HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-11-13, Page 8r PAGE EIGHT ' 2 • 0 0 a ' iankets! • ,„• Ian.: et, Got your realeh ements now while out assortment is complete:a. a4 prices at lowest for this season. tz Wholesah pekoe la,ae advanced. Our sapply was (42 placed in sock in June. Royal York Pure Wool 64x84 at pair Grey Wool 64x84 at pr. Woolcot, part wool 66x80 2.25 each, 2 for 4.25 10.75 9.50 Ibex, large white or grey 70x84, pr. Wearbest, plaid effect 70x84 at pr. Jumbo, all white 70x90, at pr. Indian Blankets, fancy colored 62x80, each 2.85 5 a 0 0 rti to 4.7* 00 PRODUCE WANTED 2.75 2.85 7 85 MEN'S WORK CLOTHES Of every description. A full line of Fall S±t, Ponta, Sweater Cots, fine pony hide and Wool All of Windbreaker, Underwear, Te.Fine Shirts. these: lines were bought early before last price ad- vance. We would be pleased to show you our range at your convenience. 11r, Lo _ PHONE tiS - - 0 a 3 0 0 0 C.? a 9 ZURICH -H11°414) 1 14 1 :fle11111111.111 1111R1111111111111111111111111101 111111111111111111111111111111i111.11 El I ocer T IO Ca EN, quilf6i9t11)1111111Illy Frys' Cocoa, 1-1b. tin 3 Oc Crown tea, 1 lb. 69c Tohato soup, Campbell's per can 10c Minute tapiocaper pkg. 13c Canned pumpkin, large can 13c Cut mixed peel, per lb. 29c Clark's vegetable soup per can 10c Puddings, 5 oz. pkg. 10c Menno •esch- Zurich PRDUCE WANTED. rsilV1111511BilifigjfialaTELET'1' MINIM 111 11111E1 MOS 61F fC4C01,FREST Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Koehler . - re at Hayfield ori Sunday. .Eggs, dozeji, , • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oliver of St. Butter, crearnerY Marys were sunday guests at the Butter, dairy • 'aome of Mrs. Chas. Weber. Chickens, live aliee Anna Hess, Mr. all.' Mrs. C. wheat, bushel L. mth were at London on Saturr Oats, ,bushel day. Barley, bush. Phone 165 01111111WIRJ. apro f,OCAL MARKETS (Gerreetea every Wedresdav 44, 41, 32, 20 35 33 12-16 1.03 40 55 60 2.60, 2.90 9lutreday, N'olitsnitter 1.t1).) tifhtit lemorarse4, 1400400.0.4404peeeeeeeeeeee-e. e3e, . 4,4-4etteielek4+4•4•44"++++.41404P 4 ie. Ai and Mrs. Joseph Caecho and 'Buckwheat, bush Flour, cwt. Pastry flour at mill 25 -lb .... 65c Short:: and bran, ton Middlinga!441.., ...... 30.00 32.00 1 eseeikigeeet:';'1, , . ',._:'' . ' ,•:',:,'''''• ,-' in .;Pntail• Donald MacDonald •:•;:A.'-'311. ,...4'.ar;Old Horse Dead it his fatrOjtrite old driver, "Sylvia" Which for,inany years has given him fealiful service. She was thirty-one yea* of age, and only the day pre - Vic* Mr: McDonald' had been driv- 14; her; '7SUBSCRIPTION ACCOUNTS The Herald Office has been obliged to senrout a number of overdue sqb- scription- accounts, which somehow get on the.. list. We know no one will becoine irritable on receiving their notice, but 'happy to know that Yonr.publisher is thinking ot you. If .mir materials were free and we could live without expense we would not have to render these accounts. But as thing wear out and have to be replaced and cost of living is go- Ang up 'daily, we must have our ac- counts settled in order to carry OIL i So. please, have a heart for your local •publisher and don't forget him when: making your fall payments. euet in the Central Hotel, Exeter. •HOLSTEIN BREEDERS TO MEET wn eets ,TOseph Senior. who redgned re- Arrangements have been complet- cenitly the pcitioof village clerk ed for 'the holding of their annual and treaeurer after 31 Years serviee. t Banquet- by the Officers of the Huron The hosts were the village Council,' t Holstein; Breeders' Club. in the Com- Cre emetePr•nrl, el,ief of porce, the i rna. unity _Hall, w 1 .,t11 9, on Tuesday, v.5,u,s,1r- • . •," dor Pre: -at to 'Noveneher 18the ri 12 o'el,k. neon. honor thea re„;.; , - 'ticial W(''1.' ex" The ladies of tleJ Walton ,I:.ieict are s^"r'g- inching: lul"Yer W. J. ilea- catering . „to the Banquet with a re:m of Tere'e ,: ,1.. TAeavitt of alena:T,,)1--,'ng re , t ;-ew, • elth all London; B. M. FreneLi and 13. W. F. the trimmings. The guest, speaker !leavers of Eeeter. Rreve B. Tuaey ,:;1 1sv '.1v. wif2.2:71,,.. pro,luet, ey_ was invtztPr of cryremonies, and