HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-12-11, Page 3ENTIRE CATHEDRAL OPENS This is the magnificent. vista which greeted New York church- goers when the entire 601 -foot length of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine was used for worship for the first time. The Cathedral, one of the finest. examples .of French Gothic architecture, will, when completed, be not only America's largest church, but the largest • Gothic cathedral in the world. What Science Is Doing CLOTHES AND AIR CONDITIONING "If women would dress in Whi- ter in clothes that are compar- able in warmth to those of Men ' they would be comfortable in a temperature of 72F. instead of 76F." write Dr. C. P. Yaglou and Miss Anee Messer in the Journal of- the American Medical Associa- tion. They arrived at this rather obvious 'conclusion by• experiment- ing with men and women employ- ees of the Harvard School of Pub- lic Health, in an effort to discover a way of getting over the diffi- culty presented by the double comfort standard presented by air conditioning, —0 -- HEAT -TAPESTRY Electric filaments of sub -glow temperature are' now interii*oven with spun glass and other insul- ating materials on great looms. The result is a veritable "tapestry of heat," a fabric which defies de- struction, which has reduced fire hazards practically to the vanish- ing point, which is immune to short circuits by foreign objects and moisture, and which gener- ates more usable heat. Import- ant uses foe aviation are forecast in the pre -heating of airplane en- gines to save not only time and fuel,; but to prevent the fouling of spark plugs and the formation of carbon. So with the de-icing of wings. —o— FIREPROOFING Ammonia sulfate, a curiosity three years ago, is now being pro- duced by the ton. The compound is used as a fire retardant for textiles, insulation products and paper. A curtain treated with ammonia sulfate will burn, but it will not burst into flame. Buy A Ticket To Help Russia You Can Aid The Retaii Fur- riers in Their Generous Effort To Raise Money For Medical Supplies For Russia On Saturday, November 29th, the Associated Screen News of Canada made a movie around some beautiful fur coats. The coats were modelled by Toronto's most beautiful professional models in the Royal York Hotel Roof Gar- den, and the filen will be released to theatres all across Canada on December 5th. Watch for this re- lease! In the movie are a mink coat, vrorth $3,000, an ermine evening wrap, a Set of gorgeous silver fox, stole and muff, a seal coat, AL beautiful caracul jacket, a valu- able llussian,lamb, and half a doz- en others whose total value runs high into the thousands of dol - tars. There are thirty-six pieces of fur altogether, and that means that thirty-six lucky people are going to win magnificent prizes. Why not you? Tickets are being sold at fifty cents apiece and sale will go on for some weeks. 'rheee furs were given, most generously, by a group of retail furriers in Toronto as a way of letting the appeal of the Dominion 'Goverment for honey to provide medical and surgical supplies to Russia, through the Red Cross. Every ticket that is sold means fifty cents more to- ward helping our brave and gal- lant ally in her time of meed. Any ticket sold may mean for the hold- er a beautiful fur coat. There is another opportunity in this story; many organizations are anxious to help in raising money to answer the appeal of the Gov- ernment but are not quite sure what to do. They could help tre- mendously by taking blocks of these tickets for distribution. Tickets and information may be had by addressing, simply, RETAIL FURRIERS, TORONTO. MODERN ETIQUETTE BY ROBERTA LEE 1. Is it proper to place the el- bows on the table while eating? 2. Is the man's or the woman's name spoken first when introduc ' ing a man and his wife, to a•group - of persons? 3, Is it correct for a member of the bridegroom's family to give a shower for the bride? 4. How should salespeople in department stores address their customers? 5. What is the regulation size for wedding invitations, dances and similar affairs. 6. What is the proper way to remove some foreign substance that one has taken into the mouth while at the table? ANSWERS 1. This practice is not frowned upon as it once was. It is better, however, to keep the elbows off the table until coffee and cigar- ettes are in order. 2. The wife's name should be spoken first. 3. No; neither the family of the bride nor the bridegroom should give showers. 4. Customers should be addressed by name when It is known; otherwise as "madam" and "sir." Saleswomen should never address women customers as "dearie" or "honey"; this is ex- ceedingly crude. Nor is it good form to refer to a woman accom- panying a roan as "The wife" or "The lnissus." 5. The regulation size is five and a halt by seven and three -eighth inches. 