HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-10-30, Page 5r' hztrsday5, Iv 4.1 BUSINESS CARDS , Quito•,, .11 LEGAL ;I)O.DLEY E. H.oIA1ES: BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT. ARY PPUBLIC, ETC, OFFICE—At Court House GODIlIt]i 11 — ONTARIO 'Special Attention to Councel and Court Work. Var. Eolmes may be consulted at oderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. NOTICE. Farmers' Co -Operative FARMERS, ATTENTION! COAL COAL Put your order for Coal in now! :Several Cars are on order. A full supply of Coal, Cedar Posts, B. C. Shingles, Concentrates, Stock -rMinerals, Salt, Oils and Fertilizers of all brands. Hensel' Co -Operative Co. VETERINA .A_N C,V ,TI for 1;' r "ill buil I''O„ -..,._.1 Tier 'e . ,!ho,.t. (,... ..:+n� central, re �•�� er•::r el irn'c, 1:w Williams, Dash - ii,. YVV . B. COXON, B.`rdr. moi . tvonrl, R. P.O. pte1-6-'41 atannntcY] ate.uoY.S9.YLL•C""-.:-,�^�' ..rw 7•� wX�k:: :i,.S:era For Sale 60 yearling White Leghorn Hens, also a bay Percheron colt rising 2 yr: old (will trade for cattle), A1vir Clingerich, Phone 84 r3. WANTED. $1,000 on first mortgage .4. good investment, at once,. to Herald Office, Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE Four good used heating stoves fon immediate sale. Apply to C. Fritz & Son, Zurich. at 5%. App1 Y FOR QUICK SALE 12 young pigs for quick sale. Ap- ply to Arthur Welles, ]Dashwood. FARMS FOR SALE Highway 200 acres, large barns silo, abundant water, good busli, line brick house, electicity, Ilan I ' to schools, churches, markets, Mitchell area. Other fine farms, Goderieh, Clinton, l3rucefreld, Exeter.—Wm. Pearce, Exeter. • FOR SALE A cook stove in good condition for quick sale. Apply to W. C. 'Wag- ner, Perone 91, Zurich. WANTED VETERINARY SURGEON D ee with Residence, Main Street. Opposite Drug Store Phone -96. Zurich A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College:, University of Toronto. All Stilettoes of domestic animal; treated by the most modern principles, ;Merges reasonable. Day or night galls promptly attended to, Also 're- ader of Scottish terriers. Inverness BaanneIs. Office on Main Street, Apposite Town Hall. Phone 116, HENSALL. LICENSED AUS a rv� 1 : For Huron and &e . - I .fit IN A POSITION TO CON- kla• t any Auction Sale, rtr.gardieee us to .size or article to sell. 1 soli(" t your business, and if not satiefiied will moake no charges for Services Ren - i lered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-57. PRODUCE Farm Froth:Ice WAITTE.D HGHEST CASH PRICES —FOR -- \ CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. OT r e Phone 101, Res. 94, Zuirien BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular .SEAT MARKET Lt Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept freak in Electric R.efrigertition Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins Yunghlut & SOS. INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCI THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT• UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO 'mount of Insurance at Risk on Dec.: 81st, 1936, $22,301.527.00 t notal Cash in Bank And Bonds $273,613.47. Rates ---$4.50 per $J1,,O00 for 8 Years :E. A . KLOA 'e —: e��.{S: RICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- g Rods arid all kinds of Fire I nsL3ii'xl. ele "tie Zoic. xr,`,• Your Home .MFl a'lret for Create Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cady Prices paid plus a premium for d,:.livered cream We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in diarc : of Mr. T. Meyers. A. 7150 3 ..Ornc $"e_i9 p i:' C:L'.• your Au.t- 3motive Requirements .froni Zurich's oldest Established Garage and Service Station. We can supply all your needs. i xpert Tutoxnobile repairing, vith the latest testing instrum- nts, Acytelene Welding,Tires Batteries, Oils, Greases and Repairs. B -A e-ree Grades Give Us A Call! H. M•TJSSEATJ Phone: Day 103. Night, 47 yCome See Pi m the Feed Smiec Hits the Bell's Eye With Both Barrels rr RAU, Agent ZURICH HERALD LOcAL NEWS Mrs. H. Mewl has returned after spending a few days with a'elativee at Bayfield. Mr. Lawrie Fowlie of London, WAS a week -end visitor with his sister, Me and Mrs. Gid Koehler. Mr. Roy Lamont, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hoffman, and 'Marjorie, Miss.fane Lamont, motored to Forest on Sun- day to visit at the home or, nen and AVirs. Wan. F. Braun. Snow covered the- roof, ell, Tues day morning, the first' of the 'season' to any extent, it soon will, be Nov- ember and we still have lovely fall weather. Mr. Hy. Steinbach, road superjn- tendent of Hay Townships,' has Mep, working on the new concrete culvert' being erected across a portion e the Mousseau drain, con. 4; Tot+nnS3iil of Hay. Leone Passmore, of Usborney wbn secoad prize in the tractor class apt • the International plowing match ,at Peterborough Wednesday last.: ,Huron ,County plowing team were seventh in 211 entries. Vi;:i•tor's with Mr. and Mrs. Lloydon Wainer on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Noonan Weber of'vle.-an,":VIr`. and Mr•.;. Edward Wilhelm and son Alvin of New Hamburg, Mr. and 1Vfrs. II 11e. 0,,,-,7,,,,m, rnrl en,T f.!'1.1.4e and A i1,1:VI i.;. 