Mr. pert ee Toronto, formerly of Clin- Senior was presented with a Pen' ten. The President and Secretary, (J. and pene31. W. ViinEgmond, Clinton; and Hume TO SAVF. ON HYDRO Clutton, Goderich) are both anxious St. Thomas—Premier Hepburn, in- •for a large turnout of both men and trpducing Dr. T. H. Hogg, head of *Men interested in dairying. All the Ontario Hydro -Electric Power •Carmere 41)I_ their wives are hereby Commission at a luncheon in conn- invited t�attend. ection with a district meeting of hy- dro men, declared it was absolutely essential that there be curtailment in the use of electrical energy in Ont- ario in order to prevent any inter- ference with war work. He asked the people to consider what ri, would mean if a total collapse of the hy- dro distribution system occurred. It would mean that all war production would cease. HOLD MEETING The minutes of the Huron County Federation Meeting held in the Agr- icultural board room, Clinton,. on Tuesday evening, October, were ad- opted as read. Considerable discus - .ion followed on municipal health doctors, and the Government polity on feed grain, resulting in a motion by the County Federation to the Provincial Unit "That the new pol- icy of the Government in reducing the freight rates by one-third from the Western Provinces was wholly inadoquete and if the Huron County farmers were expected to produce foodstuffs, they must heve cheaper grain or lower freight rates. The me- eting adjourned at 11 o'clock and rill meet again Tuesday, November 4th. 1941. Reeves J. H. Scott,, R Dorrance and Whitmore will he the .peakers at a meeting held in the ltenley Township hall, Varna on Wednesday. October 22nd. Sponsor- ed by Stanley Township Federation. GUY LUMBARDO Selects a SONG HIT for YOU Complete—with words and music, —in th,e cowing Sunday's issue of The Detroit Sunday Times, you'll find as smooth a tune as ever chased tle blues away—"The Sun Is Shin- ing 'Brighter+s--selected by Guy Lom- bardo as Weekly Song Hit No. 4- T3e sure to get The Detroit Sunday P1- tne till,5 week Awl every week .for a Weekly Song Hit, selected by a fern- to where the hlankets, (Twits and don- eals maestro. Idiom may he sent. -an John motored to Tavistock one. 4) 4) 0 4)0 e,4-4,A,;t-4-4.4.444+++++4,44.4,+++++++++.1.*++++.,...r../.++++....1.-4•• 4". Cut Your Fad Bill In HALF! 'Buy Storm Windows and Doors. LET US QUOTE YOU! 4- 4- 4, 4, 4' 4' Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. a*. Ce K $ PHONE sumarsavpixrwvfnorat 6Q EISC ZURICH t 4 daylast week to vieit relatives. Mrs. McAdams, Sr., of London, is et present spending some time at the.. home of Mrs. Theo. McAdams, Bron - on line. Miss Doreen O'Dwyer left for Lon don on Monday where she has accep- ted a position at the London. Life In- surance Company. an Mrs. Alex. Laque; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Laque; Mr. and Mrs Fred Laque all of Chatharn•lead a very pleasant visit on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Foster. Colder weather with snow in the air has greeted these parts the past few days and tfhe' weather is gradu- ally getting colder, surprisingly • n.o frost to speak off has been visible. Mr. E. M. Dagg, manager of the Zurich Branch of the Bank of Mon- treal spent a few days in Toronto last week attending meeting•Of the Bankers' Association. A /limber of villagers attended the funeral on Sunday of the late Vera Smith.. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smith of Stanley Town- ship. •. . HONORS CLERK. The greatest of honor at a ban - aaeasseasaaasaeatake-,•+.:-•:-$+4-1-1.4.++ aaaeaaaasaa....--aaeao,..e.saaa.„ kupnwitlff .• n,,., • ..ameor-, ere ,el.11; ret rl,j 4 • 10'34,,,A,,r1 t eatioseia.7U REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. rrh=2=1,1=7W-',7",'3==VrAVIM=211111=KOSIE — 4 004,410-0000010 VS*241,-IN-1,3i9V,12e4 MYS4e44.**0M,s ••• ...7.14"1-411P.*C4 a 0 0 HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE0 Goal Goal YOUR WINTER'S FUEL Colder Days will soon be here which will demand the most suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment. Let us fill your bin while prices are lowest. YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. 