6. Re- move it with the fingers behind the napkin, and try to do it without attracting attenlon. People of Paris Are Not Fooled The Paris papers are read by no one except the Quislings and people bought by Germany, and the news -vendors, who in the past used to sell thousands of copies outside Metro stations, often now implore the passerby to buy a copy if only, they add pitifully, to enable them to earn a small pittance. Sales of Paris-Soir, spite of intense propaganda and big prizes to .readers, have fallen from a million and a half copies before the war from 4 to 5,000. One day each month, however, sales are satisfactory; that is on the day the paper announces the new month's rations. STOPPED -or Money Back Pot quick relief from itching dominopimplen,nth. ieie"afoot, scaleneeabiea, rnslte:s and miser e,i,rnaliy roused skim maiea, mefoat•noting, cooling, anti. caput, lipoid D. D. D. Prescription. ,(,reasden, stainlraa. Snoibea ;Monica and,Zmckly atopy i, tctign Uniting 3Sti triallnittloprovootc ormortar bock, Sok your drupelet loch), for D,ID,T).1?IIT•fSCRTP•1'to:N. HAVE YOU HEARD? At a regimental dinner, the colonel came round and put a. fatherly hand on the shoulder of the young subaltern. "Look here, my boy,!" he said, "this is your first dinner, and I know you won't mind a little ad» vice from jne, Go easy with the decanter, and don't try to stick ite too. long. Here's a good tip for you. You see those two candle- sticks there? Well, when you be- gin to see four instead of two, clear off." "All right, sir," said the young man. "But I can't see more than one at present." "Paw, what's an advertise- ment?" "An advertisement, my boy, isalmost any picture of a pretty girl (or girls) eat- ing, cooking, smelling, wear- ing or driving something the advertisers are anxious to sell," The New Army. _ apparently doesn't know -much about eon - duct sheets as the old. A young soldier was recently brought be- fore his company commander charged with his first crime, a minor matter. "Has he a clean sheet?" the officer asked the sergeant -major. "Excuse hie, sir," -the 'accused man broke in .hurriedly,. "I have only been issued with blankets." "I wish 1 could be sure of distinguishing plants from weeds. How did you learn?" "Pull 'em out, and if they come up again: they're weeds." Mr. McPherson gave "tome ad- vice to his wife when they were expecting friends to tea. "Just mind, Jeanine," he said, "to put the sugar -tongs in the basin, an' not a spoon." "But we have no lump sugar the hoose," she expostulated.: "We've only granulated." • "I was mindin' that!" said Mc= Pherson. "What did your father say about you smashing' up his car?" "Shall 1 leave out the swear words?" "Certainly." "Then he didn't say any - .thing." Two sweethearts from Aber- deen deep were rambling 'round when, d hen they came to a movie, 'The, young man tan "hide, eye over the front of the building. It rested on a title in large let- tersf "The Woman Pays." "Jean," he said. "I think •we'll gang in here." Bump: "Has your *rife learned to drive the car yet?" Bumper. ' `Yes. In as ad-; visory capacity." Harmless Goldfish Destroying Trout Do you think of goldfish as harmless little • parlor pets? Then you should , talk to Spence Turner, Los Angeles county's chief for- ester. Look what goldfish have done to fishing in Crystal Lake, high up in the nearby San Gabriel mountains. There the harmless parlor pets have turned predatory, destroying thousands of trout and other game fish, much to the disgust of an - glees. After all, who but a cat wants to eat goldfish? There are tons of them pursuing their ruin- ous ways. Years ago, a benevolent lady living in San Gabriel canyon couldn't take her goldfish with her so she found a good home for them turning the fish loose in the lake. Now the situation is so serious that Turner and the state fish and game commission plan an exter- mination. campaign. Large bags will be filled with a mixture of laud and powdered tirnbo root from South America. The mixture will drug the lake and paralyze the gills of all fish. They will float to the top to be gathered off in boats. Some fish will get a new start in another lake. For the goldfish, Turner adds, it will be the finish. Relieves distress from MONTHLY FEMALE WEAKNESS Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound not only helps relieve monthly pain but also weak, nerv- ous feelings—due to monthly iuuc- tional disturbances.T helps bulbi up resistance against distress of"Will- atilt days." Made In Canada. Smiler Turkeys Being Developed ItaYs of cheery news slip through the warcloud pall now and then, One of these pleasant glimmerings of hope is the tip from the Farm Research Division of the North Carolina State Cole lege that a small turkey is being developed for the market, says the New York Tinges. As the average American home shrinks in number of rooms and in size • of refrigerator and oven, the annual bird of the nation is following suit. Thousands of vie- tirils of the large