HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-10-16, Page 6I3ROOKE VISITS CANADIANS Sir Alan Brooke, Commander in Chief of the British Horne Forces, is shown at extreme left as he listens to Major General Victor Odium. The photo was taken during Sir Alan's visit to the Second Canadian Division, which is commanded by General Odium. w CuH I? BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I soften and clean leather? A. Apply a mixture of one part vinegar to two parts linseed oil. Q. How can I bleach white clothes? A. Try this idea. Save all your egg shells for a week, and on washday put them into a salt bag and place in the boiler with the white clothes. The lime contained in the shells acts as a splendid bleach, and the clothes will be snowy white. Q. How can I restore pearl buttons to their original bright- ness? A. First rub the buttons with a little olive oil to take away the blurred appearance. Then sprinkle with nail powder and rub well with chamois skin. Q. How can I clean balling dishes and pans? A. Soak the dishes and pans in hot water to which washing soda has been added. Use one tablespoon of soda dor each quart of water required to fill the ar- • tide. Q. How can I pull threads from Iinen much more easily? A. Before attempting to pull the threads from linen, run a damp cloth along the line where the thread is to be pulled. It will pull out much more easily while the cloth is damp. o d r t, vette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. If you are introduced to a person for the second time and he or she doesn't seem to remem- ber the introduction, what should you say? 2. What phrase should be lased if one does not wish to use 3. Is it correct to serve a wedding "breakfast" if the cere- mony takes place at three o'clock in the afternoon? 4. Is it bad form to applaud loudly in a theatre? 5. Where should the candles be placed on the buffet supper table? 6. Should a hostess always extend her hand to a roan, when being introduced to him? Answers 1. Don't embarrass the per- son by saying, "Why, I met you at such and such a place." Mere- ly say, "How do you do?" Nor should you feel hurt or slighted and accuse the person of being a snob. It might just be forget- fulness, something of which we are all guilty at one time or an- other, 2. If one prefers to use English words, write "The favor of a reply is requested." 3. Yes; if the ceremony takes place be- fore four o'clock the refresh- ments are spoken of as a "wed- ding breakfast." This is an Eng- lish term used for any daytime wedding feast. 4. Yes. Ap- plause that is protracted or too loud is in very bad taste. And if you happen to be the only one applauding, it is time to stop. 5. This depends upon whether single candlesticks or candelabra, are used. An attractive decoration is to place a single candlestiek at each of the four corners ol the centrepiece of flowers. 6. Yes; it shows friendliness and cordis alit y. Some species of spiders have two sets of eyes, for day and GENERAL, Fall Field Trial F r Ont rio Dogs To Be Held At Niagara -On - The -Lake on October 18 & 19 Owners of gun dogs who show field promise will have an oppor- tunity to get an independent ap- praisal of their performance at the annual Fall Field Trial of the On- tario Bird Dog Association to be held at Niagara -on -the -Lake on Saturday and Sunday, October 18th and 19th. Novice classes are scheduled to be run on Saturday morning for Setters and Pointers and also for Spaniels. In past years these novice trials have, brought out some excellent "dark horse" performers. The programme for Saturday, October 13th, includes three trials for Setters and Pointers and three trials for working spaniels. The trials for Setters and Pointers in- clude a Shooting Dog Stake, a Nov- ice Stake and' an Open Derby, and for spaniels a Puppy stake, for puppies under two years, a Novice Stake and an Open All Age Stake. Setters and Pointers will con- tend on October 19th, in an Open All Age Stake and later in the On- tario Championship Stake, restrict- ed to Ontario -owned dogs. The open stakes will, as usual, have entries from the United States. Entry forms may be obtained from George W. Boag, Woodstock, Ont., secretary of the Association. It is hoped, Mr. Boag says, that owners of untried dogs ;will be well represented in the novice events. The novice trials are restricted to novice dogs and novice handless and it is these trials