HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-12-11, Page 2SUNDAY SCHOOL ,LESSON LESSON 24 CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP. --- Matt. 25:14.30; Luke 16:9-13; 18:24-30; 1 Cor. 16:2; 2 Cor. 8; 1-9:15. PRINTED TEXT, 2 Cor. 8:1-9; 9:6, 7. GOLDEN TEXT,—It is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. 1 Cor, 4:2. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time The parable taken from the Gospel of Matthew was spoken en Tuesday, Apri1.4, A.D. 30. The earlier reference from Luke's Gos- pel falls, probably, in January, A.D. 30, while the later reference falls, perhaps, one month later. The Second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians was written A.D. 60. Place.—The parable from Matt- hew's Gospel was spoken on the Mount of Olives. The two passages taken from Luke's Gospel were uttered in Peraea. The Second Epistle to the Corinthians was ., probably written from Philippi, to the great city of Corinth, in Greece. 1. "MYloreover, brethren, we make known to you the grace of God which hatla been given in the eihurehes. of Macedonia; 2. how that in much proof of affliction the albundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality. 3. For according to their power, I bear witness, yea and beyond their power, they gave of their own ac- cord, 4. ,,Beseeching us with much entreaty in regard of this grace and the fellowship in the min- istering to the saints." Strange to say it is not those to whom the gopsel comes easily, and on whom It imposes little, who are most generous in its cause. On the con- trary, it is those who have suf- fered for it 'who are as a rule most open-handed: Comfort makes men selfish, even though they are Christian; but if they are Chris- tian, affliction, even to the spoil- ing of .their goods, teaches them' generosity. True Liberality 5. "And this, not as we had hoped, but first they gave their own selves to the Lord, and to us through the will of God. 6. In- somuch that we exhorted Titus, that as he had made a beginning before, so he would also eomplete in you this grace also." Christian ,bey ,s vweel>.,, eia,,..111lirxaadoa _.... of self to Christ, from which nec- essarily follows the glad offering of wealth. These Macedonians did more than Paul had ]hoped, and • the explanation of the unexpected largeness of their contribution was their yielding of themselves to Jesus. That is the deepest source of all true liberality. 7. "But as ye ahound in every- thing, in faith, and utterance,°and knowledge, and in earnestness, and in your love to us, see that ye abound in this grace also. 8. I epeak not by way of command- ment, but as proving through the earnestness of others the sincer- ity also of your love." The Corin- thians had apparently made a def- 7nite promise that they would give liberally for the poor in Jer- usalem. But Paul somehow seems to feel that they might be a little forgetful about this promise, and be tempted to be negligent in ful- filling their vows, sohe encourag- es them to go on and to do that which they bad originally intended to do. Loving The Brethren 9. "For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might become rich." The Lord so far laid aside the glory of his divine majesty, that he was to all appearance a man, and even a servant, so that men refused to recognize him as God, but despised, persecuted, and at last crucified him, as a man. It is by his poverty that we are made rich. Unless he had submit- ted to all the humiliation of his incarnation and death, we should forever have remained poor, des- titute of all holiness, happiness end glory. The apostle teaches here that it is vain for man to profess •or to imagine that he loves Christ, if he does not love the brethren and is not liberal in relieving their wants. 6. "But this I say, He that sow- eth, sparingly shall reap also spar- ingly; and he that soweth bounti- fully shall reap also bountifully." We may learn that it is right to present to men the divinely or- dalned consequences of their ac- tions as motives to control their conduct. It is right to tell men that obedience to God, devotion to his glory and the good of others, will effectually promote their owls welfare. The Cheerful Giver 7. "Let each man do according as he hath purposed in his heart: not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver." In the whole matter of Christian giving nothing is ever to be done "from grief" ;: no ono is to be eorry shout letting anything pass out of his hands, no one le ever to say: "I am sorry I gave of gave re ON FIELDS OF ENGLAND e.