HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-12-04, Page 8PAGE BIGHT ZURICH HERALD ' 0 00 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 en's Wear Another shipment of Men's Overcoats and Suits has arrived, and we would again remind you that we carry a very complete line of Men's wear of every description. We have fine Suits for Men, special models for youths, and a nice new stock of Boy's Suits nearly all made up with two pair trQus- ers. Our prices are right. SPECIAL VALUES 3 only Boy's Suits ISizes 28, 29, 30 at each 6.50 1 only youths size 37 at 10.50 12 only men's sweaters with zipper !at each....1.98 8 only Men's fleeced sweaters at each 1.59 GROCERY SPECIALS Canned peas at Sandwich cookies per lb. Pork and beans, 20 -oz. tin Horne's Coffee, per lb. .Mcormick Butter cream sodas, 2 for Raking bran ... large pkg. Spy apples per bushel 10c 15c 9c 30c 79c 10c 1.60 at FEATHERS WANTED Must be strictly new No. 1. Goose at 75c. lb. Duck at 15c. lb. a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 0• • 0• • • • • • • • J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 41 • 440++++++++++++++++++++++++++4•++++++++++++++++44 4 • Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF! .4; Buy Storm Windows and Doors t ; Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials 1 try REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A X LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL ; TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOCE..,,:t WAIT. LET US QUOTE YOU! 10 F I• PHONE 69 ifr++:4144++++++++++ 4•4.4•4•+++++ 4.4-4-44+44+44.1.+4•444+++++++++++++ MID FLEISC C• - ZURICH is 4 4.›.•••i•'7, 7. 4 Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. a mummummOmOmpagoilkkmummalioN000A0dammwammv ZLJ roeery -1111' lens tor 'PA Mixed Peel per lb. 29c, White raisins, per lb. 20c Seeded Lexia raisins per ib. 17c. Mincemeat 28 -oz. can •• 25c. Broken sodas 2 lbs 2c Peas per can t 10c Pep Bran Flakes, 2 pkgs.,witi4lass 27c ,. Muffets per pkg ; , 1 OC Menno Oesch -.,,. Zurich PRDUCE WANTED. Phone 165 rAgEgi immiliiin !Doom' Holguin O 1 (WAL INTERFS1 LOCAL MARKETS i Large catches of fish are be-- ;... (Wryeeted every•Wednesday) ing caught •at Hayfield and other Eggs. ,... .. ..... 37, 35, 32;, 20 1 points recently. Butte creamery creamery 35 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Regie ,r and 'Butt, dairy , 33 son of Detroit, were recent visitori 'Chickens, live ..,... 121-16 with friends in the vicinity. :Chickens dressed . . .... ..... 15.-22 Wheat bushel Oats,,pushet + ' Barley; bush. Herb Mousseau. -: Euclt:Wheat, ibush .................60 Miss Gwendolin Eckert, teacher mem* mt. .., ..... ....... e.6n,,..90 for the blind, who had been on 411tY Pastry flour ai mill 25 -lb ..... 65c in this district last week;.bas re- ShOrt&':and:ibren;,ton ..ls ......:30.00 turned toher home in Luckatow. 1V.fi.ddpgs, ton ' ••• ' 32 00 Mr. and :Mrs. David Ducharine , .. e ;...,1'• •,- ^ .; , , have returned home, after_having•T".".;„,,,,,, pleasant visit with l'eltiiii*4 mot fac9,,,q -.,,,,:,::-:.-, ends at Chathamt.. --i •:' Mr. and Mrs.-•::lolniDenomMe Of ' , Blake and Mrs., Vetaline Denornme Qf Mr. and • Mrs. Garnet Walper of Detroit spent a 'few days at the home of the former's sister, Mr. and Mrs, 1.03 40 55 the Blue Water Highway were wrk§*, end visitors, with .the latter's ciiildre* in Kitchener. . . Mr. and Mrs. John ',Beaver and COMF Mr: and Mrs'. Art. Henne, and Mrs. TABLE GLASSES Will Benne Of Bay Port, IVLich:, vis- ;:lAt ited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Beaver REASONABLE PRICES ,.. and also attended the funeral of the:, former's sister,. Mrs. Snell. ',.