HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-10-30, Page 6CANADIAN NAVY MAINTAINS VIGIL Canada's Navy keeps the seas: through fair weather or foul, in rain or fog, ships of the Royal Canadian Navy maintain their vigil at sea. Here, one is seen, looming out of the mist, while in one of her consorts a seaman stands his watch. Canada is celebrating "Navy Week." Throughout the Dominion, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, in industrial centres and prairie villages, the Navy League of Canada is calling the nation to pay tribute to the men of the sea who are winning the war of the Free Peoples. of Navy Week, sponsored by the Navy League of Canada, in ince war was yearlaredv from lessnmore than2,000everofficerso and menatodwhich more than 25,00her officers and men — each of whom is helping in Canada's large part in the war at sea. Mat ' deuce Is Doing WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING? .... SQUEAKING DIAMONDS Touch a diamond and almost any pearl with a piece of dry ice and they squeak. Imitations don't. So reports Miss Mary D. Waller, of the London School of Medicine for Women. The explanation is simple. When dry ice (solid carbon diox- ide) is heated it turns at once into a gas and skips the liquid stage. Touch a metal plate with a point of dry ice, and heat passes from the plate to the dry ice, whereupon gas is formed. The stream pushes away part of the plate in front of it, whereupon it stops and the plate springs back. This happens about 1,000 to 4,- 000 ;000 times a second, so that we have high-pitched sound vibra- tions. Touch a piece of glass or some other non-conductor in this way and no squeaks are heard. Miss Waller has learned the trick of producing continuous, very high musical notes from dia- monds and pearls. A very light, steady touch is demanded to make a gem sing, and so is a sense of when the vibrations are about to begin. —0— OCEAN YIELDS MAGNESIUM Recovery of metallic magnes- ium from seawater at Freeport, Tex., by the Dow Chemical Com- pany of Midland, Mich., recently was called the outstanding chemi- cal engineering achievement since 1940. At the Freeport Plant, some 300,000,000 gallons of raw ocean water are daily processed to pro- duce 100,000 pounds of metal as well as large quantities of bromine for anti -knock motor fuels. Magnesium alloys (known as Dowmetal), are the lightest structural metals used in industry, being one third lighter than alum- inum with comparable strength and toughness. Today 100 per cent of Dow's output goes into defence uses, particularly in cast- ings for airplanes, each of which on the average will contain 1,- 000 pounds of this remarkable metal. .m.-eal.sm.oar. namoaan.exo.raza-ialoomw,®a. Mr.della Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. Should word be sent to the hotel to hold the room that has been reserved if one finds he is unexpectedly delayed and cannot arrive on the day stated in his reservation? 2. Should the woman or t1• r man precede when leaving the dining room of a hotel? 3. Should a man a1,raYs assist a woman to enter or leave an auto- mobile? 4. Is it all right to eject from the mouth to the floor the 'ittle specks at tobacco that separate themselves from the cigarette or the cigar? 5. Should some kind of amuse- ment be provided for children while traveling with them on a train? 6, Are plaee-Cards used at the informal luncheon? AN SWE.RS 1. Yes. Because hotels do not hold the room it you are not there to claim it within a reasonable time after you have said you wo--ld be there. 2. The woman precedes, the man follows. Neither should forget the "good night" to the waiter or head Waiter. S. Yee. 4. This is exceedingly bad taste. Remove these particles from the mouth with the thumb and first finger and place them in the ash tray. It is best t+' do as little of this as possible. 