HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-11-20, Page 5• 'I"l txrsdar, November 20th, 1041 BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL DUDLEY -I, !ts Ti 0ISES ARR1STER, SOLICITOR, NOT, ARY PPUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE—At Court House GODDRIC&i — ONTARIO )Special Attention to Cornice] and Court Work. Mir. Holmes may be consulted at r",oderich by .,Phone, and Phone charges reversed. NOTICE Fanners' Co -Operative FARMERS, ATTENTION! COAL COAL Put your order for Coal in now! Several Cars are on order. A full supply of Coal, Cedar. }Posts, :II, C. Shingles, Concentrates, Stock Minerals, Salt, Oils and Fertilizers of tall brands. .Heitsall Ce -Operative Co. VETERINARIA.N Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Col unrn PIGS FOR SALE A litter of shall pigs for immed- iate sale. Apply to Alvin Gingerich, Phone 84 r 23. PIGS FOR SALE A number of small pigs for im- mediate sake—Bruce Koehler. FOR QUICK SALE Young pigs for Fele. Apply t o Elton Bender, Dashwood. Pho 35-20 WANTED Good quality fox meat. • Auupl to J. R. Murdock, 1:.. IL 1, Kippen. WANTED.) Married man Separate house, McAllister. to work on farm. Apply to James - 7077- ......._ .. For Sale , Female Jerseys i'or --- to I?dward Hab'•rer, Zurich. Dr. W. B. COXON, VETERINARY SURGEON 'Office with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store Phone -96. Zer1ch A. R. Campbell, 'J.S, B.VSc. 3;xaduate of Ontario Veterinary ;Criljege, University of Toronto. All sliceases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or dight .wrens promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness Hennels. Office on Main Street, ss)pposite Town Hall. Phone 116, HENSALL, LICENSER AUCTIONEER Saar Huron and Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any A.uetion Sale, re/rev f' ,,_ lieto sine or article to sell. 1 colic. OUT business, and if not satisfied will snake no charges for Serviced Ret_- idered. ARTHUR WEBER ---Dashwood Phone 15-51. PRODUCE Farm Produce WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES -FOR-- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien Phone 103, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET tet Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins Yullghlut & San INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. ? OF WOODSTOCK MBE LARGEST RESERVE BAT, : NCE O1 ANY CANADIAN MUT- VAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO ;Amount of Insurance at Risk nn Dec. 81st, 1936, $22,391,527.00 Metal Cash in Bank and Bonds 8278,613.47.litag Years per $1,000 fax E. F. KLOPP—ZURICH Apply FOR QUICK SALE Four good used ht' ting stoves for immediate sale. Ap1,I; to C. Fritz & Son, Zurich. 0• 700__._ _mwenzettesnemasteut===--- FARMS FOR SALE Highway 200 acres, large burns, silo, abundant water, good bush, fine brick house, e rc.eticity. !Tandy to schools, churches, markets., .Mitchell area. Other fine t en ; , Goderich. Clinton, Lrucefie•ld. Exeter. --Wm. Pearce, Exeter. FOR SALE A cook stove in good condition, for quick sale. Apply to W. C. Wag- Pr1oe,<, 91, r 0eieh. WANTED cAesse for ) ' e7reels a/el I'ra IleHorsee. Phone (.l ;.1,.,,n (senses!, re. , Ler:• 1) ehalg, s. Ace. riiiili?InM ae;, .1‘1 , h• wood, 'R. R.3. 1',e). pt4-6-'41 :;r.. Oees. A teli to its hiding ;rinse n(,: '' elver ih: ,ik. It was still he found it several hots accident. ZURICH HERALD Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Addison mot- ored to London on Wednesday. Miss Doreen Hay of London, spent the week -end with her parents in town, I3,orn—Irl Zurich, on November 1112th, to Mr. and 'Mrs. Earl Weida, a daughter. • Miss Vera Decker of Exeter vis- ited over the week -end with her mo- ther, Mrs. Clara Decker. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Boyce of Hay- field ware guests at the home of Miss Jana Lamont last; Wednesday, Mrs. A, E. Hamilton of London, NM* MVO Rubbers! Rubbers! 