HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-12-25, Page 2SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON LESSON 26, THE CHRISTIAN'S HOPE: Matt. 25:$1.46; John 14:1.6; 2 Cor. 6:1,10;; 2 Tim. 4:6.8; I Peter 1:3.9; Rev. 22:1-5. PRINTED TEXT -- John 14:1-6; Rev. 22:1.5. GOLDEN TEXT -in My Father's house are many mansions. John 14:2. THE LESSON IN iT$ SETTING. Time -Tile passage taken from Matthew belongs to a discourse spoken on Tuesday of Passion Week, April 4, A.D. 30; the one taken from John's Gospel was spoken on Thursday night of the same week. The Second Epistle of Paul to the Church at Corinth was written about A.D. 59 or 60, while his Second Epistle to Timothy was written at the very end of his life, A.D. 65 or 66. The First Epistle of Peter was written about A.D. 60; the book of Revelation, A.D. 95. Place -The two discourses of Christ hero used were uttered in Jerusalem. Paul wrote the Second. Epistle to the Corinthians from Elphesus, and the Second Epistle of Timothy from Rome. We do not know from what city Peter wrote bis First Epistle; all we know about the book of Revelation, as far as geography is concerned, is that the visions were received on the Island of Patmos. 1."Let not your heart be troub- led: believe In God, believe also n me." The Lord comforts the desciples with the sure hope that, though He must leave them, He and they shall meet again and He intimates that He is the personal :revelation of the Father. 2. "In my Farther's house are :many mansions; if it were not so, 1 would have told you." There are enany :anions or dwelling places, there is room enough for all. Christ, in His fairness, would not have invited them to a place in which there was not room for all. "For I go to prepare a place for you." This is a beautiful way for our Lord to speak of His exodus from this world. 3. "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I come again, and will receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." Just as Christ came down from glory once to do a specific work, Ile will come again to do another specific work. He wants us to be with Hini because He loves us. 4. "And whither I go, ye know the way. 5. Thomas saith unto " tilifiett "';$u'LSrt; niaaartffir 'iif"" e `tha" way?" Jesus goes by the way in which He Iived, a kind of life un- mistakably pointing towards God as source and goal. We conjecture where a man is going by the life he lives. 6. "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way and the truth, and the life" The way is a recognized name for Christianity. To know the truth is also to know the way to God. He is the life, being one with the living Father and being sent by Him. To know the .life is to know the way to God. "No one cometh unto the Father, but by me." The Apostle Paul constantly emphasizes the truth that we have access to the Father only through the Lord Jesus Christ. 1. "And he showed me a river of water of life bright as crystal, peroceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. 2. in the midst of the street thereof. And on this side of the river and cn that was the tree of life, bearing twelve manna of fruits, yielding its fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations." The river of water of Iife is a beautiful sym- bol of life in its gladness, purity and activity, ever flowing through the heavenly city. As the water of the river is called the water of life, so the tree here seen with its twelve fruits is called the tree of life, which of course remin.ds us of the Garden of Eden. 3. "And there shall be no curse any more: and the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be therein: and His servants shall+ serve Him; 4. and they shall see His face; and His name shall be on their foreheads. 