HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-12-18, Page 3441 HICKAM FIELI) •••-• • ‘4. • #,?0,,,e, ..... mei tee:tete. et eettetta: epee eteeseettee Atette see etrollage netted e • eteem What Science Is Doing SHEEP'S LIFE or the average sheep, fame is y skin deep. The best he can ter, after parting periodically ith hie wooly shirt, is a fleeting ereafter hi the form of a framed diploma, But Billy Wassermann 2nd Is different. He is a sheep with a career. For four years he has lived in hollered comfort at the Montefore Hospital for Chronic Diseases. Of a summer he grazeis • on the hospital's lawn, an object of admiration for the children of the northern Bronx. For the win- ter he is now enseoned In a peat - house apartment atop the hospital, with all the hay and oats he can Hickam Field, U.S. Army bomber base near Honolulu—one of the first targets bit by Japanese -*mho reason for this special -at- bombers in sudden attack. Pictured above are 'U.S. Army bombers lined up on the field. ition. is that Billy fulfils a vital nctiou. Every fortnight or Eio he The Book Shell SPENLOVE IN ARCADY by William MoFee Chief Engineer Epeniove, at the age of fifty-eight, retires from many years at sea to a little farm in Connecticut, there to spend the remainder of his days quietly and alone. His adventur- ous lite, as any sea -faring life mast be, was over — so he thoUght. But he felt in love!— and for the first time. Mau, himself an old sailor with a life-long knowledge and love of the sea, unfolds the tale. o Spenlove's greatest adventure with charm and master craftsman- ship and brings this lovable char. acter through romance to a happy haven of home and companionship. Spentove in Arcady ., . by Wil- liam IvicFee . The Macmillan Go. of Canada — 'Price $3.00. What Has Become Of Secret Weapon? Ernst Ude, second only to Goering in Nazi .aviation, was killed while experimenting with a. new type of firearm, corrunents The New York Times. It sends the mind back to Hitler's secret weapon. He announced it more than a year ago as the trick that would settle England's business. What has become of the secret weapon? What is its nature? Speculation at the time included flying tanks for the invasion of England, new bombs, new U- boats, gas, 3/Aerobes, practically everything. Is it conceivable that Hitler's secret weapon, upon which he has been experimenting so long, could be something in the nature of re- pentance, truth, honor, mercy, or in that general line? It might explain his failure to make head- way with it. CHECKING ZERO HOUR? Japan's special envoy, Saburu Netrusu, right, looks at his watch at about the time Japanese bombers were attacking ,Pearl Harbor, 'Hawaii. He is pictured with Japanese Ambassador Nomura, as they. awaited conference with Secretary of State Hull. MODERN ETIQUETTE BY ROBERTA LEE • 1. What is one of the most Improper topics of conversation? 2. Is it correct to leave the spoon in the cup when drinking tea or coffee? 3. Who suggests retiring, the overnight visitor or the hostess? 4. 'When accepting an invita- tion to a dance may a girl ask Iter hostess' permission to invite a young man with whom the hos- tess is not acquainted? 5. Isn't there a distinction be- tween a person who is persevering and one who is obstinate? 6. Is it permissible to write "City" when addressing a letter to a person who lives in the same city? Answers 1. Discussing itinese. The height of social misconduct is to talk of sores, pus, ulcerated teeth, colds, -mucus, boils, corns, eczema, or an other physical imperfec- tions. It is much. better to dis- cuss these subjects oely with your doctor. 2. No; the spoon should be placed in the saucer after the contents of the eup are stirred. 3. The hostess. 4. Yes; but do not invite hint without this per- mission. 