HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-11-20, Page 87. 1• r r p. 1.• P&G M BIGHT '• 0 E1,3 o:- 0 0 0 CO C•4 67.4 • C.) 0) ce) 0 a 0 a a 0 0 00 0 0 it ;ad LURICH HERALD 11111111 11111111111 omilei 111.11. II 1 1 -11 111.41001i, ear o Or C3& hitla &AS ht.'s "T*N"Tri.-. :“.'0,..iiI1,017;!.;14] you that "r1 -4.o nate of Men's wear of hav iie;,:asits for Men, my stee.: of 2.7.en'e -are' 3;rnc1e up with two pair treas.- c viFsr,11, \7131LUES 3 olAyy's Suits .;ees 2G, 29, 30 at each ...... 6,59 1 oily Teethe siizr.. 37 at 10.50 12 only men's sweaters wren zipper at each....1.98 8 only IVIen's fleeced sweaters a each 1,59 GROCERY SPECIALS Crnned peas st Senclwich cookies ner lb. Perk and beans, 20 -oz. tin at Horne's Coffee, per lb.. 10c i5c 9c 30c Mcormick Butter cream sodas, 2 for 79c Fekine bran lare pk. Spy apples per bushel 10c i.60 FEATHERS WANTED ?<Just be strictly new No. 1. Goose at 75c. lb. Ase09,sin. PRC2DUCE WANTED Duck at 15c. lb. Ns. nee ettOiNit. 59 t.; :CET cnryzao C Thursday, Novambais Atitil?„ 104* Ott/4411444 0401.00 e• 11.:.• ,• 4 4, + +4a. +4.444+441404.40440,60/1m# 1 ,1•••11r$, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Es 0 a a 0 0 00 0 00 a 0 0 0 0 P+++4.<+++++++.+÷+÷+++++++++++++++44+4-++4.++++++++++++++' • • (17 Fuel BPI In HALF! Etly Storm Windows and Doors is TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. I: A , irrALBF BISC PHONE se LET US QUOTE YOU! Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials REPL ACF THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL 4 4•••,;•••4*••".”4. 4.4% 4•4•••Z•24,-• 0.•••••1.+4. • - •••• •••• 1„,awar,„ ra URIC111 4 4 4 4 4 rs.r0r 413131224411MECI ry EfqacvAas,;.11, gitiv REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter'235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. 1 sea eto%,41oi..--,extve4oti4, gto.,4; a a • 0 0 HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE Goal C YOUR WINTER'S FUEL Colder Days will soon be here which will demand the most suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment. Let us fill your bin while prices are lowest. YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Evetroughing and Tinsmithing Our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hardware al- ways on hand. Also a fine display of Furniture, Matt- resses, Springs, Beds, Etc., in stock, a a teliCiAleetiteleeetelletteeieenetteferea 00100S100n *mass* QUALITY * PRICE - SERVICE E & WEIDOI ZURICH - ONT. 0. Frys' Cocoa, 1 -lb. tin . .... 30c Crown tea, 1 lb. 69c Tohato soup, Campbell's per can 10c Minute tapioca per pkg, 13c Canned pumpkin, large can 13c Cut mixed peel, per lb. ........... . ...... .......... 29c Clark's vegetable soup per dein 1 Oc Puddings, 5 oz. pkg. I Oc Memo Oesch Ut Zurich k-4 § . . c, oiliffri,,,, li . :IL itil,iikiiicrLfigiirdwithuffir 1Thilrgarrliiliir':r - Pi, ;apt • i„ .,'., • D7-4 „- ,31, .r,,,,oc.AJ.. mARKETS --e- 1 .. Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer and daughter .ti'lerrected evee.7 W.e!!.eleeAe,e ete .l. Petiicia spent a fday.; in London Egg.., dozen e . ... . . 40, 37, 32, 20 recently. .Buttor,- creamery 35 tile. teed Mrs. Louie, Seellbe, Mrs. Butter, dairy '33 I. Yungblut iaid Mr4 11. ';:rueger, chieecals, ii,,, Pl-16 mooned to the city on 1 tiesslai. - Chickens dressed . .. . 15-22 T.rti.i. 2.:ax. Turnbull of the Blue Wheat, bushel 1.03 W -t.-, south, Hay, accompanied a Oat's, bushel 40 nember of hunters to the north on Barley, bush 55 a deer -hunting trip. Btickwheat, bush 60 Congratulations ere being extend- Flour,. cwt. 2.60, 2.90 L• d to Mr. and Mr.:. W. B. Oliver of I,,astry flour at mill 25 -lb - .. 65c Grand Bend en their firtieth wedding .Shorts and bran, ton . - ...... 30.00 anniversary. Middlings', ton 32.00 Work has begun on widening t he Pinery road and shaping it up for. paving. The contract has been lW to the Stirling Construction Co. 