HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1936-01-02, Page 4'Otort.
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U UCH -iERA7 7-'1 and the following ing Pa Ser
for one Year:
Toronto Daily Globe, $6.00
Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00
Toronto Daily Star $7.00
London re , $6.25
.London. Advertiser ertiser ¶6.25
1 I-•' Ac -1 R t>; 2 25
London - ; a:.ti:: i Cities , .
Farm and Dairy $2.75
Family Herald and Weekly Star $2,25
Family Herald for 3 years $3.00
Canadian Countryman $2,25
Weekly .T i e 3.; $3.15
Seaforth, Huron Expositor $2.75
Stratford Beacon 1-lyld $5,10
Border Cities' Star, Wine or $5.10
Kitchener Daily Record $5.10
'"eeel reeest .:teo:a_ snore, tier:^ we reene..c i e nu: ^e: ate here..
rfi.ngastx;e .in
,..... «l.V;: CAI r.614.4411t444:ii
%.nn+:: res all your 1 aper.J.
fast at our
Office and save Trouble and Mont -.3,7
B L .yrs K 1
the church with al good eittoll:lanc e
present. The evening was spent in
playing progressive bunco, prizes go-
ing to Melvin Stade, Alvin Rader,
(kunst Weinberg, and Lloyd Rainer.'
Yellowing a ehoet program consist-
ing of an address by the president,
Alvin Waiter read :,:1<'•ai nhonth'or-i
gen se IN -tion$ by Alvin Rader, ace
cwnlp:snied oil thepi'nu by {glen Wale
per. Isaiah was 4,erved. 'i'he' after
a rser l ir uU t t to ce close
:no t.
Hospital on December 21st to ale,
and Mrs. Norman Evans, (nee Mesita
Hoffman) a son, (stillborn)
Jame -s lVlcDozic lJ Fasces,
The many friends herr' of Mr.
.Tame• Yelionald were very surly to
hear of his death which occurred at
his hone on the 2nd con., of Stan-
ley township, on Friday morning,, aged. 6i yeora. 'He has been poorly
for ober e. ycary913csides his wife, he
leaven to Ino rrn his lo:••, one daught-
er May;'.'cry. The Nueva' took place
:seam. e...s•-,„ •'- t
S. S. No. 8, Hay. First Class
Honors, 75(4 Second Class hops. '66,
pass 00
Sr. 1V---Orlc'il Swartzentruber 75;
Carl Oestreicher 73.
Jr. IV—Elmore Rader 79, Jacob
Weber 77, if e tha ..idler 75, Hilda
Becker 73, Esther Price 68, Hilda
Rader 65.
Sr. III ---Ernest Messer 75
Jr. III—Lorna Miller 81, Rosaleen
Miller 6.2, Louise Firkbeinor 61, Eil-
een Miller GO, Louise Masse 49.
Sr. II—Dorothy Price 88, -Helen
Miller 71, Lyle. Swartzentruber 71,
Jr. II ----Howard Finkheiner 66,
John Meese 60, Meria Miller 50.
1st—Cecelia ril.; hr'a 89, Howard
()stars 8:5, Violet Rader 82; Dorothy
Weber 82, Hubert Miller 69, Eldon
}Sanas? • Lioet Serldi ate iia,sell
Smith 51.
rine r- tiJll,en "dries:."dries:.y; 93, Victor
1I'rrtin.r,s ea, IL:11i)11 Smith 98, Enol-
deet, .e , 'l Reeler • 6, Gera-
ldine Ma sae ea.
Teacher, Mary I. Patterson
A euchre and dare' was -held in
the torte hail on l''i'i+.l evening, De-
cember 27th by the junior farmers.
tlr. end hire. Alonzo: Ortwein of
Detroit, spent the holidays with his
pi cats, Mr. and Mrs.. J. til,'. Ortwein
Mr. and airs. Lorne Scott of Tor
a onto alld Dr. end Mrs. Smith of St,
itlerye were ri not d l,e viettors with
1't' ti' and lire. George
C. Patty, :,:.. li<.l.t.i; 2.c: and Mies
t:r tie Scutt.
Milton (chicle seas a holiday vis-
e nor wide lies rias• :'r;, Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Oeteein.
• Wm. Joynt of London is holidaying
With his mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt.
Mrs. David McLean is spending the
hOlidayii holidaywith relatices in Detroit and
:nye. inerearet krait• of Havelock
was a holiday visitor with relatives
Harold Bont.hro,I of Pickering CoI-
ege is spending the holiday, with his.
parent;, Mr. and, MTS. James Bon-
Howard Iiemphill of i,ondon Uni-
l_ 11 per :iG .
