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Zurich Herald, 1941-12-18, Page 2
Ir r VOICE O F T H E PRESS GENERAL PRICE VIEWS MANOEUVRES THE WRONG ATTITUDE A point bas arisen in conuee- tion with tine current war savings campaign that needs to be straight- ened. out, It is this. There are per. - sons in Canada who are refusing to.;purebase the stamps because they object to the Government's general war policy. They seem to feel that they either have to condemn or accept the whole thing; they cannot separate in their minds the Government's fis- eal programme from other aspeets of its conduct of Canada's war effort. At the best, persons of this type can be accused of blind, foolish pig-headedness. At the worst, they are Fifth Columnists. There are a great many Canad- ians who are sharply critical of some parts of the Government's war leadership, and since they live in a democracy they are per• fectly entitled to hold and to ex- press their opinions. But any per- son who uses such arguments to affect his own or other people's purchase of War Savings stamps is guilty of a serious offence, -Cornwall Standard -Freeholder, -v- SCOTTISH DOCKERS' WORK Tile United States, and to some extent Canada, is beset with strikes in defence industries, or industries affecting defence work, fomented by union leaders who are taking advantage of the emergency to apply the screw to employers and to the governments. It is inter- esting to note the kind of thing that is happening among British working men. A freighter arrived at a Scottish port laden with food. It was im- portant that she be unloaded and reloaded and proceed on her way. The boss called the stevedores together and said: "Will you work the clock around until this ship Ss unloaded and reloaded?" "Aye," they shouted, No hesitation, no quibbling, no arguing about extra pay. They just did the job. Another day they unloaded an- other s`hfp and reloaded the cargo into trucks which were soon on their way •to various parts of the country with good, the stevedores creating an all -British record for speed. Perhaps it makes all the differ- ence being "in the front line" ac King George Bald, and 8,000 miles away from it. ---St. 'Phomas Times -Journal. Tale year, more than ever be- fore, wisdom and good judgment should rule in the selection of Christmas. gifts. It should be a Season when useless or frivolous giving is ztrictly banned. .Emphasis is being placed on the necessity for reducing the pur- ebase oe non-essential goods. ]People will naturally want to give presents to their friends, and they marmot be expected to confine themselves to war goods, but there sbould be a more careful selection than usual, with every consider- ation being given to the useful- ness and practicality of the gifts purchased. -Windsor Star. -v- TEST FOR GOSSIP Next time you hear a piece of gossip, it might be interesting to try this formula. Say: "Do you believe it to be true? Would you be willing to put it in writing so I €an check on it?" In most eases that would be the end of what may be only an idle and untrue rumor. -Kitchener-Record. -v- EYE-OPENER Christmas trees are being sent from the United States to the mess ;palls of Greenland and Iceland for Yuletide celebrations. And for gen- erations children have imagined that those tar places were the home of Santa Claus and his rein- deer! ---Hamilton Spectator. -v- CITY COWBOYS Cowboys in Atlanta bad to call en city police to round up three steers that escaped from a rodeo. That sibilant sound you hear is the shade of Buffalo Bill snorting into his beard.- Windsor Star. -v- LIFE AND THEN SOME? Optimism of a rare kind Is mani- fested by a prisoner who was Sen- tenced. to two terms of life im- prisonment and asked the judge if they ran concurrently. -Hamilton Speetatlir. -v- FLOWERY LANGUAGE "The submarine that saulc the Ark Royal is in turn accounted for by the corvette, H.M.S. Mort gold. That is prompt action and saying it with lian.ilton Spectator. _-v FROSTY EVENTUALITY On the Russian front now they are pretty nearly realizing the c011e- brated eventuality of "help freez- ing ever•." •- •Va)nooliVer Province. There are 108 recognized breeds of dogs. Maj. -Gen. C. B. Price, of Montreal, commanding Canada's 3.