HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-11-13, Page 4HERALu ATS Your Country asks your loyal support of this Wartime Measure TWO NEW CONTROLS have no'w become essential in Canada's wartime design for living. These are: (1) Control of Prices Commencing November 17, 1941, there may be no increase in the prices of goods and services generally unless absolutely necessary and authorized by the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. (2) Control of Wages No employer, with certain limited excep- tions, may increase the basic wage rates paid to his employees unless authorized by a Board on which the Government, employers and employees are repre- sented. But after February 15, 1942, every employer with the same exceptions, will be obliged to pay a cost of living bonus and to adjust this bonus every three z• 1 _ _ Action Necessary to Stop inflation This Government action has been taken to prevent the inflation we knew in the last war, and its subsequent depression, unemployment and suffering. Every housewife knows that prices are rising, and rising prices, unless controlled, will make it more costly and difficult to finance the war. Rising prices, unchecked, will spread confusion in industry and trade; will hinder production and proper distribution of sup- plies; will make the cost of living rise more rapidly�ythan• wages and salaries; will lessen_ the.vii/at],.E..'-�:Q.L-Rs4X.'6^b'•.•:.•-•••-: 72.• "A7C1al UJiufr" ror�armost everyone, and especially those with small incomes. And the result of uncontrolled inflation, after the war, when prices drop, will again be depression and unemployment. Prices cannot be controlled without control of wages. Excess profits are, and will con- tinue to be, under rigid control. Coverage of Wages Stabilization Order The Order is applicable to the following employers: 1—Every employer normally subject to the Industrial Disputes Investigation Act. 2—Every employer engaged in the manufac- ture of munitions of war, or war supplies, or the construction of defence projects. 3—Every building trades employer with. ten or more employees. 4—Every other private employer with fifty or more employees. The Order does not apply to employers in agriculture or fishing, or to hospitals, religi- ous, charitable or educational associations operated on a non-profit basis. Wage Provisions Except on written permission of the National War Labour Board, no employer may increase his basic wage rates. This permission can only be given in cases where the Board has found the wage rates to be low. Wage rates which are unduly high will not have to be decreased, but in such cases the Board may, order the employer to defer the cost of living bonus. --AIN, Cost of iLiving Bonus Every employer covered by the Order must pay to all his employees except those above the rank ". of foreman a wartime cost of living bonus. Effective Novemberl5, each employer already payh g a bonus under PC 7440 of December 16, 1940, shall add to such bonus ah aM uht based on the rise in the cost of living index for October 1941, above the index number used to determine the current amount of the bonus. ai:r. are "Ki_>.1Q11y7+}:y.u� Fow�1 Effective February 15, 1942, each employer who has not been paying a cost of living bonus must begin to pay a bonus based on the rise in the index between October, 1941, and January, 1942, unless ordered by the Board to base the bonus on the rise in the cost of living over a longer period. The bonus is calculated on the following basis: for each rise of one point in.thecost of _•• �1. ati�' 1Y �l.I.i�ifXlQAiJ?f'a...�F.. 0Y1. 1]Si•. •SIAL,] b.0 , 5•". - cents per week, except for male workers under 21 years of age and female workers, who, if employed at basic rates of less than $25.00 per week, shall receive a bonus of 1 percent of their basic wage rates. These bonuses will be adjusted regularly every three months. Administration The Order will be administered by five regional Boards under the direction of a National War Labour Board. Labour and employers will be represented on each of these Boards. Watch for the announcement of these Boards to which inquiries concerning the application of the Order should be directed. Whole -Hearted Support Required Your Government knows that