• •
Jt`: i alit. :--.h- -rl :fey r
reel -ie. -lira and daughter, i:.11 and .Ser,'
....c..ee, at the Beach o•
fine,. .
The eehool:: cloeed on Friday lest
=' ' u:.r:l alio,'Lyle e'0:,.<idy ars
r elite,: this :eoli i'. at Ott4'r-rille.
Lyn': r'•r 'r r. . J, ''J)c) !t° le 1
?, I
t'h•' i 1- fSlrill h4'1' bail'-
nits, it'll.. and :Irre. J. 1•V. Ortwein.
1 1 '- e attendance of par- 11x; 4 Kate McEwen, al little we
up . 'x -pupils at), out.-i'i- hien on Vie /,c'r'ust) heed, nail •
were tri -lti-d to d• ll"' •-
htfu' 'e folttlne to fell teal
1. ? e, , nr, e_.. .'+'e•l' l4 r l;i•tsee n the ankle an't knot,
Miss Evelyn Howard, 13.A., of
Blind River, is spending the holi-
days, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs
George S. 'Toward, at Exeter,
Skater Suffers Cut
George Dowler, young sots of Mr.
and ,Mr's. G. N. Dowker, Goderich,
was eaverely crit when he fell while
;katin " eo-, the rink. The iioy caught
his own skate on the leg and the
wenn(' required seven stitchres.
Hunters Organize
Exeter hunters orgro i;c-d a Gun
CIub recently and in their fiirst drive
against jackrabbits, they bagged 101
of the nimble animals. W. Walkwill
jr., is president of the new organi-
zation, which plans weekly .drives in
the: surrounding district.
Don'f Like Work
Kincardine town fathers bought _a
:Ytimltit.=. 1) four -foot 11•i1,1%.:nO41 and
had it (,led at fir, :' t1. town
ha l'1; It was intended as a test of
the. sin "'city of trim -dente who clai-
med that they werc: willing to work.
The. report is to the effect that none
of it has been cut so far; the trans-
ients taking one look at the pile and
then leaving for other parts.
r 4z,es I 'cr<ry
Norval Precious, of Goderich, nar-
rowly escaped injury when his car
skidded into a ditch one night re-
cently. The accident occurred just
outside of Walkerton. The car skid-
ded out of control on a curve and
toppled into the ditch, but was only
slightly damaged.
Elk for Bruce County
Three truck lcad.4 of Canadian elk,
taken from the Provincial reserves
.near Pembroke, reseed through Owen
Soulid- the other day on their way
to the Brutes T'enli'rstlit, north of
Wiarton, where they will be set free.
This part of th,e P1'ovince has (seen+
designated a Government game sanc-
Christmas Menu at Jail
Eight inmates of the county jail
wore feasted royally by Jailer, J. B.
Reynolds of Christmas Day. An 18-,
pound turkey was set before them as
rhe rain item of four -course dinner,
which iecitu; ed tlso plum pudding
with rich sauce and, in fact, every-
thing from soup to nuts. The banquet
was topped oft with cigars and cig-
Senn. i ,sur o
441)4 °;t3.i-1 r _ :ix,,.. i;1 r. 1'4I ... ,il•.
4,4:'11t 01' awn ct lir 1s )af;:linA the Itete::y
etatos Fidelity and Guaranty Co. un-
tiar its bond covering the late tax col-
lector, Howard Rol', .!:son, Reeve J.
t. Moser, Deputy 1' l•+-''. (Lob+,. Terre-
•". i a gein.et the pa o j)o -. 1. Actuall. short -
1 15 in the, tax collcectien5 haste
0 !nted, by rclri't. rar el:_
original claim wee, tent • •»l, ma-
il they now exceed ne00.----ciiw'nzel.
Car Feund in Toronto
The other day W. J Brawn, of
ingham, received word that ;lis ear
.1, wee .t ,. 71 '(• i'«r "P: •tt
Ur)ii,• 1S-
l-. '`V t 0 D -
tin HNor'
1 milt, elr sund44.
.Iisrr s (Iwtndeline and •i1Iary
Clarice of Goderich spent C11riennas
:,day with their mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Oescs)1 spent
•'trnclei.y with Kr. and 1lrs. Noncan
••1xasc'ho of Zurich.
Mr and Mrs. Ross Johnston a='e
at present -staying' with their daught-
er, :•;r. E. E. • Weida of Zurich.