•. Division, watches manoeuvres in Britain in which troops of a 1 Brunswick regiment receive supplies from aerial transports. W,1, % him are members of staff. Under the plan, advance units in th4 field receive munitions and food by parachute from low-flying 'at`'• craft. Not Gas Saver But Gas Maker A motorist in England was asked if he had tried a new atom- izer which is ,aid to have petrol consumption. "Rather," he replied. "It did all, the makers claimed for it, and saved fifty per cent of my petrol. I also bought a new carburetor which saved thirty per cent, got another brand of petrol which saved twenty per cent, and some special sparkpluga which save an- other ten per cent. "Then I took the car out for a test run, and I'm dashed if the petrol tank didn't overflow before I'd gone five miles. Nazis Stole Plane Ride Was Br f ---s-1,- Two --414 Two German airmen escaped from a British prison: camp,; sole an R.A.F. bomber and were captured when they -.were fo ed down near an airdrome raorea al 100 miles from where"they stard. The Germans posed as Netter= lenders on way tobomb ships' tf the coast but that skeptical enl Iigence officers made them tpke• off their flying coats and foind that they had carved identifying buttons from wood and covered them with tinfoil `e An U.S. ambassador says Hitler looks as if he had a malignant disease. My dear, sir, he, is one VALUABLE TIMBER` TREE timber tree. 4 It belongs to the genus - 8 Good -by 11 Duet. 22 Kind of bean. 13 Cotton picker 14 Sand dunes. 1.6 Violent dreads 20 To weep 22 Awn. 23 Redress. 27 Frost bite. 28 Little devil, officials. 80 Simpleton. 48 Strong wind 81 Peasant. 49 This tree's 821Vorth America fruit. (abbr.). 52 Sand. 83 To prosper. 53 Solar orb. 34 To perform. 54 Giver. 85 Mulberry tree 55 Bird of prey 37 Railroad • 56 Bugs. (abbr.). 57 Twisted cord. 38 Waistcoats VERTICAL 40 beers. 43 Tidier. 1 Grain. 46 Church 2 Fuss. i=- 11tt"J'K, "CLQ `tu r• ,'t"[+-';Yb'"Fc`r silkwo 18 Lateration. 191nclolent. 21 To happen 24 Neuter pronouli. 25 Spike' of corn 26 It is'a valuable s, hard_wbod tree. 29 Right` of precedence.. 30 Indian. 33 A catch. 36 Rocky declivities. 38 Price.,- 39 rice.39 To, exchange: 41 Elder JEAN CHIMERA .S AMARA .I BEL 1<:IU LOO PURR 1 CAW ODE MER AMA MA MALIC P OH -ES--OT-t C EA JEAN L • .sT I ARA ;'H E B 'SC ATH c _.I DEAS c nil! PAC ©CFI©CIE1 ©©(5) <mr (mm 'MT OGE R.: SAGE ErSVE I R 3 Relatives. 4 I so far as. 5 Rims. 6 Destruction, 7 Pine fruits. 8 Heaven. 10 Water cress plants. • 14 Minute quantity. 15 Rail (bird). 16Its fruit is used in -- leather. Japanese statesmen. 42 Sawlike orgath 44 Comfort. 45 To peruse. 47 Skin. 50'IKind of lettuce. 51 To putrefy,. THE WAR - WEEK Commentary on Current Events Against Swift Japanese Attack America Presents United Front "We will not only defend our- selves to the Uttermost but we will make it certain that this form of 'treachery shale never again endanger us . . With con- fidence In our armed forces, with fire unbounded determination of tale people, we will gain the in- iitievitable triumph." In every Am- erican heart: there will be an ecito of these 'wc 'S of President Roose- aelt to Congress when he asked that body to declare that "a state of war exists between the United States and the Empire of Japan." The United States has for years sought by diplomacy and later by economic pressure to halt Japan's politer of aggression. A month ago .a ,final attempt was launched in Washington with Japanese diplo- mats to forestall the impending •,,collision of national policies, which wduld inevitably lead to war. No agreement could be reached but :still Japan's "peace" envoys ex- pressed the wish .to continue ne- gotiations. It is now known that �vktile they talked peace Tokyo pre - Pared for war. They talked peace in order to gain time to launch a :surprise attack on the United States most powerful naval base in Hawaii, without the formality of declaring war. The President • ,said "Our enemies have perform- ed a brilliant feat of deception, per- fectly timed and executed with great, skill." Clearly Japan chose war not be- cause she had no alternative but because she was determined to carry on her policy of aggression. The United States, on Nov. 26th, offered Japan a formula for peace in which they were willing to ne- gotiate a trade agreement with Japan and to free Japan's frozen assts They demanded, however that, ; Japan withdraw her forces tflroan China and Indo-China. In her'reply, Japan flatly refused to get out of China. She favored a trade treaty and the removal of 'freezing restrictions but never- t;hel'ese rejected the whole proposal as a basis for negotiations. War ewes what Japan wanted, not peace. The Swift treacherous attack on. t;te United States has aroused the American people. They are as one vast. assembly of patriots whose -single thought is the safety of their people. United they stand. ;Gone is every sign of partisanship ..,..