HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-12-04, Page 41;r"'-'7,77:7".7" , •
Canada's strength is your strength, yours and your fellow
citizens. By saving you can lurn your strength into effective
power for war or peace.
Saving is more vital now than e,sr before;
It's wise to anticipate the -needs of tomorrow, rather than
satisfy the impulses of •toilay. You acquire a thrift habit,
bringing a constructive fame into your life and in a broader,
sense—into Canada as a 'whole.
Save all you can—it's ,the -urgent thing tO do!
M. Homer Tinney of st. Cabers
Ines was a visitor with bis father, Mr
Matthew Tinney.
Mfrs. Win, Weir and son Freddie
have returned home after a pleas-
ant visit with friends in Huntsville.
The R.A.F. choir from Port Alb-
ert will present a concert in the town
hall, Hensall, iOn. Thursday, Nov. 27
under auspices of the Red Crass So*
Wn. Foster picked fine speciments
of wellsformed raspberries which he
obtained in the garden.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stewart of Lon-
don •and Miss Eliz. Slavin of Hensall
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sla-
vinMilme,reieitch of Ailsa Craig and
Mrs. Zavitz of Windsor visited on
Sunday with M. and Mrs. A. L.
C.41\lers. Graham of London is visit-
ing with her sisters Miss Katie Scott
and alars. C. Ballantyne.
Canadian Red Cross are ap-
pealing for blankets for Britain. If
you cannot give a blanket the sum of
$2.00 may be left with the treasur-
er, H, Lawrence, or with Miss E.
Johnston to purchase a blanket. Do-
nations of blankets or quilts may be
Wft at the Red Cross work rooms on
lgionday or Friday 'afternoons.
Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer were vis-
ited by his parents, Mai, arfd Mrs.
Steer of al/fount Brydges, the mother
remaining:for a week.
Mr. RaY . .Patterson of Toronto,
was a..Xecent visitor at his home here
owing 'the serious illness of his
grandmother, Mrs. Aggie Horton.
Mr. and Mrs. Corn. Cook were re-
cent visitors with thir son Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Cook, Windsor.
Carey Joynt, who is attending the
University. at London, was a visitor
at his home here
Mrs.D.:: Q. Steer and daughter
have- returned home after a pleasant
visit with2the former's mother, .Mrs.
Brazier, Landon.
Prize winners at the euchre and
dances sponsored by the Orange Ors
d,twere. Sarah Harburn, Chisel-
hurit,-Mrs, Wm. Deitz, Kippen, Mrs
RUSsell IConsitt, iMligreen. Gents,
Wm; Hyde, Hensall; Ed. McDougall,
Usberne; James Parkins, Hensall.
LuCkY prize, Miss Beryl Pfaff.
The War Service Committee of
Zurich and Klippen recently
forWarded 100 cigarettes each to 22
bor from the district, also 10 over-
sees boxes were 'forwarded 'the first
-46November, containing donations
of,ichocolates, tooth paste, gum, cig-
arettes and many other articles. The
packing of the boxes was in charge
Miss Eulene Jeffrey visited recent-
ly in London for a few days.
Mrs. E. Clark and son Will visit-
ed. at the hoine
---'111rs. Rudy Oesch visited Mr. -and
Nirs. John Oesch in Zurich on Sun-
day, who both are under tie doct-
or's care.
Mrs. J. Douglas spent a pleasant
holiday with friends at Myth and
The Blake school children with
their teacher, Mr. Finlayson are
preparing for a splendid concert to
be held around December 18th.
Prayer serice will be held as usual
at the Blake church. on Wednesday
evening, Dec. 10, at 8 p.m.
Mr. and. Mrs. Roy McBride Visited
friends in Goderieh during the -week
Miss Kaen .Pedersen pr London,
-visited with her -parents .;a few days
last week.
Mrs. Lloyd Edighoffer _of Mitchell
spent last Thursday with relatives
Mr. and Mrs, Millfond Melaaae,of
Detroit and Ervin of Windsor spent
the week -end with their mother.
Mrs. Lucinda Mamie left for :De-
troit on Sunday where :She inten1:03D
remain for the Vas' ter.
Douglas Becker, little son of 'Rev
and rs. Becker was taken to Londot
hospital on Saturday afternoon and
underwent an operation for nuts:W.
We understand the oper.selon WAS
Successful and Douglas is getting a-
long nicely.
