HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-11-20, Page 4MXE roun URICH, HERALD This ye, as will Shorten the War! 4•4‘,17. V• .•• ',lie 0 el/ • 42, 4.04,4s ,„, r, - la Gre tt,, • oaf"' '415-sivis ti r4/.4 1.4 • srg • ' -.40146. P.,..ializ-hed by Zurich and District War Savings Committee. gives •gi lir community chance to put a re4 wallop behind our dollars e You must do your bit in sustaining our War Weapons Pledge for the duration. Everyone must keep up his purchases of War Savings Certificates. Canada needs more and more War Weapons. Our community has pledged itself to give them. It's our responsibility -we must not fail. Push the sale of War Savings Certificates whenever and wherever you can. Support the War Weapons Pledge of our community. If you have not yet pledged, do it now. T"linV4r, NOVerdber 120th, 1.94.1 ;Ptominent Hebsell residont, tiled on Sunday afternoon at the home 01 her diutgliterl LAM Norman Peppier: Hanover, in latin 89th year. Her late husband conducted a boot. and shoo store in 'lensed for many years. S -Sons and three daught( survive: Mrs Hall, McKee Rocks, l'a; Mrsr. Norman Peppier, sHnover, and Mrs. j. W. Boathron, 'Housed; AndroW 13, C. William of the \Vest and Wes- ley of lialuilt01), injured in Car Accident Mics Norah Petty of Hensall is in Stratford General Hospital following an auto accident about two miles west of .41011011 on No. 8 Highway Thursday last. Miss Petty was driv- ing east to Stratford when she turn- ed eu i.. pass a truck and met in a head -en collision with a car driven by Albert Klein of •Mitchell. Both ears were badly damaged. Following the az•iiiilent Miss -Petty AILS removed to Stratford hospital:suffering a fra ctured knee and severe shock. Miss Flcra r'etty and Miss Mabel White- man, passengers in the Petty car escaped with a shaking up and Mr. Rhin also escaped injury. A cold ftorage plant with locker service For leAdonts of this village is being est.Ablished here. Miss Margaret Grieve, who is on the teaching stair in Blyth Public • Schriol,.was a visitor with Miss Mettle Ellis. • • Lee Swaim of Hamilton was a Visitor with his parents, Mr. and .MrS. Peter Swaim. Mrs. B. Cross visited with her daughter Goldie,.w'hoi s a nurse-in- trainiag in St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Cine Flynn of Lon- don were week -end visitors with the latter's :parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. My.....N. E. Cook, who is ill in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, under - +went an operation for the removal of' .` Dr, D. G. Steor aad Sian Tutio:. 'enjoye4 A hunting trip on Manitoulin ,iihcre they kvore accompanied fermerl3r of the Staff ot7the Bank of Montreal here. tla,annnal i.neeting of the scho-1 41 faif6datrd it was revealed that a balendef $78 'was at hand and it was. dee:tiled to send the $22.91 coll-1. 75 • ''-',.ected..tekeri at the school concert to th,Atteen's' Fund at London. W. I. fk-vid5on eeeretery trt•asUrer of thk. Dino in Toronto Th, occurred tit his home in Tvi • on N,t1, . 1 fit a. of Sarni:: liti,and of ;..tildre:i ; and father nr -.1Iacjei le, ' 7!)th year. he dceezised con,lact ed dig :tore at King St. West, ",soputo. and .90MP 3 -Pars ago was I i. lent of,..Hensall, having conduct- cl.rug L. -tore Ir_ere... Funeral was lY16Pv."11.-11-xtkerLitTleile-Fv1Insinteogrs" /Aaiinfid, rrom Ms:Mb residence on No - "ember 12th with burial In Park Mrs. Clark and Will. • Lawn 'Cemetery. Mr. Ross Johnston has not been so well lately. y.A quiet Wadding was solemnized Owing to the funeral of the First4t..•-Andrew's United Church Miss 'Vera Smith, daughter of v. in and Mrs. Herbert SIM th„ Gosh On IlLmoilln .;)Off. e .11 codbdt,rntilial: line. held Sunday Nov. 9th, the Ser- vices were withdrawn at the -Mal& I !tn.'s, to Edgar Voyd Ortwein. 