1L1Y' YO'L'K FEE'r DItYIN DEPENDABLE DOMINION BLUE BARS We can supply you with all your Need„: RUBBERS, 1300T5, H!Cki-TOPS, GALOSHES, MOTOR BOOTS, ETC. ALL AT LOWEST CASH PRICES Always a large Stock of Work Shoe:. or Dress Shoes on hand, Trunk:;, spent a few days last week at th .Suit Cases and Club Bags. home of Mr. and Mrs. John Galster, Mrs. Elizabeth Schueicker of Mil- COi1'ONS veeto-n has returned home after sp- ending a week at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. John ,Bronner. ,'n'•is Meyers and friend o T 0F('1' 3'd(] a pleasant week -end at' the hr me_ of ,the former's parents, Mr. inti Mn. T. Meyers. P'Ir. and Mrs, Ted. Fater aricl fam- ily of Detroit spent the week -end at the home of Mrs. Foster's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence. Datars Mrs Ind. Datare , Sr'., and ;Mils Anne Th tl .es Iseee rc teriled .home after Sp- ending a few days with relatives at Kitchener. Mr. and Mr;. Wm. S. Johnston, have ju::t rem}rae+te-1 having new Met- al roofs covering their residence and b:'.rn. which makes it appear';ano of the finest coverings in toivn: . • itis.:, ('l'ytoe 0. Sm'th of the Slue Water Ili fear picked a quantity of ripe: i r:-pi)ee ic.' Isom her garden last; week end reeersed many green her-, rice; oe ee, eeelcs. Who can beat Chart for this tine; of year? STYLE' E' SfO I+I A dress • en:I `,;t4 :Kyle le show ander the auspices. th Exeter ter Lrarneh, of the Red 1 •ees. te•ese styles pr.eg, n ted by air, McTavish, and haiz b • )c , by+'li c J1 ek ), ate he'ight's Beet, 26th at 8 p.ru. Loval models, refee- shments served, All pr•oce eds `=*,i~or; Red Cross, DEER SHOWS STRENGTH Goderich -- A r+lnarkahle die or vitality was sheen by a two -yep' old hire (hese r.:I !Ion., e_. 1 after its trXr.O hi?hd1 kg,: hod 1,--n to Okun (•lean Off •i s , ! :1 0 , ' , ;, evil, it ran e., ii r!i!e, on the f1tu-! l::s:el Iyiver. menthe of the piesent fiscal year the. • t,e who l i)ominion Government had coat re >ti e. ant of `eeipts of 3802,538,76e and total die- , ette's"teed to i bursen ent- of 3842,099,504, the con 0o I led hnn troller of the treasury reported in r ar from the preliminary etatemen.t. These figure:. living 'when, for the period Aped 1 -Oct. 31 com- rs-after- theipered with"?onoipte _c,ci S44. IIiC.,11'�37, and disbursements of $563,984411 l 1 1r 7; GIVEN WITH EVERY PURCHASE E. J. DATARS Reliable Footwear and Shoe Repair. ing, Trunks, Club Bags, & Suitcases, "THE STORE WITH THE STOCK' Give Us a Call! ST. PETER'S trvangelicxl Luther ,n Church ZURICH — ON T. ?.Changeless Christ for a Chang- ing World. Friday, Eth—Luther League. Thursday—Choir Practice, SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. in.—Divine Worship 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p. m.—Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services E. TUERKHEIM, Pastor. ry EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. J3. Heckendorn, Pastor Mrs. M. Oesch, Organist 10 a.m;^Divine Worship. Theme: They speak to Us. 11 p,m,—Sabbath School. 77.30.—W. M. S. Thankoffering, CANADA'S WAR. EFFORT Ottawa --•-During the first sever 1 r!ch Crosnery Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. LOWER RENTS Goderich —•• Four judgmeees fixing maximum rentals have jug' been handed down by Judge T. M.Cost ello sitting asa committee of _ osis Highest Cash Prices under tli t' Ir 1 1']lf , Prices and rnces maid plus trade Board ;eel rental adniinsst.;at- a premium fordeli:.: i'y' ! e sn:am 1o+1. In one ("s•' • on the Ippl]C.atlen u£ the t reduced We are egtl]e,]' J , a:: t' t re• ' ft .'n ',, torn rntll In the _ t rt: .ger rentals were tient accurate service. Eao» confirmed on :;ri)l°••,(ii: n of the liixI 1- lord: and W. :;:et at leas el. and Poultry department in iioNo- charge of i�ilr. T. l� Ieyen s, On \;L a a. , <t e n ].," he neigh - T. ig11 bout ettit re'. .'