-..L.),rprzitoonf,,.tha_ ted States, sways a;tfh:e 'New.. Yprk Times. :Gana is every tate of hesitancy and ...indecision. There are no party lines in Congress. The house- divided -within -itself has ceased to waist in Washington. .Outside the political walls, from Oen?' part of the country, from weary walk of life, come pledges • of support for the Administration. The America First Committee urg- es '"all those who have subscribed to its principles to give support to the war effort" and "pledges its aid to the President and Com- mander in Chief of the armed leforces of the United States." A labor union ---hick had called a strike in an industry essential to national defense rescinded. its ac- tion. The people of the eountrY, confident in the integrity of demo. trate institutions have acted with courage, quiet streugth and a mag- nificent display of national unity. it Is conceded that the United States suffered a severe defeat at Hawaii and at other outlying bases. The British have sustained a ter• rible blow iu the loss of two of their most powerful fighting ships, the Prince of Wales and the Ite- pulse, at Singapore. Me Japanese bombers and gunnen•s have shown - unusual accuracy and the explosion of their bombs must have been extra violent to have destroyed such powerful naval vessels. Can it be that they are using a new element of destruction? Japan's strategy is apparent; to knock out as much of the Allied fleet and air force as possible in the first swift blows; to disrupt American trans -Pacific air commu- nications by seizing Midway, Wake and Guam, whose defenses have not been completed; to divert Brit- ish and American naval power to the Pacific, thus leaving the At- lantic lanes freer for Hitler's sub- marine attacks on British shipping. In the presence of our allies, con- tinues the Times, we shall find the key to the strategy of the Pacific. Because these allies ring Japan, because they create a natural and inexorable blockade of an. island empire which is heavily dependent upon supplies from overseas, it is reasonable to hope and to believe that we can plan a strategy of war in. the Far East which will take account of the still imperative nec- essity of maintaining an uninter- rupted flow of strength to the main battlefront in Europe. But this double tank will test our powers to the very limit. Noth- ing could be more dangerous than a complacent assumption that a victory will be easy. The factor of distance alone enormously in- creases the difficulty of American operations. . Thele will come dark days and bitter disappointments and a need to prove that we too have the stamina to make our way through, blood and toil and sweat and• tears. But we have a cause which shines with flaming justice. We have friends beside us. We leave incomparably the greatest resources of any nation in the world. We have a united people. We have brave men ready for, the �batfelines r Mr. Churchill said that now four- fifths of the total population of the world is "on our side." But he did • not delude himself or his people by promising a quick and easy victory over Japan. Instead, he called upon the people of the British Isles to redouble their ef- forts in the factories to fill the gap which may be caused in the next few months by the diversion of American tools of war. In the past, he said, we have had a light which flickered. In the present we have a light which flames. In the future there will be a light which shines over all the land and sea. CORN STAR(, RADIO REPORTER DIALING WITH DAVE: tore (8.00 p.m. D.S.T.),and many of the regular shifts of the broad. - casting day. You'll like Ms voice and his friendly personality