1.C" church. The ,sympathy of the Om- ‘7P., $0.11,4 Mr. frhi MrS• f.'1•- munity is extended' to the b6Af. "f II. v. J. V. IT:* -1 Kinnonofficiated. i Emma F ; family in the laSS of their daught'ei !,* r 4.4.5 .412E- A. euchre and dance will be held i Iwieraari's hotel in aid of the Re -Cross on Friday, Nov. 21st. Euchr will be played from 8.30 to 10.80 fo witia•Yle give, dils It cafeteria luura wi Orehe, tra will provide the music fo mew 1 old time daneieg. Th -.draw for a beautiful wool vomforte be made. Ev,•eyhody coin to.;i7 -7:joy an ev-.CaZ., fun and bcoe. your local Rel Cross., n d 11 Tee foiiowing is the Red Cros shipment f.r th. past month: tratie neck sweaters, 6 pairs se boots, 3 pr. army socks, 5 prs. nay socks, 6 .prs. whole mitts, 4 aero cap .2 alternate caps, 11 wash cloths, sleevelees swezters, 1 girl's dress, sliirts, 2 boys blottse.s, g'rl's bloom ears, 1 blazir, 1 boy's pants, 1 girl's coat and 1 girl's .-vcater size 16. Do - mations towards the blanket fund we - Te as follows: Red Cross tea $12; and Mrs. Gordon Bender $2; Mr. and 31),Yrs. Art Hauch $2; Lutheran L. A. 42; S.S. 8.'3; Sewing (Circle $4; Mr and Mrs. Jack Wein 2. 3 a 2 2 Rev. o]lex of Sebringville will be the gue.-; speeker in the Lutheran gr..hurch on Sunday. Special offerings will be taken at both services which 'will be donated to the Red L-'ross. Mrs. Edgar Restemeyee vr.Jited in Kitchener last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tiernan and 737ancy and Mr. H. Hoffman spent 4.Sunday in Kitchener. Mr. Sam Witzel of 'Toronto spent The week -end with his mother, .11.rs. Z. S. Witzel. Mr. A. 0. Becker of Kitchener, Aspent the week -end with Ids parents. _ Mr Mervyn Willert and Miss Am- egia Willett of London spent Zanday At their home here. Mrs. L. Hamacher is Wean' in ••16ondon. Mr, and Mrs. Otto ,Resteineyer! =nfi. Donald spent Sunday In London Miss Elfrieda Becker has returned 1 Abe fier home after vending a few Avoeks 'in. Kitchener. 7 yrii. .Late Miss Vera Smith The .Goshen community mourn the passing on Friday, November 7th of a most estimable young woman, Vera Elmira Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Herbert W. Smith, aged 2(i year, after a short illness. Miss :i'mith was taken to Clinton hospital .he previous Thursday for treatm- ent, but passed away the next morning. Born in Stanley towesbip, she had lived here all her life. She was a member of Goshen United • Church and the W.M.S. Besides her par- ents, she is survived by a brother, and a sister, Edgar U. and Mae Ruby wak;,Iiidosmaid and Donald 11,icKen- 1 .'7,••'-71kIl3.'1.iet man. Following tl,e NH St. Joseph and Beaver Townv .v€1401Yr a um' l'ulebe" w"s eery- ....::,,..1-..e(l•at,41-te home of the brid,.'s par- i Mr. and Mrs. Paul Masse of.tg.t).4i.i..:'.i,i?#,k79r Mr. an 3 :\ I] s. flit v,.. in 1 Bronson Line, sout4. were Sunda; -,10pn3.Short motor trip. 11,e groom visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. I.i*, is ''.0.61.4dson of Mrs. Peter Munn at home. The funeral took place on parte of the Blue Water north. ''''''' 1141-N*:: 'i,41aid Mrs. J. W. Ortwein of Sunday afternoon, Nov. 9th, and Mr. Frank Jeffrey who has beennig0,0•;‘ was largely attended. Rev. Reba living in Windsor for the past month' ' • 1''Public Meeting Hern conducted the service. The pall- has now returned where ale will sli- , A public meeting of the rayers bearers were: Percy Johnston, Milton end the •winter in his Beavertown,ef:'the Village of Hensall is being Pollock, Thos. Reid, Lorne Armstr-hom ''. held inithe Town Hall on Friday No- ong, Wm. Armstrong, Orville McC1- The Misses Eilen and Sue Bris- inchey. The flowers were many and beautiful. Interment took place in Hayfield cemetery. Among those pre- sent from a distance attending • the funeral were, Mrs. Hines and two daughters of Wallaceburg; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green and family of Port Stanley. Recent visitors at the home of Mr aand Mrs. Robert Baker of the town line were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ar- nold and son of Toronto, Mrs. Fair - Ibairn and daughter of Peterboro. BLAKE Mr. Hugh Johnston of Thornloe, Ont., is visiting his .grandmother, Mrs Johnston and aunt Miss Mary Ann. Miss Nola Healer of Bronesn line north visited Miss Irene Baker of the town line over the week-nd. Bean threshing is over for another year with many in this vicinity. Mr, Alan and Miss Edna Coch- rane and Mr. C. Robinson of Hills - green visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Fin- lay during the week. A nice few of the