`"' ..,,,-, • ,- , hold theiregular meeting in the ', Town)Hall'';' Monday December 8th, ilke at 8 o'cloCk. The roll call is to .be g'6 tu. • ;11: 1'.1'.;':40,ei: answered by a donation of cothini The Zuriclomen's Institute will! ',- ,1;'.;.°;:igng?Kcept wednesdaY- OPT*TRIST Nii,ii. Approved Method of Used. Open every at EXETER C. E:...72urbrigg, R.O. for the 'refugees. ', , ': ..1,-s,;'!"''',': .''''!"' • .e. 1••••••••60000011•14110•011•11100 GOO 4.360•14,41444•4***06••••114114 • • HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE Coal Goal YOUR WINTER'S FUEL Colder Days will soon be here which will demand most suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment. us fill your bin while prices are lowest. • 0 the Let • YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Evetroughing and Tinsmithing Our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hardware al., ways on hand, Also a fine display of Furniture, Matt- resses, Springs, Beds, Etc,, in stock. STADE & WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. I • 01160 QUALITY — PRICE SERVICE 1100418114A014.1004%iallott4§71.0•11.1•194".041081201101706 Mrs. Mary 'Sclunidt,.,, Mrs. ;..: Harold andson' Howard, Miss Jessie' ile;c1.-To Active Service Wilhelm of near Shakespeare; g* and ,IVIrs. Alvin Sippel and bay Robert 4:kilverton were SuridaY visitors at the.. home of 'Mr. and .140. C. L. Smith: 7.'• • •The funeral a the late,. Peter Sclvwalm of •Hensall was held 'fat St. Peter's Lutheran Church; Zurich, on Tuesday afternoon. The ;Schwalm family previously lived' on tne old homestead, iBlintl line near Zuribh..* more complete obituary will -404 next week. ° STRANGE :•httlitDERS*,! EVIL i7 Intrigue! Wierd Revenge! "Riddle In Red", '''•••by. Joriathart Stagge, starts in The American:Nei ekly with this ,coining Sunday's issue of of The Detroit Sunday Times. An unforgettable new novel'tLillustrated in Full 'Color—by the 'authoi -• of "The Table Talks" and other popu lar novels. Be. sure to get The De- troit Sunday Times this week and very week. Fine weather is prevailing in this part of the world the past few weeks almost unseasonable, as the wa,ini7 fall -like days seem like October. F1- owers are still out and,the other day when returning home .ford inner we.. noticed a honey bee working among the owers. HURON OLD BOYS The annual meeting of the above association will be held in the audi- torium of the Y.M.C.A., corner of College and Dovercourt Road on the eve. of Dec. 4th at 7.30 p.m. lieports of the president, secretary, treas and others are in order. Refreshments will be served, followed by euchre and bridge, BORN Overholt—At Zurich •on November 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ov- erholt a daughter. Bedard — At Zurich on November 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Be- dard, Jr., a daughter (Mary (Myna) Gaiser — At Hay Township, on No- vember 6±}. to Mr. and Mrs. Arn- old Gaiser, a daughter. Bender — In Hay Township, on De- cember lst, to Mr. and Mrs. Elton Bender, a sOn. COUNTY NEWS Leg Scalded Mrs. C, Heywood, while working at the Grieve's Sandwich Shoppe, received a nasty scalding and is con- fined to her home for a f(IW days. She was lifting a tea kettle from the stove when she bumped ,zonohilw. srine of 11,” wr[or over one leg,—Exoter Times -Advo. cate.. Weekes of Exeter, has been Caltedi to Active Service with the Royal Army Medical torPs. :14.as to report for duty at Londoi4Mar4 17, Dr. Weekes.