>f —,.....o. ,•..•?`4a'Y•,w.���.;:y;'••i:.,3'`.4':i�n$'p�s'i��.s 1 • Peace and war seem to merge in this photo of a Canadiatie4nk•• on exercises in one of the smooth meadows of England. • The tank is a light cruiser, of the type recently issued to;the Canadian 'Brigade. Could Still Tote A Wicked Pistol Minister of Information Bren- dan Bracken said recently that when Premier Winston Churchill- made hurchill-made his last journey to France in 1940 he took a pistol in hope of getting "at least one German." "As we walked down the stairs together, with rain pelting out- side he Churchill looked ex- tremely grave," Bracken said. "Suddenly he turned to his but- ler and said, 'Get me my heavy pistol.' "I asked him why he wanted it. "The Prime Minister replied: "Well, if we, are attacked by the enemy, I. may be able to account for at least one German: " much." Nothing is ever to be giv- en from compulsion. Ever the feel- ing is to be: "I am happy I gave, I really should have given more." God loves the lighthearted, joyous, 'Aappy giver. He neither figures nere_ealc111ategtea- ISM Self filled with the love of God. Three Big C's Spell Confusion 'The Cunningham brothels, and a fellow named Coningharn' have teamed up to make things hot for the Axis in North Africa., The sudden new advai into; Libya is being led by Lt.° Gen Sim Alan Cunningham, 53-year-olde professional soldier who is'rated an expert in heavy artillery; anti- aircraft, machineguns and strangely, for an old army man naval strategy. - Out at sea, -Sir Alan's brother, Admiral Sir Andrew- ,Cunningham, as commander of the Mediterran- ean fleet, has• been making, the army job easier for ;anany months past by his sudden swoops on Axis convoys bound for Libya. Running the air arm of tee new' offensive is Air . Vice 14arshal Coningham, an Australia who first flew during. the First Great' Scientists A r e Thwarting Moth. Wool to be Treated Scien- tifically so That Moth Won't Even Take a Nibble The scientists in the National Bureau of Standards have turned their attention to wool, relates The New York Times. Warm and serviceable as it is, it has its draw- backs. The larvae of moths de- vour it. Molds grow orx it. Bac- teria play havoc with it. Strong soaps corrode it. Sunlight ages it. Taken all in all, it presents as many problems as an automo- bile or an airplane. At the Bur- eau of Stgn•dards all these seem to have been solved at one fell swoop by the simple expedient of studying the structure of wool and then treating it so that the larvae of moths turn sick if they nibble at it, bacteria die if they try to get a foothold in it, and even some ..:soaps turn from it in a kind of chemical horror. A thread of wool is a chain of molecules. Bend the chains and they remain bent, which explains creasing. , If the creases disap- pear when a suit is hung up, it is because the molecules are coiled so that they eventually spring back when bent or twisted. There are also cross-claims. If a moth's larvae or some chemicals 'eat these, a piece of wool cloth simply falls to pieces. So the problem reduced itself to treating the cross chains. • Wool Made Indigestible First the cross -chains were broken down with chemicals, so that they were in just as sad a ;condition as if they had been at- tacked by a moth's larvae, But when the broken ends were reun- ited with the aid of other chem- icals they were in better condi- .tion than ever. Wool's fibres are e' largely protein and therefore the ;chemical equivalent of beefsteak. =1'I3ut the .protein in the cross- eeh'ains is indigestible after It has -'been thus doubly treated, with result that it becomes so much poison to the most ravenously hungry. larvae. And so with strong soaps. They have no lik- ing for this transformed protein —refuse to combine with it... :Such feats would have been im- possible fifty or more years ago. The structure of organic mole- cules had to be studied as -if they 'were houses, and ways had to be found of changing that structure. e So it happens that we have plas- "'thcl eiernthetic vitamins, hormones, rubbers. And now a successful frustration of the moth. Away with camphor, mothballs