com- ing into your home. * * s The CBC has begun its fifth year of broadcasting. In the three main departments of its work- first, to keep Canada fully and acurately informed about the pro- gress of the war at home and abroad; second, to do everything it can to help win the war, and third, to provide Canada with en It's often the PERSONALITY `.that makes the show in radio, and that's certainly true of many of the feature' programs from CKOC in Hamilton. This is Joe Chrys• dale, whose mike work puts zest and interest into suck programs as the "Bandwa.gon.," Fridays at 8.30 pm. D.S.T. - The "Columbia Swing Session," ,Tuesday after- noons at 4.30, and the full hour Saturday show from four to five! Added to these, Joe is the man before the mike in Monday night's "What's on My Mind" quiz fea- 9 I I 2 OUR RADIO LOG TORON'T'O \'L•.: , .... CB'Itt; S60k, (Jttl. 7.1014 CKca 5SOI , am 101014 U.S. ere woitas VEA1s N.11.o, Red 06014 WJZ N.B.C. Blue 77014 f,VABO (C.lt.ti.) S8014 WOR (11I.It.S.) 71014 ()ARAM AN STA'1'IONS OFOS Owen Stl. 110014 CHOC It antilton 11.11014; Ci3RSI. Da 00110 0 00014 Chan Si. t::i t h. 123014 ()VCR 1.lonlye al 50014 CB'CI•I North Itay 1.484)14 C01.30 C14at1,:1a 63014 l,undou hiitl14 CJt;S Strut ford 1::4104 elate. Kingston 4111014 ('Ili..SauIt ate. NI, 110014 i.'JICir14aa1c1 .40i. C1\Cle %Vitterloo , ,1)014 CI.A.0 Montreal 7311k CHC) Ottawa 181014 :7 CH Val Timmins 11.014 CH SO Sutluur3 7001. CH I'O Brantford 1111114 CH 1.1V %Vinttaor SS0014 1)KiV.1' %Vingkato flack u.s. STATIONS W MIR Buffalo -18101. %v RAM Rochester 115111. \VI.%V Cincinnati 70014 iVUle Sehelmet ad,r- 51014 to BHA L'ittllburgl 102014 OV IIl.t11 Chicago v.3014 %V URN Buffalo 9}:)t4 y'1GIt IittffaIo a+",cls: tVh I1 V Buffalo 1124)1. 'V.011 Det roil 75014 '. 41 O1t'L' WA V IV ltbti Wng4ami 0.5.1114 1;,511 ilnr(and 0.16144 USD Rug gaud 11.711,9 'tit I SL•' Rug Ll bb USr1' Eagiaad 1.4.1410 GS LJt !.,'.:Intl 1, .70in CSl' 01400 41 .81.,11 Uy'V Rewound 17. t 111 WAR Spain 9.48111 WAR Spain 0.SGnt RAN 1ta.:ala 1180 en It NII Ltu,attt L2.011ni 41V110 !lutanist 111.1814 %V( ': l tirliec 4 t t my [11.5311) WC_A.li [')441se 1, int %VII 111. Boston I (i11l t %V471174 N. York 11.S;:1m REULAR Fellers --Business Opportunity DAF1tdf r/ x HATE CRACKIN NUTS ITS SUCH A WASTE OP TIME, YOU'RE SILLY \ TO CRACK ALL THOSE NUTS THAT WAY,/ COME WITH ME s/I, q3T AN IDEA A sea AOFCOOMMI ION FOR THIS IDEA/EVERY SECON8 M rIOERT sea k A �j,a "SL - Pitt•/ L7_Y114YJ 9`YI �'�'°'} STARCH BEE HWE Synip -t'ertainthent for its necessary hours of relaxation, it is successfully and capably meeting the demands of the Canadian listening public. Your local station is a CBC affil- iate, providing you many . of the fine and varied programs it orig- inates day by day. In war, as its peacetime, it is building a firm and lasting foundation of endeav- our dedicated to the interest and improvement of Canada's Georgia Dey, whose vocal career started way back in Western .C•anada as a result of talent auditions, has moved far up the ladder of suc- cess in Canadian Radio. As Mart Kenney's featured vocalist fol' a number of years, she gained ea- tional renown, For about a year, she • disappea.red from the Can- adian musical scene to return this past fall as the star in "Blended Rhythm" (CKOC-CBC, TuesclaY 8.30 p.m. D.S.T.), and has just recently taken the feminine solo spot in Bob Farnon's Thursday night "Musical Beauty Box Show (CKOC-CBC, 9 pen. D.S.T.). Love- ly to look at - delightful to hear - Georgia Dey! - * * e THIS N' THAT: Speaking of Mart Kenney - his CBC feature has been moved a- round so much lately it's ,been hard to keep track of it. However, he's now heard Wednesday nights at eight o'clock D,S.T. on the 0130 with his tine -tested ine1odie sbow, "Sweet and ;Low." CK00 carries the progl'<'1n1 too! On berg signed tor the NBC - Blue's New "Old Gold Show," the Merry Mac': quartet received a congratulee pee wire from the Home town which simply said "Veal1 boys mala good." Bob Hope is going to Blake rec- ords! Vr11ich ;hot1d be a laugh! New Sunday show -oil 01<01', £t'n- turing ageless waltzes acid mete is heard et 1.15 D.S.T. By GENE BYRNE'S 1dd.(E'D LIRE. T mAke A DEAL , W IThi '-eta MISTER M"&4'i-IAM ^J� f) e,. NA. Otti o Alt ?Plat= m . A .•R,.N�iwN 4 �t1.1r�.MI.rt1YY�, ,