„..olf- ered ht*A'Aeivices early in the:4m and is ji.14'41ow being called. He ;will have th04;•,ef provisional captain Sell Crops xetQi.tite as many farmers 11617,• '160.1i):' for the factory -o. c1aChtii4e:4i;ii;ing beans and corn and peas'..As .signed up up last year. , ' For 1939g0"tie",:local factory distributed in, 'the Aieighborhood of'$30,000 a• rnonit''4Witical patrons. The fietory *portS4hat.it,has sold its total maks last"buiness year: Opening Low Practice' An addition to the legal fratern ity of Goderich is Wm. A. Sutherland B.A., who is beginning practice in the iiifices on North stareet for many year' occupied by. the late Judge Charles Garrow.: He is a son of J. Arthitr Sutherland and the late Mrs Suthirland, and. a grandson of the late 'Huron County Registrar Wm. Coas, He completed his law course al Osgood Ia11 4.n 1940 and was called to tlirli'a'r in • Sept last • Appeals Assessment Western Canada Flour Mills, God- erich, which recently lost its appeal against its municipal assessment of $150,000 before 'County Judge Cos tello, has now appealed to the Ont. ario.11.,,tnniciPal Board. A special mee ting or' the Town Council, after con siderlag this latest development, de' cide,d to enter a cross appeal on the grodild that the assessment of $150, 000 is. too low. AIRPORT TO BE ENLARGED . Sky -Harbor airport, at Goderich, is to be'...donhled in size forthwith. The report is that the work of con- struction will proceed throughout the winter. Sky Harbor is to be one of five of the 23 elementary fifing training schools of the Cotnmon- wealth Plan to be enlarged. (Continued from first page) work. Other speakers were Agcy. e G. Armstrong, Father L. W, Power and Mr. David Ducharme. Unfor- tunately there was a .sniall attend -- undo. ,Canvassers were appointed to cover the district and the public is urgently requested to subscribe what they can for the carrying ot of this great work. Meet your can- vn:.sor with a smile, sure we willl we oy our freedom and a we can't and fight i'or it, we carrall .rAl'10 way do our bit by ,:eving r[nd frhor.octay, Deeen.ib9r 40, 1941 44444.44.44+4.444+••••••••4••••,•••••••••• 4.0 •%4•44,4.••• 4, • 4 • 4 4. 4. .S‘ iff 4 0. 4.. 4. • 4.4 4. 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 Johnston & Kalbfleisch • I Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 +++44.44.4444,44,444.44+.4..1• f intimmoutHomiuminownisimmionnumenniummuimennotommummoinout NOW! YOUR F t,'•• 11 4.1. vo, re YOUR SEASON'S REQUIREMENTS We Always Carry a Full Line of the Best of both Shelf and Heavy Staple Hardware: Stoves. Furnaces, and all Heating Equipments. Let Us • Offer You Good Suggestions along this Line. Some Goad. Used Heaters at Very Reasonable Prices FURNITURE See Our Studio Couches and Dinnette Suites A Fulli Line of all the Home Requirement. Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prices, quality Con- sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress, Dining Room Suites. Occasional Chairs Rockers; Etc. SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE For the More conservative purchaser we can save you many a- dollar as we have a fine assortinent of Slightly Used tFurniture that will give you big value for your Money. Drop in and look these over anct get our Remarkable Low Prices. IS THE TIME TO ORDER Your Stove Wood. Good 4 -foot Body WOOd -52 Very Reasonably Priced. Let Us Have your Order! We also carry a Stock of New Brick and Tile Let Us Supply Your Wants in these Lines I ESS, the Re 1 GENERAL NSURANCE EXCEPT LIFE Fire, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Etc, 0 Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Local Representative Zurich •0000000000000000•00000000 •00111•4941 ti••••••••••••••• Your Winter's Fuel 1 1 0 We are - Now Filling Orders for this Winter's Fuel. Let us suggest the Most Suitable Fuel for your Heating Equipment... Prices always within the limits of other Dealers with Quality Considered. CHICK STARTERS We invite you to come in and see our various kinds of Chick Starters, and get our prices which are the lowest anywhere... Be sure and call! FOR SALE—A Large Weigh Scales. SOOSS See • 0000110€1*01MaBiglik080903104%) ^ 4 ;