5. Yes. It is too much to expect them to remain quiet in their seats without some kind of amusement, so take along some game or toy. 6. No; the hostess :Ives direc- tions as to the seating, unless toe guests are so many that place - cards must be used. Science Has Hopes Of Defeating Moth Science held out hope to the housewife and others today of making woollen articles safe from moths and heavy-handed laund- resses. The Bureau of Standards and Textile Foundation of the United States announced discov- ery of a chemical treatment which shows promise of making wool less edible for moths, less sensi- tive to Alkaline factors in soap and less likely to shrink. The production of maple syrup and maple sugar in Canada in 1941 is estimated in terms of maple syrup at 2,276,400 gallons. R� C n 1? BY ANNE ASHLEY 1 Q. How can I waterproof my shoes? A. It is a. wise plan to keep a comfortable pair of shoes on hand that are waterproof for out -door use. Apply a dressing made by melting together two parts'of bees- wax to one part of mutton fat. Apply at night, and remove the next morning by wiping with a piece of flannel. Q. How can I clean a soiled felt hat? A. Rub it very . lightly with a fine grade of sandpaper, rubbing with the nap. Then rub over with a mixture of salt, cornmeal, and gasoline and allow to stand in the air for a while. Q. How can I prevent icing from hardening if I am interrupted by the doorbell or telephone while icing a cake? A. Place a damp cloth eve. the bowl containing the frosting. Q. What are some of the values of various vegetables? A. Lettuce is good for the nerves. Beets and turnips contain iron. Tomatoes are good for the liver and stimulate it. Celery is good for rheumatism. Spinach is good for the bowels. Carrots are good for clearing the complexion. Asparagus is good for the kidneys. Q. How can I mend a loose um- brellc handle? A. 1! the umbrella handle be- comes loose, pour some melted resin or sulphur into the hole. Quickly force in the umbrella rod and hold for a few minutes until the substance hardens. Iodrgol-Iodine Livestock Feed Supplement r"'or maximum In all Livestock production. Simple to use -- in- expensive. Order through your dealer or write us. Free booklet. Iodorgol-lotline Company Adelaide P.O. nos 4fi:t +i'nronio nenienideninienennieneineneeeneeikenntineeniine Have Job Placing One U.S. Draftee.._ Army experts at Camp Upton, N.X. interviewed and classified 55,000 new soldiers without. bat- ting an eye. Then came Private Leonard Braverman, of New York. They asked him what his, civilian occupation was so they could as-, sign him to a somewhat similar task in the army. • "I", he replied, "was a girdle cutter." Thousands of Machinists Wanted! This New ENCYCLOPE1110F MUM;': .`� PRACTICE helps you get started for; a big pay lohl ONLY A you in almost 1000 11- THIS big book shows lustrations and easy -to - understand text exactly how every machine shop operation is •performed. A reading course for Deginners and metal referencebook' drafts-, ot machinists, workers, men, mechanics. Edited by'George W. Barnwell, Prof. of Prod iitirn Practice, Stevens Institute. of Tech- nology, assisted by a Score of pine tical experts, 576 Pagers Cover Every Problem That Confronts 'Even the Expert's"' Machinist Complete chapters devoted to every type of Bench work; types of metal used by machinists, Turret and Automatic Lathes; Screw.Cutting; Taper Turning, Knurling; Milling and Grinding. Also Jigs and tures; Punch Press; Heat -Treating of metals; Welding and Soldering; Drop -Forging; Foundry W o r k; Gauging and Tasting. Special Chap- ter on Reading Machine Blue" Prints. Dozens of short-cut mathe- matical tables. Canada needs ma- chinists! 4,000,000 additional train- ed craftsmen wanted by defense industries this yearl Help your country and boost your earnings. Start to learn now. An 'amazing bar- gain for only $2.60. Order your copy at once. - tg, AVE - R "a RD? "Did you hear about Jones and lis car?" said Brown to his neigh- bor over the back fence. "No, what about it?" "Well you know, it's a very old car, and odd bits are always falling off when he goes for a ride. So he got the idea of tying a magnet behind to pick up the parts which dropped." "Smart idea, anyway." "Yes, but in the end Jones found himself riding on the mag- net!" C. COLE & COflirANI, LTD. Publishers Booksellers Operating TUE ROOK ESC11ANGE 370 l>loor St. W. 