Mr. and lYIrs. Nornme Waiver of
London were Sunday visitors with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs,. Edmund
,Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Restemeyer
and Miss Onedia Restemeyer, R.
of London, were Sunday visitors,
'with Mr. and Mrs. Otte Resterneyer,
Mr. and Mrs. T. Hoperoft rand
ussel spent Sunday in Clifford. Her
father, Mr. Henry Hopf returned
with.them and will stay for the Vvin-
Mrs. Ohlen Truemner was taken
to 'London Hospital in Hoffman's
ambulance on Tuesday morning.
Rev. Mair of Thames Road was
the Guest speaker in the . .vangelic-
drupch liest Sunday morning and
.St. 156epli and Beaver Town
Mrs. Gilbert jeftrey of the 15th
eon., spent a few days la Windsor,
visiting with her daughter gnd other
,Mrs. Thiel of Zurich was a guest
with her parents on the Blue Water
Mr. and Mrs. James Masse and
son •AlPhonse spent the .'week -end in
WillaSter. , •
35atroit :railed on Mr. and Mrs. H.
Laporte on Sunday last.
Mr. Josiah Sararas of the Rine
Water south is much improved thi
"health now able to be about
and around after being lain up for
some months.
Anyone who would have found.
:rata -with tthe fine weather we. ,are
having of late, "Well" we belie -0e
They -wthird:"Iiick" if they had a
reserved seat in Heaven!
Death came on Wednesday last to
the Hon. Ernest Lapointe, Minister
.of Justice 'in:the Dominion Cabinet.
Thus passes one of Canada's most
distingnishe'd statesmen. Dean of the
'House,of Commons with 37 years of
-serstice, TIlatpointe was one of
Parliament's finest speakers—in eith-
er French or English. Mr. Lapointe
first -entered .parliament in 1904. He
became Minister of Justice in 1924.
Prior to that hehad been Minister of
(Games -and Fisherie.s. It was some
-years ago an a South %Huron by elect -
don that Mr. Lapointe addressed a
-well attended political meeting in
the French Settlement. A State fun -
was 'held. on Saturday in St.
'Recles church, with*barial to follow
at Riviere du Loup, near Mr. La -
pits native village .of 1St. Elio.
Mr. and Mrs. Treffly Laporte and
family of Detroit spent Sunday with
Cliise 'terraces parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Thee ;Misses Houle refg Tociinte
bay* returned to their home after
visiting relatisaes and friends for a
few 4ays.
Mr. and Ms, Louis Dsrand .and
son Dick, also Miss E. 'M. -Gelines,
were week -end liSsitors -via). friends
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Grenier of
Windsor spent Sunday with ttkelet-
ter's parents, Mr. era Mrs. Ed, De-
Mr. George iDenonune and daugh-
ter Mrs. Nettie Harvey ,hssve return-
ed from Detroit after spending
few weeks with relativea find hi-
nds there,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Carlisle of Hen_
sail and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Richard-
son visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Ott Stpham
Mr. Wilfrcd. Weido has purchased
a barn in Hensel' from Dr. Steer
and is haying it torn 'clown and re -
move'to his farm where lie-ejntends
ereet a. drive shed. '
While Mr. Glenn. Weido was work
ing on the root of the 'n'�n Sat-
urday he had the mistortiine;tof fells
oMernbers of the Hensall Senior
Late Mildred Purdy
.he second district victim in a
week of an unusual type of bleeding
Mildr, ed Purdy, 14 yr. old daughter
of and Mrs. Len Purdy, Hensall
ing to, the ground and in-n..muuuurr-nospnas--erserans5.1.a.s.
-s-es- iss-7---ss,"s-P?tr'b'ezta46F,P.,1112/1?:s' nes of two Weeks. Recently Ernest
Quite a numbr frc'na:.'.4ii---ts'li-4tor:1ct' 'Ilian; 18, of the •Goderich area, died
have•secured .
'eini31.°31nlelit79*.^-44Y ik311.' -' London hospital with nose bleed -
port at CentraliOnig Death Death was attributed to a rare
Mr. Jonas Hartleib OfAlatialtrood.