Elsa Donald Turner of London, sp-
't'nt Christmas day at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Douglas.
Stanley Township Menicif,1l nom..-
ina` ons held on Monday merited as
,lf)6.s: R4ere\''. Wc'r.Amt" Turner;
Co'. neillora: Roy* Lamont, Freed Wat-
urr, J. Pe i:er, W. N. Glenn, E. Web-
ster, S. Thompson, A. Peck, A. Bran -
rs. J. A. Calorie of the Bronson
.tine, spent a week with friends at
i ir'sa1i and Exeter.
Mr.. E. Musscelman of Elmira is
spending the holidays with her dau-
ghter, fJ'':4, Peter Gin+'e.r'ic"t and at
.sire borne of Por. Menlo Strekle, Jr.
Two very suer w;, firil sceleoel conc-
erts were Held le Los. 4 St,c,11 eR . The
1 Imo! ) .p,.•➢' 'L'. rn-., r7 .i i € C9 r.
)) ,.r C
.Inr eeheol
rrr*d'er the sere•ry+, <,' 14`iee •,!e_
'Naughton holding theirs berth in the
-m•::hh001 houses, Potb events tom hon -
Mr. Wm. Tieinan of Stratford sp-
ent a few days here owing to the
serious illness of his brother Ezra.
Mr's Ruth Kleinstiver is visiting
friends in Stratford.
Miss Margaret Cunningham of Kit-
chener spent Christmas with her sis-
ter 3Ir. and Mrs. Louis IIorenz.
Me. and nee. Mervyn Tiernan mot-
ored to Kitchener on Tuesday. Mrs.
Il(auy Hoffman who was called to
Kitchener last week owing to the
illness 'of her daughter, returned
home with there.
rFr. J. 0. Reid spent Christmas
with her daughter in Thedf ord.
Rev. S. W. McF'alls spent the week
rend with friends in Simcoe.
'the memorial service in memory
the lute.' Rev. W. S. ITonrieh Wl.
',trained en Saturday owing to the
wt artll*.'r eon.Iit;o:ls and the unveil
-:'1 now take place at Confer-
ence time.
lair. Richard .Marker is on the sici
list. -
Miss Zeta Nadiger, nurse in train
74,'4•11 a' it el, in London, Respite'
spent New Year's witht her parent:'
reeraiirl meeting of Dashwoor.
'eel' SelmoTl
\ r:, luc.
lin the srhao'
7n Wednesday (morning When "Ir. l2
wee •. -el, etcd trustee for v
Ties t :ti -
.e : "7, dl hfr. I"rd C,eP1l:rrrr.
The antic'ei •C,hr'r turas oeht1 of the
seed Walther Teague was held on
Friday ryening in the basenl.ent of
ill t'tt,.
tel ativeri ill the eirregat :ill'. Coleman
Sas i,('t'14 r -r huill _ t. )1' 501,,4 yi' i1,5 .)1
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hilliard were
visited by relatives from Detroit, and
Chatham, by by W. H. Cofill and W.
S. Walker.
Community Xmas. Tree
A large crowd attended the Coln-
nunity Chris tm'1.. Tree in front of
the town hall la„t Monday. At 2.30
Santa Claus arrived, welcomed by
the Citizens' Baud aticl loud cheers
fl'on-i the children. Reeve Jones, Rev.
W. A. Young, Rev. A. Sinclair and
1-ceve=elect Geiger were called oe
for short addresses. Santa and . h':.;
°~L', then presented a big bag
eandy to all the children. 'lank'.
'inks and Miss Mildred Smillie woe
•he draw fol' ;tile quilt made by the:
Women's Association of the Chilton:
Celebrate 40th Anniversary
A very plea':<rnt g•etherin too`
)ace at the home of Mr. and Mr';•.
Robert Parsons, when t:he member:.
)f the family and immediate relative
let together on the occasion of ti
fortieth anniversary of •their wnddin,,
All salt down. to a sumptuous Din
Upper served at a table centrad be
e nicely decorated anni eer•sar e cede
ild po'd-n glow alums. A shoe t pre.
,, ,
i .'
. r -t vial r. ...l n1 Nan
`11 ane 'neve pre'^entcd with an el.
also 1•caaci by a niocc.
- tt 1:t1u1S•l, x'41
;'alt -tics 4., - ...
with 4r ... 1. nee
i:.• 'alp car wee et:11e:n 101 abuudon-
.r ear which had been :stolen at '1'or-
ese0, was found a short distance
from Wingham.