'e.' Mr. Archie MacKinnon of Guelph, Vcteniary College spent the week.'-eMle with his mother, Mrs. Matilda Mae. Kinnon. Don't forget the Blue Ribloa4 Coffe and Tea Demonstration.;'at, Merner's Store, this Sat. Nov 22ndi Heflin -. More particulars in his adv. Unusually fins weather roeneVs time of year is in our midsticeel, they call it Indian Slimmer, biit:l•re- gerdless of what it is, 'tis mighty nice and seems like September. . . PRDUCE WANTED. Phone 165 shrbidedisonsanctlosmermufannunen=cromags. CARD OF THANKS No4ili to take this medium to -:tcik �ur neighbors and friends for Atgdness and sympathy extend- 'feer:tk.dering the illness and pass- n5ic-Ontif..,Mother. Specie] thanks to -ckenclorn the choir and In last week's issue we Made mention of Mr. Theo. Haberer having returned from a hunting trip with a deer. This should have' been Ferd- inand Habercr instead of theodore. Mr. and Mrs. George Yungblut, tr. and Mrs. George Beadle" and Ar- thur Yfinealut, all of Auburn, were recent visitors at the homesof Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yunblut and family: one day recently. 1,.. F. !1.l.5 T a y 1 o r , of Deshwood is the new presideni:, of tha Huron County Medical Society at the soc- This world can never fill. i r,ty't; armlet ;meting held in §pott 1 In lever -,he lived, in peace he died, 1. Seaforth;:- On I His life wa. as1 ,1-1, Int God denied. \Viq1ne6dal 1..z..z :.'.r. P. J. O'VT.,;r! Yes with ee erriro, to:, .0' w,, It: 4/.4.-t :14 0 f Zerich s-r;e the past president .(Lord'e*e loved 11171i lot li'm , : ". I aVte-,-liard to Mr. Joseph Zhnm ,-e men ; 3.-r. and; i,„... i,,,e e,..,:e.,:mephi , "..'Irs. Noiman Rcth and children, ,eut 'OUrr,„;;only hope is to meet yow., 1 Ilodgc,- and Jean of Now Hamburg. of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. and C. . zee, .Te peGeorge. Wbe*Varting le no more: 1 were Sunday visitors at the Itc 0, Aneel;ety day this 18 our prayer. Smith. - Gek please tell George we'll be there Farmers are taking advantage of, _ IS4ty'''.nlis0ed by loving 1,1rife, son the nice weather and winding uP t Haigh .and Family. the last of their fall fork. Owing to , the dry summer, a great many far- mers did not get at their plowing until the recent rains which made this possible. But now with the prolonged nice weather, it will like- ly be that little plowing will be un- ' me, -The Surerus IN MEMORIAM Thiel-Ifl loving xnemory of husb- and and Father who passed away two years November 22nd 1939. Dearest George how we miss you, How our hearts are filled with pain, '4v:re-years age, dear husband and father, We last saw your loving face. In this werld.there is no other That can ever fill your peace. The happy 'hours we, once enjoyed Ho* sweet the mcniories still, But has left a vacant place. 0 ca. e Y111UR SEASON'S REQUIREMENTS We Always Carry a Full Line of the Best of both Shelf and Heavy Staple Hardware; Stoves. Furnaces, and all Heating Equipments, Let Us Offer You Good Suggestions along this Line. Some Good Used Heaters at Very '''easonable Prices FURNITURE or, See Our Studio Couches and arinnette Suites A Full Line of all the Home Requirements •.4i Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prices, quality Con- sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress, Dining Roorn Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers, Etc. e•C SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE • For the more conservative purchaser we can save you many a dollar as we have a fine assortment of Slightly Used tFurniture that will give you big value for • your Money. Drop in and look these over and get our Remarkable Low Prices- jOhni ASO dl • Klbfl... ni ra 2 IV'? &lard vware & -rB1tra Phow 68 , t $, IS THE TME TO ORDER Your Stove Wood. Good 4 -foot Body WOOd Very