this policy, as it affects labour, industry. commerce, and agriculture, demands a degree of restriction to which Canadians are not accustomed, and is directly a wartime measure. It will demand self-discipline and self-control. It will need the whole -hearted support of everyone who has the well-being of his fellow citizens at heart. But by loyal co-operation, Canadians can have much more assurance that the fears, sense of insecurity, the suffering and profiteering which inflation always brings, will neither interfere now in the winning of this war, nor in the recovery and reconstruction of Canada and the Canadian way of living after the war is over. Issued under the authority of Hon. N. A. McLARTY, Minister of Lrabortr _shwa DANCE 'ieman's Hotel, Dashwood ON IFIRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1 4th Murdock Orchestra %%Vs AND OLD TIME DANCING General Admission 35c. . DASHWOOD Mr. Leonard Birk and Carl ties- ircicher of Guelph spent the week - sired here. Mrs. Gordon McPherson and dau-, Aged Apiarist Passes :.ter Ruth of Bryanston, spent the The death occurred on oNv. 4th. AAreek-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. ; at his home in I3ayfield of one of UUc:t•:treicher, while Mr. McPherson is the oldest residents of the district in .ar:i', .i hunting party on Manitoulin the person of David Henry Leitch in a:,iarr_$. , hi, 91,St yr:ar. Mr. Leitch was born lei t,‘„ W. Mathews of Dorchester, I near Teterboro on Dec. 24, 1850. He lied ii'{.r•.s.;Y.. Watson of lletrout were Miter moved to Hibbert 'rwp. Sixty- .urrriled sere last week o sank, to thee one years ago he was married to • Lu- lr sew illness of ther moutnrr, 7nda Lawrason and they moved to '�erlWe aro to��r.i5tanle Tv� . where he wits engaged Snell is improving slowly. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kellerman motored to Hanover .on Sunday, Mgrs. Kellerman visiting there for a week Miss Zeta Nadiger, R. N. of How- ell, Mich., spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger. Mr. R. Armstrong and daughter Lottie and son Herson and iMss Ruth Hatton of London were Sunday vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Reste- meyer. Dashwood Red Cross Unit will hold a Euchre and Dance in Tie- man's Hotel on Friday evening, No- vember 21st. Keep this date open. Further particulars later. BAYFIELD in farming. Fifty-one years ago he moved to Bayfield where he has re- sided ever since. For the past 3.5 years he has been widely known as 'a successful apiarist. ,Although he leas been in failing health for some time he has been fairly active until re- cently. He as survived by his wife and five children, 17 grandchildren, and 11 great-grandchildren. The fun era], was held on Thursday. afternoon Interment in Rayfield cemetery... GRAND BEND Death of Geo. Devine The death occurred at Grand Bend on Wednesday of Mr. George Devine in his 75th year. rte had been ailing for about six months. Bern in uebee he came to this com- munity at the age of 14 yrs. He is survived by his widow, three daugh- ters, Mrs. Geo. Wolper, Mrs, Ed. Waiper and Mrs. Homer Desjardine all of St phe.. township; two sons, Albert of Stnphen Twp, and Norman ; of Ushorn, ; also two brothers, Theo -1 dore Deviee of Parkhill and William of the 14th eon. Stephen. A lrriv-. vat' fotw•rai Seek place from his late' residesie�• rei, day at a p.m with ire.. Lrnxent iii Grand dead oemekty. A PIGS FOR SALE A number of small pig's for ins - mediate sale.—Bruce Koehler:. FORQUICK SALE Young pigs for sai . A.ppIT t o Elton Bender, Dashwood Pho 35-20 Meeting of The Huron County Council The next meeting of the Huron County 'Council will beheld in the Council Chambers, Court House, God- ,erich, commencing Tuesday •Novem- ber 18th, 1941 at 2 p.rn. All accounts, notices of deputat- ions and other business requireing the attention of Council should be in the 'hands of the County Clark not later than Saturday November 15th. 1941.- • .14. 941..- N. W. Miller, County Clerk, Goderich Memorial service was held in the Grand Bend United church. - BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Desch visited their daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. E. Faber near Hensall. Mrs, John Baker and daughter Miss Margaret Reiohert of Hills - green, called on Mrs. Harold Finlay one afternoon recently. 