Wedding at Exeter
A quiet wedding took place at the
James St. Manse, Exeter on Decem-
ber 19th when Miss Irene Flynn,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James
llylrn, of •McGillivray was united in
111:1 i i:ige with air. :Earl C. Allen, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Allen,. of 'Us -
dome. 'The ceremony was performed
by Rev, A. Page.
63rd Wedding Anniversary
Congratulations had best wishes
ere e ;t;;llded• to Mr. and i,irs. Sidney
racobs, of Seaforth, who on Christ -
alar, Day celebrated the sixty third
anniversary of their marriage. On
Christmas .Day, 1872, Mr. and Mrs.
Jacobs were united 'in marriage at.
St'a'i'ui'th by Itev. Leven, of the Meth-
odist Church, and all their married •
life has • been spent there, Both are
in good health, Mr. Jacobs is now in
his ;)2nd year.
Two Attic Owls Shot.
At least two - large Arctic Owls
have :been shot in the Dundalk dist-
rict recently. Lather Love or` Artetn-
. e., shot one, and D. A. McIntyre,
brought down the other. Tho hatter
rad carried off one of iMMicIntyr•e's
s.e, ,.yaid, with `..
vt)-^4 ”
ni' s'
clulllc.r probaal,i,;. I r it -Y head un••
dertoolk to get arlot':r+'r, blas a:; 1
fatal rasnitr.',the l.ita ,;el. e \ • j
spread of five feet. Those birds are
tot "pug Larnunp ' rlpsantl,T,
not native of the d'stricet, but nc 1'13' ,the Public Utilities Commission have
every winter some from northern concluded that a supply sufficient for,
districts, presumably In search of ! the needs cannot be secured in any
food supply: i one well. The search for water hay-
! bre; been conducted daring the past
Passed Away in Clinton' few 'months by the International..
After three weeks in Clinton hos- ; Water Supply Co., of Buealo. The where he put up a Pullout fi;rht 1r1.'4± attcerrepe to fhirl water wee made
for life, W. J. (alousher, proprietor of! on a swv,Imp farm in Hay Twp. and
the Blyth fax mills, passed away. in this well as in most of the otherx
jaundice and finally pnellinon1a cern-'a.fail supply was located, but not in
irlir:etlnrhs v c:;'^ e#, i,.'al,, rs;:
Preen-en',.t" 1 t .cV,
end iI t 1! t
1 :,0444T4..:t :P Y1i lia!red ^, the
flurried Ii03Ie1Cce, tl.ughta.r O: ."11. t,YY. t,h' but Ito definite arrangements are
Mars. Henry Glazer of Clinton, who made.
survives him; also (there is a sister,
Mrs. A. Scott, Toronto, .a youns son Fake Collectors
and wee daughter. A member of the
Blyth United • Oilurch. The funeral
was conducted ley Rev. W. Brooks, at
Blyth cemetery.,
The Evangelical parsonage, CrecT-
itonwas the scene of a quiet wedd-
Bruce county officials are incensed
over the.actions of an individual, pos-
sibly representing a group, whi is
soliciting money and clothing for the•
alleged benefit of the poor of the co-
unty. Ont Andrew Anglesworth,
signs the requests but his identit,r is
ing on Saturday Iasi whenLatinaST, unknown. It is feared that the whole
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Smith clung is a raciest. Warden Munn pole
the bride of Irvine F. Fink- Di
out 'that the county is quite cap -
beiner,son of Mr. and Mrs. C'no1'i.=.•e willing,
canning ifoz its needy and is
Finkbeiner, Rev, A. E. Pieter oPe"a- `willing; and anxious to assist all who
ciatacl. The bride was charmingly' arc known. Private interference, ev-
en if genuine, is not welcomed unless
gowned in lilac chiffon velvet trim- unless arranged with official sanction.
med with silver ornaments. The yo-
ung couple were unattended. Immedi- (waters Get Deer
ately following the ceremony the
bridal party left an a motor trip to A couple of .Milverton men, W. A.
