HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-10-09, Page 444411: 1 'OUB A FINISH FOR EVERY SURFACE FP SALE Johnston & Kalbfleisch - Ed. Swartzeitruber sY 01,4 A.74 TOUR AFFAIRS ARE REPT Alva& When you become a customer of the Bank, a private relationship, is ac once established and you can be perfectly sure that your business with the Bank will be held in strictest confidence. Your bank balance may be small or Iarge, but no one will know what it is—unless you tell. You may borrow at the Bank and no one will be the wiser—unless you reveal it. You may place securities with the Bank for safekeeping and no one else will know—unless you tell them. No one is privileged to intrude upon this confidential relationship of the Bank and its customers—a relationship which compares with that between doctor and patient. BANX{ or MONTREAL LSTAIBL SHED 1817 ••A BANK WHERE SMALL ACCOUNTS ARE WELCOME" ASSETS IN £.XCJ SS O.F ONE BILLION DOLLARS Zurich Branch: E. M. DAGG, Manager HERALD t a;trict he was the' � resident iii' lb? , .m ;, tr•i? late George Beatty and.( Jana Reid. Duffing his life of four years, Ms. Beatty took an act- ive part in the life of the commuirity and was treasurer of Stanley Town- ship for many years. He is survived b one sister, Mrs. W. 0. Woods, of Listowel. The funeral was held on Sunday last from Varna Anglican. clutch. Rev. John Graham of Bay- 'hu ll'$day, October Mb, $941 "We Pec*, FEED - And SELL the Best" IIRINA CHOy'VS r 4. field officiating at the service. Inter- iteit took place at Bayfield eeme•t- ery. Connell—Crich At Metropolitan Church House Chapel, Toronto, the marriage was solemnized of Phylis Elizabeth Crich daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Eli Crich, to Roy Ernest Connell, son of Mrs. Connell of Varna and the late George Connell. The Very Rev. Peter Bryce officiated and the wedding music Was played by Mrs. D. R. Mc- Kenzie. Given in marriage by her brother-in-law, Mr. Ezra Ellis, the bride wore a dusky rose L-ope dress street length, with brown accessories she was attended ;by Miss Mabel Grigg. The reception wa held at The 'Guild of All Arts where' Mrs. Ellis, sister of the bride, received assisted by the groom's mother. Mrs. Con- nell. Later the brideal couple left on a wedding trip to 'Montreal. They will live on the groom's farts near Sea;foith. 'Bayfield Fall Fair JUNIOR AWARDS Goderich District Swine CIub Score 1 (eo. Ginn, Jr., Clinton 1102 2 - Robt. Ginn, Clinton 1021009(1 3 wW. D. C'utton, Goderich 4 Colin McMilIan, Goder'ch 985 5 Ken. McMillan, Goderich 974 6 IVlurrav and Don 0•ak, God 963 8: Harold Johnston, •Goderich 886 9 Hugh Feagan, Goderich 75.2 10 Geo. MacDonald, Goderich 690 -Judge—R. W. ;Wade, Gerrie, Huron Co. Holstein Calf Club 1 W. D. Glutton, Goderich 908 2 Edw. Clutton, Goderic= 857 " 3 :Sandy Bisset, Goderich 831 4 Teas. and Ross Bissett, God. 828 6 Billy Ryan, Goderich 798 7.:;;:. ,Geo. Westlake, Goderich 787 8 • John Campbell, Bayfield 786 9 Robt. Rathwell, Clinton 763 Judge ---Inman Thompson. Clinton Lions' Sheep Club 1 Grant Stirling, Bayfield 860 2 Irving Snider, Zurich 810 3 Kenneth Stewart, Londesboro 788 ilmifolsimellillOGEMVSEmentalrlir 1415 AN C eman's Hotel, 'Dashwood TAY, 0117013ER 1.Oth. Murdock Crf l eAra .Admission Zbe. Pius ..Tax DASHWO•OD .11tkr. Addison Tzeatan its