5. And there shall. be might no more; and they need no light of lamp neither light of sun; icor the Lord God shall give them light: and they shall reign for- ever and ever." Four things are maid here about the children of God, in their heavenly home: they will serve the Lamb they will be- hold His face, His name will be en their foreheads, and they shall reign forever • and ever. What does the text mean, that we shall reign forever and ever? The whole uni- verse is under the sovereign con- trol of God. We have already seen that the earth will be peopled with nektons recedving biassing from Heaven. May this not refer, then, to our positions of authority over different parts of the Kingdom o9: God, corresponding to the words of ,our Lord, when to the faithful the promise is made. "Well done, good and faithful servant: thou bast been faithful over a few things, C Will set thee over many things, enter then into the joy of the Lord," First Down In First Snow esseeoese (photo: Cam, Nati Rys.) INinthe first snow of the season at St. Sauveur, noted winter sports center, the heart of the Laurentian Mountain district of Quebec, no skiier is any too sure on her -or his -feet as witness the plight of the pretty young American visitor pictured above. However, it's lots of fun for; , everybody when the snows come to St. Sauveur, home of famous sl��� Hill 70, which is annually host to thousands of United States; welter sports fans. Victory Army Told To Become Active Europe's "V for Victory" army, which has been estimated et 200:- 000,000, was told by "Col. Brit- ton," radio originator of the cam- paign, to harass the Nazis, to switch from passive to active re- alstance in the German-occupied countries. The time has come, he said over the BBC, for the army to form in small platoons to "help each other." He also urged that factory workers lose their tools and that office workers muddle and mis- calculate. "The slower you work the reeicker you'll win," he said. Not By A Little Thing Like That Ellen Fletcher, 108, :;believed tp be the oldest ' woman . In Britain died in Croydon Infirmary re, cently. She outlived all her. relatives and until three years ago drank a glass of beer daily. Wrinkled and jovial, she always maintained a sense of Humor. When a bomb struck the infirm- ary last winter, she remained calm, and, as she was led away - over the bomb debris, quipped: "Napoleon couldn't frighten my mother and this young fellow Hitler isn't going to frighten rne.,, CURIOUS WORLD Fe gulsonI, THISB aes- NINETY PER CENT OF THE TOTAL SALES OF FURS IN TN>r L1Nl i �D STATES ARE MADE UiJDEV OTHER NAMES THAN THE TRUE NAMES OF THE°FUR ehcePiatNESE.'" MERRY TREES BEAR. NO i7L//T,V 'l14E/ APE PLANTED AS ORNAMENTS. COPR. 930 BY NEA SERVICE, INC. 41.661000,11, THE. LARGEST KNOWN STAR, *EPSILON AUR(GA ;' RECENTLY DISCOVERED, HAS A DIAMETER._ 40010/4 ES Gk'EATF_i2 THAN ` 1-1AT' OF THE C.3 NT 330 S$........s i Wtsaaaalaseeeegesaaeeeeeeaee w>nc.h a THE discovery of the new giant star is no accident. It is one of a pair of giant suns, and is discovery is the result of a 38 -year search, begun in 1899 by the late Professor Edwin Brant Frost, former director of Yerkes Observatory, and completed through the collaboration of three University of Chicago astronomers. Kr,XT: is tt'cre a special "brain food"? How Many Know Strength o Navy? Some interesting Naval Data Given by the St. Thomas Times -Journal The Royal Navy is doing a job that is one of the wonders of the world because it has to cover al- most the elitire seven seas with vastly less support than it had in the last war. This success is largely due to the greater use of types of small craft which were not employed during 1914-18, par. • ticularly the corvette, and fast, powerful roto'' and other mosquito boats doing patrdl work. There are„hundreds of small ships which e,jpy the dignity of being vain- -able units of His Majesty's Royal Navy. Great Britain started off the pre- sent war with a serious inferior- ity in capital ships compared with the First Great War. In 1914 she was "-:assisted by , the navies of France, Russia, Japan, and in April 1915, Italy joined in. In April 1917 the United States was added to the naval forces of the Allies. The • French navy dropped out of the iteesent war in June last year, and about the sane time Italy was added against us. 