HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-11-20, Page 6By LOUIS
"Hes in love with yo. He came
to tell you that, to try to dissuade
You from going through with this
idea of marrying Hillyer. And
what he said shook yo mato a
bit. Now, you look here, young
Gillian: you're not going' to rush
into a marriage with Hillyer just
because you've some crazy no-
tion that love is something not to
be trusted-"
She shook her head. "It's not
that, Anse. Not a question of
• trust. I think I could trust love
well enough. There are other
"I'll say no mora, Gillian."
Jon Hillyer telephoned Gillian
to tell her that he had just land-
ed at St. Hubert Aerodrome.
"And am I glad to be hack, and
happy to hear your voice. Tell
me, how are you? Is everything
the -the same for you and me?"
"Yes, Jon." She prayed the
telephone would take care of the
undertone of doubt, of uncer-
tainty in her voice. "I haven't
been doing much, waiting for
your return. I had planned to go
to the city tomorrow."
"Mary was a sweet thing
until I got her in my
clutches with too much
tea and coffee. She devel-
oped caffeine -nerves. Her
eyes faixly Sashed fire all
the time. Then some
meddler told her what
was the matter and per-
suaded her to try Postum.
and I lost out."
Headaches, nervousness and sleep-
lessness are the warning signals of
caffeine nerves, caused by drinking
too much tea and coffee. Delicious
and particularly ecdnbmical.
Instant Postum is entirely free
from caffeine. Made instantly in
the cup, there is no fuss, no bother.
Ask your grocer for Postum.
Mentholatum brings dolightfulreliof
for the discomforts of;
1. Head Colds. 2. Superficial Burns.
3. Minor Cuts. 4. Nasal Irritation
due to colds or dust. S. Windburn.
6, Cracked Lips. y. Surface Skin Irri-
tations. 8. Scratches and Bruises.
9. Stuffy Nostrils. 10. Chapped Skint.
At yon druggist, Jars or tubes 80e. AS
ISSUE 47--w-'41
_ Y3
"Good, You'll
morning train?"
"I'll meet you at the station.
I love you, Gillian."
Anse marched into the hall as
she hung up. He had come front
the library. "What is it Anse?"
"I'm writing to Deborah. I
thought perhaps you'd like to take
her with you tomorrow."
Gillian jumped at the chance.
Deborah would be a splendid shock
absorber, both in regard to Jon
and --there was another prospect,
another fear; she might meet Si-
mon Killigrew. If she did meet
him, ahe wanted others around
He looked over his shoulder be-
fore he went on with his letter:-:
and it seems to me, Deborah, that
Gillian is quite blind to what she's
doing. I think she is falling in love
-with a young ratan named Sinton
Killigrew but, she intends to go
through with marrying Hillyer.
I want her happiness more than
anything else. 1 know you will help
hie. Just how, I don't know, but
it may be that you can 'throw her
and Killigrew together when you
are in Montreal. And mind you,
absolute secrecy is the word. My
love to you.
Anselm Meade.
They Meet Again
Jon was waiting for them at the
station. He managed to hide any
chagrin he might have felt at see-
ing Deborah.
Deborah was happy. Gillian,
glad of her presence, let her talk
all she wanted to, which was a
great deal. "I think it's grand.-
rand-your going into the publishing bus-
iness, Jon." "Are we going to see
Simon's Printery?"
"We have a lot of &topping to
"You must see the printery."
Jon was quite agreeable. I can't
go with you, I'm afraid. But I'll
meet you here at five -thirty and
we can have dinner together and
-well, we can see about tonight."
"Shall we go to Simon Killi-
grew's now?" Deborah asked in-
Gillian, wanting so much to go,
wished still that she were at the
other end of the earth.
L`ebora.h turned into Beaver Hall
Square with a great shrieking of
There was a brass plate with the
sigh, "Simon's Printery," by the
door of an ancient house. Gillian
followed Deborah slowly up the
steps and into a long ball.
Deborah was almost at the top,
Gillian still at the bottom, when
Sinton Killigrew came in the front
door. And she could. hear Simon
say, "Gillian'." and notice the way
he said it.
Gillian prayed he would say no
more. He must know she was not
alone. She said, "Deborah is with
rate. Sinton. You've met Deborah?"
"We tante up to buy Gillian's
trouseau," said Deb idly, looking
at an etcbing but watching him
from the corner of her eye.
"Yes." Simon's voice sounded
hollow. "T suppose you want to
look about."
"Yes, 11 you please" Deborah
poked in her bag said '"Olt. 1 want
to go out to the car for a moment..
You might start with Gillian, if
you like. 1'il anon eateli up with
She went. out. Simon stood for a
moment, irresolute. 'Chen he my-
noved towards adoor that led into
a room of comfortable chairs, day
enports and book -lined wails.
"Please. Simon -Simon. Oh -
Simon -let me go. I--1 didn't mean
to come here,"
"There's nothing that can take
this from us, Gillian -nothing."
He led her over to a davenport.