Niagara Falls and Buffalo, Smith and Len, Jackson, did not try
for a deer in Bruce or Grey during
Late Mrs. Win. T. Box • the open season, but they got one just
The death occurred' at the home of the same. They went up to Manitoul-
her son, L. J. (sox, on Dec. 12th,'rn !rhino ..:r hunted around for some
of Mrs:Wm. T. Box, one of. Seaforth days without success. Deciding to •
oldceet residents and one of that gives up the a:tteenpt, they loads -d their
fawn's most respected criir..eriG. Cosa car and started for home. A few
sldering her a'lveneed age,. Mr- fax refine:".,{d iri arc blinding sill, \15thciir
had. enjoyed fairly good health,
anr? three -deer attempted to cross their.
ho'r 1 >•14.11 cairn.' ttlla:r.r)ected1 --, '1 ire Path. The last or the three "(VW struck
deceased, -whose maiden name was 5 down. The men loaded it aboard and
Mary Hartleib, was born near Tavis-cons-hnu.ed their journey..
tock. Perth Co., and in 1874' was un-`
Death of Mrs. Cornish'
ited in marriage to Mr. Box of Strait- l
forst sr. veer later she crime with her Out of Exeter's oldest and highly•
husband to Seaforth, where he net- e `ce:s't .i reside rsts passed a., icy last
ered into partnership with the late, week in her 84th year in the person
J. H. Broadfoot, a firm which for of Mrs. John Cornish. She was born .
many years :tees widely known in the in I raftla)rld, coming to Cir ada ins
furniture manufacturing business in, 1x15?, coming in with her parents;
Canada. Mrs. Box is survivor by a; when a babe. 67 years ago she was
family of four sons and one daught- h united in marriage with her now be-
er. reeved husband. They lived in Us,-
• Prospects
home, until 15 years ago, when they
moved to Exeter to reside. Mr. and
After searching for a sufficientrs. Cornish won the distinction of
supply of drinking water for Exeter's :wring the oldest married conpie in
Waterworl s system, the search has-- 1':
' le clnriira' the Old Bey',s Re-
ins; lasted for over a year, during union. •Besides her husband t\vo sons
which time 1(i wells have been sunk.:-.rlti two daughters sirvive.
Poor p is
e: APSh IOT c U! 1,,
Story telling snapshots of your pets bras' he life into your snapshot aibun•i,
d'"'1AMEBA owners who have taken
le -A pictures of their pets always
find, on looking back over their
snapshot albums, that the pictures
recall events of bygone years which
played. an important part in their
happiness, and they are mighty glad
to have them. So, here are a few
ideas for taking such pictures.
If your pet, for instance, ]las
learned some tricks why not make a
series of snaps --a "lay -out" or
"strip" as a series of pictures is of-
ten referred to in the photographic
'or art departments of newspapers.
Perhaps your dog has been taught
to sit ap, "roll over" or "speak" be,
fore receiving his daily broad or a
chore° morsel of candy. Snaps of
"Snip" doing these t r i c k s and
mounted in your album as a "strip"
across the page will add to the in-
terest and variety of your collection.
You can take such pictures -with
almost any camera. Of course, if
"Snip" displays considerable speed
when he "rolls over" you will prob-
ably have to shoot outdoors at a
shutter speed of about 1/100 sec-
ond. Where you set your diaphragm
opening at this shutter speed de-
pends much on your lighting. The
brighter the daythe 1rlOrli Yo'Cr. can
atop a ;t tl'30 get i;rt'ra r depth of
focus When in doubt use the Larger
diaphstieni o;: -ening for it is always
better to overexpose a little than
to underexpose.
If the pet is your child's compan-
ion, be sure to snap an interesting:
story telling picture of the two pals-
at play. Your five-year-old will prob-
ably not appreciate the value of:
such. a picture now but in later years
he will thank you for preserving for
him those happy days of childhood', . .
Undoubtedly your cat -= alley or •
otherwise—has his favorite lounging,
spot in the house, or favorite "look.
out" such as that of Mr. 3t Thomas 1
Cat, pictured above. Have you ever,
thought of taking such a picture? Be-.
lieve it or not,, it won quite a sub,
stantial prize in a national snapshot
contest a few years ago.
And don't overlook the canary, the .
parrot, love birds, Jimniie's pet•rab,
bits and the nraliy other animals and
birds of various and sometimes
strange types and breeds adopted by
those who favor the unusual.
It's perfectly all,rigllt to dress up
the cat or dog in glasses, cap, pipe;,
or sliove him unceremoniously into
a boot or shoe, if the untoreanate
animal is small enough to be shoved,
but pictures of that type are not
long lived 115 far as enclnring in-
terest is concerned. It's the snap.
shot fhat:e
t list
a story hatslumen
y or u ora.
faire re is appeal that really he'.,. then'
life into an album.
'74) JOHN VAN GtJ L..Dit.R.