'On the other hand Germany also began the war with less power than in 1914. Comparative Losses The following table shows how small have been the losses of the Royal Navy during the first two years of this war compared with the last one: Ba`tleships Battle cruisers Aircraft carriers None in use 1 Cruisers •... 17 9 DestroYera 24 53 Submarines 24 29 The heavy losses in 1914.15 c%Lefly" occurred in the battles of >c ;onel ,,and Jutland and during th'e attempts to force the Dar- denellesa• Mines also accounted for a . good many, including the brand new: battleship Audacious in the Irish Sea.. Britain's loss of 53 destroyers this ',;time is offset, however, by the 50 old destroyers traded with the United: States for naval bases. And:,on this occasion Canada is ;1nak1.4g'' a::wonderful contribution with around 250 ships. The num- ber is being added to weekly. 1914-1916 1939-1941 10 1 3 1 Sam's. Going Back r To Hill Country *a'SeartaClelande' 77 -year-old pros- ' .who drifted into Wells, B.C. "ti 'mg ago,, afters.. 12 years of solitude in the hills of 'what he , calls " Mc, attain Goat" country, decided after getting an earful of the war news that he wouldn't staff* here any longer than neces- sexy, "I'um, going back to the hills where I belong," he said. "Next time I come out, I may stay out, but not '• now, not now. Cleland; who was wounded at Vinay Ridge in the First Great l Wa> ,anc1 homesteaded in the Peace +';Riven, country before taking to prospecting in the interior hills of British Columbia, said he couldn't believe Britain and Germany were -at .zvar again. • "`We licked those fellows years ago and you can't tell nie they .'are Iooking, for more," declared Cleland, who said he hadn't seen a fellow human since 1932. Can Write On It Or Dress In It The Germans also have their campaign for economy in the use of paper, only they put in on rather different grounds from the British. Their slogan is one that comes near to the heart. It is in effect "Paper or Clothes?" As the "Zeitschr'ift fur offentliche Wirts- chaft" puts it: "Cellulose, the basis of paper production, only exists once, and we have the choice whe- ther to write on it or to dress in It. By economizing in the use of paper exerybody can help to decide whether 'with the next clothing ration -card he or she is to obtain an extra pair of stocings and ma• terial for another spring dress or working suit" The point of course, is that the German civilian is now clothed mainly in synthetic fibres, .and, such luxuries as wool, cotton, flax, and silk rarely come his way. The, choice between wood pulp for paper and for clothes is a real one. RADIO REPORTER DIALING, WITH DAVE; One Munson, charming dram- atio actress of stage, screen and radio, is widely heard in Canadian Radio. i7acil Wednesday night on the CBC network she co-stars with Edward G. Robinson in the "Big Town" series, and with Gail Paige, shares the stellar roles in the CICOC Sunday night Academy Award plays, broadcast at 9.30 D. S.T., immediately following Charlie McCarthy! * * * And as the Army directs by ra- dio, so radio directs it's activities to entertain the army, the navy and air force. Many topflite shows are on tour, broadcasting their weekly stunt from many military centres. The idea has caugalt on locally too - CI(OC be Hamilton,. broadcasts a half-hour section of an entertainment specially design- ed for the Army Trades School in Hamilton. Heard each Thursday evening at 8.30, and originating from the Trades School, the pro- gram features the varied enter- tainers and their acts, which are each. week presented for the troops' enjoyment during a two- hour Thursday evening period. * We do not know just what ef- fect the spreading of the war will have on American commercial net- works, especially around the Christmas week That depends up- on, the emergency' ,ef the neemelih, One thing is certain though - great nitany of the timeleae radio features of the yuletide enema will again be broadcast: TltOccoa"t Christmas Caeo'i - Special, ovelr- seas broadcasts •--• and other nes- tional and local Textures that; force an integral part of bringing