Weston has been light- ing this disease for more titan MD years, and has 'extended is tnercy and its charity to upwards of 25,000 afflicted mem women and children, wim-Would surely have died without such assistance. Throughout tho years of depression, because of the increased demand for service. these hospitals have been forced to add 'extensive additions to their buildings and plants. until now they accommodate more than 1,000 patients, Serving Doty as they do, the victims of consumption who aro without, means to pay for their 'treatment and care, these institutions are always "in the red" and could not carry on at all Without the help ncrous Tilt short ata, 1111.: Near be many thousands of dollets; towards which amount.. y on are atOwdto contribute. Will you please soul a largo a gift es you ran tti the Nutfonal Sanitarium Agsoointton- 22.3- QOM, Street. 'roman POLICE TRUSTEE NOMINATION Zurich Police Trustee nomination was held on Monday evening in the Town Hall with the following nom - "nations taking place: Lloyd O'Brein, Jacob Haberer, J. W. Merner, Milf- ord Schilbe, Henry Eickmeier, Oscar 'Copp, R. F. Stade, Herb Mousseau, Wm. S. Ruby. After the nominations were read off, Mr. A. P. Hess was chosen as chairman, and called on the past year's board, R. F. Stade, and Hy. Eickmeier, Mr. Klopp was absent. These two men went over the year's work, and explained everything as best they could after which all the new candidates were given an oppor- tunity to express themselves. Mr. H. G. Hess was called npon to give his report on the Hydro and water sy- stem and he showed on a chart with the co-operation of the Hydro mere and the street lights how the revenue has gone up and the cost of power, or the peak load has been kept down. great deel of dieellSSi011 held in regards to the water system. 1 4.• A Worth While Work • who problem of caring for the many unfortunate sufferers from tuberculosis is a task which for seine 89 years has been occupying the attention of tho .National Sanitarium .Association. operating the Muskoka, Hose' t al for Consump t Ives. the Toronto Hospital for Consumptives anti the Queen 1\ 'Lary Hospital for Con- sumptive Children. At prcOent these up-to-date hospitals. mm with an acCoodation of over 1.000 beds, aro taxed to the utmost to rare for the needy consumptives, whose only hope of future health lies in proper treatment and care. It is in order that these institutions mar/ bo enabled to carry on this worth while work that It is necessary to annually Make an appeal for funds, for the statut- ory allowances received tail far short ol the actual cost of tr..- tit 011:1111.P. 15.111 a doileit of many then:ands of donars 10 n(11110 111) 11115 year 011 0ner111 at.4101111,, 1,0 ask that 5e111 1,041.1',11•.15 115 you eau d'le.ea .1•11,1 olio, pit, toe Nal ionat :lam 1to., 11 11 ,socia tion, 223 College Street, Tomato 2. 44,1 qt.ftgA. WA • e 11 'a•,.1..1 4444, • • 't!'"',"""`"7`!'41'1"'"*17"'","', "',•••••• :ie.., firt,11,•7' ie.? tie "Ow •I't IT •.• -•••-•" At this Grand Yuletide, Season We cannot express our Gratitude in any more Tangible way than by Wishing our Many Friends and Customers a most PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Full of Happiness inet, re 114IC A. 'J. M.cKinnon, Zurich AVIMWOVIWAF IWr.WMV MMRi Mmo pk-Nvt R4