members of the son of Windsor spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. John Ducaanne's, Miss Doris Sopha of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. R. Bedard of Stratford were guests to Mr. and Mrs Adolph Sopha over the week -end. Mr. Nelson Masse of the 14th con. called 011 Mr. and Mrs. F. Ducharme on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Masse of Wind- sor were to their farm here over the week -end and on the 14th con. Mr. and Mrs, Lenard Jeffrey were visitors with the latter's parents on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Carry, of Mt. Carmel called on relatives in this vicinity on Sunday. The bean threshing in this distr- ict is about completed for the year, and most of the farmers have care; fully. packed them away, in the meantime they are patiently await- ing to see what kind of a peg will be .daove into them. Let us ;hope a different priced one, than the present HENSALL -...._._ Blake Auxiliary attended a meeting Wed. 25 Years in the Hayfield church on Thursday Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Tudor of the afternoon. village marked the 25th annivers- Mrs. Roy. McBride has returned ary of their marriage on Saturday home from her visit with her bro- last. Mrs. Tudor was the former Mist ther in Alberta and many other re- Alice McKee. Th Lives in the Prairie Provinces. Sas, tierformed at West Flamboro on Oct. 1 e ceremony wa; OA Manitoba, 25, 1919, Before corning to Heneall 1 • Mrs. Roy Gingerieh hae, been on five VP01.6 ago. Mr. and Aire Tud - Rev, E. Grigg Exter wilt be the .eneciat speaker in the :14.lin,ng'1- Atal. church on Sunday evening ° wilt observe their an.; ;1010 Tligulf. Offering service, 1 .vember 21st at 8 o'clock at which fiymkpie financial report for the year ending. Nov. 14.th will be presented and Open for discussion. all parties interested are asked to attend. Council Meeting A .statutory meeting of the Vill- age Council was held on the eve. of Nov. 15 at 7.30 in the Council Cha- mber with all members present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. and adopted. R. J. Paterson, tax collector, re- ported as having received $400 since last meeting or a total of $3902.88 in taxes to date. J. A. Paterson re- ported as sending four soldier's belts since last meeting, also presented the financial report for the year. Motion, that the financial report be accepted as read and sufficient copies printed. Mrs. W. Carlile and Miss E.Walsb appeared asking permission to use Council .0hamber one night a week for the Girl Guides, same. granted. Correspondence . read: Dept. of Municipal Affairs re Assessors meet- ing, same filed. Motion that we ad- journ to meet Dec. ist next. I. A. Paterson, Clerk. GENERAL NEWS PAVING THE BLUE WATER Paving on the Blue Water High- way from Dunlop to Port Albert gr - port is about finished, as the fine wea then hes been a big advantage. The nacing of the road through Port ultzny friond. hr.?. LOW' two sons, Maurice in the thri southerly. and iv,rtherly ap- IOU of tlx match PAR M GROUP MEETS Stephen Township 'unit, Federation el' Agritulture, Huron Countr. '71 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4.++++4 4,++++++,+++++ .ve 4- . "We Reocenenti - FEED - And SEI .11.1he Best" P Ri A OHO S We carry a NH line of Purina Products, such as' Lay Chows, Concentrates and Daily Feeds, Hog, Chows,. Etc.., Etc. Fresh Shipment Every Monday. Deliveries made at reasonable distance ELAM W. SHANTZ. - Phone, Zurich 91r20 +. +. •:-!.+++++++.++++++++++++++++ :•.:-'..++.'.-4-++++/:-++++++++++++++ miersmagemarrnammagerzsame,Fasysmirar.m..m.....w.,...,..mmutwooragraexamezerl For Your Rubber Boots and Sock Rubbers See 3. 'faenianNEMIMPIMMI• VIIIMEMEtitEREMMXLVIOURb +. We handle the well known t rikA line of Miner Rubbers. They*, MESE Et. 0 have stood the test for years at +. E. R EDIGHOFFER moderate price's. +. (vacuurn-pressure cured) We also handle the famous*: +. Greb work shoes for men and:: •',.. -:- bo‘,,,ws. These shoes will give :t. you satisfaction. 4 oo. 4. in Shoe Repairing we give yola the:best money can Im3r. t: Water- proof foot comfort at a 'moderate price just the thin -g- fo.r wet, slushy days„. NO PR.EE. OFFERS AT •i• it. +:. 