turkey to which the country has been accustomed these many years will hail this information joyfully. They will feel that the Christmas season, now looming a matter of weeks away, can at last be a really thankful tirne, 'ee;,x ekey is all right with Most of ud)1 Oil : one day at a time, and pie: ably for a second day. But tux ey that, lingers on in various foj,; kis• and guises through an en- tire, week, appearing now as cold cut,S,now as stew, now as cro- quettes, later as hash and finally aseoup,;outstays its welcome and „fit ' `s t1* enthusiasm of its con- suTeaer " ,'otic can have too much of;a good' thing, even turkey, One can' be fed up with it. HOW CAN I? BY ANNE ASHLEY Qs How ,can I remove gelatin Mixtures from the mould, more easily. A. It is often rather difficult to remove gelatin''mixtures from the mould. In this ease, dip a clean cldth Into''warm water, place under the@ mould for ten . seconds no longer. Then 'loosen the edges of the mould with a knife` and"quick- ly invert the mould. The gelatin will- come out with even edges. 9. How can I prevent the tea- cups from "slipping .about on -the seers when passing them .to gusts? $'. It is a good idea to put a fbw drops of hot water into the sant era* before' placing the teacups on 'them. This will do away with that clattery slipping of the cups when passing them to the guests. Q. How can I clean .soiled fear. thers? • • A Cover .:the •soiled feathers with warm= pipe clay and allow to stand for :Several days. Then beat out the powder. 9. How; :can I make a delicious saisage pie? •. J' A. Buy ":some well -seasoned sau- sage meat.,, Pat out in a shallow pajt having • the meat about 3/4- inL deep in the pan. Cover the to with rich ebiscuit dough and 'i' en, 'sq t;Da eei- 'conYendeei,t fR e ser 'Sake •;in• 'a,•mbt^wdrars---ffoo- degrees) for ..about 20 minutes. ::Cut. eruct through the scored sec - :tons. , Q. HOW ;ean'I remove stains from My finger nails and soften my cuticles? A Squeeze a, teaspoon of lemon. juice into `one cup. of warm ,water. Drip the fingers into this and let remain -for a few minutes. This will i'emove'•ffains from the nails and soften ."the cuticle. A hen on a Texas poultry farm has broken a. world's record for egg prgduceinn. The new title- holder, competing against more ;than 1,000 hens, turned out 348. "eggs during the 357 -day contest period. It DOES toile good in a pipe r MANDY SEAL -TIGHT POUCM--18( y%>:•L8, "[.OK -TOP" TIN —W also Rocked in .Pocket Tins iC01) ii 14. IN SUNNY, SOUTHERN :ONT.ARIQ World Is Growing Nicer and Nicer In ancient tines (say twenty years ago), When Baby cried, his mother'd throw The child across her shoulder and Give him a pat with her free hand, And anon he'd give a guttural chirp Which nice folks termed a little "burp"; And this conformed, it seemed to 1ne, To conversational purity. But I was wrong. The new grandma Hands Grandson to his modest Pa, And says, "His dinner seems to trouble him, Let's put ltirn up and bubble him." MEET 'ROOSEVELT' Pride and,joyy of an R.A.F. snit fighting in Libya is this watch- dog the British g fighters call "Roosevelt." Pup's pictured ire an armored car. Russians Use Flying Tanks - Russians are using "flying tames" or "tank -'planes" in ground strafing attacks on Ger- man airfields and columns, Nazi propaganda company reporters said recently. The heavily -armor- ed 'planes, designed exclusively for low-level strafing, were said to be Russia's newest type JR2 machines. The Nazi reporters ad- mitted German fighter 'planes had pumped "enormous quantities" of bullets into the 'planes with little effect. The Airplane Goes Higher and Higher When Sir Frederick Ranting was killed in a plane crash, says the Windsor Star, he was in the midst of experiments to discover some way to permit plane pilots to go up to 40,000 feet and higher. The human being can go only so high without requiring stimu- lation of some sort to live. Most pilots can go to 15,000 feet and fight their planes for an hour at that altitude. But, when a pilot gets to 25,000 feet he can survive for half an hour without oxygen. But, when he reaches 85,000 feet, he has to breathe 100 percent oxygen to live. Some method is sought to allow the pilots to go higher still. The Nazis are working on a scheme that will permit the German pilots to go to 50,000 feet and Iive and fight their planes. They have not worked out the formula yet, and the British and Americans are hoping to find the secret first. Higher and higher goes the war, and the pilots who can _go the highest have an advantage on their enemy, Germans Called Goosestep Fliers In the comments of British fighting pilots on the German raid- ers is probably found the secret, which not a few people have been seeking, of the superiority of our aerial fighters, man for man, over their German opponents. The R.A.F. men call the Nazis "goose- step fliers." They find that they are superb performers when in foe - Illation and ,under strict command, but they become confused and un- sure of themselves when the squadronskre broken up and they are on their own. Here is to be found, perhaps, the fundamental weakness es ot thu Nazi system, and even of bile tyho)a. Teutonic character. The 'Nazis have simply .