which pro- mote the work of the association. in fostering interest in gun dogs and their training for field work. Headquarters for the trials will be at the Prince of Wales Hotel, Niagara -on -the -Lake and roads sur- rounding the town will be marked to enable spectators to locate the trial courses with ease. Air Training Plan Will Be Doubled Air Minister Power disclosed recently that the British Com- monwealth Air Training Plan will be extended until the number of schools and airdromes already constructed is almost doubled. He said that: 1. An exclusively French- Canadian squadron will be estab- lished overseas under a French- Canadian leader as soon as enough French-speaking person- nel are obtained, 2. Aviation offers young men an "almost unlimited field of ac- tivity" and after the war aviation will make "undreamed-of strides in our country." 3. Quebec will be called upon to play a "highly important part" in organization of air transport of the future; already the prov- ince is the terminal of trans-At- lantic flights. 4. The few unfinished schools previously planned for ' the air training plan will be opened with- in the next three weeks. Men of lnerrie England, as long ago as 1100, curled their hair and went hatless so that their coiffures might be seen and admixed. CONSTIPATED? IPATED? spells o3 constipation often bring aggravating ate q bowel gas sour stomach,bad breath, ooatad tonggue�headaches, disineaa,nation/snag',ADLEiIKA effectively blends 6 cernenso tires for relief of gat pains and 3 laxetirea for gentle but quick bowel act1orl, tied ADLERINA today! L L R:• I K A AT YOUR DRUG STORE 44/ a h,F: ci Is o i u:g THE "SULFA" FAMILY RAT• CURB ' Keeping rats away from stored grain with a "skunky";,smell that makes then afraid, is the feat accomplished by two chemists, Leonard A. Ford of .the Minns; sota State Teachers' Gollegi atter, Donald F. Clausen of' the Huh- bard Milling Company, says The Toronto Telegram. - The two chemists were con- fronted with the problem of keeping rats away from stored grain in sacks. They knew that rats fear skunks and ferrets and will leave the premises these predatory animals inhabit. They knew also the chemical basis of the strong musky odor of these two animals., It is a compound called n -butyl mercap- • tan. So they tried it out, first on the food of caged white rats. The rats refused the tesIsl.)--besse came restless and excited, . and even fought each other. They would not touch the ,food until the odor had disappeared. Then a search was made for a substance which would hold the odor for the longest possible time. Best out of a considerable list proved to be honey, which retained the scent up ;toeix months, well in excess of the time usually spent in storage by grain and commercial feedstuffs.' The only rats with noses so.. tough that they were not consist- ently repelled by . the ,n -butyl mercaptan were those ,on 'a city dump. The experimnters corijec":4'' ture that these anhnels had: be- come so used to the mercaptalie produced by the natural fermen- tation of garbage that the syn- thetic scent had relatively .little effect on them. U.S. War Relief Totals 91 Mi11iaw Americans have given more than $50,000,000 to war relief organiz- ations since the beginning of the war, Valentine E. Macy, of the National Information Bureau, re- ported recently, Gifts in kind am- ounted to $11,000,000 additional, making a total of $91,000,000 for war relief" he said, More than 500 charitable organizations par• ticipated in raising this total. • SAFES Protect your BOOKS and CA Iron% VIBE and ,rnII EVES. We • have n size unit type of Sure, or Cabinet, for tiny purpose, aid as, or write for priers, etc, to Dept. W. 145. 1"cant 4t. E., Toronto rAluWish ',i IRS. ,J.&t'.J.TAYLOR LIMIT 0 TORONTO SAFE WORKS Relieves distress from MONTHLY FEMAL:: WEI4KNESS Lydia E. Pinkha s Vegetable Compoundott monthly ain buonly lshelps ak, nerv- ous feelings --due to monthly fund- tional disturbances,lt helps build up resistance against distress of "dint. cult days." Made in, Canada. v 44$.1,stra.asa001.4..emniel.1.4001.1041 1.05.0.