-,--;46rim of hemophilia. Several trans -
passed away suddenly at_the; eme:iftsioji were given. In the case of
of Mrs Mary Stephan on Tii4
adaY5*(fiesPardy girl, her physician, Dr. 1.
last Iveek. Funeral serviceasheld:io
;aillie of Hensalls said she Wet' .
in Daslfwood on Monday. -• '-.".;;no.ihernaphilliac. Miss Purcry had( -'-
A nuinliks , of friends f vim thiy
s. .,,.=.s1
men in, indifferent health all fall.-
community attended the funeral of,',ss, ,.... -
Mr. Peter Schwalm ItOtensall on , .
trinursday, Deteilabor 401,• 1941 . -,
4, +
"We Recomend - FEED - And SELL the Best" 1
* .
+ We carry a full line of Purina Products, such as
1; Lay Chows, Concentrates and Dairy Feeds, Hog
Chows, Etc., Etc. , $,
+ Fresh Shipment Every Monday. Deliveries made:
+ at reasonable distance
ELAM W. SHANTZ - Phone, Zurich 91r20
For Your Rubber Boots and Sock Rubbers See .t
Vilialimillimiumiallimimmamilwillimmasallim *it
We handle the well known:
line of Miner Rubbers. They ft
have stood the test for years att,
moderate prices. 4.
(vac trurn-presstire cured) 4,
We also handle the famoust
0,_______, ,... .,
,......,,, .....e,,-- Greb work shoes for men and*
:-•,r,-,v. ., ,
1 Waboys. These shoes will givei:
you satisfaction. 4,
cototrt In Shoe Repairing we give
+ -
you the best money can buy. 1
a a
mate _
— •
4 -
BECAUSE We do not' believe in t
fooling our Customers, the cost of 4..
free offers must be wrapped up some- t, .
where in the Selling Price. You get*.
all value at Edighoffer's. . 4,
Give us a call, our Prices are right. +-
4..... 4
thing for
• t
E. H. EDIGHOFFER - Zurich, Ont.
Late Roy 4.-Lciamep.
Roy H. Gen ; of Toronto., :only
son of Isaae c,IXPeny '--17-4 031
died in Toronto ,fallawing.in.
received when he fell 20 fees f:row.
a roof, striking his -parked car ashe
fell and sustained internal injuries
from which he died, following his re-
moval to the hospital. Surviving be-
sides his father are a :daughter and
a son, the latter of the CAP over-
seas. Deceased was born in .Bosans
quet Twp. He served in the 'Great
War and was decorated with the Vic,
toria Cross and several other medals
He was 45 years of age. The funer-
al service was held from the recid-
ence of his father in Thedford. Mem.,
hers of the Canadian Legion lttend-
ed the service in a body, and the
Rev. D. A. MacMillan of the United
Church conducted the service. In-
terment in Grand Bend cemetery.
aye annual meeting of the Henan
ranch of the Red Cross Society will
:held Monday Dec. 8th.M the town
at 8 p.m. Reeve Shaddick will
e, :chairman; Rev. Weir sill address
-.gathering. Reports of the vari-
,: ens ,departthents will be presented by
ow, convenors. Election of officers
Tars -New Year will be held. The pub-
lic .are cordially invited. All paid up
members are entitled to vote on all
questions. More blankets and con-
tributions have Veen received for
, the blanket appeal, for wzifch the
executive expresses thanks. We re_
Art the following: Mrs. R, Bonthron
. 1, Ins blankets and a blanket each
"tron). Mni, W. Taylor and miss Glad-
ys Luker. Cash donations: Mrs. L.
Simpson $1; Mrs. N. ,Cook $5. Miss
J. Murray $5; Ladies Euchre Club
$14.50; Mrs. J. Walker $2; iMss I
Me.ir. $2; This brings the total up to
fankets 15, quilts 13, cash $117,25
We are happy to report the success
of the Red Cross Concert held Nov
27 of which the returns were $64.70
the patronage was good. Thanks are
extended to Searg. Grant and his co-
mpany- of 20 rne,n from the Port Al-
bert Air Traing School for the pro-
gram. Also Miss Florenee Welsh for
her splendid assistance at the piano,
the ladies of the W. I. who supplied
lunch for the men, those who sold
tickets, etc. A large shipment of
goods. left the Work Room on Mon-
day for Toronto, In all eleven car-
tons. 1 Pour ',Containing 15 blankets,
and :18quilts. and the following: Re-
fuge agoo: 11 ladies coats, 11 skirts
22 blouses, 6 children's coats, dress
with pantees to match, 6 hats, 10
resses, 6 pr. pantees, 6 pr. socks, 6
yjamas, jumper, scarf, 2 helmets.