ii1hrist- mas and it's spirit to the batten. Again it will be your local eitatiort which will broadcast the soany features that bring the t"tedie Christmas Spirit into the home!. 1150 Listening Tips: A Woman Speales on Warr - each Monday might at 8.30 IlF,S ,, preceded by CKOC's feature, q(u.iz show, Whea's On My Min0,, 8,00' to 8.30. News - at ail times - roa get the latest news fla'st, if yoic stay in tune with CKOO. CKOC it sery ed by the world-wide services of British United Press. Popular mid- day resume at 1.2.30 D.S.T. Is now heard by Public Address system in Hamilton's huge Otis-Fensom Plant. Two most requested records of the week on the Hit Parade 1.80 Sundays, and The Swing Session: daily 4.30 - Bimer's Tune, and Ohatanooga 0+1140 Choo. Both. arra Glen Miller waxings, OUR RADIO LOG TORONTO STATIONS CFRB 860k, CBI, 740k CKCL 580k, CBI( 1010k D.S. NETWORKS WEAL+ N.B.C. Red 600k WJZ N.B.C. Bine 770k WABC (C.B.S.) 8801; WOR (M.B.S.) 710k CANADIAN STATIONS CFOS Owen Sd. 14001: CKOC Hamilton 1150k CIIML Hamilton 900k CKTB St. Cath. 12301 CF03" Montreal 600k CFCII North Bay 1230k CFCO Chatham 030k CFPL London 1570k CJCS Stratford 12401; FRC Kingston 1490k CJIti• Sault Ste. M. 1490k CJKI, Kirknaid L. 500k CCII Waterloo CKAC Montreal 1730k CKCO Ottawa 1.310k CKGB Ttrninfns 1470k CKSO Sudbury 7901: CKPC Brantford 13501 CIrL\V Windsor 800k CKNX Wing Imam 12301: U.S. STATIONS WEBB Buffalo 1340k WHAM Rochester 11.80k WITLW Cincinnati 700k 'WWI' Schenectady 51.0k. IZD1eA Pittsburgh 1020k W1IBhI CTti,•ago 750k WREN Bni'Nilo 930k WOR Iluft'alo 550k WV -11W Buffalo 13201' W.1R Detroit 700k rradn'H' WAVINt osn gland 0.5105 DSC England 0.15.8m. GSD England 111:15nt GSE England t31S6un GS1,4 TF>.Inglnnd 10.1141n GSG 3EL'nglnnd tl 5'8 n GSP iE,ngland 15.1D11111 Gr,V England l't.a'Lan i 3.D ' Spain 0.45ne FAO, Spain O.SOni RAhi RuseIn .0O01et RNIII ILRossi aa 12.40ni It1-00 il£WM It 1:i.115,n TV"Gr : A SCIlenectiu9y li'CAn Minn. 15.27nat WD01L Boston t5.33nt {i C'Cirg NT. Tort; 11.83an BOYS' ACTOR HERO la- TWIORIZONTAL 4 Actor in O outdoor films, A 6 He was a T great star in Western ---s. 12 Branch of knowledge. 14 Long inlet. 16 Amber - colored resit:.. 11 Fruit. 18 Material used in imitation gems. 20 To move about. 39 21 Neuter 41 pronoun. 42 22 Recompense. 23 Road (abbr.). 44 24 Cubic centimeter (abbr.). 48 25 Small horses. 49 27 Compass point 51 (abbr.). 52 29 Destiny. 30 Paid publicity. 5 32 To act upon 5 each other. 5 33 Middle of the 5 Answer to I?revious Puzzle 19 Measure o? type. 1 22 Jabbers. 24 He was also a ---- star. 25 Mother -of• - pearl. F' 26 Artificial F 'i TAO stream. C R R 28 His - horao E ' was iris C P 5 partner. 0 29 Obese. N N 31 Dower TO P 5A DEE property. 35 To honk. -- of a 38 Instrument. maiden in 40 Delays. 'distress. 41 Tree. 43 Bow of a boat. VERTICAL 45 Female deer„ 1 Spinning toy. 46 Passage. 2 Pertaining to 47 Sound of oil. inquiry. 3 Castle ditch. 48 Balsam. 4 Form of "I." 50 Stocky AK D O N Q U K E P DU G I O N S E D C U E N E E R NIP NEA GAL R 0 T R A S 5 O day. 34 Weight allowance. 36 Like. 37 Above. God of love. Myself. To drink slowly. One in military service. Marine. Circle part. Molar. Anything 5 Roentgen rays. horse. steeped. 6 Brains. 52 Membranous 3 Prying sneak. 7 Credit (ebbr.) part. 5 Tiny, 8 To pull. , 53 South 6 Tomb cloths. 9 Consumer. Carolina 8 He played the 10 Peels. (abbr.). part of a - 11 Finale. 54 Italian river:'. or horseman 13 Grain (ebbed. 56 Additional. (pl.). 15 Distinctive message 59 He was theory. (letters). always the 18 Book part. 57 Senior (abbr.) R A OAK ELI E O T O O rit G E N AL LE LD G E E R POP -Smart Pup By J. MILLAR WATT T NE WORKS IT HIMSELF :.., • 1046*r:sin..o.... o.,.*.,.:w......c.•......,.. earIa it 5 i� Mi i 10 .. t1 I 2 3 19 15-111 5 ■r;; nr ■ ,, 20 ■ I 17 IS •U23. - 22 y «�. x 2.6 X :n -, sa 2 7 , . b '�■ . /T L 25 � ��.�-icy ��" �i i 3t) 31 40 >:: ee.L � 5E v t 37 38 39 r ti' ■®,,,, t 9 50 .3 51 53 54 =.55 .e, 4 `®� 56 57 . 59 ai POP -Smart Pup By J. MILLAR WATT T NE WORKS IT HIMSELF :.., • 1046*r:sin..o.... o.,.*.,.:w......c.•......,.. earIa it