'Toronto, On(, Please send me copies of the IilNCYCL01'IADIA 01? MACHIN. SHOP i'it.tt'C1CL, at $2.60 each, (� 1 enclose payment. (We Pay Postage) • Send C.U.D. (Postage Extra.) • Send for our FREE 40 -page catalogue of technical and mechanical books for trades-. men and engineers. Name Address Relieves MEM FE ALE \Ve nen who suffer pain of irregular peilods with cranky nervousness --- due to monthly functional disturb- antes --should find Lydia E. Pink- ham`s Vegetable Compound Tablets (with e ieve suchdistr es.Plllk1 to Tab- lets made especially for taomcn help build up resistance against such annoying symptoms. I"oliow label directions, Mado in Canada, ISSUE 44—'41 "Yes," said the great man, "I woke up one morning and found myself famous-" "It was slightly different with me," sighed the other. 9 found myself famous— and then I woke up." General: "Confound it sir; why can't you be more careful?" Selectee: "What have I dome, sir?" General: "Instead of address- ing this letter to the Intelligence Officer, you have addressed it to the Intelligent Officer, you should know that there is no such person in the army." 'And what is a synonym, Willie?" asked the teacher. "A synonym," said Willie, "is a word that you use when .you can't spell the other one." A friend called up a guest at a hotel, knocked, and asked him to open the door. "Can't door's locked," the voice: within announced. "Well unlock it!" --"-Can't; have no key." "Great Scott, man? What will you dp if there's a fire?" "I can't go." Mother: "Billy, why are you making your little broth- er cry?" Billy: "I'm not. _-He's dug a hole and he's crying be- cause he can't bring it into the house." It was bedtime, and Mrs. Jones was overlooking the evening toilet of her small son. "Oh, Tommy!" she exclaimed, "look at your handl It's all scratched and bleeding. How did that happen?" "Well, you see, mother, those . were awfully sharp teeth Jimmy Johnson used to have." "I want to buy a petti- coat." etti- coat" "Certainly, madam; fancy dress and period costumes on the third floor." Aggrav thlg Gas When stomach gas seems to smother Ton, and you can hardly ADLERISA. ii'IVEtcarmi ativesrtotwarrm and soothe the stomach and expel gas, bowel THREE laxatives for gentle, quick action.; At your Drug Store. r n $ A • li;.." AT YOUR DRUG STORE IT'S TIME TO TRY THAT'S MY CHEW Nazis and Turks Sign Barter Pact Conclusion of a German -Tur- kish trade treaty involving 200,- 000,000 Reichsmarks (nominally $80,000,000) on each side was announced recently. It will run until March 31, 1943. A spokesman said that the pact, signed at Ankara, called on Germany to send war material and iron and steel products in return for Turkish exports of raw materials, particularly cotton, to- bacco, olive oil and minerals. • MEN BETWEEN THE AGES OF 18 AND 45 TO TRAIN FOR ECHANIC Applicants must be British subjects; must have successfully completed Gracie X of their secondary school education and be prepared to enlist in the R.C.A.F. at the completion of their 24 weeks' course. Before enrolment applicants are given a medical ex- amination by Officers of the R.C.A.F. The course is free, with transportation costs paid to the training centre and a subsistence allowance given during the training period. As the need is URGENT, enroll NOW in this VITAL phase of the WAR EFFORT by filling in and mailing TO -DAY the coupon below to the Dominion -Provincial War Emergency Training Programme, East Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario. - -COUPON- MECHANICS NMI r mo Mail s RADIO Name Age (Use Block Letters) Street Address - 1 City or Town Province . .. 01n111® m moor 11.1=1,o., r. no • A .. s 'AGENTS WANTED AEROMAT1C METER FOR AUTO - mobile, truck, tractor, bus and marine engines. More power! Stops carbon! 25% more mileage. Airinail for quick information! Ag689,Box 1, Vate ncouver. Can da. EARN' EXTRA MONEY 'SELL MASTER Lun mas Crwith name imprinted, also Boxed Assortments, Exclus- ive, attractive cards of highest workmanship s e 1 1 themselves when shown to friends. Up to 100% profit. Make sure — sell the best. .Experience unnecessary. rite today for details. Samples on approval. Master Kraft, 343 Doherty Bldg., Toronto. i1A.liv C1-IJA hS SHORT ON PULLETS? WE'VE DAY - old, and older, up to 2 weeks, for immediate or later delivery. They'll help you on the good corning markets. Mixed chicks, dayold, started. Order now. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. N., Hamil- 1tiD i'OI.1.5 COWS, HEIFEIL CALVES 3 to 12 mouths, Buil 13 months, I'. Hon - singer, Thornloe, Ontario. BUSINESSES SOi.1) AL1. TYPES OF BUSINESSES SOLD, City, Rural, Large Small! Every- thing strictly confidential. Twen- ty years experience. Globe exchange, 2 College 5 tree t, Toronto (Opposite I:atons). (:ARS, NEW AND 051711) MOUNT PLEASANT MSITORS LTD., Toronto's oldest Chrysler, Pym - l Plym- outh dealers; three locations, 682 Mt. Pleasant itoad, 2040 Yonge St., 1650 Danforth Avenue. Oar Usecl Cars make us many friends, CHi1td)1')tAC'TORS PHILLIPS SCIENTIFIC (11INJIIAL Health Service, Write for partic- ulars, 12 Queen 10„ Toronto, l'Al(ril FOR, SALIO 69 Al RIeS ON LA1<J0 SfMCO19 HIGH - way, near Newmarket, harwood bush, pond. New buildings, mod- ern equipped, bath; all young fruits; real home. Elgin I1+vans, Newmarket, 1t.11, L 11 V E R T S E jT •■e POR SAL10 116 ACRES, HIGHWAY 86; GOOD barn, 52-80; good house, good water, other outbuildings, two miles east of Montrose. Fred Uberig, West Montrose. Li.UAL J tolLTheatre Building, StCThomas, Ontario. Special Department for farmers collections. _ 2 FREE ENLARGEMENTS WopdorhBeprtF 1o2ta- ele1U rins all r 5e. Bot46,aSherbrookeaQue.Labortories, P.U. Box 6 1,'0R SALE; REBUILT 10-20 McCORMIUK-DEEIt- ing Tractor. Same guarantee as n e w. International Harvester Dealer, J. IL McCaw, Barrie, Ont. MAKE MONEY 120 WAYS TO MAKE MONEY. Booklet of 120 pages, size 6 x 9. Price $1.00. Mike lgnash, 441 Manitoba Ave., Winnipeg, Man. silNL YES, MiN1i RAISING IS LUC1tA- tive. Rut don't forget. your suc- cess depends on the foundation stock you start with. Invest a stamp to know about "13IG-LAB" mink breeders: the producers of beautiful large, dark, silky furs. Maska Minkery, St. Hyacinthe, Quer MEDICA1. DON'T DELAY! EVERY SilFFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Stor Dixon's 385 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1,00. OIrPER PO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. Tho Ramsay Co., Registered, Patent Attorneys, 278 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. FILMS DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 6 Orf 8 EXPOSURES 25c mon n E1N1.AttGBM10 4T With lavers' *toll .AriltO rain FINISfltERS iQ'JCo SOX 1211 (4 U 1LTIN G Q I TING PATCHES, 0001) QUAL- rints and plain broadcloth. post- paid.Four Te ouxtle �Jobbers,s for oned515rQueen W. Toronto. RHEUMATIC PAINS PROVEN REMEDY,— EVERY SUl'- ferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 El- gin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00. STOMACH SUl?1'E1tI1RS! LET DR. McLEOD'S STOMACHIC bring you happiness this year. G. Townsend, Gerrie, Ontario states: "Suffered for years with terrible gnawing pains few hours atter eating, Also had vomiting; and hemorrhage. Nothing seemed to help mu h butsod and it only for short time, then I learned of Dr. McLeod'a Stom- achic. After taking three bottles I was free from pain. Kept un improving and have now been well for nine years, enjoying meals without medicine." Stom- achic is good for all forms of Dr. indigestion. Drug Stomachic CO.. or vrite 558 Bathurst, Toronto. 51.25 per bottle postpaid. TI rd It ER TIMBER WANTED STANDING ROUX ELM FOR FALL and Winter requirements. P.O. Box 101, Station F., Toronto. WOMEN WANTED CALL ON FRIENDS, NEIGI31.3OURS, relatives,. others, with F-amliex Household Necessities and make honey full time, spare time! Low Prices, attractive containers, lIx- cellent profits. Big orders, re- peats. Get your share of hu!saay spirit with best line in the field. Details and free catatogno: Fani- ilex, 670 St. Clement, M e:Areal. Play Safe! Send Your Filuat To Imperial For better results and faster ser- vice. 6, or 8 exposure films 25e; re. prints 8 for 250; both with free en- largement, Photographic Xmas Cards Made from your own negative;. xfl 2 attractive styles -- folder typo ftyettipioiosfo_ atpwthe bsedma�gin• 12 for 80c. No orders for less than six, �p Station}�.7,eToronto a° Ser+ricb