living iasirli•: dance in the hotel ,nn Frid sight, Oct. 1.Oth. Mur dock's orchesOm will furnish tin. ;tinuitit:. a' ay :Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cants an family of Sarnia Bunte vitibers i %own. on Wednetdla, :. d nsweaea ••arid Woomera; 1 boys unit t Mr. and Mrs. - Lloyd Beeurd have Death of Rev. B. Robinson Rev. Benjamin H. Robinson, pas- tor ofthe Churcb of God, Grand:I.3end, and a resident of Dashwood, died hal Victoria Hospital, following four months' illness. He was in his 5 .th year. Rev. Ra•binson was born in ".V allaceburg a s d had lived at Ridgeway, Ont., and in Sask. before menti to this dist:I:dct. Surviving are his,..stifr.;, and 3 daughters; three bro- .thers,a3:so survive. Red Cross shipment for last ing and .roll call were taken ..and there was a short business discussion when Mrs. Grant was elected „es - ;Mission as•1:Iission Band upt•, .in Mrs. Long's place. .Mrs. Alexander had charge of .the topic assisted by Mrs. 1VIc- 1\lurtrie, Mrs. J. W. McLean and Luna Ferguson. The .meetiiig closed ; with hymn 579 and a prayer by . hs i i1eMurtrie. Lunch was served by circle No. 2. DRYSDALE rnorttleat Dashwood were: 7 pr. army "Tire snarly friends of Miss itosal• socks, • 6 pr. navy socks, 1 sweater, 5 Corriveau will be glad to know that; turtle neck sweaters, 2 ribbed helm- she is nicely recovering of her recent' els, 5 -.pr. whole mitts, 3 aero caps, 2 ..operation n alternative caps, 1 turtle neck tuck 1 Mr. Milton Bedard las gone • to in, 4 -pr. tea boots, 1 116 -yr. old girl! Goderich where he has a position. ill: unit conshting• of coal„ . skirt, blouse 1 the Venus Resturant co•naistingr•ef 2 shirts, foists and coat 4 t11.i111s,'2.•. iris slips, 1leed jacket. IIMPEN NEWS S fir. and M: s. Faire .Mer aar and faailP:y of Windsor .spent a .fete days With 'its mother, .Mrs. •L.,Md saac :Last week. Miss Kareen ederaen .of Leiiidon pent last Wednesday Wifie her :p .r- snti Mr. and Mrs. 0. 'Pellersen. Special Thanksgiving sfireiaes •r 3e *being held in both chinches on 'Suite •may. tGarnct WW'eiberg who lis `txmiisfis>tg a't tewawa spent the week -end wttl'i Ras ,parents, Mr and Mrs. Fres Wei, berg. Mrs. E. Edigpofer of Zurieh. ,wperat li few days with her sister-, .!It:s.Mc- Isaac. Mr. and Mrs. Dempster of Eiteh- *Met' visitod with )Jr.,and Mrs. Louis -ader for a few days. Word was received here on Mon- I anay night of the sudden death of *lir. John ?rester of Kitchener. A it. rnI)er of relatives here ,are attend - ,g the funeral on Thursday. Word was reeeived here en Sat-, of the death of Isabel, helov- Ned wife of Senn Vineent at the ltn+tee I Ptil trier rirurhter Tis Mary B. \tier r 'Vent in London in her 75th year. 1 i4� e t:ot tall 1, j"eid nn Monday T e•rnorrn with interment in Mount it a. nn ("e>;lnetrery, Lilt ityre, i.p Mr. :and :Moe D. Jaques ;and dau- , ghterr ,sperrtithe week -end wiiith the formfs .patens, Mr. and :4Irs. W. ' Jaquet. rof :Fattkrine. 1 Miss (Glenn Q1' near Clintetr spent the vxuek-enol with Miss I;1Z:tildred Jones. 1 The itnna]3.y ffist ends of Mrs.. H. l. .Jones wa .be 1pieged to learnt she returneddrxane;fees London Hosali,tal bin Saturckax Mr. and Mrs. F. ,,J. Horney ;tial I family of lt:tld •ewst wisitea the t:nd; o;i last week faith the former's br;crt••i 1'her Mr. and �.ti . 