They sat down close together. "You
won't give up buying the trous-
seau as you planned to do? Only
it's for a poor man now."
They were still sitting there
when Deborah came back. She
looked at thein wisely, "So Anse
was right! I rattler thougbt so. Are
eougratulations in. order?"
Gillian stood up and Deborah
cattle to her and for a moment they
Bele.( eachother close.
"We'd better go now, Deb," she
said et last. We'll go back to lay -
dal tonight. "I'll meet Jou alone
for dinner. Simon, will you look
sifter the little fixer here? Take
her somewhere and feedher and
bring her to the train at eight o' -
"P11 be glad to,"
come. on the
"Cast off like an old shirt," mut-
tered Deborah.
Simon Killigrew went to his sane•
tuns on the top floor of the Prim -
tory and sat clown in an old black
leather chair t.'nd li.01tell his pipe.
Simon had faith and vision and
now he felt that he possessed the
strength of ten. He went to work
with a will. The papers.ancl mania
scripts Jeffry Clay had left were
still in the' possession of Jeffry's
aunt. The old lady was in Eng -
'teed, but had written that slue
would be home shortly and would
send the material to Simon.
There'll be . something good
there, he thought, something •that
will enable us to get away to a
flying start. Strange that I should
be depending on Jaff to help me
marry the girl be once loved -
strange --strange-
* 4 M
Jon Hillyer got up from a chair
in the hotel lobby as Gillian en-
tered, He looked at her and some-
thing settled to die in his eyes:
(To Be Continued)
Niblick Useful
In ritish Navy
Grand Stammer Lobby Jones
has learned of a new use for a
They're excellent, he found out
in a golf round With Capt. A. G.
Talbot of H.M.S. Illustrious, for
chipping incendiary bombs into
the sea from an airplane car-
rier's decks.
Captain Talbot related to Jones
how an officer, practising with a
niblick when planes attacked,
brought the club into effective
use by pitching the incendiaries
off deck.
"There was nothing to it,
much," the Btiton added with a
eaverbrook Plane
Will Be Ambulance
Lord lleaverbrook's big twin -
Motored amphibian plane which
the British air minister kept at
Iced Bank New Jersey Airport
since before outbreak of the war,
has been turned. over to the Bri-
• tisk Royal Air Force for ambul-
alleti y'.•
A Ildutiitish aviator flew the lux-
uriously furnished craft to the
Philadelphia Nagy Yard a short
• time ago to await shipment to an
undiselosed destination. Except
for a few trips, including a good-
will tour by a Pan-American Es-
cadrille to South America several
months ago, it had idled, but its
two 450 -horsepower motors had
been kept tuned up for instant
British Cultivate
Sunflowers Now
Sunflower's are being specially
cultivated in Britain for the first
time for commercial purposes at
Norwich Corporation Farm.
For years Continental countries
have produced edible oil, paper-
making material, cattle -feeding
cake, chicken food, saltpetre, pot-
ash and dye from sunflower
Like Average
Just like the average English-
woman, Queen Elizabeth is run-
ning low on clothing coupons.
East year the Queen bought 20
yards of hand-woven tweed at the•
disabled ex -service men's exhi'bi-
tion, but yesterday she could spare
• only enough coupons to buy two
This beautiful yellow chiysantliemum is a half hour crochet
job, and the pompons require about':il'ifteen "minutes a piece. Pat-
tern No. 356 contains list of materials; needed, illustration of stitches
and complete instructions. etee
To order pattern: Write, or send ;above picture, with 15 cents
in coin or stamps to Carol Aber, Room' 421, 73 Adelaide St. West,
From sunny California comes this magnificent pudding, pungent
with spices and rich with fruit and nuts. Wiapped in cellophane and
tied with bright ribbons and holiday greens it makes a perfect Christ-
mas gift, staying fresh until the last crumb is catte. Directions are
as follows:
All -Bran
2 cups prunes, cooked
13 cups currants
1 cup raisins
11/4 cups citron, chopped
cup preserved orange peel,
1 cup candied cherries, sliced
Plums Pudding
1% cups sugar
4 eggs, beaten
1 tablespoon vanilla eeieeet
2 cups soft white Inlet I tee, !bs
:3 cups flour
1 teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon salt
cup nut meats, broken 3 teaspoons cinnamon
cup All -Bran I teaspoon cloves
cup juice from prunes 1 teaspoon nutmeg
cups butter, or substitute 1 teaspoon ginger
Crit prunes into small pieces; combine with currants, r.aisilis,
citron, orange peel, cherries, nut meats and All -Bran. Add prune
juice, mix well, blend butter and sugar thoroughly; add eggs and
flavoring; mix well. Add bread c•tutnbs, flour sifted with soda. salt,
and spices. Add fruit mixture; stir until fruit is well distributed. Fill
greased pudding molds two-th'fds full, cover and steam 31k, to 4
Yield: '.Three. 1a/1 pound puddings (1 quart molds).
I RAY LESS -Calumet is priced surpris-
ingly low, probably less than the bak-
ing powder yoil are now using.