and tar- paper bags. The wool of tomorrow will be a Desert of Sahara to e' anything that tries to live on it. Cold In Russia'' Many German soldiers fighting on the cold Russian front are "rigged out with women's fur clothing and other makeshifts," ...an authoritative source 'declared `'recently. He said "very few Germans are properly equipped for fighting in the Russian winter" and they are "suffering .terribly." These three big Gis are counted on 'c4' 'epe21 . tconfusio ith a ..o neeee eeetteel._for Gernh talian military aspirations. in 4€riea. [�'%' WORLD 8M' 1h`llliam [,'HIS CURIOUS 1'1' ORLD Ferguson BI WN 'EGGS SELL BEST IN SOME AMERICAN CITIES, WHILE wMrrE ONES ARE •PREFERRED IN OTHERS. oyo.ny�•-. O 6 p O C! Obi o C 011 • eei LIMA RCS O,e CENTRAL AMER44 CAN `I1JN ERECT ON 'ME SLI1:2'FACE O A S.i r�EAM. tlr TI.1,E+4AIR ON VOI3R.44EAD Dice Nal- FALL OUT, IT WiDLIL.D GROW O A LENGTH OF ABOUT 40 /-E,ET -z IN '72 YEAR.S. eePR.1930 eY 9E• SERVICE, MC. THE basilisk Is believed to be the only lizard capable of running On water. This seemingly incredible feat is accomplished by the speed with which the creature travels. Using its long tail as a rud- der, the lizard skips itself across the water in much the same, way that a rock is hurled along on the water surface. It doesn't have time to sink. NEXT: How goldfish played a part In the World War; 1 SCOUTING ... A party of 14 Boy !Scouts was included ' among the evacuees brought from Spitzbergen by the Canadian army units which par- ticipated in the historic raid on that arctic island. The Spitzbergen Scouts were given a warn wel- come by brother Scottish Scouts upon their arrival at a port in that country. • * . Boy Scout Troops are now being organized "among Australian "Ab- original" blacks. An appeal in an Australian Scouting magazine for discarded Scout uniforms for these native boys mentioned two new Scout Troops sponsored by the Australian Society for the Uplift of Natives. It is believed that the Scout training will provide a means for raising the character standard and abilities of the Ab- originals, long regarded as the world's most primitive human type. The results already secured in Scout training are regarded as encouraging, * A rally of Polish refugee Boy Scouts at Tel A•bib, Palestine, and the attendance of renresentatives RADIO REPORTER DIALING WITH DAVE; Charlie McCarthy fixed Edgar Bergen last week. He attended the world's premiere of RIfO's "Look Who's Laughing" at San Fran• elsco, and was named Mayor for the day by Mayor Rossi of the Golden Gate City. Bergen and Lu- cille Ball (love interest in pix) which also stars Fibber McGee and Molly, also attended the affair, but all came out second best as far es the public was concerned. On his arrival at San Francisco, Charlie and his supporting cast were greeted by a special mayor's breakfast party at which he was given a wooden mallet and a key to the city? Don't forget to watch fo'r the picture when it comes to your neighborhood — and keep listenin' to Edgar and Charlie each Sunday night at 9.00 D.S.T. CBC, NBC, CKOC? * Shirley Temple is finally to do a radio series, even though a brief one. She started a four week series on the CBS network Friday night, Deo. 5th, in the spot usually oocupied by 'Hollywood Premiere.' Shirley will sing as well as act in the show. Her radio series co- incides nicely with the release of her first picture in two years— "Kathleen," over which the critics are already raving. Seems like La Temple is destined to a life of success in the world of entertain- ment: ntertain-menti * v w Plans are bailer way to bring many of Walt Disney's famed car-, toon characters to the air in a series of programs. Should be 'quite the interesting series — and an announcement on how the pians are shaping up is due to be re- leased any day now. ,k 4 * THIS 'N THAT; Listen to Academy Award -- great plays prodluced in Holly- wood and starring Ona Munson (Big Town 'Lorelei') and other stars, Sunday at 9.30 p.m. D.S.T. on CKOC, following Charlie Mc- Carthy! ' NOW that the Network music war is over, old ASCAP themes are back on the air — Wayne King's "Waltz You Saved For Me," Guy Lomibardo's "Auld Lang Syne" and many others. Catch your local station's airings of their current •recorded favorites. Believe It or Not—Freeman Gosden, "Amos" of 'Amos 'n Andy' got a fearful attack of mike fright