0 1 • • z OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Evetroughing and Tinsmithing Our wie•OSailialliOade...001111110041.101 STADE & 'WEIDO • . Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hardware al- ways on handAlso a fine display of Furniturea Matt - QUALITY -. PRICE SERVICE resses, Springs, Beds, Etc., in stock. ZURICH - ONT. • • 006004.0100600000 r, R N oaaasseabe,1:Zurich on Tuesday. Opteber'f'2.8f;. to Mr. and Mrs. Cla- ud'JGelids of Hayfield, a son, (Joseph_ Leo.) Sturgeon --- In Alexander and Mar- ine Hospital, Goderich, on Sunday NoveMber 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Sturgeon of Hayfield, a son, (Bernard Frederick.) RED CROSS NEWS When the Nazi aerial blitz strikes a British city, the most welcome re- lief to bomb sufferers 'is the bales of blankets and quilts sent by the Can- adian people; according to advices received from the overseas branch of the 'Canadian Red Cross. Since the Red Cross Society'a last appeal for these useful articles, 138,137 blank- ets and 101,234 quilts have been dis- tributed to bombing victims, military hospitals and for the relief of dis- tressed merchant seamen. That Sun - ply is now exhausted. Red Cross offi- cials announce, and there is an urg- ent need to replenish stocks so that hardship among the bombed out peo- nle of Britain may be kept to min- imum during the long winter months British relief authorities are loud in 'heir praise of the Canadian people for their splendid support of tbe last anneal for these vital necessities, and strree the fart that the blankets a nd mats have been the means of hay - Ing many lives. Blankets must be w,ollen and new or as "good as new" These unable to provide blankete v' new crailts may aid tile appeal by contributing $2 for the purchase of a sineTh blenket. Contributors are asked to get in touch with their pro- vincial or local branch beadquartere or Ole 'Red Cross for directions as 4, 4' 4, 4 Johrifiton. Harcivirare,& Furniture. Phone 63 '1 * ami himit 504 ft I. r YOUR SEASON'S REQUIREMENTS We Always Carry a Full Line of the Best of both Shelf and Heavy Staple Hardware: Stoves' Furnaces, and all Heating Equipments. Let Us Offer You Good Suggestions along this Line. Some Good Used Heaters at Very Reasonable Prices FURNITURE See Our Studio Couches and Dinnette Suites • &Full Line of all the Home Requirements Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prices, quality Con- sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress, Dining Rom -0 Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers, Etc. ql" SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE For the more conservative purchaser we can save you many a dollar as we have a fine assortment of Slightly Used tFurniture that will give you big value for oe your Money. Drop in and look these over and get our Remarkable Low Prices. IS THE TIME TO ORDER ea= Your Stove Wood. Good 4 -foot Body WOOd Very Reasonably Priced. Let Us Have your Order! We :also carry a Stock of New Brick and Tile Let Us Supply Your Wants in these Lines 1 —teat .ESS, the Repair Man 11111111111101111111111illEMERIARKEIREMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME110111110111111111111111111IIIIIIMINNI11111101111111111111111111111111RINIIIIIIIIHilfililfilifiniliaiiiiiiiHR ' „,1* --4" 11)171,,-,44 1'1+4., tf,ri• • 11 EXCEPT LIFE Fire, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Eto, Andrew F. Hess, Zurich Local Representative Zurich 000.00 •00•0000041000001114111100 OHIO lee e ifeeeleOe**000011141111 1 Your Winter's Fuel a a • 0 ••aee We are Now Filling Orders for this Winter's Fuel. Let us suggest the Most Suitable Fuel for your Heating Equipment... Prices a/ways within the limits of other Dealers with Quality Considered. CHICK STARTERS We invite you to come in and see our various kinds of Chick Starters, and get our prices which are the lowest anywhere... Be sure and call! FOR SALE -A Large Weigh Scale& L. Schiff* & Son 1 1 aasmeaseasaveeeeosaosteasia•aseieetteeeestaiesiaeee•••••••1