5. Yes, there is quite a strong distinction, It has been said, "The difference between persevere -nee and obstinacy is that one often cones :from a strong will and the other from a strong won't," 6. No; the name of the town should IA written. London has collected sufficient rectal Wan to make 8,000 tanks. HOVV CAN I? BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I keep the house Plants in good condition? A. New life often can be given to the house plant by applying a teaspoon of castor oil around the roots. Q. How can I remove cigar- ette stains from the fingers? A. Obstinate cigarette stains on the fingers can be removed by means of well -soaked pumice stone and hot water. Plain lemon juice will remove lighter stains. Q. How can I avoid scratching the table when cutting out mater- ial from patterns? A. Before cutting the mater- ial, it is a wise plan to spread out the table mat on the surface of the table. If cut on this sur. face, the scissors will slide along much easier and will not scratch the table. Q. How can I be sure that flowers will stay fresh when send- ing them to someone in another town? A, One way to . keep them fresh is to cut small holes in a Piece• of 111.W potato and insert the _stems, Cats Get Milk If They Get Rats Cats may nave a milk ration only If engaged in vitally import- ant work—catching rats and mice --the British Houee of Commons was told. by Major Gwilyin Lloyd George, Parliamentary Secretary tosthe Food Ministry, Even on this basis, supplies can- not be guaranteed, he said in an- nouncing the Ministry's ruling, so it may become a question of Iese intik and more rats. Have You Heard ? Atter examining the privatele damaged log, the M.O. diagnosed a dog bite. Then, as a lespull, he added: "Perhaps the dog had rabies." "All right," said the patient; ''hand me a pencil and papers please' "Oh, there's a good chance, ''fieu needn't make a will yet." "I'm making no will," replied the private, with fiendish grin; "It's a list of the sergeants I'm going to bite!" —v— Nevespaper •Contributor (in letter): "I am a speedy. work- er. I finished the enclosed sue ticie in an hour and thought nothing of it." Editor (replying): "I got through your article In a free - tion of that time and thought Just the same." —v -- A certain famous film star vis- ited the Highlands and stopped for refreshment at a 'farmhouse. She was given some milk he a little bowl and while she was drinking it a pig trotted up to her. "See." she explained, delighted, paciously permlts a doctor to raw from his veins a email am- nt of blood. Its red corpuscles erve to diagnose human syphilis in the well-known Wassermann ' test. Nearly 10,000 such tests have • InStin made routinely with the ear- epuecles supplied by this one sheep. ,tntahts particuthr animal happens ',neve come into the news. But ere• are many other creatures of the laboratory to whore a debt is owed for their role, involuntary thougth 'It be, in maintaining and advancing human health, and science need not be sheepish ':ebout acknowledging that debt. ipows provide vaccine, horses Isteanufacture anti -toxin, chickens 4udicate the value of hormone pro- ' ducts, rats respond quantitatively teto does of newly discovered vii „mice run through mazes and Unravel the fundamental eaprings of animal behavior, Some Of these test animate must Inevit- ably be 'martyrs to the progress of physiological knowledge. It is comfortIng to know that the opece *ens used are invariably given the fattest consideration consistent with theirtfunction and that, in the .fietese of such stout veterans as eteleilly the sheep, they become well - 'loved pets of the laboratory. "eves the little peehe recognizeett "Ws no' you he reeogilieita," said the farmwife, "it's hie wee bowies." —v -- A schoolmaster was trying to explain the word "widower" to his class. "What woultryou call a man who had Just lost his wife?" he asked. • • - "Very careless," was the ply of a bright boy. —v— "Do you really love me, Alfred?" asked the girl. "Eettleeleje rtefereetteu toa tnxetafit letter," replied the 'yciung„nfaii." 'Devotedly' is en the first page, 'madly' on page three, 'passion- ately' on pages four and five, and 'tit death do us part' in the posts cript. I cannot be more explicit, Ethel!" Domestic: "I bear that you, need a cook?" Mistress: "Thank you, but"I have just hired one." Domestic: "Very well, Pil again tomorrow." 