+N.0.111.1•211 HAVE YOU HEARD? A Scotsman bought two tickets for a golden ballot, in which the first and only prize was a five - hundred -pound car. When the draw was made the Scot won the car. His friends rushed to his house to congratulate him, They found him with a long face and evident- ly dissatisfied. "Why, what's the natter?" they inquired. "Well, answered the new own- er of the car, "it's that second ticket that's troubling me. Why I ever bought it I can't think." The wife of a small farm- er sold her surplus butter to a grocer in a nearby town. On one occasion the grocer said, "Your butter was un- derweight last week." "Now, fancy that," said Mrs. Farmer. "Baby mislaid my weight that day, so I used the pound of sugar you sold me." "Is this the speedometer?" asked the pretty girl, tapping the glass with her finger. "Yes, dear," he replied. "And that's the clutch?" "That's the clutch, darling," he said, jamming on his brakes to avoid a fast -approaching lorry. "But what on earth is this?" she inquired, at the same time giving the accelerator a vigorous push with her foot. . - "This, dear," he said, in a soft, celestial voice, "is Heaven." And picking up a harp he flew away. The Irishman was relating his adventures in the• jungle. "Ammunition, food and whisky had run out," he said, "and we were parched with thirst." "But wasn't there any water?" "Sure, but it was no time to be thinking of cleanli- ness." A keen angler took a friend for a day's sport. The friend knew nothing of fishing, but de- cided to try his luck. After a long silence by the banks . of the stream, the novice said: • "I say, how much do those red things cost?" "You mean the floats? Oh, they're eheap. Why?" "I owe you for one. Mine's just sunk." .Italians In Africa i• ., eaten By Siege One of the last pockets of Ital- ian resistance in East Africa has ''been eliminated by the surrender of'the 4,000 -man Fascist force at Uolehefit, in the mountainous Gondar region of Ethiopia. The Italians acknowledged that this force, under siege for 164 days, laid down its arms after running out of food and supplies. This surrender, the War Office in England said, left only between 9,000 and 10,000 Italian and na- tive troops resisting in the Gon- dar region. qa4 TASTE•FLAVOUR• FRESHNESS• ECONOMY DIXIE PLUG HAS EVERYTHING Chain Of Airports In The Northland The "Northwest Passage By Air" along which will travel military and civilian aircraft of all sizes, speed and power, has been made available by the Dominion Govern- ment in a season of hard work. A flying journey of more than 2,000 miles in British Columbia., the Yukon and Alberta showed that the chain of airports built in the northland to Alaska now is ready for use, although not completed. Radio range stations have been installed at most of the fields and all will be so equipped this year. Airmen will be able to travel into the Far North assisted by iervices as complete as those on long-estab- lished air lines. Newly -constructed runways are already being used by large machines, both Canadian and American. The fields were built by the Transport Department under ar- rangement with National Defence Departments which had consulted with United States authorities. American airmen may travel this route to Alaska defence outposts free from the fog which often hampers flying along the coast. A modern transport machine can leave New Yark and fly to White- horse, Y. T., or Fairbanks, Alaska, landing only on fields where run- ways are good and of sufficient length. At present, the only inconven- ience the pilot feels is that radio range stations are not all com- pleted. Cost of the seven fields and equipment was estimated at $5,- 000,000. ,moo I Iodize your Livestock's .eed with IODORGOL-IODINE It helps to reach maximum in all Livestock production, simple to use - inexpensive. Ask your agricultural representative for a free booklet or write us. Order through your dealer or direct. 2 oz. bottle complete with spec- ial dropper and feeding instruc- tions, $1.50. IODOBGOL COMPANY Adelaide P.O. Box 490, Toronto Stufy,muous-choked nostrils.,.blocked nasal passages.,.can't breathe properly... sleep broken,..Try Mentholatum for instant relief. Jars and tubes, 30e. AS SKILLED YELP WANTED Horizontal Boring Machine Operators Machinists Fitters Tool Designers Mechanical Draftsmen Must Be Experienced Applications not considered from those now on war work. Arrangements can be made to interview in town or city clos- est to their home all those who write us. Canadian General Electric C mpany Peterborough ONTARIO. ...CLASSIFIED VE ITISEMENTS... BABY CRICKS SHORT ON EGGS? WE'VE SOME laying pullets, quick shipment. Also taking Chick orders, espec- ially to catch the good broiler markets. Get your brooders work. ing during the quiet season. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. N., .Ham- ilton, Ont. BUSINESSES SOLI) ALL TYPES 01;' BUSINESSES SOLD. City, Rural, Large, Small! lSvery- thing strictly cont'Idential. Twen- ty years experience. C; lobe Ext. lige, 2 College 5 tr e e 1., Toronto (Opposite batons). ('Alto, NEW AND USED 'MOUNT PLEASANT monists LTD., Toronto's oldest Chrysler, Plym- outh denim's; three locations, 032 Mt. Pleasant Mond, 2040 Yonge St., 1(150 Danforth Avenue Our Clad Crus Drake us many friends. 10E31 ALE 11I'll,l' WAA'V3n) GIRL W.ANTI1i , 1'R1)b'ERAI;I..Y not over thirty for household du- ties. :Modern home, good working conditions, good wages. Evening:, and two ntternoons free. Write stating age, education, experience et". .Photos are helpful and will he returned. Address ittrv, 1;ilieo, 3..77 St. Leonards Ave., Toronto. J. N LINDSAY. LAW t)FFIt're, UAI'. itol Theatre Building, tn. Thomas Onlalee Special Demi rtrneni fel farmers collections. :: FREl7 FINI,A►t.f,li7MLINT S WITH EACII ROLL. oi' F11.11 eloped or 10 reprints; al] for 25e. Plrntngra ph le La born tories, 1'.0. Pox 545, Sherbrooke, Que. 1.'03t SALE 1 .1483 GILT 10-20 141cC'O11,ayl ICI'-DEE.IR. Ing Tractor Same guar totoc 11 e w. international a s .taurvester Denier J 11, Mc('nt , Barrie, Ont. 11A1111)Rf1+SlNl,i SCIIt101. e ,1 ri N 11 I1Q1)1 Iv3ti'ING THE Robertson Method. information on 1e(luest regarding fall classes, ,vow beginning. Robertson's F.lrrlr- .lresreili': Academe 121 Avc' nnrr- .:or:da Toronto HELY WANTED intIMALE WANTED IMMEDIATELY GOOD Cook -general. Highest wages - Protestant. Modern Toronto home. Phone collect. Randolph 4901, or write 86 ltoxboroug'in Drive, stat- ing t'ull particulars -family of • _ tour people. MINK YES, elINli 1tAISINCI 1S LUCRA- tive. But don't forget, your suc- cess depends on the foundation stock you start with. Invest a stamp to know about "131(3-LA13" mink breeders: the producers of beautiful large, dark, silky furs. Maska Mlnkery, St. Hyacluthe, Que, 5IEDICAL IDR. Mc1,EOD'S STOMACHIC HEALS ohstinete Stomach Trouble: User states: "Icor years 1 suffered ter- rbile gnawing pains below breast- bone, 'ltew hours after eating, cttuelnl;'gus all CI bloating, 24y only relief was soda and that only fon short time. Then 1 took Dr. Me. Lead's Stuinuchie. After three bot- tles 1 was free from pain. 1 kept on improving and have now been well for several years, eniuyinb meals without medicine. Good for an forms of indigestion. Drug Store or write Dr. McLeod's Stom- achic Co., 553 Bathurst, Toronto. $1.2e Per bottle postpaid - it 14 ostpaid. Lt0] MOV1011 i U11EIIE'LUV US' LIA11t, MULES AND worts permanently and painlessly removed by electrolysis, 18 years' experience. Anne Graham Logan, 140 Carlton Street, Suite Two, Toronto, Phone IIA. 2808, 1Jratneh• es in Hamilton, London, St. Cath- arines. FILMS DE V. y IOPED AND PittN'ruD c 01l 8 EXPOSURES 25c i'It014 i.1YLAit(00011k11ti'Y' With Every doll A171d'O Ideal 1.'1]Iiseele01t'e (10 151 '1'01 ONTO ].MEDICAL IT'S PROVEN -EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatic .Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Sold only Munro's Drug Store, 335 El- gin, Ottawa. OI+neElt TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full Infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered, Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. quilermu QUILTING PATCHES, Goof) QUAL- ity prints and plain broadcloth. Pour pounds for one dollar post- paid. Textile Jobbers, 516 Queen Toronto, RRIOVMATIC SATISFY YOURSELF -- EVERY sufferer of Rheumatic tains or Neuritis should try Dixon's. Rem- edy. Sold only Munro's Drug Stoi e, 035 Elgin, Ottawa. SC1i.AI' I,45OY AND 511:'I'A1, WVA:NTED• 'e . TURN OLD SCRAP '1 -ICON AND metal into ready • dash. Iiighe..t prices paid. Send for our prices. Industrial Iron R: Steel Company, 436 Cherry Street, Toronto TIMBER TIMBER WANTED STANDING ROCK ELM POI( 1's1 LL and Winter requirements P.O. Box 101, Station P., Toronto, Play Safe! Send Your Film To Imperial For better results and faster set - Vico. 6 or 8 exposure films 25e re- prints 8 for 25c; both with free en. [argent ent, Photographic ra h" ly p 1C i4ll'naS Cards made from your own n,rgativl.,.2 nn Withtmour tee( picture 12uf folder 1.28 flat typo with ennbovsed Margin. 12 for 83e. No orders for Ices 'than sax. ln(perial photo ser't)r't-.. Station J, Toronto. ISSUE 42--.'4