Reasonably Priced. Let Us Have your Order! We also carry a Stock of New Brick and Tile Let Us Supply Your Wants in these Lines! Tfl Sb, the iiir'epair Lan Len.eleeTOPA0MGZOMeeseeeLt!elleiefeeeera .a11:0101111000 A SONG TO SKATE TO, DANCE TO, ROMANCE TO! Fred Waring brings you a dreamy. delightful new waltz, "Romance on Ice"-com.plete with words and muc- ic -in this coming Sunday's issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. It's Fred Waring's selection for Weekly Song -.:Iit No. 5 in the thrilling series of Song Smashes The Detroit Sunday Times brings its readers. Get The De- troit -Sunday Times this week and ,very week for a New Song Hit. VARNA LADY DIES - The death occurred in Clinton Hospital of Miss Fanny Barton Deihl daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Deihl, of Stanley Townehip, in her 30t -.i. She was born in Stanley and had lived there all her life. Be- ide-I her parents, she is survived by me brther, Carl Deihl, at home,and me sister, Mrs. Mop is Durham, of Huilett Township. :She was Anglican 'n religion, a member of the church ,t Varna. Funeral .services at -els home were conducted by Rev. John raham, of Bayfield, Middleton and "area parish, -on Monday. Interm- ent taking place M Baird's Celnetery 3tarley Twp. COW STRUCK BY AUTO While returning .from a Sunday School convention at Grand nond; Rev. X. J. Woods had the misfortune 1-o run into a cow on the Latee Road radie* damaging the front of his car. 't wee ebont six o'clock in the I .V011.• ing and some 'cows belonging to 1c- uc- Dunsford :were being thiVr$ 't0orri ,•.t.asta ..arrausrumucurms dna fared to another across the road. As ,it was dusk and a drizzling rain was falling, Mn. Woods did not see theeCattle until nearly upon them. The, car struck one of the cows bro- adside and knocked it down. It was sevatial minutes before it got up and walked away. • . • Hensall Council Minutes •Regular,meeting of the Village Council was held on the evening of Oct. 6th at g p.m. in the Council Chamber with all members being present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. R. J. aterson, tax collector, re- ported receiving $1,275.20 in 1941 taxes to date. T. Kyle reported re the Gravel for the streets being av- ailable at McLaren's pit. Reeve Shaddiek reported the interview with the Highway Engineer at ;Stratford re surface treatment of King St. J. A. Paterson reported as being served with a revised assessment on the Black Creek Drain extension. Correspondence read: Dept. of Municipal Affairs; Dept. ofHigh- E, Holmes; same coneidered and filillaec.dI.Cinnon; Bell Telephone Adoe;.D.D. E" ways; Municipal World; Bills and accounts read. A. Tay- lor, labor fire tanks $1; H. Ryde tractor at park $2; C. Jinks car $1: Hydro Comm. hall 7.29; T, Kyle alary $70; P. Benthron postage $5; IL J. Paterson selecting jurors 1.50;- l. Shaddick do 1;t0; J. A. Pat- erson, do and car to Stratford $5; Sangster, labor hall 6.60; O. Twit- chell supplies fire dept. 12.50; NV R. Daidson coal hall 15500. 'Motion, that bills ancl aceotteres he cl:v11,0;• mbtielart. adjurn until rd of Na A Paterson, Clerk, 11 -71 X..(.11TP:1` LIFE ire, (; Casualty Fidelity, Etc, Andrew F. I°4 Zurich ess Local Representative Zurich Wili90107.&11600MIZMINILIZel a'alMaMEEMNIEEMerlgee0990elemea090 0 a 00 1 1 000 00 osessaseseeseaassoo 0 07.eoesewsweemeswees Yur Tinters Fad. We are Now Filling Orders for this Winter's FueI. Let us suggest the Most Suitable Fuel for your Heating Equipment... Prices always within the limits of other Dealers with Quality Considered. CHICK STARTERS We invite you to come in and see our various kinds of Chick Starters, and get our prices which are the lowest anywhere... Be sure and call! FOR SALE --A Large Weigh Scales. L a (.44 C ‘aArre aeseteesseemeezeiretteeeereeleMeas:teretie 'et 0 Oa On I max•stmoosot &