't —T— • Mrs. Jones (showing her gueet a home-made radio): "My livaltand made the epithet as "Oh, did he work to a design?" asked the guest. "No," said Mrs, Jones, "He made it out of his head and he's got, enough wood left over for a small table." - — Lace of Four Queens Beautiful old lace which once belonged to four Queens of Eng- land is part ot the collection flown by bomber to the 'United States for the benefit of a British war charity, The Queen herselt preeseted to it a bridal veil believed to be worth 14,000. Queen Mary sent some lovely pieces, including examples of the lace wor which England is renowned, and a deep flounce of point de gaze *which belonged to Queen. Alexandria. There were gathered for the collection rare", Valenciennes, once worn by Queen Charlotte, Venetian point lace that graced the gowns of Marie Antoi- nette, beautiful pieces of point de Flandres, Brussels, Irish, Chant!1- ly, d'Alencon and England's own Houlton. Mentholatom templesandbrow brings quick re, lief.Alsoforneu. • relate, head colds, cuts and aapping. Melo andtubes30c.m:' MENTH 0 LATUM GilTS COM Mitt Daily You GIRLS WHO SUFFER DYSMENORRHEA If you suffer monthly cranms, back- ache, distress of "Irregularities," rtervoustiess.-dite to fUnctional Monthly dlsbuttances--try Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound Tablets (with added iren). Made especially for tcometz,They WO help build up red blood. Made in Canada. MALAYA CHIEF The commander of empire troops in British Malaya, Maj.- • Gen, A: E. Percival. Calling Norwegians In North America Norwegian male subjects from 20 to ,37 years old in the United States and Canada soon will be called for military service, Lieut. - Col. Aerie D. Dabi of the Norweg- ian Military Mission to North Am- erica stated. With about 3,000 eligible Nor- wegians in Canada and thousands more below the border, be said there may be enough for a divis- iou-12,000 to 15,000 men. Dixie is economical you cut it as you use it There's no waste. Bennett Stays Night At Labor Hostel Viscount Bennett recently lived overnight the lives of factory workers occupying a North Mid- lands war workers' hostel. After an address in which he impressed on worker s the 'soca- sity of a speed-up in production, the former Canadian prime min- ister went into the big communal dining room, loaded his tray with food and later carried the dishes to a washing-up hatch. Lord Bennett slept in a cubicle- type bedroom containing two beds and running hot and cold water. He said he found the hostel clean- er, more convenient and more comfortable than many up-to- date hotels he had stayed in dur- ing his travels around Britain on behalf of the ministry of supply. Plumb -bob The Cat Solves a Problem The Todd -California Shipbuild- ing Corporation was in a dither. The engineers were stumped. The electricians were dismayed. The problem facing thorn was to run a cable through the 12-ineh conduit pipe whicb ran from the British. Purchasing Commission to the fitting -out dock—a distance of 200 feet. The pipe was two feet underground and too (small for a man or practically anything aloe to go through, Suddenly an idea was conceived. A solution was brought to the scene. The "solution" was Plumb -Bob, alias Toddy, the shipyard cat. A. chalk lino was tied around --reeseesettaeeeseeeeetossn taLILIVO WAS placed,' at the end Cif.1.,:the pepee Without a moment's hesitation he disappeared. An anxious crowd of engineers, electricians, and maintenance men waited at the other end of the coladult. In a few minutes Plumb- I3ob walked nonchalantly out into the sunlight again, pulling the chalk line. The hero had done his part. The cable was hooked to the line and pulled through. The alga neers got down off their stumps; the electricians stopped sweating, and peace was restored. Plumb -Bob's genius was reward- ed with a hero's dues. SAFES prott.,4 our BOOKS one CASE from FIRE and TIIIEVEs. We have o size cud t'pe or Sure, or Cabinet, for stray purpose. Visit us, or write for prices, etc. to Dept. W. 14a 1','unt 91. E., Toronto flst alb fished Isms J .154J . TAVLMR LI M ITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS ...CLASSIFIED ADVE Locomotives Travel Extensive Mileage Locomotives operated by ties Canadian National Railways, in - eluding passenger, freight ant work classes, travel more than 81,000,000 miles during a year's service, according to the Statis- tical Department of the Natioaal Railways, In terms of trips around the equatorial girth ot the world, this represents 3,260 such jou% nays in a twelve month period, at an average of 271 trips every thirty days, or approximately