1\ir. and Mrs. 'Wm. Dowson of Bay- field visited with Mrs. J. Douglas. Mr. Hyde of Kippen has leased the farm of Mr. Win. Rennie and has .started plowing with the travrttr% Mrs. Roy McBride, who has spent a few • weeks in the Prairie Prov- inces as far west as Alberta P.rov- lrsuiting relatives has resumed r v herr ;.erne here. Rey :Miss R. Hern gave a special missionary service in the Blake ch- urs1 •Sunday last. The ladies of the W.M.S. are in- vited to join the Bayfield Auxiliary in the' near future. Mr. Lang Foster is not enjoying his -usual health and has' been taking treatments at Goderich for the in- terests of his health. 1 KIPPEN NEWS Mr. and Mrs. J. Linden and Ver - aa of Denfield and Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter and daughters of Clandeboye and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Coward 'and son, Kenneth visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie • Parsons. Mr. John H. ,Cochrane returned on Saturday from a very enjoyable sho-! oting trip near Huntsville. Quit -e a number from here attend- ed the CKNY barn dance in 'Card- } rllb s "iron 's'e'a ioin.i on -ensure Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques and daughters visited recently at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jaques of. near Elimville. Quite a number fro m»ere attend- ed the funeral of the late Vera Smith of near Varna on Sunday. W.M.S.. Guests of . Varna Auxiliary . 3 The W.M.S. of the United Church, here were guests of the v a:: a :.ux- illa y on Thursday afternoon last. "; The meeting was presided over by Mrs. S. Keys of Varna and opened with a hymn after which Rev. Miss R. Hern led in prayer. The scripture lesson was Lead by Mrs. L. McCon- nel and explanation wars given by ;Mrs. G. Johnston of Varna, after this: the Kippen Ladies took charge of `the program which consisted of a very pleasing solo by Mrs. N. Long tai ' Was followed by a short pay entitled "Adventures In Friendship" With , 3trs. Grant as (Mrs. Aiken) ; Ir md,;.rFerguson as (Mrs. Campbell) lvlcMurtrie as (Mrs. Ferry), Mrs. A. Johnston as (Mrs. Douglas) Mrs. W. Milks as (Mrs. Bruce), Mrs. N.:'Long as (Mrs, Green.) . A very pleasing duet was then sung by Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. J. B. MeLean. The meeting closed with a hymn and a closing prayer by Rev. Hern. A dainty lunch was served by the Var- na Ladies. Thursday;; :November 13th, 194r ^i ++or is «-•i44.4 z• I +•t•'3'•I••;..f•++ r•: •P..t +4.4. 'i•+#+7l4+4.+•II•o'- :-4-4 i,-;7 ; +, .:. .i..3 1' ""We. Recomend. -- FEEO - And SELL the .Best" .. I ' ., RIN 0 OW 8 .• ...,.. : 4, . . - We carry a full. line of Purina Products, such as . :. Lay Chows, Concentrates and D.ay Feeds, Hogg: Chows, Etc., Etc... +• tFresh Shipment Every Monday. Deliveries made T. .: at reasonable distance • ELAM. W. SHA.NTZ - Pi. &ne, Zurich 91 r20 +: 4..• . +++.;•.1-i4-;-.d'.i•°i..++4-H•i +' •,*•i•++++++++++++1.-+++++++++++++++ 8,$4+++++-3.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ • •r 1 Eckel's Bakery — Zurich 4 Th TRY 1 CKEL'S T •PI%ir,y also3, .: CHOICE VARIETY F CAKE, PIES, AND • +: All Ingredients Used are of the Highest Quality, ARA. CONFECTIONS — ICE CREAM Our Store will be closed ea-rInheclnetsfi day Evening 99 SWEET GOO - z Telephone, 4 ,�... . . fie o4 +�r% 414+r+r• •i• •++++++++ +..4 -+ ,- +`-dr-1-'t•sr++3++.++++++++++• i IVIARATH AS A Gas known to every motorist, Why take chances in inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas at Regular Prices, l figineerecd Lubrication At Flop's you get Guaranteed 7rJeu Lubrication, using 7 boinde of Crease. We invite you to watch urs Lubricate your Car anaser how Trained Atteaecl'auts Grease Cars Expert Repairing We ise the KING AN'ALYS'ER to properly Tune Up your Motor. CSR GAS FOR YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 25c. Gallon Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires CToan and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up-to-date Garage and; Service Station. Drive in and let us service and ''Pep Up" your Car for the Colder Weather and Heavier Roads HOWARIY KL 3PP, :LES 13:67[-rrrr.• a ar -0s�!l ar• e't an ConnecSEEtion arm 1 STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. 