1"enlG" a dipe1' of Zur- ich. -Clinton i': ::'a-1'r•c•urrt. Ati. ": i Fun n•al, ' i P111=1' -tci r town anu vsCrnity .'1feede.tl tP ,,n:,rel at f'•''".:i ore N .a l e' 1 t1 e!' elate Alex. ru sk-:1 of Dem c n ::r leer, d' ugl'lter i =ottj ti,; line 'h'-; Schumacher, .fpr re -1 Cile rd' t'.' ..h. Survivingc,, a his widow, three bons and two •', l tigh- te,r's. MANY FIND WORK Crerlittet. ,,;`.-, are about';i1Cb. men wnl'- en the new' Ce soli t. airport at t' present time andl'rnot ere being taken on. Ample heti), se eilr ble. I1a?r. a rnd r ooret ~'are: reeeh in die ' , t .,`rice aro and the airport. 1lot;.;:•, v...re being.; occupied in the towns and country- ~which have not been used. in years. • r 4NY ATTEND RALLY Over c1,,1,-?etr.5 asent :1,.r1 in St. e .Y. •. ze (, ,u, et1 et Brod- le" en'r oil Thee!' e!' •:de n'?;, Ti.. nor the 1711, ren t •i iae „ I{' ch- Xt: L:' n' . of Can- e. All attendenc. ...reed tete set tilt, 1luvel, 11r'ti .o cane 3:,!1•-t)17 t h;;Arches. E. `, . '•"� v '•r'} r rm of Zurich. was in :,: r ge of i ening.; ; tc• , e ,,.s. The. t.1-19ir of. St. Peter's churc.:.:ing set- erai anthems with G. :Vlogk as org• anist. tIev. A. L. Conrad of New Dunt) ee, .tthn guest::,speaker. based his rldress'on the-edivention theme: "`Christian Youth in Action." WARDEN PASSES James Inlait'','. warden of 'Huron: County, died in Clinton Hospital on Sunday Meriting in his 77th year eller an i11n , . of lee. t', -,n1 a week from a heart :nitwit sull'erecc on Tu- esday while urnoting treat Gnrierich with his son. Warden L ("pier Was horn in 1=rullett Township in 1865. Surviving are five sons and two dau- ghters. Deceased had served his hone. township for ninny years as coun'ei'll- oi' and tette:. and was the c'hoieetfa' the per?itis*, of county wand n at a. ("acus of Liberal members council for 1941. Many at Supper T a "t Thur -day evenii r weer tier(" . 'ii°nax for a big crowd at :;t. Pete'^,'; Lutheran church when they •cerebra ted another of those mon; tier'; :,fowl :,uppers, when 1200 hungry- people were fed, and well fed at' that.. Shortly after four o'clock zee ,tables 'vhic'r were laden with goof think': to eat were opened and people sta:t- td to enjoy the abundance of Well roasted goose, 226 in all, besides a number of chicken,, and the ten large tables ware kept full till after nine o'clock. It was a ;line night for the occasion and a monster crowd. turned out. The program put on 'r,Y' The Happy Cousins Concert Co. of Elmira, 'was spicy and full of 'tumor and kept the large crowd well in spirits, It was a big suceese, DR. TOYLOR—ROBBED A niiddleaged well-dressed stranger who hitchhiked a ride to Dashwood, looted the till in Dr. R. H. Taylor's office at noon, Monday of slightly over $1.00 in cash, then hired a local elan to drip=e hien out of reach of the police search that Insulted,- A wide- spread search of the district was in progreP,s through the afternoon and evening with comity and provincial police joining in the search. It was about moan that a tl a'rg'e in the village walked into the 1?r. office,he • being away but the man sought ari appointment from the office assist- ant, Miss Rose:. Guenther . Then said he would wait f.'r the doctor's return 1,Iisa Guenther inede a eh.ort call to the private hospital operated by the. 11r., on her return the stronger wins in the cli::pensail'c• and intrn•'cliately ordered hirer frnnn the Jenr, •s. 1 -Te went. It vets only retie. • !lad left , ,t 1i ,,.sled r1.t ..)ntdilltti and I-01,.:• a h ; t en -r to take him to lateen, and ;r: iine+:9 as a tell man of mfr's,' with • teen:li'tr %en., and wet t"•;'l 1r' .'ed t r.a and grey nu:.. rivt /,ail,,,, ///%iii.., ;:•, nrty.ettee .40004. r. ® Our fighting men need the weapons of war— nc c..' at once. They must be provided. It is our responsibility. . r Savings Certificates are within the reach of all. More reRT. Chir purchases of War Savings Certificates ni:can3 weapons for our forces. Push their sale wii ever arid whenever you can. Don't wish for a short 1-"c and shorten it. i-UBLISHED BY: ZURICH AND F.h ' WAR SAVINGS COMMITTEE J Our Town is at VI r Men are drilling in our town .. . our own men ::: men we call by their first names. Some of them quit good jobs to join the army , . some quit school, When the Empire went to war and Canada went to war .. this town went to war. Every now and then., a few more men from this town leave for active service. We're taking the war more seriously. Are we? Are we all? ;Are those of us who haven't joined up 'doing all we can? Are we lending all • we can? That's one thing we can all do .. , one thing we must all do. We must all buy more War Savings ,.d Certificates. The help of every Canadian Victory. in these days of war selfish spender is a traitor to is needed for the thoughtless; our war effort. A reduction in personal spending is now a vital necessity to relieve, the pressure for goods, to enable more and more labour and materials to be diverted to winning the war. The all-out effort, which Canada mus,' make, demands this self-denial of each of us. SUPPORT THE WAR WEAPONS DRIVE IN YOUR C Published by the 'War Savings Committee, Ottawa MNI,UNITY 2. 1