=1 ..1: honle of`i tr, A. L. Mellett - Proprietor. and all.,. ,..,. Ilarller, 14t1rCoxa rim era .-ome in, purchase your Aut- )motive Requirements from Zurich's oldest Established Garage and Service Station. We can supply all your needs. xpert Tutomobile repairing, with the latest testing instrum- nts, Acytelene Welding -,Tires Batteries, Oils, Greases and Repairs. B -A Gasoline in three Grades Give Us A. Call! e H. MOUSSEAU Phone: Day 103. blight, 47 PLENTY OF PORK Twenty pigs in a litter is a rec- ord made an the fares of Ed. Godkin August pigs, they are still all living and growing well. There were so many they were divided into two pens of ten each. SPECIAL ,SERVICE Main Street, United church was reopened on Sunday after extensive renovation. Rev. J. R. Mutehrnor, D. 1)., secretary of Evangelism and So- cial Service• of the United Church of Canada, was the special speaker.. Wm Hackett, ter or ;soloist of London, Hay, in acknowledgment or an in- vitation extended in hoe:. • of",.:the' Lieut. "Gen, A.G.L. Mc aug ton, om bridal couple, Mr. and Mee. Neil G. 'mender of the Canadian Corps, as Witmer. After expressing their We11 as other officials sending messag- goodwill, the neighbors presented a es,; These Airgraph messages were Mock Wedding, totally unaware to sent by airplane to Toronto where the guests who responded with mirth and laughter. After the we ,ting the evening was spent in games and an address given in dialogue form, wishing them happinez and pros- perity, and asking them to .accept a timely token from the neighbors who wished their future bright. The groom replied very ably and the fri- ends then enjoyed the dainty re- freshments served by the hostess, Mrs. Horner. In the •corresponding period of 1940• 41. The war appropriation for the seven' months ending Oct. 31, total- ed $606,910,689, almost twice the $320,4443,i277 spent in the seven- month.;period' last year. TO INAUGURATE AIRGRAPH Heading ell the messages to be protograplred on the first reel of ;inicro,filir i to be prepared for ovcr- setia transmission when Airgraph Service -was instituted by the Canael- rarr Past Office Dept, on Nov. 15t'1. between eanada and the Armed For- rees in. the United Kingdom, was a letter. from Rt, Hon. W. L. Mackeneie 'Ring,- Prime Minister of Canada to HYMENEAL Allis—Houston ..A pretty wedding was soramnized at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Carlile Houston, Blue 'Water Highway, St- anley Twp. by Revell. B. F. Andrew of Knox Presbyterian .church, Hayfield, oe Tuesday' Nov. 4th at 11 a.m.when Beatrice Annie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Carlile Houston became the bride of Roy James Alin, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A,llin of Ben - miller. The bride, given in marriage by 'her father, took her place before a .bank of evergreens and autumn flowers, lovingly gowned in a dress of Sea 'Blue crepe. Miss Madge Hous- ton was her sister's bridesmaid and Reginald John Allen brother of the groom was best man. The Wedding dinner was served to some twenty guests. The, dining room was pret- tily decorated with pink . and white streamers, the table being centred with the wedding cake. Those ae ist- ing were, Mrs. Milton Pollock and Wag the Seng+'r. The church was or- Mrs. Wie, Talbot. Mr. nerd Mrs. garaired a4 e Weslyan :Methodist ch- Allen left on .1 teip to Toronto !eel too early, Motion, that J. C. Shear - 1 urch 70 ye.tr•., ago, and Sunday mar- Niagara, the bride wearing •greyish er and :..n Jackson represent the f, Also Dealer in Lightner get! f.i1r. 4t7,'1 anniversary of the op- blue wool dress,, black colla and blk Huron county Federation of Aerie - ,every Airgraph form is checked, timbered, and photographed by fast special