1W. Il$'orney. Zr. and Mrs,. S1;tttjlike of Seaforthl vi: itted on Sunder at Me home of Mise l•Z. Rengeug7E, Mi•. and Mrs, W. 'Ef,erner and Miss Irma Ferguson visited. ;on !Sunday at the hone- of the fortnc•is''s ,curter, Mr and Mrs. W. Motz, of Crottitvn. W. M. S. Meet -- The W:'4. met on Thursday. afternoon Oct 2wi at the home of Mrs. N. Long, Mrs. H. moved to their new home east . of Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Loparte, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Laporte and Mrs. Phoebe Rau were in Stratford to attend the funeral of MVIrs. 1'. Barth ast Tuesday. Messrs. Bobbie Denommc and Maxim Durand of Linden, spent last week -end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rau have mov- ed their household effects to Roy's mother's home. Roy expects to work his mother's farm. Mr. Louis Mousseau and son Ar- thur of St. Joachim were week -end visitors at the Mousseau home. STANLEY TOWNSHIP pleasant evening was spent at the ?hus,rne of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stephenson, Parr Line when ne cele - boated his eightieth birthday. The rnmbers of this .family were ,present also his brother and wife. Congratu- lations were also received from the members of his family residing in Manitoba. .Alit joined in best wiahe: Mc:Vl'urtrie presided and opened mise; 1 far many more birthdays for ,Mr. Faith meeting with the theme "We Live •};,g; i S rphenson and Vast he may enjoy in Gel the Father" and Psli;t.1 the blessing of goo4 ,man for many wasPc real in unison. lvnin 23, fol- l.•c,.<tr.: to t•on+t•. i Iry the scripture /Veiling by ; Me. At Varna Mrs. J. W. McLean. Mrs G ;fiend- + 04o7i0e Beatty tried ttt V yna on rs»rt then la( in prayer. The .o er, Timmclfa.; anorninv last, A ti plong TRUCK IS DEMOLISHED Condition.., of Wm. Cole, aged 50 of Exeter, was critical, he was injured 4. 4. We carry a full line of Purina Products, such as Lay Chows* Concentrates and Dairy Feeds, Hog Chows,, Etc., Etc, Fresh Shipment Every Monday. Deliveries made at reasonabledistance ELAM W. SHANTZ - Phone, Zurich 91r20 4. 4 • +.. 4.. 4,.. ,g. 8- c.:. ;,�....; -3rd I �••}.•t• i• ¢•I••r •b'I•ii••i` €•aF • : oc.+r,,..; ,r .;. I..}.+ + 4..; **.i..y..� ✓, . on Monday last When the truiek which he was passenger, struck a large tree in front of the residence of J. Crawley, Seaforth, a short dis- tance from main street. He suffered from a fractured jaw, fractured skull, possible fractured waist and extensive lacerations. Also in Sea - forth hospital were Ned Armstron, 25, of Exeter, driver of the truck, and Robt. Halter, 40 Exeter, dairy- man another passenger, their injuries not so great was the impact that the engiine was driven into the cab and wen the-wreelked track was pulled away it fell through to the pave- ment AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Implements, and Household Effects, on Lot 10, Con- cession 15, Hay Township, am 'WEDNESDAY O•0TOiBER 15th. Commencing at 1.00 o'clock HORSES --Black team well /notch- ed 5 yrs. old; Bay Team 3 and 4 yr; old. LIVE 1\OCK-1Cattle; 10 year. Iings, 2 coifs. Sheep, 6 ewes, 1 ram; Piggy, 18 stockers about 90 -Ib each, 10 pigs 6 weeks old.. IMPLEMENTS, ETC: Fordson tractor,M: H..3 -furrow glow, I.H.G. 17 -tooth tractor cultivator, T.H.C. 7 -ft. binder, I.H.C. 5 -ft. mower, M. - H. mower of :bath, 13 