Hospital goods: 15 large men's dress -
ng gowns, 8 utility bags, 4 ambula-
cce pillows, 3 pr. infants' pants, 2
ightingales, 5 bonnets, 4 sweaters
nd 8 prs. booties. Amy and Navy
oods: 6 alternative caps, 10 scarves
pus socks, 5 turtle neck sweaters, 5
r, gloves, 5 seamen's sweaters, 6
ero caps, 10 pr. mitts, 5 pr. seaboot
ockings, 10 pr. 2 -way mitts.. A
ord of praise for the excellent work
tiring NinTritt)Em by the knitters
Late Mrs. 'Louisa Eilber
Mrs. Louisa Eilber died at her
sidence in Crediton en Friday in her
72nd year. Not seeing her •at choir
practice her Brothers went to her
house at the close of the Serviai and
found the doors locked and a light
'burning. -Fearing something was a -
:miss entrance was made into' the
house by removing a 'window pane
and she was found lying on the'floor
• in her diningroom. Dr. Dunlop was
called, Mrs. Eilber was born in Ste-
phen Township and moved to Cred-
iton when married. She was a faith-
ful member of the Crediton Evang.
elleal church. Surviving is a sister,
Mrs. Otto Brown, of Reed City, Mich
and four brothers, William, John,
Edward and Albert Moriock, all of
Crediton. Her husband Henry TN-
ber and a daughter Esther prede-
ceased her. A private funeral .ser-
vice took place on Monday from her
residence, Rev. A. E. Pleteh officiat-
ing. Interment being made in Cred-
iton cemetery.
From this angle subject motion is rapid and a fast shutter speed should)
be used. By getting farther away, and having the action moving almase:
directly toward the camera, effective sports pictures can be taken at:
slower shutter speeds,
ACTION pictures are one of the
most thrilling phases of ama-
teur photography. Try it once and
you'll find that each good shot
brings the urge for more. More-
over, in this age of popular sports,
the field of subject matter is vir-
tually endless.
To picture fast action you need
a camera with a high-speed shutter
and a fairly rapid lens. With mod-
ern high-speed films, however, an
ultra -fast lens is not as important
as it was several years ago, but a
shutter with speeds ranging from
1/200 to 1/500 of a second is ideal
if you take many pictures of this
• type.
If you have a camera with slow
shutter speeds, there are certain
tricks you can use to offset this dis-
advantage. Por example, consider
the picture above. The action is di-
rectly across the lens, and a shutter
speed of 1/400 of a second was nee-
cssary to stop Movement. If you
stood in a position, however, where
the horse and rider, were coming
more directly toward yell, the ac-
tion would appear loss rapid., and
only 1/200 of a second would bz.
needed to arrest the moilen.
Another stunt is to follow ffie ae
tion. Develop a firm grip on your.
camera, and move it smoothly wins
the direction of the motion, keeping.;
the subject centered in the view-
finder. When the subject reaches
the desired spot, release the shutr.
ter. In this manner you can take
pictures of rapidly moving sub-
jects at shutter speeds as. slow as
1/50 of a second, rendering the.sub-
ject sharp, with the background'
drawn out in a long blur, suggest-
ing speed.
Often times you can pose an ac, -
tion shot that will convey all the
feeling of rapid motion in the fin-
ished print, Just have your subject
take a practice golf swing, a tennis
stroke, or whatever you choose.
When you see a pose that is par-
ticularly effective, have him stop
for a second, or repeat the position,
while you take pi?ture,
Don't let a 'owners vitt: stew -
shutter stop you from taking action.;
pictures. Try some of the trickSis
mentioned, and See how many op-.
portunitios you out.:e pissed up can
'he turned into tr.=-:11ent
344 , John -van Gamier --
and sewers making these articles pos-
sible. The oil companies have agreed
to co-operate with the Red Cross
branches in the salvaging of 1941
license plates. All auto drivers are
requested to leave their old markers
at local garages.
Miss H. Isabel Graham, widely
known Seaforth resident •and recog-
nized as -an outstanding poetess and
musician, was fatally injured on Oct -
Ober 29th. She died in an abulance,
while being removed to Scott lVfe-
inoriai Hospital after a fall at ther•
home of R. R. nolmes. For *many
years, Miss Graham had acted, aft
The London Free Press correspond- .
ent in .Seaforth.
The popullation of Goderich is at
present 4,886, an increase in twelve
months of 212, the increase is due
largely to the location of airmen and
thotiv, vivps 411(1 families and °Nina*"