equipment on a section of a reel of micro -film. The reels, each of which contains hundreds of mess- ages in minature, are processed, and sent by Air to the United Kingdom. where each message is reproduced, pieced in an envelope and transmit- ted by the Canadian Postal Corps to the various Units for delivery to the addressee. This service is confined to letters addressed to the armed forces -in the United Kingdom. Letters to civilan addresses are not acceptable. HURON COUNTY FEDERATION A meeting of the Huron County Federation of Agriculture was held on November 4th in the Agricultural Board Room, Clinton. The meeting Opened with the President in the chair, who thanked the directors for such a good turnout. Reeves Scott Whitmore and Dorrance and E. 11. Gaudio of Seafo,rth were visitors. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of J. that we tunnort 100 sec, the Brae County Brief, re the amendment of the livestock Act to include poultry destroyed by dogs. Motion, that w(: send a resolution to the Ontario Federation in regard to price fixing. Motion, that the Huron County Fed- eration of Agriculture donate $20 towards organization of farm For- ums. This was defeated. Motion, that we. write the Ontario Soere't:iry of the 'Farm Forums advising that the time for assembling is one hour tng Rstun of . ,r*t,'st'nt edifice, Rev. N. and all garde of Fire War (s,. t11t th(� present ruin isurance , tai. "� este., 4 accessories. On their return they will ulture or C=1kNX.., Nov. 176 and De- rceitIf. on the ereetl'M seem neat' Car'- ember 14 The meeting adjourned lava. tend will meet again Wed. Dee. 1 MASSEY-HARRIS DEWS Our complete line of Farm Implements are not to be excelled regardless of where they are made We have all Canadian Products made by C;rn2:dian Workmen and run by Canadian capital. ..See ..us for your next purchase of farm equipment All genuine M. -H, parts kept in Stock or orders taken. FOR SALE: ---A good Percheron Colt rising two, very cheap. Tel. Shop 149 O. ROE) & SONS Res, Zurich 67 tel!111eie QUALITY DRUf9 are WE EVILCIDE : 16 oz, Bottle 50c 1 gallon size 4.85 Recommended by Department o f Agriculture for destroying Weevil in grain. One gallon treats 500 bushel.. Must be used in warm weather 65 degrees farenheight. • ..COD LIVER OIL Highest quality available from reliable Drug Houses. Ur. J. A. Add ,(t1), Pi( 1or r tIIIIIiIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiilllli In111111IIIIII111111IIIIIIQBN HINIIIIIHH1 !i ++++*+++++++.E +++++++f+,Y F :"l'i.:,.,A+ .see+++ ^>r++,b•;.,:-+•i••x'+•i••4++ 'i• TRY _ECKEL'S also CHOICE VARIETY OF .'. SWEETE u b: y . All Ingredients Used me of the Highest Quality ALL CONFECTIONS ICE CREAM 1JU1` More ay.:r tie -Closet' ma t= -,R• ;, _.., ir.--- � , _ IF I EC Eckel's Bakery . — Zurich ,a. Telephone 100 = ' +++++++++++++++.+++++++++M +++++++++++++++++++++++^I+i seg RAT 1 ..:;°�.. A Gas known to every motorist, Why take ch .gces i t inferior Gas when you "P huy Good Gas at $'e gtnlar Prices. Engineered Lubrication At K3opp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 7 lcinds of Crease. We invite you to watch us Lubricate your Car and see how Trained Attendants Grease Cars Expert Repairing We use the KING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up your Motor. CLEAR GAS FOR XOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 25c. Gallon Batteries, Accessories; Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest ,and Most Un -to -date Garage and Service Station. Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car for the Colder Weather and Heavier Roads HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE C. Fritz & Son Used Car Lot in Connection NOW NO fir, 1, 4 ,Mlle NEW Flambeau Red CASA' Trc cfor NEIN? ERFORMANCE fV NEW`'° ECONOMY% NEW CONVENIENCE Local Dealer ALVIN RAU, 7 NEW'? LOrw UPKEEP