when he had to go on the air -- out of character — as HIMSELF on a recent X.M.C.A. appeal. Im- agine that? iShnoothest record of the week — Glen Miller's "Eimer•'s Tune." OUR RADIO -LUG TORONTO STATIONS CFRB 800k, CBL 1710k CKCL 580k, U.S. NETWORKS WI:AF N.B.0. Red 600k W.IZ N.WAIUC B(C.B 5.)e 880k WOR (M.U.S.) 710k CANADIAN STATIONS CFOS OwCaOC Hamilt In 115Ok CIIML Hamilton 900k CKTB St. Cath. 12301 CFCF Montreal 600k CFCO North Chatham 1630k CFPL London 1570k CICS Stratford 124014 °FRC Kingston 149014 CARO Sault Ste. M. 1490k CJKL Kirkand L. 560k CKCR Waterloo 1490k CKAC Montreal 790k 0x00 Ottawa 13101 CKGII Timmins 147014 CI(SO Sudbury 7001 CKPC Brantford 139014 CKLW Windsor 8001; CKN\ Wlnelram 1230k U.B. STATIONS WEBII Buffalo 1340k WHAM Rochester 1.180k WLW Cincinnati 7001; WGY Schenectady 810k KDKA Pittsburgh 10201; W11RM Chicago 7801 WREN Buffalo 930k WGR Buffalo 550k WKBW Buffalo 152014 WJR Detroit 760k SHORT wa-vre GSB England 9.51rn 050 England 9.r.Snr ESTI Englund 11.75nr, 098 England 11,80m GSF England 15.14m 050 England 17.79ne GSP England 15.31m ,GSV Englund 17.811n W,AR Spain 9.48m' EAe, Spnln 9.80m • RAN Russia '960m RNs.' RusRIa 12.00m 811110 RnRSI a 13.19m WGEA Schenectady 15.33m WCAB Phlla: ::15.27m; WRUL Boston- 15.15m WCBX N. York 11.83m of Jewish, Arab and English Scouts, resulted in the establishing of .a Committee to co -relate and carry on internatgnal Boy Scout activities in the Near, and Middle East. The Polish Scouts cabled exiled Pol sh. Government in Lon- don that they were ready for ser- vice again as a Scout organiza- tion. Greetings were received from Refugee Polish and Latvian Scouts in Samarkand and Bukhara. WRITER OF FINE MUSIC M HORIZONTAL 1, 4 Famous European. musician. 11 Raven's cry. 12 She monster. 14 -Card game. 16 Poems. 18 Genus of beetles. 19 Cat's murmur. 20 Worth. 21 Eucharist cup. 22 Kind of berry acid. 23 Coronet. 25 Exclamation. 28 Harm. 30 Therefore. 31 Baglike part. 33 Thoughts. 34 And. 35 Fire worshiper 37 Mountain (abbr.). 38 Bronze. 40 Wise man. 44 Miscreant. 46 Plateau. 48 Roof edge. 50 God of war. •$1 Theater box. Answer to Previous Puzzle 15 His music is - played by symphony 52 Bay window. 53 To harden. 54 Genus of Evergreen trees. 56 He is — by birth. 57 This writer of music is past -- years of age. VERTICAL 1 Green stone. . 2 Pitcher. 3 North Carolina (abbr.). 4 Silk-cotton tree, 5 Mosque priest. 6 Oriental ruler's grant. 7 Period of time 8 Musical note. 9 To howl. 10 Fern seeds. 11 He is one of the greatest living —. 13 Laughter sound. -s. 7 Tone B. 9 To enaich formally. 2 Emaciation. 4 Exists. 6 Opposed to cold. 7 Sheep's cry. 9 Meat. 1 Language of Spain, 2 Neckties. 36 To observe. 39 To commence+ 41 Pertaining to 42 To profit. 43 Opposed to odd. 45 Form of "be,' 46 Greater in quantity. 47 Believers of a creed. 49 Biblical priest. 51 Bulgarian coin 52 Preposition. 55 Affirmative vote. 3 6 7 II.. L 1 ND ALSO 19 �TENNY N CEDAR 16 UPKEEP SEC i SAVOR 20 HAVE1 21 ■ TROD ' DE REATA NE S AVER ERA' OGRES CYNICS 29 28 SPODE 5 30 ST2 n K STO1AT 32 33 -:;SIDLE 39 1 2 HA YOKES CRITIC2 ORB 41 42 TENTS 49 15 °E JE1VI 2 LIN) 2 LIRA SERIFS I STNILE "TINA NIGHTINGALE 52 Bay window. 53 To harden. 54 Genus of Evergreen trees. 56 He is — by birth. 57 This writer of music is past -- years of age. VERTICAL 1 Green stone. . 2 Pitcher. 3 North Carolina (abbr.). 4 Silk-cotton tree, 5 Mosque priest. 6 Oriental ruler's grant. 7 Period of time 8 Musical note. 9 To howl. 10 Fern seeds. 11 He is one of the greatest living —. 13 Laughter sound. -s. 7 Tone B. 9 To enaich formally. 2 Emaciation. 4 Exists. 6 Opposed to cold. 7 Sheep's cry. 9 Meat. 1 Language of Spain, 2 Neckties. 36 To observe. 39 To commence+ 41 Pertaining to 42 To profit. 43 Opposed to odd. 45 Form of "be,' 46 Greater in quantity. 47 Believers of a creed. 49 Biblical priest. 51 Bulgarian coin 52 Preposition. 55 Affirmative vote. 3 6 7 II.. 12 19 15 16 178 i 20 21 ■ 22 , 6 7 23 29 28 5 30 n 3t 32 33 39 10 41 42 43 49 15 50 52 53 54 55 6 57 25 POP—Speaking of Being Fired-Out— SID PATI-IER BE- WER' THAN BACK IN YOUR OFFICE-•, SIR! -I WAS G -TTING IN A RUT Th-IERE•-- COULDN'T SGE A YARD IN FRONT OF Ml" — ..-... ,-,. --.- f rr.0 A*fir,,,..-, ;,r�T- ,I.r bell 5 1Sent^, inn.] ..--- I^Id By J. MILLAR WATT WHY! I WAS 'EVEN: - AFRAID OF BEING ill F I R GD OUT" . �� OF •IT! t ► a.. sea lu ILS 1L fI�� IU I I/ AV