-stressed-and Intensified the German flair for regimentation. They have tried t* make every fighting force a me. chine. It makes for efficiency its the mass, but it is deadly to in- dividual initiative It is the factor, in fact, which will untimately win the war for us. When a British force, on land, in the air or at sea, is broken up and disorganized by enemy action, each unit and each pian becomes a fighting machine of itself. They are, in fact, most dangerous when isolated. Such disorganization spells disaster for the mass -mind- ed Germans. That, in its briefest form, is why our fighters are bet- ter and always will be. .CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... naikEIEMOM BABY CHICI'S LEARN A' LESSON FROM BRAY Chick buyers. You'll notice they take their poultry seriously en- ough to make all they can out of It, Now is a good time to size up • your poultry needs loots ahead, and order' your chicks in good time. We've some laying Pullets. Ask about our Chick Con- test. Bray Hatchery, 130, John St. 'N., Hamili.on, Ont. BAKERY FOR RENT, ON ACCOUNT OF ILL- ness there is a splendid oppor- tunity for a live baker in a thriv- ing town in Western Ontario, fully equipped bakery and store, with living quarters attached, brick oven, mixer and moulder, Hydro power; possession can he had' at once at a reasonable rent. ,eko ly to I3ox 104, Petrone, Ont. CARS. NEW AND USED MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS LTD„ Toronto's oldest Chrysler, Plym- outh'dealers; three locations, 632 Mt. ,Pleasant Road, 2040 Yonge 'St, 1650 Danforth Avenue, Our ,'Used Cars make us many friends. CANARIES C> kNARIES: R O 1. L E 11 STRAIN. ales, green, 34; mnrked. 34.50; allow (ticked) 35; white marked, 36,50. Females, 31., to 33. Mrs. James Woodward, Lennoxvllle, Que. (U OVEMAKIN(;F TRY GLOVEMAICING, BEGTNNER'S Kit 31.25. One pair glove cut- tings 95c and up. Many other traits. Handicrafts, 46 Main West, Hamilton, Ont. HENS S TL V II R PENCILLED LID W YAN- dotto and Rooks Cockerel and Pullets .50 each Erhard Loehr, Na Tanburt , Ont, Box HAIRDRESSING SCHOO1. 1. MARN .'ETAIRDRIOSI+TNG THE, Robertson Method. Tnforrnntion an request regarding fall classes. now beginning, Robertson's Halr- dreastntt Modally, V17 Avenur Road, Toronto. sLEGAT. 3, N. LINDSAY, LAW OFFICIB. CAP - Ito' Theatre Building, St. Thomas. Ontario. Special Department for farmers collections, M 1.T.E HELP 'WANTED MEN BETWEEN 20 AND 80 Ad?F earning Thirty to Fifty dollars weekly throughout Canada taking orders by appointment. Some prof- itable exclusive territories are now open possibly in your looai- ity. Sales experience not,neces- sary. We help and train yon. For information write Fuller Brush Company, Sanford Avenue. Hamilton. MEDICAL A TRIAL—EVERY SUFFERER QI1 Rheum tic Pains or Neuritis should t r y Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 31.00. eireun TIS PAINS ' HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT DIX- on's Neuritts and Rheumatic Paha Remedy? It gives good results. At Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin Ottawa. Postpaid 31.00. OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OPFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full int E, motion sent free. The Ramsay Bank Registered, Ottawa,tCanada. re l'mxxs FETHERSTONI-TAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors, Established r 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest. T'TJ1iT.W A(TOVAPDIRWIAN'I' D'1NAN('TAT, STAI.'RMENTS, YN- come Toa Returns, Books written rip, Saloon & Co., 22 Itusholnte lid., Toronto. PERSONAL FLIJAH COMING BEFORB Christ. Wonderful book sent free. Megiddo Mission, Rochester, New York. $2 — Quilting Outfit — $2 MAKE BEAUTIFUL PATCH -WORK quilt. Get one quilt batt, 214 lbs. cotton print quilting patches, enough white cotton to back double bed size quilt, and 1 pa! 8 inch scissors •(value 59e)—alk for only 32.00 postpaid. Dept. W., Textile Jobbers, 516 Queen St. W. Toronto. Tt.A1UUTS WANTED LARGE LIVE 1)0. mastic rabbits. Any quantity, price 10c per pound you pay ex- press. Lightfoot, St. Lawrence Market, Toronto. STAMMERING WE CORRECT STAMMERING oN a "No Cure No Pay" basis. Write Aurum Speech Clinic, Orton, Out, ST OM &CHIC k9lt. MoLEOD'S STOMA.CIIC eessfully relieves indigestloty,, Drug Store or write dlrect. 65: Bathurst, Temente. WANTED USED SAFE MONL) PARTICULARS AS TO ti mansions, probable age and na.1881 of maker, Box 98, 73 Adelaide 4, 1 oronto. FOR QUALITY SERVICE A1IL'Y X PEitIAL M 6 or 8 oxposure films, develolL and printed, or s reprint*, reie Both with free enlargement. IMPERIAL I'IIOi'O ammonia Station J, Toronto. ISSUE 56—'41