4 EDIGHOFFERS4: .4.; 4' .%. BECAUSK We do not ;believe int. fooling. .our Customers, the cost of 4-• ..:- free offers must be wrapped up some -it: where in the Scding Price. You get 4-• .!, .o ,• r' all -mine at Edighoffer's. -I.‘ 4.. 4. 4r .i''''l E. H. EDIGHOFFER - Zurich, Ont. t. .t. , . . + 1,1.1„f Give as a call, our Prices are rigitit-+ ..t... EM:15-VSEIMIZrat!...1dIfinrIttzmrstexontomatra=M11031:Maiinalli=====zmiNCERMuismialliNAINICEr% PS1101- GUILD PZCTURNG THE HOUSE • • A good camera position, sunshine striking at an angle, and a tree for• cframinq"-all help make a pleasing home picture. Good shots at home,. are easy with any camera. OW many good pictures of your home do you have in the snap- shot collection'? And are they really good ones? You know, it's just as easy to take a good picture as any other kind -arid much more satis- fying-. Most folks made two mistakes in picturing a house. First they choose the wrong viewpoint; second, they tilt the camera upward. Maybe you don't make these mistakes -and if that's the case, your pictures of home are probably better than av- erage. Good camera position, and a property leveled camera, are "half the picture." A straight front view of a house is seldom the best view. 'Usually a diagonal view -the way you first see the house as you come along the street -is preferable. It's less formal, and more. natural. This is the view chosen for the house in the picture above -obviously more attractive than .a "head-on" shot. The level camera is important because, if you tilt the camera up, the house appears to tilt in your' picture. This can be avoided .by - shooting from a greater distance, which ,enables you to get all the house in without tilting the lene. upward. Or, you can shoot from a.' higher position, which helps too. A. sunny day is best for house pie -- tures. Pick an hour when. the sure strikes at mi. angle, as this show up the .details - the lines of the-, weatherboarding, the window out- lines, and other features. You do not need to show all of the house in every picture: An at -- tractive doorway or window bay, a gabled end - these alone make - highly effective shots. "Framing"' also lends attractiveness. Notice in the picture .above how the large tree and overhanging branches have been used to make a plea.sant. natural "frame." Try these ideas on your house.. They're simple -but they yield the best shots -and your home should by all means be presented tiara°. tively in. the album., 331 John van Guilder Plowing Match Headquarters Arrangements for the 142- inter- national plowing :match to be held in Huron county next October carne a. step nearer on Friday with the an- nouncement by county officials that headquarters for the big event would be at. the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth 3. A. Carroll, managing director of the match, who conferred with local officials. ;approved the choice and con- firmed arrangements whereby the sic •lest and confined to 17cr resided hi Waierdown and Dund:n:. Albeit village elnd the winding bills hotel win be taken over for the per- 1(10141v‘ty speedy reCOVVry. • 1.1? , :k homo, and a (laugh- 011" 15 ielen to heart that thc, Kenneth Feber or -•, sp,!.!nt. .%ai.garat in Dundas, a, few days with his grandparentee! building, of a bridge which. would • Dies In 89th Year nr, and Mrs, Rudy. Oesch. • X ' sidetrack the village.., has beer.. George Yungbtut, farmer ved for SOD3.0 yea% ,., ,theit Novemberitatialing: in. Crediton. -.with E. R. Bond, executive -member Ontario Federation, as guest speaker.. Mr. Bond stressed the value of the federation to the farmer. He out- lined the fourpoint program presen- ted by the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, designed to stabilize ag- riculture before and during the post- war period, as follow,st. Recognition of fundamental nature of food, land and farm people and the importance of agriculture in the national econ- omy. Establishment of a Inn- bal- ance between agriculture. Tabor a industry. Provide a systoratic mar- keing program designed to markets, both -here and abi oa.: luau 04.40,4 and pilicient =lumen