'Gordon Keys', youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Keys, has joined the Royal. Air Force and is at pre- sent in the 'Manning Depot in Tor- onto. Gordon is the first from this district to join the R.A.F. and we wish him every success. Bruce McClinchey and' Elmer .Ste- phenson left fast week for Trenton where they are'engaged with a con- ; struction company. Mrs. Thos. Coleman of Tuckers- mibh was a recent visitor with her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Johnston. Mrs. W. Turner of Clinton who has spent several weeks with her father, Ralpl'i. Stephenson, has re- turned home. Harvey Hayter and Bertram Car- nie left for Kitchener for the four months' compulsory training course. Red Cross Work The ladies •of the Bronson Line Red Cross unit held a very enjoy- able meeting at the 'home of Mrs. V. Wilds. The work part of the rneeting consisted of tyzag a quilt and making an air raid shelter mat, I to 'be used as a mattress. Several articles of clothing were made and! handed' in for refugees consisting of 4 pis, of child's flannslot;te pyjamas, i 4 .sr. of child's overalls, 3 woolen 2' knitted hemi and sr nril dresses k d 1 its 4 tx1.tlF1'esi e underw�ix: � was di~rsir>? For Your Rubber E H. EIS:LGHOFFER Boots and Sock Rubbers See 4.= �^ 4-- iER. OT5 .t". (vacuum pressure cured) Water- proof foot comfort hi Shoe Repairing we give t. ' at a moderate price Just the NO FREE OFFERS AT thing for wet, slushy .days.. We handle the well known line of Miner Rubbers. They have stood the test for years at l moderate prices. We also handle the famous_ Greb work shoes for men and boys. These shoes- will give t you satisfaction. you the best money can buy. 4 EDIGHOFFERS'It 4.. BECAUSE We do not believe int: fooling our Customers, the cost of free offers must be wrapped up some- T: where in ;the Selling Price. You get •i- • all value at Edighoffer's. "F-. Give els a call, our Prices are right. 4 • E. H. EDIGHOFFER - Zurich, Ont. eel at the meeting to donate one hun- dred dollars to the .Bayfield Red Cross Society, derived' fro rnthe sale of the cook. hooks- that the Bronson 'Mae ladies compiled: The remainder of the meeting was spent in b>•.r'sitr- ess di'scussi'ons --.tile packing of Chr- istmas bores for soldiers of the Bron son Line: The next meeting is to be ilield' at ice. Keith Westlake's. HENSALL Mr. Alex. Sparks of Goderich twp. and sisters, Mrs. D. Kemp of Detroit 'and Mrs. McCutelieon, of Alberta. 'were in town recently. Leonard' Noakes left recently for 'Waterloo where he :has secured e position'. John Pfaff has moved into the dwelling recently 'vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Levi Rands. June •Saunde•rcock has accepted a position with the Kresge Co. in Kit- chener. Mrs. J. W. Bonthron is confined to the General Hospital in 'Hanover ow- ing to illness. Mrs. Bonthron has been in Hanover at the home of her sister, Mrs. N. Peppier, caring for her mother, Mrs. Yungblut. Mrs, George Hess, accompanied by her sister. Mrs. IfTrant Little andherr daughter Lyvla, of Biggar, Sask., vis- ited recently vett, relatives and `ri- erzds itc• t cn.,, New if atnbilrg, and Kitchener. James , 3 eadfoot, son of Mr. and +. Mrs. James Broadfoot, of Tucker • smith, was honored at the home of Mfr. and Mrs. Edward Brown, while lime Mr leave. He was presented - with with many gifts by friends. Returns from :East .Mrs. A. R. Campbell has returned from Nova Scotia, where she was cal- - 3'ed some weeks ago owing to the ill- ness and death of her mother, Mrs.. MacDonald. Anxious to reach her another's bedside, Mrs. uampbel[ went by plane from Toronto to Hali- fax and enjoyed this way of travell- Successful Evening The euchre and 'dance sponsored by the Chamber orf Commerce held; ',Friday -eve. last• was well attended,, the entire proceeds.being for the community Christmas tree. The lad- ies' first prize for euchre was won by E. Stephenson of Clinton; second by 'Blanche Thompson, Kippen; gents' first, Thos. Meyers, %urich; .second, E. Perry of Ilensall, The lunch war: danatrd by the following: Blue Rib- bon toffee, Toronto; Durno. t:, i itch. ener; and Mara's bread, lo icon- Zturdocl's orchestra f>.ti'ini hed the, omit fur ting dance;,