tooth cult.v ator, 10 -ft. roller, M.H. hay loader. M. -H. side rake, 12 -ft. hay rake, 13• disc fertilizer drill, 1.4 plate disc. bean scuffler and puller, 5 -section harrows, 3 -section harrows, robber tired wagon, wagon, truck wagon, 2 heavy sleighs, light sleigh, cutter, cart, tap buggy, M.H. chopper • with bagger, cutting box, fanning mill, scales, circular saw, 2 hand plows,. scraper, 2 hay racks, 2 gravel boxes, • wagon box with stock rack, hand nuttier, onion :seeder and weeder, root pulper, 2 sets bunks, cream separator, stone boat, buggy pole, 2 ladders, 2 sets slings, 2 rubber belts,. bag truck, half ton salt, scalding, trough, 3 barrels, work bench, 53. chop bags, fertilizer bags, iron kettle 2 stands, 2 wire gates, wheelbarrow, • 265 sap pails, 300 spites, 2steel tanks, sap pan, 6 doors, windows, 4 ,.ms, 4 -inch tile, 86 cedar posts, 8 pieces timber, pile of floor- • ing, quantity of lumber, 2 robes, sleigh hells, chimes, 5 sets heavy - doubletrees, 6 sets light doubletrees, . 3 -horse evener, 4 -horse owners, , broadaxe, cross cut saw, forks, she-. vels, and numerous other articles. Harness, Etc:—One set heavy do- uble harness brass; 2 sets double'har • ness, single harness, 6 horsecollara, 2 sets ,collar tops, one set. spreaders„ . 4 blankets, some sorgheum seed. Hens and Hay: -20 one-year old • hens, brooder coal stove, brooder • oil stove, water fountain aria -feeder.. 14 loads clover hay. Household Effects: — Extension table, 4 •chairs, 6' dining • chairs, 3<' beds, dresser, day bed, apple peeler: churn, lard can, 2 fur coats, milk pails, crib, 2 wringers, boiler, table,. clothes cupboard, 3 screen floors,.. wooden tub, 5 -gal. crock, 5 -gal. juges,. 2 tubs, music stand; 50 piano rolls,.. rug 10 -12 -ft. rocking- chair, dishes„.. radio damp, 3 ]amps, butter bort,.. lounge, child's bed; bench, Etc. No reserve, as the proprietor has; sold his farm. All the above imple- ments were bought new within • thee last few years. ' 6—+CASEff Arthur Weber, Oscar Klopp, Aust»•• ioneers... Wm. Ediglioffer, Wm. Johnston,;.. CidrkiT i4Ine. Rader, Proprietor:. "Jim's letter was eenso red" ■ ■ ■ Things are happening; where Jin is ... in the navythings . > 1im is . riot allowed to write about. 1f Jiro could write what he would Bike to write,, we at home might be more concerned about the war. Jim says "everything's O.K." and that's what we expect ham, Fellows Iil<e Jim ... but things aren't O.K. or Jim would be back home a his regular job. We've got to do our part, too. One thing we can do is lend our money to pay for the w We've got to see to it that the men ;n SUPPORT THE WAR WEAPONS the services get the ships and guns and Minks and planes they need to do their rob. War Savings Certificates help to provide that money.. We must all buy - more uymore: War Servings Certificates. The help: of every Canadian it needed for Victory:. kr these days of war the thoughtless;_ selfish speeder is a traitor to our war effort. - A reduction in personal spending is now a vital' siecessity to relieve the pressure for goods; to enable more and more labour and materials is !be diverted to winning the war. The all-out which Cafeteria roust snake, demands this; self-denial cif each of us. DRIVE, IN YOUR COMMUNITY" Pub/is/led Icy rrAc War Savings Corr nairtee, Ottawa SPEND it 70 103? 4 1