USE LESS - Calumet's double -action
means double leavening -during
mixing and in the oven -permitting
you to use less.
BETTER RESULTS -Calumet's contin-
uous leavening means finer, bet-
ter textured results for your baking.
THE D 0 ISLE -A d: 9'iit7 ir.
India's War Effort
Early in the year India set out
to have an army df half a mil-
lion. Today this figure has been
far exceeded, and it is expected
that by the end of the year India
will Have a million soldiers, writes
the London correspondent of The
Ottawa Journal.
So far as spirit is concerned,
this would already be a fact, but
numbers of men are controlled by
resources to equip them. It is the
marvellous expansion of these re-
sources that has made the doub-
ling of the army possible.
Apart from personal equip-
ment, the yearly Indian produc-
tion of guns is now five times
and of completed shells twenty-
four times greater than the pre-
war output. In personal equip-
ment, 30,000 tailors in nine fac-
tories are producing 5,000,006
garments monthly, and India's
shoemakers are producing 3,000,-
000 pairs of boots. Of 40,000
articles required by ordinance
stores, more than 20,000 are al-
ready produced, and steps are
being taken to produce the re-
maining items.
2 cups stale breadcrumbs •
1 egg
4 cup sugar
1 cup seeded raisins and stoned
1- banana
21/4 cups milk
Add crumbs and sugar to milk
and allow to stand for one-half
hour. Add beaten egg, dates, cut
into quarters, raisins and finely
cut banana to the mixture. Pour
into a greased baking dish and
place in a pan of hot water. Bake
in a moderate oven until firm.
• A tablespoon of butter added
to the mixture enriches the flavor.
1 cup seedless raisins
Y/ tablespoon ganulated gelatine
1 cup milk
2 tablespoons sugar
4 slices cooked pineapple
2 egg whites
6 marshmallows •
cup chopped nutmeats
1 teaspoon vanilla
Boil the raisins in water five
minutes, drain and cool. Soften
the gelatine in 2 tablespoons of
the milk. Scald the remaining
milk, add the sugar and the gela-
tine and stir until dissolved,
Chill with occasional stirring.
When the milk mixture is like
honey beat frothy, then fold in
the stiffly beaten egg whites,
marshmallows cut in quarters,
pineapple cut in pieces, raisins
and nutmeats. Add vanilla and
combine thoroughly. Chill in ser-
ving glasses and serve with a gar-
nish of jelly.
, cup shortening
s4 cup sugar
1 egg
11/2 cups flour
?'s teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
i/ teaspoon ppwdered ginger
cup apricot juice
1/4 cup shortening
1/a cup sugar
14 cup almonds
1/s teaspoon salt
2 cups cooked drier( apricots
Cream the first mixture of
shortening or butter well; add the
sugar and beat until light and
fluffy. Adcl the beaten egg, then
the sifted dry ingredients alter-
nately with the ih cup apricot
juice. , Combine well. Soak the
apricots (1 cup) overnight 'in 3
Postage prepaid on all orders.
Write for free monthly Bool1
100 )(angle Street, Toronto
cups water and then cook until
tender. This will give two cups
For the caramel mixture, melt
the second amount of shortening
or butter slowly in a heavy bak-
ing part. Add sugar and salt.
Stir until melted. Remove from
heat. Stuff a nutmeat in the hol-
low of each apricot and place with
the round side up on the side of
the caramel. Pour in the batter
and bake in a moderate oven for
about 40 minutes. While hot,
turn out upside down on a plate
1 lb. mushrooms washed, peeled
and chopped
2 cups water
?f teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons tapioca
2 tablespoons scraped onion
2 tablespoons butter
1/8 teaspoon paprika
'/a teaspoon Worcestershire
Cook mushrooms, stems and
peelings for 15 minutes. Drain.
Add tapioca to the stock and cook
15 minutes. Chop mushrooms
very fine. Cook onion in butter
until slightly browned, Add mush-
rooms, cover and simmer until
tender. uncover and cook two or
three minutes until dry. 'Add pa-
prika ,and sauce. Add tapioca
mixture and combine thoroughly.
Cool. Makes 11 cups filling
Miss Chambers welcomes personal
letters from interested readers. Site
Is pleased to receive suggestions
on topics for her eolunin, end Ie
even ready _to listen to your "pet
peeves." in:quests for recipes or
special menus are In order. Addrese
your letters to "Mims Sadie R. Cham-
bers, 75 West Adelaide Street, To-
ronto." Send stamped, self-addressed
envelope if Sou wish n reply.
Britain's Fighting Planes ant' Warships
'Plyiro^ Fortress", "Bristol ScatnIghtar^
."11.98.3. King George V" and many otilot*
For each piutuie tiesaea, send a
complete "Crown Brand" label, With
your name and address and that
name of the picture you want writ.
ten on the back. Address Dept. J.1$
The Canada
Starch Company
Ltd., 49 Welling-
ton St, 1:., Toronto