nine such trips per day. Seagull Nearly Wrecked 'Eagle' A seagull came close to ending the fighting career of an Americait pilot flying against the Germans —that and a storm of bullets which, somersaulted and shattered his plane. Sergeant Pilot John S. Mooney of East Hempstead, Long Island, an Eagle Squadron fighter, told his own story of near escapes on an offensive patrol along the Nettie erhuids coast: "1 was flying low over some fighting boats near the Dutch coast when I flew among some seagull% and saw one go apparently through my propeller. "Later, when 1 attacked gun - posts, my engine cut out and gave off 'black smoke every time I put the nose down. I couldn't figure it out until I got back and found a gull—or rather feathers, for that was ail that was left of it—jam- med in my air bata.ke. "During the attack, the plane was blown over on its back by ack-ack (anti-aircraft fire), the radio was smashed and the craft was laddret etergozeottoitebee ming the waxes a/./ the; way." Mooney's Spitfire was hit by three cannon shells and some 30 machine gun bullets. TISEIVIENTS I55 BABY' CRICK'S NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO SIZE Up your poultry — what chicks You'll need — and when, Order well in advance, We've also some pullets. Tho right kind of a start is going to be more important than ever this season. Write for .Particulars Bray Chick Contest. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N„ Ham- ilton, Ont. HAMM( ESSING SC11001. LEARN :HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson Method. Information on request regarding fall classes, now beginning. Robertson's Hair.. dressing Academy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. •CARS — LSE)) AND IYEW MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS Ltd., Toronto's oldest Chrysler, Plym- oUth dealers; three locations. 632 Mt, Pleasant Road 2040 -rouge St. and 1650 Danforth Aventie, Our Used Cars Make us many friends. Write for our Free Book- let on pedigreed renewed and an- alyzed used cars. lflYn & TRAPPING SNARING, TRAPPING AND PIM Marketing tips, particulars on Indian Secret trapping rnethoda lures, snares, Big Fur catches aSsured, 1'3111 Roffman, Russell, 1Vlan, UflGAI N. LINDSAY, LAW OPPICI41, OAP. itoi 'Theatre tending, St, Thomas. Ontario. Special Department for farmers collections. ISSUE 51—'41 DX1,21)1(1.414 IT'S EXCELLENT. REAL RESULTS after taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis. Munro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. uieteitin TO I N 1,11YTOrt 9 AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of Inventions and full !abr. !nation sent free. The Barmy Co._, Registered. ,Patent A.tiorneys. 271 Bank Street. Ottawa, Canada. PATENTS YETHEIISTONEA UGH SiC MIRAN/ Patent Solicitors. Established 18002 14 xCing West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest POIMT14.1 SILVER PENCILLED WYAN- dottes and Rocks, Cockerel and. Pullets $1.50 each. Erhard Loehr, New Ramburg, Ont, Box 523. PERSONAL ELIJAH C 0 NI 1 N G BEIPORE Christ, Wonderful book sent free. Megiddo Mission, Rochester, New York. $2 — Quilting Outfit — $2 MAIM REAUTI PATC11-WO1t1C quilt. Get one quilt batt, 23A. lbs. cotton print, quilting patches, enough white cotton to back double bed size (lulu. and 1 pair 8 Ince scissors (3.alue for only 52.00 postpaid. Dept. W.. Textile Jobbers. 516 Qucen St. W., To ro nth. RABBITS WANTED — LARGE LIVE 00- mestic rabbits. Any quantity, price 10c per pound, you pay ex - Press. Lightfoot, St, Lawrence Market, Toronto. RHEUMATIC PAINS PEOPLE ARE TALKING ATIODT the good results from taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis. 3,Iunro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 51.00. STAMM ERIN (5 WE CORRECT STAMMERING 014 a "No Cure No Pay" basis. W rite Auruni Speech Clinic, Orton, Ont, TURRETS VI WRITE KOLLANDS, GOVT. IN - spatted flock. Pullets 56.56, Tome $15. Bert Irwin, 112, Seaforth, Ont. WOMEN WANTED WANTED: WOMEN TO 1)0 HOME sewing. Beat pay. Postage paid on all work. Sent anywhere. Bontex Specialty Co., Box 21., Chase, RC. *A.*. FOR QUALITY SERVICE A.ND SATISPACTION TRY laWBRIAI. 6 or 2 exposure 'films, developed and printed. or 8 reprints, am. Both with eree enlargement. 11111PBBI all, PHOTO Latton J, Toronto.